Lydon's Exile

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by C. S. Chatterly

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  Copyright ©2007 by C.S. Chatterly

  First published in 2007, 2007

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  A Total-e-bound Publication

  Sons of Olympus: Lydon's Exile

  ISBN # 978-1-906328-37-5

  ©Copyright C.S Chatterly 2007

  Cover Art by Anne Cain ©Copyright August 2007

  Edited by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

  Total-e-bound books

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author's imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-e-bound eBooks.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-e-bound eBooks. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork

  Published in 2007 by Total-e-bound eBooks 1 The Corner, Faldingworth Road, Spridlington, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 2DE, UK.


  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated total-e-burning.

  Sons of Olympus


  C.S Chatterly


  This story is dedicated to all the dreamers in the world.

  Chapter One

  Contemporary Napa Valley, California

  It was stay and die; flee and live. The choice hadn't been that hard to make.

  Lydon gazed out across the lovely vineyards his younger half-brother now owned. The wine from those fields, the sprawling Grecian villa in which his sibling lived, the stables and everything within eyesight belonged to Delos, courtesy of their father, Zeus.

  When Hera, Queen of all the gods, ordained that Delos and his new bride, Megaira were on the top of her shit list, Zeus had helped them and two others flee that legendary reality where the Olympian gods ruled and bickered. Hera hated anything to do with any of Zeus’ by-blows which included him. Until Delos and Meg had angered her, however, Hera had hounded him more than all his other siblings combined. His most recent negative encounter with the woman was why he'd also left Olympus, never to return. Lydon hoped Delos would forgive the unannounced intrusion, but there was simply nothing for it. Zeus had opened a window into this reality at the last possible moment; it'd been his only chance to get out of Hera's way for good.

  He rocked his body back and forth in the soft cotton hammock letting his mind absorb all the intricacies of this new reality. Zeus, in his infinite wisdom, had magically endowed his brain to accept Earth's customs, its languages and foibles. Of course, he'd seen most of the way humans lived by occasionally opening a view portal on this reality, but it was forbidden to enter without almighty Zeus’ permission.

  There were many realities into which he could have fled Hera's wrath. But this was the one where his favoured half-brother, Delos, had been sent. And it was a wonderful place as far as Lydon was concerned. Though he might no longer be a god and would live out the length of a normal human life and then die, he would have a home without the constant threat of Hera's minions chasing him down and committing some ignominious act on his person. Her rage against him was further exacerbated by what he'd done just two nights previous. Lydon tried not to smile too broadly, but his last stab at his odious stepmother had been a deep one indeed.

  His rakish reprisal against her accomplished, he'd willingly come to this new reality to accept all the rules of humanity that'd been laid out for him. To augment his rather exorbitant tastes, he'd brought a bag of jewels Zeus had given him as a way of compensating his half-brother for the extra mouth to feed.

  Though the jewels were worth more than any king's ransom, Lydon knew he'd have to find something to do with his time. Boredom would quickly set in if he had no occupation. He was no great hand at raising grapes, but he was an excellent judge of horseflesh. As Zeus had told him, Delos had also brought a fine stallion into this reality and would probably have set up a breeding program by now. And horses were his passion. There simply wasn't a more beautiful animal on any world than one of the equine species.

  The warm wind blowing over his body reminded him that he'd left Olympus without any clothing to his name. Even now he wore not one stitch. After committing his last act of defiance against that fish-wife, Hera, he'd had to run fast, hard and often. There'd been no chance to gather any belongings when Zeus had found him and given him a chance at life in this new place. But being nude these days was nothing new to him. He'd spent many pleasant hours in one woman's bed or another, so much so that he'd rarely dressed at all these past few weeks. But, like so many things, that part of his life was over. He was tired of lying with one demi-goddess after another. Now that he was mortal, he needed to find himself a woman, settle down and beget children to carry his name into the future. In this respect, he hoped Delos would prove helpful. Surely his sibling or Meg might have a good female prospect in mind once they actually knew he was here and was in the market for a spouse. He sighed and considered the qualities he'd want in a woman.

  She had to be beautiful, but there had to be substance behind the beauty. She had to have a magnificent sense of humour or she'd never have him. She had to love animals as he did. And she had to have a strong will to offset his. They'd argue horribly by daylight, then make up like passionate fiends at night. Knowing his tastes as Delos did, his little brother would eventually find him the right woman. Lydon was sure of this.

  The sound of a wine bottle rolling across the patio tile caught Lydon's attention. He'd found the dry red vintage sitting on a marble-topped table last evening and had drunk the whole thing as a way of celebrating his freedom. Whoever it'd been meant for would have to procure another choice from the cellar. Whenever the household awoke, someone could bring several more bottles to continue toasting his presence. He'd actually arrived last evening, but hadn't made his way down from a nearby hillside. There'd been a torrid scene to keep him occupied as Del and his lovely Meg had made love in a hot tub at the other end of the patio garden. It would have been tactful if he'd made his presence known then, but the heat generated by the couple had him masturbating most of the evening and the night. It'd been much easier to just sneak down to the villa, get into the hammock and continue pleasuring himself and not interrupt the loving couple as they'd made their way from the hot tub and to their bed for the evening.

  Del had the right idea. A romantic rendezvous in that tub was the way to end a long day. And though it'd been years since he'd seen Megaira, a vision of her exiting the hot tub had shown him plenty. She'd grown from an awkward little tom-boy into a beautiful, luscious beauty. When he had his own bride, they'd have to schedule turns between the two couples in that watery garden oasis. Or he might just have another one built so no schedules would be necess

  Lydon grinned and slid his hands behind his head. Let the breeze blow, let the bottle roll off the porch, and let the household sleep until the sun was well up. He had not a care in the world as his plans were now firmly established. As he had last evening, he closed his eyes and felt the soft breeze caress his skin as a lover's kiss might. His left hand slid once again to his penis and he began to stroke himself slowly and tenderly. Masturbating was a good way to pass the time.

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  Knowing how Delos, Meg and the rest of their staff liked to sleep in on Saturday mornings, Alexa Reynolds parked her car at the far end of the drive. It was a long walk up the vineyard lined drive but she didn't mind. Though the air was still warm, autumn was on the way. She loved the smell of the earth and the way the light almost reflected off the green grape leaves. These walks always filled her with peace after hectic weeks in the nearby town of Lakeside. It was amazing to know that there could be so many hundreds of thousands of people living in that thriving community and she had only a short hour's drive to spend her weekends in this paradise. Megaira and Delos had come to mean more to her than clients. They were now friends. Their offer to let her spend weekends at their vineyard was almost too good to be true. She had her own room, with her own view of the vine-covered hillsides and could watch the sun set tonight while sipping some of the best vintages she'd ever tasted.

  As she got closer to the huge villa and saw the morning sun burn off the last of the dew, the terra cotta tiles on the roof seemed to welcome her with their warm, clay colour. Even the water in the outdoor fountain sparkled gaily as she approached. And that was when the one small anomaly caught her attention.

  At the edge of the terrace, a large, empty wine bottle teetered precariously on the top tiled step of the mansion. She looped her handbag further up on her shoulder and quickly lunged for the empty bottle before it could crash down the steps and scatter glass all over the front walk.

  "Who the hell left this here?” she quietly muttered, then glanced at the label on the container. It was the very same wine bottle that Meg had left on the patio for her to sample and was worth over two-hundred dollars. One of her hosts always left one bottle out for her to open and taste so she could write up the advertisements for which they paid. Knowing they slept in, the wine was conveniently available so she could go about her business without the need to wake anyone.

  Slowly, she climbed up the steps and sensed another presence. She wasn't sure what caused her to look toward the far end of the patio where the white cotton hammock was hung, but she almost dropped the empty bottle in her left hand, undoing the salvage job employed in trying to keep it from breaking in the first place.

  She quietly put the empty bottle in the nearest table and crept forward. There, lying in the hammock sleeping was the most magnificently handsome piece of god-like man she could have ever imagined. Well over six feet of pure, raw unadulterated male lay there swinging back and forth, totally nude. Simply put, the stranger was stupid gorgeous.

  Alexa's mouth went as dry as desert sand. Bronzed, as muscular as any heavy-weight boxer, honed by hard physical work of some kind, the man was perfect. He had shoulder-length, dark brown hair, parted on the side. The mighty Adonis-looking rake actually appeared a little dangerous, and that appealed to her on a very primitive level. His square jaw, full lips and perfectly arched brows were the stuff photographers craved for covers. She guessed his age to be around thirty-five or so which would put him roughly six years older than her. But most remarkable of all was the left hand resting lightly over his wrist-thick penis. Even flaccidthe organ had to be almost nine inches in length. Dark brown curls, matching the straighter mane on his head, were now accenting his genitalia. His testicles seemed to bulge upward, fighting for room between his massively muscular thighs. The man's balls, as she judged them, were about the size of tennis balls.

  If the world was exploding around her, Alexis couldn't have moved to save her life. Every bold sinew and muscle of this stranger stood out in hard relief. It was as if some unknown deity had carved him from granite and left him there for her to ogle. She had an immediate mental image of mounting him until frost formed at the outermost regions of hell.

  "Happy fucking birthday to me,” she whispered, then smiled to herself. Surely Del and Meg wouldn't have gone so far as to hire a man for her twenty-ninth birthday. Leaving out a more expensive bottle of rare wine than the usual vintage was one thing. Employing a piece of nude eye candy for her to eyeball was too much. How would she ever repay them?

  Whether there by accident or plan, she accepted the offering, put her hands on her hips and continued to gawk. Parts of her anatomy were already responding to the stranger's presence; she could imagine herself ensconced with him all weekend if he was really a birthday gift from her hosts. The sensible part of her brain told her that hiring this man for any sexual liaison was illegal. That part of her anatomy between her thighs just didn't care about the crime she might commit; not right now.

  Lydon stretched, ran his hands up his body to his scalp and pushed the mass of hair off his forehead. The last thing he expected to see on awakening again was one of Aphrodite's own sea sprites standing there, staring down at him with eyes the colour of purest iolite.

  "Well, hello there,” he deeply announced and stood up. The look on the exquisite creature's face told him all too well that she wasn't either flustered or shocked by his nudity.

  Alexis tried for all she was worth to keep her smile from broadening, but she just couldn't help herself. When he stood and the full force of his well-over-six-feet of body was within arm's reach, she looked him over then held out her right hand.

  "I'm Alexis Reynolds. New to Olympia Vineyards, are you?"

  Lydon was totally entranced and amused. This fair beauty was standing up to him boldly when most other strangers would have turned away and asked him to put some damned clothes on. He put out his right hand and gripped hers firmly, but gently.

  "I'm Lydon Andrianopolis, Delos’ older brother ... half-brother actually. I, uh, arrived late last night, caught a cab out here from the airport and well ... here I am."

  Alexis let her palm linger within his warm grasp for just a second longer, noting the calluses on his work-roughened palm. If he was Del's older brother, he'd known a lot of very hard work. His body showed it if nothing else ever did. It was strange that her hosts had never mentioned him, as she recalled.

  "Do you always sleep on patios nude, Mr. Andrianopolis?"

  "Just call me Lydon,” he insisted, still pleased that she'd stand there as a total stranger and put up with his lack of decorum. “I had a very late flight last night and didn't want to disturb the family. My luggage was put on the wrong plane; I'm waiting for it to be delivered. The lights were off when I got here, so I took a dip in the hot tub and just found a place to sack out.” The lie was plausible, but her cagey little smile told him she just wasn't buying that story. Still, it didn't matter. Del would back his story when his little brother woke up and found him in residence.

  Finally, Alexis had to turn and swallow down the overwhelming urge to drool. She quickly grabbed up a white cloth that had been neatly placed on one of the patio tables. “Here, put this on. The vineyard workers aren't here yet, but they sometimes bring children with them."

  "Of course, how thoughtless of me,” Lydon quickly agreed and wrapped the tablecloth around the lower half of his body, tying it firmly on his left hip. He finally let his gaze slide over her slender body, clad in jeans, a white sweater and tall brown riding boots. Her long, layered hair floated around her shoulders in silky, sheets. It was roughly the colour of the darkest part of a Red Admiral butterfly's wings. Her hair wasn't anything near black, but wasn't light brown. Just a rich shade in between. And there were bright highlights within her strands that flashed as the sun struck them. He could almost feel the softness of that thick, silken mass in his hands. More than anything, he was still mesmerised by those blue-purple eyes. “Are you employed
here as well?"

  "I'm Alexa Reynolds. I'm Del's and Meg's advertising consultant. My office is in town,” she said as she nodded to the south, “but I come here on the weekends to hang out and sometimes sample whatever vintage is to be promoted in vineyard and restaurant magazines.” She glanced back at the empty bottle of wine now sitting on a table near the front steps. “I think someone drank the bottle I was to have built my upcoming ad campaign around. I always taste it so I can describe the flavour.” She gazed at him accusingly, albeit teasingly.

  "Oh, I'm sorry about that,” Lydon apologised. “I saw the bottle, it was a long flight...” he let his words trail away. How much could he say that wouldn't be later disclosed as a lie?

  She waved the apology aside. “Well, I don't know that there's another bottle of that particularly rare wine that Del can spare. It came with the vineyard when he bought it over a year ago. So, I guess I'll have to pick your brain to find out if it was worth the money my clients are spending for my services."

  "It is, let me tell you,” Lydon smilingly announced, then briefly closed his eyes as he described the flavour. “It was dry, but not too bold. There was just a hint of spice that lingered on the tongue with a subdued, fruity aftertaste; almost like plumbs in autumn. I'd heartily recommend it with any red meat, especially a nice cut of prime rib."

  She felt her brows rise in surprise. “Well, that's quite a description. Do you mind if I quote you on that?"

  He grinned and moved a bit closer and boldly let his gaze wander over her tall frame. “You may do anything you wish.” Whatever else he might have said was lost to time. He heard a loud gasp of surprise and saw his younger sibling, Delos, standing on the patio staring in a stupefied fashion.

  "Wh-What are you doing ... By all the gods, how in Hades did you get here?” Del cried out as he quickly bolted toward his older brother in shock and happiness.


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