
Home > Other > Treble > Page 6

  Cade looked down at her. “You ready, sugar? For all of us?”

  She nodded, sharp heat dancing in her eyes, her breasts rising and falling with each shallow breath.

  They all moved then. Mark lifted Marti so he could lie down in her place. Cade and Justin helped position her so she was straddling Mark and then lowered her slowly onto his rigid cock. Every muscle in Mark’s body tightened visibly as she sank down, down, down onto him, taking him deep inside her. He pulled her towards him and kissed her, then slipped a hand between them and began to manipulate her clit.

  Justin knelt beside them, his cock in his hand, slowly stroking it from root to tip. He reached out a hand to cup Marti’s chin and turn her face towards him.

  “Open wide, Marti,” he coaxed in a rough voice.

  When she did, he rested the dark head of his cock on her bottom lip and rocked his hips, pushing it inside a little at a time.

  And now it was Cade’s turn. Although they were occupied with what they were doing, his brothers still glanced at him strangely, waiting for him to make his move. The move he’d been so damn stubborn about insisting on.

  He picked up the tube of gel lying beside the pillows and knelt behind Marti in the space between her thighs and Mark’s. Squeezing a generous amount on one finger, he spread the cheeks of her ass with his other hand and applied the lube to her anus, the tiny welcoming hole he’d had his finger in so recently. After making sure he’d thoroughly coated the opening, he pressed one finger inside, slowly and steadily, until it was in to the bottom knuckle. He slid it back out, added more gel and this time penetrated her with two fingers.

  “You doing okay, honey?” Justin asked. There was obvious tension in his voice as he worked hard to maintain control.

  “Yes.” The word hissed from her mouth around his cock.

  “Lean forward to me,” Mark told her, cupping her breasts when she did.

  When she did, it elevated her ass to just the angle that Cade wanted. Coating his cock generously with the gel, he spread the globes of her buttocks, positioned himself at her opening and thrust himself into her with a slow, steady glide.

  “Mmmm,” she moaned around the cock in her mouth.

  Cade nodded at Mark, gripped Marti’s hips for leverage and began to drive in and out of her hot, dark channel. In, out, forward, back, Mark loving her in cadence with him, cocks rubbing against each other through the thin membrane separating them. Some kind of music with a heavy, steady thump of bass surrounded them and he set his rhythm to it.

  In, out, forward back. Faster, faster, faster.

  This was heaven, pure and simple. Magic he’d never found with anyone else…and it scared the living bejeezus out of him.

  Shit, Cade. You’ve got trouble at the Treble T. In spades.

  He pumped steadily into Marti’s willing body, doing his best to wait for his brothers but damn, damn, damn. The woman was about to burn him alive.

  “I don’t think I can hang on to this much longer,” he ground out.

  “Go,” Mark rumbled, thrusting up into Marti’s cunt, feverishly working her clit.

  “Now,” Justin shouted.

  Cade drove in one last time then his entire body stiffened as his climax roared up through him and he pumped his release. As he spurted into her dark tissues, he felt Mark’s cock pulse and empty into her pussy and heard Justin shout as he came in her mouth. Marti clamped down, crying out as she shuddered between the two men. All four bodies shook with the force of a shared orgasm, male groans mingling with the counterpoint of Marti’s very feminine voice.

  The spasms seemed to go on, until Cade was sure they would all spontaneously combust from its force.

  And then they were spent, falling against each other in limp exhaustion. Marti collapsed on Mark’s chest, Justin fell to the side, and Cade pulled slowly from the snug grip of her ass to roll onto his back. He lay there, totally undone, dragging air into his lungs, trying to sort through the sudden maelstrom of feelings assaulting his sex-drained body.

  Finally he roused himself enough to lift Marti from Mark’s body. He eased her from Mark’s cock and lifted her into his arms. Her head nestled against his shoulder and her arms wound around his neck. A fine sheen of perspiration covered her body and her heart still hammered erratically.

  “I’m taking her to the shower,” Cade said, staring at his brothers as if daring them to argue with him.

  But they just stared at him, stunned curiosity written on their faces.

  He strode down the hall to his bedroom then into the huge bathroom. Holding Marti against him, he reached into the big shower and turned on the water, a fine mist spraying from multiple showerheads.

  “This’ll make you feel real good, honey,” he crooned, kissing her forehead.

  When the water reached the temperature he wanted, he moved them both into the big marble stall and let the water rain down on them, washing away the heavy odour of sex. He held Marti beneath the stream, brushing her hair back from her face and trailing kisses over her forehead and her cheeks, finally finding her mouth.

  This kiss wasn’t about sex, though. It was about something Cade wasn’t even sure he could acknowledge. Still, he couldn’t pull himself away. He had to keep tasting her mouth, smoothing his hands over her wet body, holding her against him as if he could make her a part of him.

  Eventually he soaped and rinsed them both, dried them off and carried her to his bed. He didn’t even turn on the light as he pulled back the covers and slid her underneath, climbing in behind her. Wrapping his arms around her, spooning her into his body, he closed his eyes and fell into the first peaceful sleep he’d had in ages.

  * * * *

  It was Monday again, the first Monday of the month, and Marti was again at the bar, writing up her order list for the liquor distributor. Periodically she stopped to sip at the cold drink at her elbow. The past month had been one of the worst she’d ever spent. Worse than when Chuck and Dan had told her they were moving on to someone else, that she demanded too much of them. Worse than when her lover before that had told her how turned off he was by her bizarre sexual appetite. Worse than the long weeks when she’d stood in front of a mirror, wondering if somehow her internal wiring was screwed up. It didn’t help that the little radio behind her was playing I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry.

  Why couldn’t she have it all? The man of her dreams…who loved her but also wanted variety. With her. When they both chose. So maybe some people might think her outlook was a little strange. But she hadn’t thought Cade Thompson would. And for a few moments that one Sunday, she’d thought they connected. That they were on the same wavelength. That there might actually be something real between them. When he’d taken her into the shower, he’d been so tender with her—caressing her, kissing her. And it hadn’t been at all about sex.

  She’d slept so peacefully in his arms.

  But then she woke up and reality had set in and she’d known she was only entertaining foolish dreams. He could have any woman he wanted, all the women he wanted, any time he wanted. Why would he ever tie himself down to one, even if she did want them to play games now and then?

  So she’d slipped from his bed before dawn, snuck out of the house without waking anyone then raced home to lock herself in her apartment. Her cell phone had rung several times but she’d seen Cade’s number on the readout and ignored it each time. Late in the afternoon, a Treble T pickup had roared into the parking lot before slamming to a halt. Boot heels thundered on the steps to her apartment, but she’d ignored the hammering on the door. Just as she’d ignored his angry voice.

  “Damn it, Marti, I know you’re in there. Open the goddamned door.”

  For what? So he could read her the riot act? Be sure she understood the rules?

  Eventually he’d left and she’d spent a miserable night huddled in her bed. What was wrong with her? The Thompson brothers offered the kind of sex she craved yet she only wanted one of them. Well, okay, sometimes it would be fun to share. B
ut only if she really belonged to one of them and he controlled the situation. That’s what she’d really been looking for all this time.

  The problem was Cade Thompson had no more intention of tying himself to one woman than the state of Texas did of banning handguns. And without him claiming her, she was sure she couldn’t handle another visit to the Treble T. How the hell had this happened? She’d had her heart broken once. That was enough. She’d sworn never to let it out of its steel cage again.

  Yet here she was, anguished because Cade Thompson was so far beyond her reach.

  She’d been all prepared to do battle with him in person, expecting him to show up any day with murder in his eyes, demanding an explanation for her hasty retreat. Making sure she understood that just because they’d all had a really good time didn’t mean he owed her more than any other woman he took to the ranch. Or worse yet, firing her and sending her on her way. But not one of them showed up in the bar. Not even for a minute. And every week her pay was still direct-deposited into her bank account.

  She was thankful they’d been especially busy because working herself into a stupor every day seemed to be the best thing she could do. The difficult part was avoiding Daisy’s curious glances and prying questions, but she managed to make it plain there was nothing she wanted to discuss. She just didn’t know how long she could go on like this. One of these nights, they were sure to come into Treble Shooters again and she’d be trapped.

  The ranch hands that came often grumbled about how surly Cade had become and how the brothers didn’t seem to be having much fun in life anymore. She wrote that off as just smoke in the wind. It was branding time at the Treble T, plus she knew they were moving the cattle to winter pastures, so being surly made sense. And they probably didn’t have time left over for fun.

  Sighing, she finished her drink and headed for the tiny office to fax her order to the distributor. As she made her way down the short hallway, the back door opened and Cade Thompson himself stormed in. His faced looked like a thundercloud about to erupt and tension radiated from every muscle in his body. Marti stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes frantically sliding to the door of her office.

  “Don’t even think of it,” he growled, moving so he was barely an inch away from her. “I waited long enough and you’re not locking yourself in the office to get away from me.”

  “W-Waited?” She clutched the sheaf of paper to her chest. “For what?”

  “For you to come to your senses.”

  Her eyes widened and she felt anger simmer low in her belly. “Come to my senses? About what? We all had a great time that Sunday. I knew exactly what was going to happen. I’ve played those games nearly all my adult life. Then it was back to business as usual.”

  “You snuck out of my bed and out of my house.” His voice was accusing. “Did I do anything to make you feel unwelcome?”

  Her tongue kept wanting to stick to the roof of her mouth. “I didn’t want you to have to make the whole ‘this was fun but now it’s back to life as usual’ speech. Been there, done that. I thought if I just left, you’d know I didn’t want anything from you and we’d be fine.” She tried not to sound pleading. “I don’t want to lose this job, Cade.”

  “What if I wanted something from you? Did you ever think about that?”

  She just stared at him as if he’d suddenly sprouted two heads. “Like what? Another Sunday? That’s okay by me.” But of course it wasn’t. Not when she was just another name on a list to this man.

  “No. Well, yeah, maybe. But only under certain conditions.”

  “Conditions? Like what?”

  “Like this.”

  His mouth came down on hers and he kissed her with a bruising intensity. His tongue stabbed into her mouth, sweeping over every surface, while he slid his hands to her ass and pulled her hard against him. The swollen length of his cock pressed against her through their clothing.

  “Feel that?” he asked, his lips still touching hers. “I’ve been like that every day since you walked out on me.”

  “Walked out on you?” She was trying to catch her breath. “I just made a clean exit.” She swallowed hard. “And if you’re so damn hard, how come you haven’t had your whole list of women out there to satisfy you.”

  “Because I don’t want anyone but you,” he shouted.

  They stared at each other, the words hanging in the air.

  Finally she blinked. ”W-What did you say?”

  He let out a ragged breath. “You heard me. I just want you.” He frowned. “I’m damned if I know how it happened, but there it is. I was so ungodly jealous that Sunday I couldn’t see straight. You know why I wanted to fuck your ass so badly?”

  She shook her head.

  “Because that way I’d be claiming you. Making you mine. How nuts is that?”

  Marti shook her head as if to clear her brain. “I don’t understand. I thought you guys liked the games you played.”

  “I do. Yes. No. I mean…”

  “What do you mean, Cade?”

  He was still holding her so tightly against him she had to struggle to draw a full breath.

  His mouth was almost touching hers again. “I want to settle down, Marti. I want a woman who belongs to me. Who feels about me the same way I feel about her.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “But who still wants to play with my brothers once in a while.” The grin faded. “On my terms.”

  She tried to find the right words but nothing came to her. She wanted to be sure she understood exactly what he was saying.

  “You hear me, Marti? We have something between us that’s real. I know you feel it, too. I saw it in your eyes that Sunday. If I’m wrong, just tell me.”

  “You’re not.” The words came out as a whisper.

  “I’ve talked to Mark and Justin. They know how I feel. I’m going to build a separate house for myself at the ranch, and I want you to live in it with me. To marry me.” The grin was back. “My brothers can have the big house to play all they want until either of them gets ready to settle down. And if my brothers are very, very good, we’ll invite them over to play on special occasions.”

  He was so close his breath was a soft breeze on her skin. Her heart was hammering in triple time.

  “That is,” he went on, “if it’s okay with you. Because I’ll be in charge, not either of them.”

  “O-Okay.” She hoped she heard him right.

  “Okay, what?” he brushed his lips over hers. “You’ll live in the house with me? You’ll let my brothers come over and play now and then? You’ll marry me?”

  “Okay to all of it,” she breathed, her gaze locked with his.

  “Thank God.”

  She actually felt the tension ease from his body and he kissed her with new heat and added fervour.

  Finally he lifted his head. “Just remember one thing, darlin’.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Nobody fucks that ass but me.”

  Marti wanted to laugh. She knew that was Cade’s way of asserting his possession of her. Of making her his. And letting his brothers know just how things were.

  “I don’t think we’ll have to worry about that, big guy.”

  “Tomorrow we’re going to meet with an architect and then get bids from contractors.” He turned her and guided her to the back door. “In the meantime, I think you should take me upstairs. If I’m not inside you in the next ten minutes, I might not live.”

  She laughed, a giddy sound. “I think I can handle that.”

  Minutes later that’s exactly what she did, taking him into her body and rocketing them to an explosive release. But the biggest explosion was her heart bursting from happiness as she realised she’d finally have it all.

  She reached over and turned on the little bedside radio. Immediately the notes of Kenny Rogers’ We’ve Got It All floated into the room.

  Cade looked down at her grinning. “We sure do, darlin’.”

  “You bet, cowboy.”

  And then he was sliding
into her again.

  About the Author

  I always wanted adventure and change in my life, and I certainly got it. I grew up in Maine, a beautiful place to live, then lived in the Midwest and Florida. Now I make my home in the Hill Country of Texas, truly God's chosen place on earth. My husband, David, was a sixth generation Texan, tracing his roots here back to the time when Texas was a Republic, so retiring here was a dream we finally fulfilled.

  I've had a lot of firsts in my life – first female sports report on The Michigan Daily at the University of Michigan; first woman to own a rock and roll agency in Detroit, the home of Motown; first woman president of the Pasco (Florida) Economic Development Council.

  I graduated from the University of Michigan with a double major in English and History, and a minor in economics, and went on to have at least four careers. When my children were small, I satisfied my need for writing by working for weekly newspapers. I had a wild and wacky time managing rock and roll bands. I joined the insanity of retail with a string of shoe stores. I worked in fundraising, public affairs and community relations. But writing fiction was always my dream. I had a lot of stops and starts, but it wasn't until we retired that I could devote myself to it full time.

  My wonderful husband, David, encouraged me and supported me in my dream and you’ll find a little of him in all my heroes. Our children are all grown and on their own, and are my biggest fans.

  When I'm not writing I'm an avid reader—anything and everything—and watching football, especially my beloved Michigan Wolverines. David and I golf and target shoot, and of course enjoy life in the gorgeous Texas Hill Country, where most of my stories are based.

  I am a member of Romance Writers of America, and San Antonio Romance Authors, Diamond State Romance Authors, and Passionate Ink chapter of RWA.

  Email: [email protected]


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