The Beckoning (Entangled Series Book 2)

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The Beckoning (Entangled Series Book 2) Page 6

by Jill Sanders

  Brea blinked a few times. What? What had they said?

  Every eye was on her and she felt a little uncomfortable. She didn’t know what to say and was thankfully saved when a car drove up.

  “Hey,” Jessie said, walking up the stairs. “Looks like the gang’s all here.” She sat down across from Jacob and took a glass of tea. “So, what’s this all about?”

  Once again, everyone glanced over at her. This time, she did know what to say. She flipped open her laptop and turned it around.

  “That’s the picture from the yearbook,” Jessie said, leaning forward.

  “Yearbook?” Xtina asked.

  Jessie disappeared into the house and returned holding a book. “Here.” She flipped open the book to the same picture Brea had on her laptop.

  “As far as I can tell, they’re our parents. All of them.” She pointed to her father and mother. “My father, Byron Garrett, and my mother, Dawn. This is my aunt Misty.”

  “This, is your aunt?” Xtina said, reaching for Mike’s hand.


  The next photo included everyone except Misty, and every person in this photo looked sad, like something major had just happened.

  “Okay, so now we have a name for our...” Mike said.

  Ethan tapped the picture. “This woman is your ghost?”

  “Not a ghost,” both Mike and Xtina said at the same time.

  “So, if it’s your aunt that we keep seeing,” Mike said, “then why? What does this all mean?”

  “It means that they are the reason all of this is happening to us.” She showed them another photo. This time, the entire gang was there. They were all wearing dark clothes and holding flashlights, like they were about to go on a grand adventure. Their smiles were big and they all looked so young and happy.

  Suddenly, several people were talking at the same time.

  “Okay, okay,” Xtina said, raising her voice over the others. “Can we take this down a notch? Let’s start at the beginning. There has to be something here that will lead us to answers.”

  “Well, if this is going to be a long day, how about we order some pizza?” Jessie said, propping her feet onto the railing. “What?” she said after everyone looked at her. “I’m starving.”

  “I’ll call in an order.” Xtina stood.

  “We get delivery?” Mike asked. “I’ve lived here for over a year, and now I find out I can have pizza delivered?”

  Xtina laughed and leaned down to kiss him. “You just have to know the right people.” She disappeared into the house.

  Mike turned to Breanna. “Can you shoot everything you have to me?”

  She thought of her other research, but knew she could keep that from him. “Sure.” She typed in the email address that he read off.

  “I’d like a copy too,” Jacob said.

  “Sure.” She glanced over at Ethan.

  “I’m good.” He chuckled. “Let my brothers collect the data. I’m more of an action man myself.”

  Her face heated. She’d imagined exactly what kind of actions he could do for the past few months.

  “So,” Xtina said, walking back out. “Where do we start?”

  “With this.” She pulled up another picture, this one attached to a newspaper article.

  It said, “Local teen disappears” above a picture of her aunt Misty.

  They read through the article and then put together a calendar where they filled in past events.

  “Your father, what has he said about this?” Jacob asked.

  “Nothing. That’s the thing. I can’t get him to open up to me.” Her eyes moved around. “What about any of you?”

  “I tried to talk to our folks.” Mike’s eyes moved to his brother. “But they are closed lip about it. Of course, this was before I saw this.” He tapped the photo in the yearbook. “I have a lot of new questions.”

  “And you?” Brea turned to Jessie.

  Xtina reached over and took her friend’s hand, the first time Brea had seen Xtina do so.

  “Jessie’s parents are…”—she took a breath— “out of reach.”

  Brea glanced down at the photo of the young couple. Jessie looked a lot like her mother.

  “Rachelle and Larry aren’t your typical parents,” Jess supplied as she stood up, dropping her friend’s hand. “I haven’t spoken to either of them since I was thirteen.”

  “Thirteen?” Jacob broke in. “Then who have you been living with?”

  “I live by myself,” she added, her chin going up slightly. “I have since they left.”

  “Since you were thirteen?” Jacob asked.

  “Yes, St. Clair, you got a problem with that?” She crossed her arms over her chest, ready to defend herself.

  “Hell ya, I do. You were just a kid. You shouldn’t have been left alone.”

  “Jacob,” Xtina interrupted, “she’s had people looking out for her.” Xtina winked at Jess. “She’ll never be alone.”

  Brea could see the anger behind Jacob’s eyes and knew that it wasn’t over between them.

  “So, let’s start at the beginning again.” Xtina pulled out a marker and started writing events on the chart in chronological order.

  Chapter 8

  Two hours later, full of pizza and beer, they sat around Xtina’s living room, going over every scrap of information Brea had. Ethan sat back and watched the show as everyone mulled over the information.

  “So, what do we know?” Jacob asked, pacing the floor as he sipped on his beer. The way he moved was so much like his father and Mike that Ethan felt an ache in his heart that he had not grown up knowing his older brother.

  He’d learned a lot about everyone from just watching them.

  Like the fact that Jessie and Jacob acted like they couldn’t stand one another, but were secretly totally infatuated with one another. So much so that the air around them almost sizzled.

  He wondered if that’s how it was when he and Breanna were alone. That’s how it felt to him. He didn’t know if it had anything to do with the visions, but he couldn’t stop his mind or body from reacting when he was near her.

  He’d caught her glancing at him several times, and he’d felt his entire body respond every time their eyes locked.

  He likened it to a calm before the storm. All day long, the clouds had been building and, soon, lightning was bound to hit.

  “Well, that was a lot to take in,” he said as they walked across the yard towards his brother’s place.

  She had her laptop bag in her hands, along with the chart that Xtina and Jess had created.

  “Yeah, I can’t believe that Jess has been on her own since she was thirteen,” Brea said, shifting the bag in her arms.

  He reached over and took it from her.

  “You’re not supposed to use that.” She frowned as he shifted the heavy bag to his good arm.

  It was like a wave hit him in the knees, knocking him to his ass. One minute he was standing in the dark field, with fireflies buzzing around him, then the next he was butt naked, standing in a shower, looking at her in front of him.

  Water dripped down her skin, making it glisten, as she smiled up at him. “You’re not supposed to get that wet.”

  “Shit,” he said, taking a step back.

  Her hand reached out, stopping him from falling on his ass.

  “Ethan?” She shook his good shoulder a few times. “You okay?” She was standing in front of him, fully clothed, frowning at him.

  “Yeah.” He blinked a few times. It was like so many other visions he’d had before. He should have been able to shake it off, but something was different.

  His knees went weak, and Brea snagged her computer bag from him seconds before he would have dropped it.

  Vaguely, he heard her yell for help, but his entire world was tilting. Everything narrowed and dimmed before it turned dark.

  “You’re not taking your pills,” she growled out. Her eyes were narrowed as she looked down at him.

  Strange, the gr
assy field was as soft as a bed.

  He brushed his thumb across the worry line between her eyes. “Sorry,” he said, his voice sounding hollow.

  She took his hand and that was when he realized he wasn’t laying in the dark field, but in a bed in a dimly lit room. His brother’s room.

  “How’d I get here?” He tried to sit up, but she put her hand on his good shoulder.

  “Don’t move.” She turned and said, “He’s fine. Just the water and pills.”

  Jessie handed Brea both items while Jacob stood in the corner, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Hey, bro,” he said. Seeing the smile, he knew that Jacob had carried him into the house. He felt like a fainting teenage girl.

  “You can go.” He almost barked it out.

  “No, they can’t. At least not until your coloring comes back.” Brea stepped between him and his older brother, blocking his view of the gloating man.

  “Swallow these.” She shook out two pills and handed them to him.

  He laughed. “I don’t need…” A low sound came from her throat. His eyes met hers and something close to fear jumped into his chest.

  Without saying another word, he took the pills and swallowed them down.

  “Pussy whipped.” Jacob laughed from across the room. “Both of them.” He shook his head as he walked from the room.

  “Thank you,” Brea said to Jess. “Both of you.” She nodded towards the door.

  “Sure, if you need anything else…”

  “We’re fine,” Brea said.

  When the front door shut, she turned on him.

  “Why aren’t you taking your pills?”

  “Because I don’t need them.” He shifted, and when the pain hit him again, he cringed. Okay, so the searing pain had been stabbing him all day. He’s only been able to nibble on a slice of pizza, but he’d drank a whole beer. Didn’t that count for anything?

  When the room spun, he decided he’d better not move again. “Shit.” He thought he’d only thought it, but suddenly she was back at his side.

  “Are you okay?” She sat on the edge of the bed, her hand going to his good shoulder.

  “Yeah, sure. Fine.” He closed his eyes and rested his head back. “Tell me that Jacob… My brother didn’t carry me in here.”

  She chuckled, the rich sound like honey. “Sorry, he was the only one big enough to carry you.”

  “You could have dragged me. Better yet, let me lay there in the field.”

  “And let the mosquitos get you?” He opened one eye, then the other when the room didn’t turn.

  “Sure, why not.”

  “Because I’m human and have a heart. Your color is back,” she said after a moment.

  That was probably because she was leaning over him and he’d noticed how close her perfect breasts were to him.

  Before he could stop himself, he brushed a strand of her blonde hair away from her face. “I’ve dreamed about us,” he said softly. When she didn’t pull away, he nudged her forward, until she was a breath from him. “About this.”

  He let her make the move, and when her lips touched his, his hands wrapped around her waist, holding her to him.

  Her mouth brushed over his, and he ran his tongue across her sealed lips. Then their tongues touched and he couldn’t stop the moan from escaping.

  She tasted just like he knew she would. Just like honey. Sweet, and extremely potent. He had to have more. His hand went up her body until it settled in her hair, holding her to him as he explored her mouth.

  She was leaning on him now, her body pushed tightly up against his. He wanted to explore her even more, but the movement of his shoulder was limited.

  “I knew it would be like this,” she said against his lips. “My god.” She ran her hands over his chest as her lips brushed against his.

  “More,” he begged, not caring if it was a sign of weakness. He shifted, hoping to have her body under his, but the pain struck and soon he was flat on his back, looking up at the ceiling of the bedroom, breathing harder than before.

  “Ethan.” Her voice was right next to his ear.

  “Damn it,” he growled.

  “Easy, don’t move.” He felt her hand holding his good shoulder down.

  His eyes met hers. “Later.” He didn’t know if it was a warning or a promise. “We’re going to see this through.”

  She smiled and relaxed slightly. “I’m not going anywhere,” she said before his eyes slid closed and he fell into a drug-induced sleep.

  Brea watched Ethan’s eyes slide closed and sighed. Just her luck. Just when she gets wound up tight and ready for a release, the man she wants passes out, again.

  She couldn’t believe how kissing him had affected her. Hell, her lips were still on fire. She’d never been kissed like that before. Ever. And Ethan wasn’t at one hundred percent. She was in major trouble when he finally recovered.

  What did she do now? Her entire body was vibrating and he was out. On her bed.

  She thought about sleeping on the sofa and how uncomfortable it would be.

  No, she was determined to sleep in the bed. After all, he’d most likely sleep the entire night through. She’d read the pill bottle and had known that he’d be out shortly after taking them. Which was probably why he’d been avoiding them so far.

  She pulled off his shoes and his socks and thought for a brief moment about pulling off his jeans. That would be crossing a line she wasn’t ready for just yet.

  She unbuttoned a few buttons on his shirt, changed into her silk shorts and matching tank top, brushed her teeth, and removed her makeup.

  She was exhausted. Not just tired, but totally drained. When she walked back into the bedroom, Ethan had rolled over to his side, leaving her side of the bed free.

  Pulling out an extra blanket, she tossed it lightly over Ethan before crawling under the sheets herself.

  It was strange, on any normal night, she would toss and turn for a while before drifting off to sleep. But, tonight, she just blacked out.

  The dream started like it had several times before. She was walking in an open field, determined to go somewhere, to do something important. The tall grass softened her footsteps as she walked. The waxing moon hung low in the sky.

  She glanced over when she heard someone behind her. Ethan was walking towards her. He looked at her like she was a miracle. Like she was everything he’d ever wanted in life. His arm was no longer in a sling and he looked amazing.

  When he was only a few feet away from her, their eyes met.

  “You have to let me go,” she whispered. Suddenly, she felt her skin start to tingle. Somehow, she knew that this would be the last time she saw Ethan. She tried to fight fading in front of him, but nothing could hold back fate. Not even love.

  “Hey,” Ethan’s voice broke into the dream. He was warm and real next to her and she felt her body being shaken lightly. “Brea?”

  She woke from the dream slowly. Ethan’s hands were on her shoulders, his body pushed up against hers as he held her close.

  She was so happy to be out of the dream and drew him to her, putting everything she had into the kiss, everything she’d been feeling moments before she’d woken. Her legs wrapped around his hips, pulling him closer.

  Her fingers moved over his bare skin. He must have pulled his shirt off sometime during the night. She realized that his jeans were gone too when she felt him against her.

  “Ethan.” A small bit of sanity returned to her.

  “No, Brea, let’s ride it out.” He moved slightly, and her entire body reacted as he pushed up against her silk shorts. His hand roamed over her body, pushing her tank top up. She arched back when his fingers brushed her bare skin.

  She moaned his name when his lips left hers and traveled slowly down her face and neck. He finally reached the peak and took it into his mouth. She screamed this time as his mouth sent shock waves through her entire system.

  His free hand moved down her ribs, her stomach. A finger dipped int
o her belly button, before running across the line of her shorts. One tug and the silk was down over her hips. Her body arched for him, desire controlling her every move.

  Her legs parted, exposing her to his view.

  “Beautiful,” he whispered next to her skin. “Just as I dreamed.” His fingers brushed over her skin and her eyes closed with pleasure.

  “Ethan.” She didn’t know if she was begging him to stop or continue. At this point, all she knew was that something needed to extinguish the flames.

  “I know,” he said as he ran hot kisses down her ribs, following the same path where his fingers had just burned.

  When his mouth replaced his hands, she completely lost it. Her body and mind opened.

  A shooting soft light almost blinded her as her entire body lifted and pulsed. She’d never felt anything like it before, and something told her at that moment, that she never would again.

  Chapter 9

  He doubted he would ever see anything as beautiful as Brea as she came back to earth. Her entire body glowed. Her eyes fluttered open and he smiled when he noticed how silver gray they were.

  He shifted so his good shoulder was up against her and wrapped his bad arm around her gently. He held her close, enjoying the feel of her heartbeat settling against his skin.

  “Ethan,” she said against his chest.

  “Hmm?” he said unable to hide the satisfaction in his tone.

  “What… aren’t…” His chuckle stopped her. “Is that it?”

  He reached up and brushed her hair away from her face. “For now, it’ll have to do. Come back down here. It’s cold and I want to feel you next to me.”

  She settled next to him and sighed.

  “I owe you,” she whispered next to his chest.

  He wanted to argue because, after all, she had given him so much. No, she didn’t owe him. He was pretty sure at this point that he could never repay her.

  He drifted into a dreamless slumber that lasted until the sun streamed into the room. He rolled over and was instantly attacked with sharp pain. His breath was almost knocked from him and is shoulder felt like it was on fire.

  “Damn it,” he growled out and sat up.


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