Broken (Reapers Reign, #1)

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Broken (Reapers Reign, #1) Page 11

by Maree, Aleisha

  Come bedtime, he does his nightly ritual; water, Advil, undressing me and redressing me in his shirt. As he lays me back down in the big, soft bed, he walks around the other side. Watching him with hungry eyes as he takes off his jeans and pulling his shirt off, I gasp as I see just how defined his body is, the way his muscles sit like he is chiselled out of marble. I lick my lips as he turns to face me in just his boxers. His package draws my attention as it appears front and centre in my line of sight. It looks big as it fills out his boxers. He, ever so gently, lies down next to me. No doubt he won’t move an inch all night. He makes me smile so hard I feel as though my jaw could crack.

  Waking in the morning, I smile as I look over at his still sleeping body. Ever so carefully, I pull myself from the bed and head down to the kitchen. I’ll make breakfast today.

  Humming away to myself as I make eggs and bacon, I feel him lay a kiss on the back of my neck. “You are doing what?” he asks me, likes he’s blind to the fact.

  “Cooking,” I say with a giggle as his hands wrap up in the shirt I am wearing. He pulls my hips back into him. Staying like that as I cook makes me laugh. With every step I take, his body follows, “I love a woman that cooks,” He breathes into my ear.

  “You’re super distracting,” I chide him as I push my bum back into him. “Go sit down outside. I’ll bring this out in a few.” He lets go, huffing out as he leaves, throwing his hands up in the air.

  “Fine boss,” he says as I chuckle at the eggs.

  For the first time since Brad died I feel alive. Watching him eat his breakfast, I think about how much he worships the ground I walk on, always wanting to help me, lift me, carry me. It brings a smile to my face and joy to my heart. I have the love I have always wanted, longed for, the marks are slowly fading, the sores healing and I have him.

  His grandparents, Kash, Jamie and Tammy come out at the weekend. They are all amazing and treat me with so much love and kindness. I am happy to see Tammy to have a girl to talk to and chill with. She knows first-hand just how difficult it is to have the type of parents we have and the social expectation. Plus, to what the jock quad just did to us both. Dinner is fun, watching the men all cook out over the open grill and arguing loudly over the right way to cook meat. I grin observing how at ease Knox is with the people he loves, not to mention the way his Nan watches them all with such love and pride in her eyes.

  They all say I’m the first girl to have ever captured Knox’s heart. He hates it when they talk like that; he says it makes it hard to keep up the bad boy image he has going on. It makes me smile and silently chuckle though, because I know what he’s like when it’s just us; so damn sweet, with walks down to the lake fingers entwined and paddling in the warm evening water, cuddling on the couch, talking about everything and anything. Tammy and I spend a lot of time chatting away while walking around the lake. We enjoy cooking smores at night time bonfires, watching the fireflies all together. We even go into the village to the Sunday markets and buy silly little things. Novelty gifts and touristy items to remember our time here.

  The weekend is truly magical, I even get to quiz my bestie on her and Jamie. It appears they have gotten close since that night. He’s helping her heal too. Clarke took so much from her that night, luckily the boys had gotten there to stop the sick prick after she had passed out. She, at least, didn’t have to witness the beating Jamie laid down on the jerk. She is head over heels for Jamie, especially since he came to rescue her like a knight in shining armour and has been checking on her each day since. Jamie’s her very own bad boy in leather I smile as I catch him winking at her as she sits around the fire pit on his knee; his arm snakes protectively around her waist. She deserves this. Deserves to be happy with a guy that actually wants her, instead of wanting what she can give him.

  It’s our last night here before we go back to reality tomorrow, back to life and questions, what fun. Pulling my still tender body into Knox, I wrap him in my arms tightly as we watch the fireflies dance in the air around the flames, cementing this to my memory as one of the most magical times in my life.

  Once home we settle back into an easy flow of being together, falling back into a routine at school. The looks we both get are overwhelming at the start, flagging them off is easy as long as Knox is here by my side, holding me tight, whenever Dan, Clarke and the jock squad come near us. Walking the halls alone is hard and daunting, I’m worried I will run into them. I feel their eyes burn into my skull during lunch, and, in class, it’s hard to escape them. I hold my head high, showing them that my heart is not about to explode at their very presence. It’s not easy. They seem to sense it. When we have PE, they seem to pick on me; smirking, snickering, throwing balls, mud, you name it, at me. I refuse to allow their hate to ruin me so I push on. Knox spends a lot of time at home. Mom allows him to use our gym and pool to train with his Pa. Jamie ends up coming too so I get to see Tammy. Mom potters in the garden and kitchen with Erabella she has worked her magic on my mom and they have founded a great friendship on what was shitty circumstances. It has worked out well ok for everyone and the speed bump in the road has all but smooth over for now anyway, I am no fool I know that Dan won’t let it go as easily as I would like to forget it. To top it all off dad is here less and less, and Moms well mom sad and lonely the nights are the worst, but she really enjoys having young people around the house again. It’s so nice to see her smile and laugh. She always looks so sad.

  I knew he wouldn’t have asked where I was. Mom told my dad I had been at a cheer camp with Tammy. How oblivious could one man be about his own flesh and blood? As if I’d ever go to cheer camp. I don’t know what to do. I really want to introduce him to Knox but I can’t deal with the aftermath of that meeting; I don’t want him to poison our love, our story. And he will. I know him. He will spin it into how he isn’t the right fit for the people that we are and the people we know and what we do. So, for now, I just won’t tell him. We only go to my place when he’s not home. When dad’s home we hang at Knox’s place and in the store. Erabella teaches me how to make the coffee that has become my life’s liquid. I’m sure it now flows through my body instead of actual blood. I also help with the baking of all the scrumptious Italian food Erabella sells in her little café inside the Hardware store. It really is a genius idea. It opens out to the side of the store to a little cobble stoned garden area that reminds you of the little side streets in Italy that you see in the pictures adoring the walls of the store. It’s always busy here, bustling with people and activity, the down to earth, easy, relaxing flow and chatter from Erabella makes it so inviting and people love coming here as its right away from town and just peaceful. I like to help out. They are so kind to me.

  Along with helping in the store, Erabella teaches me how to cook Italian meals. She says, “We are Italian so you have to learn how the Italian women do it.”

  I laugh each time she says it, it also gives me such a remarkable sense of belonging the love shared within this family is so unbelievable and they have done nothing but show me just how much the care for me. Which is amazing as Knox and I are close now, like super close. I feel like he’s who I’ve been waiting forever for, like he’s my match. Made just for me. We’re taking things slow and enjoying getting to know each other, we haven’t done anything but kiss. He doesn’t want to rush me after what happened.

  God, I would love to forget that had happened all together! But I can’t its apart of who I am now and its been knitted into the fibre off my being. I am stronger now a little but timid and on edge at the same time I spouse it will always be at the back of my head the little nag of knowledge that a guy could have and would have fucked the rest of my life for what nothing but a quick ride and the bragging rights that comes with what banging a senator’s daughter.

  I love to watch Knox train; his Pa is an amazing trainer. Often, we just chill. Kash is always studying or working in the store. Tammy hangs out with us quite a bit as Jamie is always here eating his body weight in food.
r />   Knox has a big fight this coming weekend. I’m so worried about it. He says that it will be ok but I’m not too sure I like the idea of someone hitting that god-like face and making him bleed.

  I’ve started to run track at school. I find it soothing. I have always enjoyed running and I’ve started running with Knox. He was the one to talk me into running track. My dad loves that I’m doing it; it’s good for schooling and his image – his daughter, a star on her school’s track team. I’m not doing it for him, but what the hell? It keeps him happy and away from asking questions. It also gives me more time with Knox and that’s always a bonus.

  Doing laps of the track field at school, I spot Knox and Jamie sparring and Tammy laying back in the sun on the grass facing them. My heart skips a beat each time as I jog over, starting to cool my muscles down. I grab my sweat towel and bottle of water before I plonk myself down next to the cheer captain, who has become my best friend. “Hey you,” I say catching my breath.

  “Hey you back,” she replies, her eyes not leaving her man.

  “In love, are you?” I ask with a tad of humour in my voice.

  “Maybe? He’s freaking hot, isn’t he?” she responds with pure pleasure rolling off her tongue for him. I smile at her, flicking my water at her, she lets out a squeal as I laugh.

  “If you’re into that I suppose,” I laugh as she hits my arm.

  “Well you can talk, take a look at your caveman.” We both fall back in giggles, bringing our arms up over our eyes to shelter out the sun. We fall into a comfortable silence as the sun soaks into our skin.

  I must have dozed off. When I wake, Knox is laying over me in all his bulk. “Hey baby.”

  I love the way baby rolls off his tongue.

  “Hey,” I say back while wrapping my arms around his sweaty body. “Tammy and I are going to head out for coffee after this, you wanna come?” I tilt my head so his face shields it from the bright sun.

  “Na babes. Jamie and I have got to do a few things. I’ll catch you up later,” with a fleeting kiss to my lips, he jumps up, pulling Jamie from Tammy. “Come on lover boy, shit to do.”

  Tammy pouts, throwing my now empty bottle at them. Laughing, I pull her up, “let’s go. I need to shower.”

  “I’ll meet you at the coffee shop, SJ,” she replies as I lean down to grab my towel.

  “Sure, thing. Give me thirty minutes,” I say as she walks backwards from me with a smile on her face.

  “Enjoy ya shower,” she winks at me. I shake my head at her weird reply. Why would she say something like that?

  In the shower, my mind wanders to Tammy and the talk she wants to have about her and Jamie. Why he is the way he is, all hard ass busting balls, brash, oh what fun.

  Stepping out from the shower, I pull the towel down, wrapping it around myself as I walk over to my locker. I open my locker, laughing to myself that that girl has a slim to no chance of ever understanding Jamie. I barely manage to understand Knox.

  A love heart shaped balloon floats out of my locker when I open it. I jump, startled and notice that on the end is a note tied to a little white dove.

  To my Angel,

  Be ready at our meeting place at 9pm on Friday, for a night of fun, love, and laughs. Pack an overnight bag...



  OH, MY GOD! My heart is pounding right out of my chest. After dressing at lightning speed, I run off to tell Tammy that I can’t do coffee. I have to get ready for Friday night. Finally, the night I have dreamed of is about to become a reality. I have never felt so nervous. In just twenty four short hours my soul will belong to Knox forever, just like my heart. The only thing we have to do is get through the fight tonight. There will be six big fights and Knox is the first up. I’m so scared. I feel like I will puke at just the thought of it.

  Chapter Eight


  I have been on edge, since I put the note into her locker. The women’s changing rooms are not as easy to sneak into as I had hoped. I have tomorrow night all planned, down to the smallest of details. I just have to get through this fight tonight.

  It’s at 7pm. I should be out by 8pm. Then that gives me half an hour to get to our meeting place.

  I have never done this for anyone before; I have never felt this way about anyone! I have always wanted love and wanted someone, but I’ve never let anyone get close enough to see it. I just trained. But then along she came. All sass and sweetness; hot and mind blowing. I can’t wait for Friday night. I can’t wait to strip her down, see under all the layers, taste the sweetness, to feel her silky-smooth skin against mine. I want to feel her heat against my cock. Oh, how I have longed for that since the very first day she crashed into me and teased all my senses.

  First, I’m taking her up to Dove’s Peak to watch the sunset. We’ve sat to watch it rise together at Dove’s Peak and now we will see it set. I have something to give her that I hope she will like; a gesture to show just how much she means to me. I have a room for us at the fanciest hotel in New York, it’s all choc mints on your pillows, bath robes and plush carpets. All that fancy shit. I have worked my ass off to get the money for this. I want her first time to be amazing and something that she will remember forever. She deserves so much more, than all the stars in the sky, and I want to give it all to her.

  Pulling into the fight night’s carpark, I feel the pang of nerves that always hit me right before a big fight. This one is a showcase and has sponsors and fight scouters here so I need to be on my game and annihilate the fucker who steps into the ring with me. I’m aiming for a two round KO. I don’t really want to piss around and get too knocked up. I have a weekend planned with my girl that I want to kinda be around for. Stupid move, planning it the same weekend as my big fight but it’s the only one I could do.

  Stepping into my locker room, I smile as her and Tammy are already waiting there. Well, Tammy is sitting sucking face with Jamie and my angel is pacing a damn hole in the locker room floor. I walk up beside her, dipping my head down and kissing her neck. I wrap my arms around her, “Sup baby,” I say, placing tiny kisses along her collarbone.

  Spinning around, she grabs my face in her hands, “I don’t like this.” There is fear in her eyes.

  “Angel, it’s ok. I’ve got this,” I reassure her. I spin her around, letting out a long whistle at what she’s wearing. It’s a grey track suit with Knox Ambrose on her butt and over the front of her jacket with the Italian flag.

  A huge grin beams over her face as I pull her in, “You like?”

  “Baby, I love it,” I nod.

  “Good. Cause I got them made for us all.” Laughing, she throws her head back in the way that shows off her perfect neck. The sight made my dick twitch in my pants. I reach down and suck a small amount of her sweet flesh into my mouth, relishing this moment, before Pa pulls me from her.

  Pa passes me my headphones, “time to get ya mind focused, boy.”

  Nodding at him, I kiss my girl’s lips one last time. “Wanna tape my hands babe? Just like I showed you,” She nods and I pull my headphones on over my ear. Sitting down, I offer my hands to her and she begins to tape them as music starts playing in my ears, sending sweet chills out through my body and freeing my mind, ready to battle.

  My eyes barely leave Sarah-Jane as I ready myself, sparring with Pa and Jamie. My Nan tortures herself by coming to check on me. I see her praying with her rosary beads laced around her delicate fingers as I click out my neck and my locker room door opens singling that it is time. Pulling my headphones from my ears, I walk over and kneel down in front of my Nan. Kissing her forehead, I speak to her in Italian. It seems to comfort her more, “Hey guarda me il meglio del meglio mi ha insegnato tutte le mosse. Stro benb. Ci vediamo presto.”

  I hear Pa chuckle behind me as he tells the others what I said, “Hey, look at me, the best of the best taught me all the moves. I’ll be fine. See you real soon.” She brings a shaky hand up to my cheek. I lean into it as she prays over me. She kisses my forehead
before I stand and grab my girl and kiss her like the world depends on it, knowing just how freaked out she is.

  “Babe, just shut your eyes. It’ll be over before you know it,” I squeeze her hand and then we all head out. Me in the front, Pa, Jamie, my boy Kash and the two girls. Nan stays in my room. She can’t watch.

  My entrance music starts as I walk out to the hype and noise of the crowd. Staying focused, I head to the ring, stopping at the steps for the ref to go over me, making sure all is good. The ref nods at me and I kiss my Pa’s head, giving a chin lift to my boys, winking at my girl and kissing my gloves. I walk up the steps to the sound of my name. “Fighting out of the Blue corner we have coming from Brooklyn NY, Knox The Assassin Ambrose!” Jumping up and down I shake out my body and crack out my neck as my opponent makes his way to the ring.

  Looking back over into her eyes, kills me as the bell rings. I see so much worry laced in them. No time to think of that though as this punk comes out swinging at me. He gets in a few early jabs. Wiping my glove over my mouth, I smirk up him. Stepping onto my back foot, I shuffle and side step him, working my way around him and the ring, I step in one step at a time until I have him up against the cage. Wrapping a glove around the back of his head, I bring it down to meet my glove going right for his nose and jab, jab, jab 1,2,3 1,2,3. I hear my Pa, “Combo son.” I pull back onto the balls of my feet. The kid stumbles forward as he tries to gain his bearings. I come up at him right, left, right, high knee to the bottom of his jaw. His head snaps back. I follow through with a round house and that’s it. He falls to the ground. I jump down on him, straddling his torso. I just hit like wildfire, one blow after the other until I hear the ref and the bell rings out.


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