Love's Subterfuge (Warrior Camp Book 12)

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Love's Subterfuge (Warrior Camp Book 12) Page 10

by Flynn Eire

  “I think someone said the same with the West Coast coven this past year, but they say it’s higher,” Wally added.

  “Shit, I’d be freaked the fuck out too,” Dimitri worried. “We’re eight and nine of ten. I knew we were high, but I thought maybe seven or eight. We’ve had ten in a row make it like with your group.”

  It was true, we hadn’t lost any of our immediate age group for several months, some just getting transferred off to other camps because of emergencies. It was still a risk as two had died in Gary’s group of ten. Maybe even three of eleven, I was pretty sure.

  “Okay, let me get the calendar of their dates and work out the best program I can,” Dimitri declared after a few moments. “I’ll talk with Sam about what you can do and maybe we can work it in, figure out who’s the most worrisome.” I shot him a scared look. “Zibon, we know you’re not a crystal ball. There are always variables in using gifts. Even if you’re wrong half the time, it’s not your fault. You’re not blabbing or starting drama, but trying to help.”

  “Yeah, okay.” I thought everyone felt better there was a plan, but the plan focused on me too much, and I realized I was shaking.

  “I’ll find a cart and get tons of food sent up to your new room,” Proximo offered, and I hadn’t even realized the other ancients were there. “Get him in the shower and calm because the fear is clawing at him, and I think he’s in shock still.”

  “Thank you,” Alastair murmured as he helped me to my feet. “He needs fuel after the stress and extra work on his body.”

  I bobbed my head and then shook it before racing over to the garbage can in the corner and puking out my guts. I really didn’t know if I could be party to this plan and not die of my nerves eating me.

  The only thing I said to anyone before he led me away was to Wally, and he could tell our friends I was okay and I would talk to them later. They didn’t deserve the blanket statement or whatever, but I needed a breather.

  I needed more than that, it seemed, because I sort of missed the walk to the warrior dorm and the elevator ride. I was missing a lot.

  Alastair unlocked the door, glancing at me. “Before you think me spoiled, I have trouble sleeping. It’s very hard for me, so I do what I can to help.”

  I shrugged. “Being spoiled isn’t a bad thing. I spoil myself sometimes too. Thinking you deserve nothing but being spoiled when you don’t is what people should be smacked for.”

  “Too true,” he chuckled and pushed the door open.

  I swallowed down my shock as I took in the massive, super comfy looking bed and open boxes in the corner. Right, he would get one of the bigger rooms. Everything was expensive, that was for sure. I’d grown up around pricey stuff, and I could immediately recognize it.

  “Let’s shower,” he offered as he pulled out some towels from a box along with a shower caddy. “It’s a bit amusing to have communal showers. I’m not sure I have since I was your age. The last several houses I’ve bought and lived in for a few decades had master baths the size of this shared one.”

  “I might hate my parents and that house, but they did have taste,” I mumbled, letting myself be led again. Wow, I really was out of it or yeah, in shock. “I think if you have the money, get what you want. I hated that they’d waste money on updating because they thought it was a status thing. The guest rooms don’t need to be redecorated all the fucking time. But if you work hard, yeah, get a kickass shower to relax or the bed you want.”

  “You are as wise as you are kind.” He chuckled when I felt my cheeks heat at the compliment. He gave me a gentle kiss before taking off my clothes and getting me into the shower. I watched as he undressed, excited to see every inch of him finally after all the cloak and dagger.

  He didn’t disappoint. There were statues of gods that had to be modeled after him.

  I pulled his head down for a real kiss when he joined me under the water, but he broke it after only a few seconds.

  “I did not mean for this.”

  “You don’t want me anymore?” I whispered, my heart breaking as I moved away from him. Was I that broken?

  He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back to him when I tried to flee. “I absolutely do, but you just vomited, darling. You’re in shock. I’m also not going to take advantage of you, and I must apologize for what I did earlier before moving forward in our intimacy.”

  “What are you apologizing for?” There was only a second before I remembered why he had been upset earlier. “I’m not mad, Alastair. Things get confusing. You confuse me constantly. I’m glad you told me instead of letting me wonder if something was wrong. I hate being brushed off. And jealousy is okay. You didn’t throw a fit or smack me around, embarrass me. You were clear, asking questions that I’m fine with you asking. I’m not upset.”

  “You are so, so amazing,” he whispered, and I froze as he knelt before me. “Yes, I am jealous that the man you trusted and wanted to help you has feelings for you. I want to be the only man you turn to. I want to be the one to worship you and be the one to help you when you need it. Do you need my help, darling?”

  I knew he meant more than my dick being hard, and I felt the coldness of the shock start to ebb under the warm water and the gentle hands touching me. I nodded, moaning as he licked my cock.

  “You’re not alone anymore. I’m on your side and here for as long as you want me.”

  “Then don’t plan on going anywhere anytime soon,” I assured him quietly, thrilled I said it when I got the look of relief and heat back from him.

  I got to experience something new as he blew me while finger fucking me. I couldn’t even form words or any coherent noises. When I finished, he quickly stood to keep me standing. He kissed me all over as he washed me, my body too jelly to be of much use.

  “You’d never take advantage of me,” I said to him, addressing his earlier concerns. “I wanted you to comfort me, have the fun we promised. I started it. Even if I was confused and in shock, I wanted nothing but you.”

  “Perfect,” he praised, kissing the tip of my nose.

  The food was waiting for us, crabs from last night and awesome shrimp pasta with alfredo. We shared a plate as we sat on his fancy bed, completely naked as we looked our fill of the other.

  Then we worked off the fuel with some more awesome foreplay.

  Luckily Proximo had thought ahead and brought plate warmers, which Alastair handled on the desk that came with the room. He made us another plate, poured two glasses of the strawberry Champagne, and sat back with me. This time when we finished, he moved me off the bed and made me promise to close my eyes. I did, chuckling at how exciting he was, always something cool around the corner.

  When I looked, the bed was full of rose and calla lily petals. He gave me a hesitant look, but all I did was move to the bed and lie down, smiling at him. “How do you want me?”

  He cleared his throat as he moved closer. “How do you want your first time?”

  “I trust you. Whatever you think is best,” I offered, smiling when his eyes lit up at not just the praise, but I would leave it all to him.

  “Let’s start easy, and then we can change positions,” he suggested, moving me so I was on my hands and knees. “You are so, so delicious.”

  “I love the way you stare at me like that,” I confessed, not used to being naked around someone but willing to always do it if he stared at me that way. “Thanks for being so wonderful about this, Alastair.”

  “Thank you for giving me your first time,” he whispered, kissing my back as he moved behind me. He slicked up my hole, and I flinched when I felt his cock push against me. “You’re more than stretched, but it will hurt a bit. Relax and it will pass.”

  I nodded, knowing that, but yeah, in the moment everything got a bit scary.

  It wasn’t the moment he pushed in me. I moaned as I fisted the sheets, wanting more and feeling like I was free falling at the same time. His hands gripped my hips as he worked more of him in me, our bodies moving together.
  “Darling, you are better than heaven,” he whispered in my ear when he leaned over me, his hips touching my ass. “Does it hurt? Is it bearable?”

  “Doesn’t hurt,” I panted. “A bit of burning and pressure, but so much good too. I think you’re pressing right on my prostate, and wow.”

  “Then let me work you open a bit, and we will change positions so I can see your gorgeous face.”

  I nodded, feeling my whole body flush at the compliment. He pulled out and gently thrust back in a few times before leaving my hole. Alastair guided me to lie on my back, growling when I spread my legs for him. I saw in his eyes he liked that. I went further and pulled my knees to my chest, still spread out for him.

  “An offering from the gods,” he whispered as he ran his hands over my ass and up my thighs. “Nothing else could the beauty before me be.”

  I was vibrating with need at his compliments, his looks—all of it. I cried out when he pushed back into me, the angle changing and my nerves going crazy. His mouth crashed down to mine, his lips and teeth eating me practically.

  I loved it. I loved him wanting me so much, wanting nothing but me. I was pretty sure I loved him.

  “I’m yours, I’m all yours,” I chanted, knowing he wanted to hear it. I was right, and he moved faster, kissed me harder as he made my whole body sing with pleasure. I came and came like a crazy man, screaming my head off. When I finished, I realized he’d stopped moving, staring at me with wide eyes. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “You’ll let me make love to you anywhere and everywhere, in front of anyone to show you belong to me?” he whispered, and I felt my face flush even more as I realized I’d said that during my orgasm. “Would you? Would you do that for me? Let me show you off in front of my friends and others who want your attentions?”

  I gave a slow nod. “Not sure it would be my thing, but I’d try it. If it was what you wanted, I’d try it as long as you didn’t treat me like that was all I was, some sex toy to show off.”

  “No, never,” he promised, moving his hips again. “I may never let you go, Zibon, whether you want to or not. If you ran, I would chase you. If you tried to hide, I would find you. You are mine now, darling.”

  Good. That was exactly what I wanted to be. He tried to take the sting out of his controlling words by making love to me all night and showing me amazing tenderness in between rounds, but I liked he would fight for me.

  I’d never had it before, and it was the one thing I’d always wanted, needed more than words.


  “This place is ghastly,” a woman complained as I reached the cafeteria the next morning. I froze, thinking I was making shit up. “I cannot believe he had to come all the way here.”

  I flinched, realizing it wasn’t in my head. That voice was real.

  And I was in deep shit.

  I glanced around, hoping Alastair was there, freaking out. He had left early, saying he had something to handle with the local humans but he would meet me for breakfast. The idea he might be in the cafeteria already was the only way I got my feet to work.

  “Hello, Mother,” I greeted the woman, noting the group with what I hoped was calm. “Father.” I saw another couple and a woman who looked like their family. “I didn’t hear you were coming.”

  “You don’t get service out here for us to contact you, as it’s been horrible trying to reach you,” Mother complained. Of course she would spin things around in that way… And probably not just for others but in her own head.

  “We have cell reception fine here,” I assured her before looking to my father. “Why have you come?”

  He raised an eyebrow at me as if trying to remind me of my place in life. Funny for him to do now that I was taller and bigger than him, but whatever, let him be all pompous. “Right down to business. Good man.” He gestured to the people with them. “Your mating contracts have been signed. Your mother and I found a perfect fit for you in every way, and your future in-laws wished to meet you right away.”

  Shock was the only reason I simply stood there, to them probably seeming like the obedient son and accepting of what he said. No, I couldn’t get my mouth to work.

  “Absolutely,” the woman of the mated pair said with a bright smile. “One of the heroes of the great zakasacs battle to wipe them out and save our race is exactly who we wanted to mate our Mina. No one less would be worthy of our daughter.”

  I glanced at said daughter and saw the slapped on smile, perfect façade… And terror in her eyes she was desperately trying to hide.

  I met the eyes I wanted among all the shocked everyone at the morning floor show. “Mother, Father, I would like to introduce you to my good friend, London Aberdeen, Councilwoman Aberdeen’s accomplished son.”

  “Oh, you’ve been making respectable contacts even way out here?” Mother asked, fire in her eyes that she’d get a chance to get her hooks into someone good.

  Yeah right, because London hated all that crap more than I did. He played the part, though, and shot me a horrified look no one else could see after he shook Mina’s hand. As I’d thought. Something was seriously wrong with all of this.

  And not just that I was gay, or well, I’d told my parents I was done with them, or there was no way any of this was happening.

  I smiled politely at Mina’s parents. “I’m so sorry you traveled all this way after you illegally all signed mating contracts on my behalf but—”

  “Watch yourself, Zibon,” my father growled. “Remember who you belong—”

  I didn’t even realize I was moving until I fisted the front of his fancy suit and slammed him into the stone wall of the cafeteria, snarling in his face with my fangs out. “I belong to me. I am your son, not your studhorse, not an investment you control. I understand in your insanity that is how you think of children, but it is not how things actually are. This is not happening. You have no control over me. You never did.

  “I played your insane games and got free. I was a child then. I’m an adult now. In what world did you seriously think you could pull this shit and I would just cave? I would mate whoever you wanted to, signing my mating contracts for me? It’s not happening.”

  “It is,” he hissed, his own fangs coming out. “Don’t think you’re out of our reach here, boy. We do own you. You are our family, and we will mate you to who we please, and you will do as you’re told. This brush with independence is over, and we’ve put in your transfer papers to come to the East Coast camp where we have so, so many friends.” He smiled that smile that let me know he knew more than I thought.

  And I felt the floor fall out from under me, knowing how controlling my parents were.

  “You bugged something of mine before I left,” I whispered in horror as I dropped him. That was the only explanation. I’d talked to London outside my room, Wally while running and in the ops conference room, so only one option made sense. “What did you hear, Father?”

  “Enough to know our investment has gloriously paid off,” he purred, greed and everything I hated shining in his eyes. “It’s done. You’re ours and mating who we say, doing what we tell you to, or I—”

  My father was shoved away from me and went flying into the wall, making a huge dent in it. I blinked up at Alastair’s fearful eyes.

  “Do you love me?”

  “What?” I gasped, wondering how we’d gotten there.

  “Do you accept me? Want me like I want you?”

  I nodded, but then I got angry. “You know something, don’t you? You didn’t rush out of bed to do something with humans. What do you know?”

  “That I need you to trust me now. Do you?” he whispered as he cupped my face. “Do you love me?”

  “Yes and yes,” I breathed. I barely got the words out, and his fangs were in my neck. I gasped as he drank from me, climaxing right there and not caring if any and all saw it. When I finished, I slumped against him.

  “I’m so sorry, darling, I seem to have interrupted something,” he purred as he turned me to l
ean against his chest, his arm wrapped around me possessively. “I’m not a fan of people upsetting my mate.”

  “You will die for this,” my father hissed at Alastair as he picked himself off the ground. “Mating him without his permission is—”

  “You think they just mated now?” Morggyan chuckled, all of Alastair’s friends moving up beside him. “Oh no, we all heard Zibon scream to the heavens last night, all night that he was Alastair’s forever.” She gave me a wink. “You are an adventurous one. Perfect for our friend.” She smiled brightly at our guests. “There is leftover mating cakes if you’re hungry. Alastair went all out for his intended.”

  “He is mine, and you cannot have him,” Alastair chuckled darkly. “You try, and you’ll be dead, in-laws or not.”

  “And your council friends have been informed that they no longer support you or Zibon’s transfer,” Nero told them firmly.

  “But the girl stays,” Proximo declared, moving between her and her parents, much to their horror. He turned and snarled at them. “She is terrified and has been since she arrived. She’s more so now because she hoped mating Zibon could save her. What the hell have you done to her that she’d risk mating a stranger to have a better life?” He didn’t let them answer, staring at Mina. “I am Wyrok. We all are. Do you want our protection?”

  “Yes, please,” she rasped, taking his hand and then giving me a teary look. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for my part in this. They told me I had to mate to save the family or they would sell me to councilmen to be their whore to get what they wanted.”

  “I’m not mad at you,” I assured her. “I get coming from crazy.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered and then sank against Proximo, hugging him tightly as she cried in relief, much to his shock. She kept whispering her thanks over and over again. He lifted her into his arms and carried her away, only stopping to tell Alastair he left the rest in his hands.

  “They all know what you can do,” London warned us under his breath. “They have no intention of letting this go. Your father would out you just to punish you for fucking with his plan.”


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