Triple Threat

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Triple Threat Page 20

by H. L. Wegley

  The man screamed and slumped in a quivering heap. His spirit was broken. For the moment, he was a defeated man.

  Josh and Katie stood over the man, each holding a rock to use as a club.

  “Don’t even think about moving or I’ll crack your skull with this rock. Don’t wait for your partner, your girlfriend, or whoever she was. You won’t get any help from her. She was running as fast as she could back to the trailhead the last time I saw her.”

  “I think you’ve intimidated him enough for now, Josh. And I think the tide is turning. The waves are smaller.” But the tide wasn’t what she wanted to talk about. Not after their confessions to each other. “You scared me to death What if he’d found his gun in the water and killed you? Or what if the woman had stayed and shot you?”

  “Then I guess I wouldn’t have gotten to see you until we’re both in heaven.”

  “But you don’t believe in heaven, or God, or—”

  “Before last night that was true. I planned to tell you this afternoon on the beach.”

  “You’ve been different today. Are you saying that you believe me, all my arguments for Jesus and God?”

  “No. I’m saying I believe in the same God that you trust and pray to.”

  She peered into his eyes, looking for the truth. He’d said the words, but…now she saw it in his eyes. The man standing in front of her, who had confessed his love for her, and his faith in God, had told her the truth.

  All of the barriers between them had vanished in a moment of faith.

  A sunburst of joy lit Katie’s heart and mind, leaving her smiling through tears and reaching for Josh.

  “Kate…you…and God, made a believer out of me. I—”

  Kate’s arms wrapped around him.

  “Whoa, Kate.” Josh pushed the man, who was trying to rise, down to the sand with one foot. “You need to save that until—”

  “Who is that around the point? Identify yourselves.” It was the deep voice of a man. Had help arrived?

  “We want to know whose side you’re on,” Katie answered.

  “We’re park rangers, we’re armed. Who are you and what was the shooting about?”

  Katie sighed heavily and leaned against Josh.

  Finally, it was over.


  “Please identify yourselves.” The ranger’s voice boomed out above the noise of the waves. “I’m not coming around the rock until I’m satisfied it’s a safe thing to do.”

  Josh looked at Kate and she nodded for him to do the introductions. “I’m Joshua West and Kate Brandt is with me.”

  “Brandt?” The ranger’s reply sounded as if he was both surprised and puzzled. “Any relation to the Brandt that stopped the trafficking out here about five years ago?”

  Kate moved toward the water. “I’m Kate Brandt. I was one of the captive girls.”

  “Were you…uh, the one who shot out my living room window and got blood all over my carpet?”

  Josh gave Kate a questioning look. “Kate? What is he—”

  “That’s me. Sorry about shooting up your house…and all the rest.”

  Josh checked their prisoner, and then stepped beside Kate. “Changing the subject…we’ve captured one of the terrorists. He’s bound and under control, but the woman ran down the beach and got away.”

  “No. She didn’t get away. The shooting was reported and the tribal police from La Push nabbed her at the parking area. So, you captured the guy with the assault rifle?”

  “Yes, sir,” Josh yelled back. “But the rifle is somewhere off the end of the rock in about five feet of water.”

  Voices mumbled indistinguishable words on the other side of the rock.

  He couldn’t hear what was said.

  “Before I come around this point, I’d like to know what kind of weapons you’re carrying and get assurance that they won’t be pointing my way.”

  Josh drew a breath to reply.

  Kate pressed her fingers against his mouth. “We had five smooth stones. We have four left.”

  “Joshua, huh?” Laughter came from the other side of the rock. “You sure it’s not David?”

  Josh pulled the wannabe-terrorist to his feet. “How about us coming around to meet you. The tide’s receded a little.”

  “Don’t worry, we can manage our prisoner.” Kate yelled, and then gripped the man’s shoulder. She didn’t squeeze, but the guy winced anyway.

  “Alright, you come around. Just let us know when you’re coming.”

  “They’re still a little nervous about this, Kate. Let’s go, but no quick moves, nothing that appears threatening.”

  Josh clamped one hand on their captive’s belt and purposely pricked the skin on the man’s neck with the pocket knife. “Is your ankle up to this, Kate?”

  “It’s good enough. The water will help. Play it safe with him…” she pointed at the terrorist, “…I’ll keep a hand on his shoulder and you slit his throat if he tries anything.”

  Kate was good at intimidation. But then Kate was good at nearly everything.

  “Let’s go, dude. If you behave, you might make it around this rock alive.”


  With four feet of cold water supporting her, Katie could walk on her ankle with minimal discomfort. When they reached the point, she drew a sharp breath.

  The two Rangers stood in a firing stance, the rifles trained on her and Josh.

  Their prisoner surveyed the scene with wary, searching eyes.

  Katie tapped Josh on the shoulder. “He looks like he might try something, Josh.”

  “Zap him, Kate.”

  “No,” the man quickly responded, and then dropped his gaze to the water.

  Josh nudged him firmly toward shore.

  The man complied.

  A short, stocky ranger yanked the prisoner onto the beach, asserting his control over the man.

  The tall ranger extended a hand. “Ms. Brandt, I’m Ranger Virgil Williams.”

  “I’m Katie Brandt and you are a welcome sight, Ranger Williams. This is Joshua West, my…” She sought a word to describe Josh.

  He was studying her face.

  “Uh, my research partner.”

  Josh winced at her words, and then shook the ranger’s hand. “Kate has a badly sprained ankle. Twisted it while this dude was chasing us.”

  The short ranger slid out of his small backpack. “I’m Ranger Decker, Truman Decker. I’ve got just the thing for you. Have a seat on the log back there.”

  She hobbled to the log, sat down, and pulled her shoe off, loosening the laces.

  In a few minutes, the Ranger had done an expert job of taping her ankle, better than some of the trainers in the UW athletic department.

  Katie slid her taped foot into the shoe and tucked the laces in on the sides. She stood. “Feels great. Thanks. I think I can walk on it.”

  Josh watched her closely as she tested her ankle. “If it starts hurting, I’m carrying you, Kate.”

  She looked at the concern on Josh’s face and had the sudden urge to wrap her arms around him. “Remember, Josh, I’m heavier than I look.” She grinned at him.

  “Let’s move out for the trailhead,” Ranger Williams stuck a thumb out, pointing up the beach.


  In addition to the two hundred steps, they had nearly a mile to walk.

  Josh doubted that Kate could do this. He studied her gait.

  Kate walked carefully, but she wasn’t limping. She was also looking at his face…about every third or fourth step.

  “What’s wrong, Kate? Do I need to…wipe my nose, or something?”

  “That’s gross. Men and their little boy humor.” She feigned a pout, but it quickly turned to a smile. “Your face is fine, Josh.”

  After the events and confessions of this morning, he wanted to know what was going on in that beautiful blonde head of hers, but he preferred the rangers not hear their discussion.

  Josh slowed, pulling Kate with him. “What is it? You look different.
Is your ankle hurting? I can carry you.”

  “You’re full of questions. I was just wondering. Now that I’m stuck with you for eternity…”

  “As your research partner.” He gave her a frown. “Was that the best you could come up with?”

  “I didn’t know what to call you. We haven’t formalized our—”

  “Kate, I prefer informal like…” He pulled her into his arms and her lips to his. It didn’t take much of a pull.

  Kate’s eyes closed she relaxed until their lips parted. “Informal is rather nice.”

  “Eternity with Kate Brandt. That sounds rather nice, too.”

  “But, Josh, I don’t know if we get to do that, you know…” she pointed upward, “…up there.”

  That was something Josh hadn’t considered. “But He’ll let us hang out together, won’t He?”

  “I’m sure of it. Forever. And there will be hugs. Lots of hugs in heaven. The way God wired us, we need them.”

  “If you two are able, you need to pick up the pace.” It was Ranger Williams’s voice. “We’ve got a prisoner to deliver to the police.”

  “We’re coming,” Kate answered. “How are you feeling, Josh? Are you tired?”

  “Right now, I’m feeling great.”

  “Good. Because my ankle is killing me.” She gave him her coy smile. “You suppose I could get a lift?”

  He scooped Kate up, an arm under her shoulders and another under her knees.

  She leaned her head against his shoulder.

  “That was our fifth time, Kate.”

  “I know. Maybe even the sixth,” she replied.

  “It wasn’t a kiss on command like the first two.”

  “I know that, too.”

  “What are we going to do about that?”

  “Have a discussion…maybe on our way home.”

  “Is this going to be a good discussion?”

  “We’re going to formalize things. So what do you think, Josh?”


  The debriefing with the police in Forks had been short circuited when Agent Peterson joined them by phone. The formal debriefing with the FBI would be held in Seattle the following day.

  In less than forty-eight hours Josh had gotten two of his family’s cars shot up and impounded for evidence. Once again, Peterson arranged transportation home for Kate and Josh. By 5:30 PM, police had delivered both Kate and Josh safely home.

  On their way home, Kate had defined courting for him. It was what she believed a pre-marital relationship should be.

  Josh liked the idea, too. It was like dating, but dating with a purpose.

  If God didn’t shut the door, it led to marriage.

  Only one thing bothered him about it. He had to face Lee and Granddad again to get permission to court Kate. The event was scheduled for this evening at 7:00 PM. To attend, Josh’s mom had reluctantly agreed to loan him her car for the evening, after he’d promised that no one would riddle the vehicle with bullets.

  Kate had been planted so deeply in his heart that he couldn’t imagine life without her. So much was on the line, that his hands shook as he parked in front of Kate’s house at 6:59 PM.

  When his hand reached for the doorbell, the door swung open, revealing Kate in a stunning lavender sundress.

  He wanted to stand there and soak her in for a few seconds, but Kate took his hand and pulled him into the house.

  “Josh, I can’t believe it.”

  “Me, either.” He couldn’t take his eyes off Kate.

  “What I mean is the man who saved my life today, stared death in the face and destroyed it with a single throw, is shaking in his boots. You ought to feel your hands.”

  “I can’t. They’re tingling, almost numb.”

  “I love you, Josh. More than I ever thought it was possible to love someone. But if you want me, you’ve got to face Dad and Granddad.”

  He took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “I love you too, Kate. I haven’t thought about much of anything except having you in my life since that day at the Key, when you risked your life for your family.”

  “Maybe you need a tranquilizer before you talk with them.”

  Before he could object, Kate pulled him an embrace, closer than ever before, and kissed him softly. “How was that?”

  “Kate, that’s hardly the thing to do to calm a guy down.”

  “You faced them before when they were a much tougher audience. Tonight will be a piece of cake. Just remember one thing.”

  “You are so beautiful, Kate.”

  “Josh, are you listening to me?”

  “Yeah. One thing. What is it?”

  “Whatever conditions they present, you accept them. It’s total surrender, then we’re courting. Got it?”

  “Yeah. Got it.”

  “Dad and Granddad are in the family room. Come into the living room and wait while I get them.” She took his hand and pulled him from the entryway into the living room, and then walked toward the back of the house.

  Kate’s gracefully swaying form went down the hallway, and a tiny hand slipped into each of his hands.

  Grady looked up at him with tentative smile. “You can marry Kaykay if you want to. Mom and Dad had a big dishcussion. I think Dad won. Mom cried, but they kissed and made out, so everything is OK. And you get to marry Kaykay.”

  “Don’t forget, Grady.” Grace looked at her brother.

  “I won’t.” He looked back up at Josh. “You can marry Kaykay on one condition.”

  Josh placed a hand on the little man’s shoulder. “What’s that, Grady?”

  “She hasta’ live in her bedroom down the hall…by mine.”

  Grace pulled on his hand. “Yeah. Kaykay hafta’ live with us.”

  Josh looked down, studying the two serious faces looking up at him. “You two are a great source of intelligence. Did you know that?”

  Grace nodded. “Yeah. We got 200. Mom said God gave it to us so we hafta’ give it away.”

  “Yeah,” Grady said. “Want some?”

  “He gave me some, too. Enough to know that your big sister is a very good person, the woman I want to marry.”

  Kate entered the room and stopped. “Were they telling you I had to live here?”

  “Yeah. They tried to give me a piece of their mind.”

  “Leave Josh alone, you two. He needs to see Dad and Granddad.” Kate led him to the family room and waved him in. “I’ll go console Mom while you men come to an understanding.” She lowered her voice. “Remember, total surrender.”

  He nodded and walked into the interrogation room.

  Lee and Granddad stood.

  “Josh, it’s good to see you in one piece.” Lee smiled and gave him a friendly handshake. “Thanks for taking care of Katie today. I’m relieved to have this terrorist incident behind us.” He paused.

  Josh braced himself.

  “We heard that some things have changed since we talked with you last. Some things that change how we view this relationship between you and Katie.”

  They were making this easy for him.

  He would try to do the same for them. “Kate wore me down with her arguments. You know, last time we talked, I said that I hadn’t really determined what I believed. Kate has solid reasons for her faith. I had no reasons and no faith. But that’s all changed.”

  Granddad stepped beside Lee and gave Josh that piercing stare he had seen a few weeks ago. “Are you claiming Katie’s faith just so you can claim Katie?”

  “No, sir. This afternoon I thought I might not survive the day. But one thing kept me going. I knew that one day I would see Kate again, no matter what this day brought. But I’m thankful that God brought us through safely. And I’m convinced He did it for a reason, and that He brought Kate and me together for a reason. That’s why I’m asking your permission to court Kate.”

  Lee smiled at him. “You have my permission, Josh. But you also need Granddad’s.”

  A smile formed on Granddad’s face and spread across it. �
�You have my permission too, on one condition.”

  “You’re not on Grace and Grady’s side, are you?”

  Granddad laughed. That was a good sign.

  “No. You can take Katie home after you marry. But I am an old man. Feeling older every day. A few years ago, I wondered if I would ever see my great-grandchildren. Then Katie came into our lives. Now I hope to see my great-great-grandchildren. Don’t court too long and…I think you can figure out the rest.”

  This wasn’t what Josh expected to hear. He thought of breaking this bit of news to Kate. Josh tried to stifle his laugh. Tried and failed.

  Soon all three stood laughing, though he hadn’t given Granddad his answer.

  Lee managed to stifle his belly shaking laugh. “I take it that you accept Granddad’s terms?”

  “Yeah. Unconditional surrender.”

  Granddad shook his hand. “You have my blessing. Take care of her, Josh. She’s a good woman, the very best, but she takes too many risks.”

  “We’ve already had a discussion about that, sir.”

  “Congratulations, Josh.” Lee shook his hand. “You’re going to be the envy of every young man in Western Washington. Be sure to have some fun with Granddad’s condition.”

  “Wouldn’t want to waste an opportunity like that.”

  “Kate’s out on the deck, Josh. I saw her trying to listen, so I shut the window before you came in.”

  “Please excuse me, Lee, Granddad.” Josh headed for the door.

  Kate stood at the far end of the deck. The sun was sinking behind the Olympic Mountains behind her, adding to the golden yellow color of her hair. Though her behavior could be impish, in the glow of the sunset Kate looked like Hollywood’s version of an angel, complete with a halo.

  “Well, Joshua West?”

  “It’s official. Formalized. We’re courting.”

  “After the past week and after today, they would never have turned you down.” Kate walked slowly toward him, smiling.

  “You’re not limping. You’re ankle must be feeling better.”

  “Yes, but you could help in that regard.” She took his hands in hers. “You know, there’s no real reason we have to wait, Josh.”

  “Are you proposing to me, Kate? Weren’t you supposed to get down on one knee, or—”


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