Verron: Serve and Protect: Book Two (Verron Series 2)

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Verron: Serve and Protect: Book Two (Verron Series 2) Page 39

by Douglas Varnell

  It had been a while since all the Dragon Guard had been together in one place. Paul had sent out a message that he wanted to meet with them in his office before the party. He knew that once the party was over, everyone would once again be heading in opposite directions. As Paul stood looking at the faces of his closest friends and most trusted warriors he couldn’t help but think how much they had matured over the past five years. Not being one to waste their time, he quickly got down to business, saying, “I can’t believe we’re finally together in the same room. I truly miss the time’s we spent working out and training together. I wish we weren’t all so busy, but having you out there doing the things you do is the whole reason for the Dragon Guard. I know that the original members selected those who have followed and I believe it is time we added a few more to your numbers. I have people in mind that I believe will be everything we expect from a member of this group, but I will never select anyone for the Dragon Guard without your unanimous approval.” He got nods of understanding and appreciation from them all. “So, it is with that in mind that I have called this meeting. I want you to decide if the people I am thinking of will be a good fit for the Guard. We will all be responsible for their training and will have to work with them as well, so I realize the importance of them being a good fit.” Before he could continue, Chase spoke, “Metsis.” Hunter said, “Ibrihim and Lydia.” And Hon IV grumbled in his deep voice, “Ilna.” Paul sat silently and waited for the response. Finally Hunter turned to the rest of his Guard and asked, “Everybody agree?” There was nothing but glowing smiles as they affirmed the four new members. Tala asked, “Gee, Uncle Paul, what took you so long. We’ve been talking about it for months.” He shook his head and began, “Ilna is already enhanced because she had 99s enhanced DNA. He has begun some of her training but we will all have to help with the rest. We will schedule Metsis, Ibrihim and Lydia for enhancement next week. Tlase and Zimuel will be doing a lot of Ibrihim and Lydia’s training since they live with them. Metsis will be living with Daniel, so Chase, Daniel, Tala and Katelyn will be responsible for him.” Turning to Tala he asked, “It’s your party and I don’t want to steal any of your thunder. So, would you rather wait and announce the decision on another occasion?” Tala smiled, and asked, “How about I get to announce it instead of you. After all it is my birthday.” Pavel was about to explode. Paul smiled and said, “Go ahead and tell her. But act surprised when Tala announces it, OK.” He raced out of the room looking for Ilna. Now there were 14; Hunter, Amber, Katelyn, Chase, Daniel, Tala, 99, Cali, Camil, Hon IV, Ilna, Metsis, Ibrihim and Lydia.

  They had managed to keep Tala away from the terrace until after the guests arrived. The timing of the Dragon Guard meeting was not coincidental. When the birthday girl finally entered the terrace the band struck up Happy Birthday and 800 people began to sing, fireworks were launched from across the bay and somewhere someone shot-off a cannon. As Tala looked at the guests, all she could think about was, where’s Brad? She soon saw him waiting nearby with a cold Mountain Dew in his hand just for her. He escorted her around to greet the well-wishers and was in a daze as he met, citizens from Grnardo, Molnar, Darsai, with a very pregnant Princess Tiffanis and her Russian husband, Tramlaw, Tecalna, Xhondar I, II and III, Klelta, Beriya-Haven and of course Earth, representatives of 117 billion people. It was like a thunderous roar when 800 people sang happy birthday. What impressed Paul the most was that every one of these 800 people actually knew Tala, not all were her close friends, but they each knew and respected the little redhead. Paul, Marcus, Michael, Justice and Kary looked on as their children were paired off with their favorite girl or boy. Kary shook his head and asked, “Can’t we lock them all away somewhere for a few more years. This watching my Grandchildren date stuff is making me feel old. Simultaneously they all said, “You are old.” Justice added, “Well, at least you guys don’t have one who will probably get married soon.” They looked at Justice and then at Robert and Amber on the dance floor and wondered when, not if it would happen. Paul turned to the Fathers and said, “It looks like they have their heads screwed on better than we did. I think they are all making good choices.” Kary looked at Paul and asked, “What about you. Think you’ll ever give it another try?” As Paul was giving them a resounding no for an answer, Eu Meh walked up and asked Paul to dance. The grins on his brothers, nephews and ex-son-in-law’s faces made him wonder just how strong his protest had been heard. He was instantly intoxicated by her presence.

  After the food was eaten and people had danced off enough to have room for cake, the Pink Speeder was wheeled onto the terrace and Tala was given a three foot long sword to cut it. She made sure there were plenty of pictures of the cake before she began to cut away. Once everyone had their cake and ice cream, the dance floor was cleared and the presents were presented. There were simply too many for her to publically open all of them, so she mainly opened the ones presented by the visiting dignitaries. There was no shortage of jewels and swords and daggers, Chief Tu gave her two bags of shiny rocks. The bags were made of spider fur and laced with gold thread. Her Daddy gave her one of the first BMW designed transports to come off the line on Verron. Paul couldn’t help but notice the looks on the faces of the people from Xhondar and the other planets. He felt like that present was the best marketing move Marcus had ever made. Chase and Daniel gave her a matched set of solid Verron gold plasma pistols. They were a prototype and only two others existed. No one had ever miniaturized plasma rounds small enough to shoot from a pistol the size of a 9mm. When everything else had been passed out Grandpa Kary gave her his gift. No one knew where he had been hiding it. They later found out that Paul had kept it in his bedroom suite. Kary rolled out into the middle of the dance floor, a brand new, shiny red 1299 Ducati Panigale S with matching Shoei Helmet. Paul could see the admiring looks of those present and he knew just where they could buy one. Kary’s present definitely was at the top of Tala’s favorite list, until later, when Brad gave her a pretty heart shaped necklace he had purchased at the mall for her. Paul consoled his little brother who had just had his $30,000 motorcycle upstaged by a $200.00 piece of jewelry; women.

  While guests from eleven different planets admired the lush leather interior and classic BMW styling or sat on the 1299 Ducati, Uncle Mike and Uncle Les stood close by to answer questions and actually received on the spot orders for new transports. Bhlani left Dalhia’s side long enough to shadow the Ducati and let people know that he had a full line of motorcycles available at his four dealerships. The biggest surprise was King Ishonis Darsai placing an order for a new transport. It would be the only one on his planet, at least until his citizens figured out how to get one of their own. Mahala also placed an order for two, he knew better than to get one without getting one for his wife of 11,000 years. Tala was enjoying her time with Brad so much that she almost forgot about the announcement, until Lydia came over and gave her a hug and wished her a happy birthday. She immediately came out of her daze and headed to the band’s sound system. At first the crowd thought she was going to sing with the band, until she had them quit playing and spoke, “May I have your attention please?” It didn’t take long for silence to fall over the crowd. Tala began, “When I first came here to Verron with my family, I was a confused 9 year-old who wondered what she was going to do without her friends at school. Uncle Paul, I mean, King Verron, found a solution for dealing with his nieces and nephews that was the beginning of the Dragon Guard. For the past five years we have grown in maturity and responsibilities and added a few to our number. As our Nation has grown and we have added more and more allies to our numbers, almost 120 billion, the Dragon Guard realizes that we must also grow to meet the demands of 11 different Nations. Since it’s my birthday, King Verron is allowing me to make an announcement far more important than this celebration tonight. Before the party began, the Dragon Guard held a meeting with King Verron and selected four new members who will be inducted into the Guard and begin training with us and one day assume responsibilit
ies as leaders. I am proud to announce the addition of Metsis Salgorg of Tramlaw, Ilna Verron, Ibrihim Xhondar and Lydia Xhondar to the Royal order of the Verron Dragon Guard. Pavel kissed a very surprised acting Ilna, Chase and Daniel, congratulated Metsis and Tala stepped off the stage and gave Lydia a hug, saying, “I’m no longer the smallest or youngest member of the Guard; make me proud.” Zimuel and Tlase were soon at Ibrihim and Lydia’s side letting them know how proud they were of their new children. The Elders of New Zion approached Lydia and Ibrihim and gave them both hugs of affection. They remembered what the two of them had been through in Syria and were shedding tears of joy for God’s blessing on these two children. They couldn’t wait to go home and tell the entire village. Governor Salgorg and his wife approached Paul after the announcement and he was surprised to find a different attitude from Metsis’ Mother; she declared, “When you asked for permission to add my son to your Dragon Guard I was still trying to cling to my little boy. But now that I have visited Verron and seen firsthand where my son will live and met the people who will be guiding him toward his full potential in life, I am honored to have my son be a part of the Royal Order of the Verron Dragon Guard, I know he will make us all proud.” As she was walking away she abruptly turned and joked, half seriously, “Of course my pain would be better consoled with one of those to run around in,” as she pointed to the new transport. The Governor grinned and shrugged his shoulders. Paul laughed and knew he had been had. His short reply was, “See that tall skinny man with black hair. That’s my Uncle Mike; I’ll bet he will be able to console your grief. Just let him know I sent you.”

  While everyone was still giving words of encouragement to the new Dragon Guard, Tala returned to the stage and asked for her Papaw Kary to join her. She then handed him his acoustic electric and she got hers out of her nearby case. She told the guests, “This is the man who taught me to shoot a gun, how to fight off bullies, and how to ride a motorcycle, but one of the best things he ever taught me and my family was the love for music. It is in honor of Kary Verron, and all he’s done for his family that I want to do my favorite blues song for you tonight. The two did an acoustic version of the Chapel Hill Boogie with Tala playing the lead instead of Kary. He had taught her well. He completely forgot about her liking the necklace, he would always be her Papaw.

  The next morning it was time for the Pilots from Area 51 to return home. Paul had them over to the Mansion for breakfast before they left. Ibrihim, Lydia, Metsis and Ilna arrived in gray commando uniforms and dragon caps and smiles that just would not go away. Paul finally served that promised Kinfu omelet stuffed with BBQ pork left over from the birthday party. Lydia and Ibrihim made the toast and didn’t burn it. Paul was a bit overwhelmed by the level of gratitude these men and women expressed for his hospitality and contribution to their flying skills. Major General Johnson let him know that there would be a full report made to General Dorsey and the Joint Chiefs. The group gave sincere congratulations to the new members of the Dragon Guard and took the elevators down to the hanger. Renee had already left in the Dragon Wagon and since there was so much to transport back to Area 51, Paul had a Gljarne Class Destroyer in the hanger bay awaiting them. It only cleared the door by inches, but sat snugly in the middle of the huge hanger. Both Interceptors were on board, along with four Crotch Rockets the Area 51 Security Director had procured, Tala’s new BMW designed transport and a red Ducati 1299. The pilots had souvenirs and were going home with much more than they had arrived with. Amber gave Robert a kiss goodbye and headed back for the Academy, Tala had Brad take the copilot seat with her and Lieutenant Cruz was given a kiss, he would not soon forget, from Uduak, looking very alluring in a white lace sun dress with peasant style shoulders. No one was sure where the two of them had disappeared to after the party, and no one was about to ask. As the big ship inched its way out the hanger door, Paul knew that he had made 26 new friends and allies from the United States, actually 27, he had almost forgotten about the security director and his new crotch rockets. He turned to see Uduak smiling at the departing ship, she asked, “How do you think they would respond if I showed up in Area 51?” She walked away laughing at the thought. Paul wondered how long it would be before she did it.

  Chapter 13

  Dr. Desiree Verron and Marie Parks had been baking in the hot Kenyan sun for a few weeks now. Both were glad that their father had sent the Marine security detail and had the luxury of sleeping, eating and showering in the big converted freighter. The four refugee camps had been given the inoculations of Verron serums and the results were obvious in every camp. Doctors from numerous health organizations had been doing blood-work to analyze the results of the serums being administered. Word was spreading across Africa of the miraculous cures taking place in Kenya and the Center for Disease Control had sent a team of research chemists to Kenya to see just what was going on and how they were doing it. The FDA was under pressure from the drug companies to keep the Verron drugs away, but the public outcry had become so loud that they were about to open the doors for the Verron Serums to come to America. They could no longer ignore the hundreds of thousands of now healthy men, women and children in Kenya. The biggest problem now was keeping these refugees housed and fed until the conditions back home in Somalia were stable enough to go home safely and begin to rebuild their lives. A new load of Nutrition Bars were delivered and to everyone’s surprise, they tasted great. Evidently the heavy demand from the refugee camps had used the warehouse full of the original product and they were now receiving the new and improved version. It reminded Desiree of Strawberry Newton’s. They also were dispensing clean water and Verron wheat for making breads and cakes. With the nutritional supplements in the wheat, the people were getting a well-balanced meal each time they ate the food provided.

  The governments of Africa had grown so accustomed to high death rates in these camps that they had become concerned now with the fact that these people were now healthy enough to work, but had no place to work. It was time to make some changes. Those changes arrived in the form of the construction crews from Mississippi beginning to erect power facilities, waste water treatment systems and drilling water wells. A terraforming agricultural team was due to arrive the following week to review what needed to be done to produce enough food to feed these homeless families.

  Absame Bahdoon was a good man and lived up to his name in every way. He was a devoted husband and loving father of three beautiful young girls. It was this undying love and devotion that the men from al-Shabaab were counting on. They had broken into his home while he was gone and raped his wife and held his wife and children hostage until he obeyed their demands for him. He knew that there was no way to ever see his family alive again if he didn’t comply. He had started his long walk across the border of Somalia into Kenya over a week and half ago and was now in the heart of the refugee camp where the Devil’s women were giving medicine to those who had fled the true faith of Islam. Absame had been searched for weapons before he was admitted to the long line leading into the huge spaceship/hospital. When he passed the pole that held up a nearby shelter, he reached beside it and found the long carbon-fiber knife exactly where he was told it would be. Slipping it under his shirt, he continued in the line until he reached the station where the two women were giving shots to refugees. He sat down in front of the one with dark curly hair that people referred to as Marie. As she turned to prepare the syringe for his injection he pulled the knife from his shirt and drove it three times into her back. Hitting her kidney and puncturing her lungs with the long razor sharp blade. He died instantly when one of the nearby Marines put a bullet through his skull; he would never see his children again. He had prayed to Allah that their kidnappers would set them free as promised.

  Without hesitation, Desiree ran to her sister’s body lying in a pool of her own blood on the ships hanger bay floor. She had two big Marines carry her immediately to the upper deck of the ship, where they had two regeneration chambers in the medical bay; King Verron had
insisted on it. While Desiree was removing her sister’s clothing to place her in the chamber, the forcefield fell out of her pants pocket; it was turned-off. If her younger sister wasn’t about to die, she would have killed her for being so stupid, or more likely naïve. Desiree was using the wand on the open wounds, while her assistant prepped the chamber, and partially closed the gaping holes. She said a prayer just before she closed the chamber and activated the emergency regeneration mode. It was programmed to focus immediately on life sustaining repairs, before it did anything else. Marie’s vitals had almost ceased. Within the first 15 minutes they began to stabilize. If it had not been for the chamber that their Dad had insisted they install onboard, Marie Parks, King Verron’s youngest daughter, would be dead. Desiree was about to call in a report of the incident to Verron Medical but the Marine commander beat her to it. He was blaming himself and his Marines for their negligence, but Desiree assured him that Marie was going to be alright and it was not his fault. The word broadcast through the Verron communications system spread fast. Within an hour, Hunter arrived to check on his Aunt Marie. Not long after that, King Verron arrived with Marie’s mother, Leona. While she visited her daughter, Hunter and Paul met with the Marines investigating the attack. Hunter soon returned to the Carl Vinson and his Terrorist Elimination Unit; things were going to get very bad for terrorist living in Somalia by midnight that night.


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