Verron: Serve and Protect: Book Two (Verron Series 2)

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Verron: Serve and Protect: Book Two (Verron Series 2) Page 58

by Douglas Varnell

  President Aziz finally could stand it no longer, and asked, “I know that the things you have done and the weapons you have been using could come from no other place but Verron, but who are you?” Hunter didn’t bother to lower his headgear and introduce himself, he replied, “Your new best friend. I’ll keep in touch, we’ve still got a lot of work left to do in Afghanistan, but today has definitely shifted things in our favor.” With that, he and his men boarded the still cloaked transports and headed back to their aircraft carrier. It had been the longest day and most significant victory of their campaign. Everyone was feeling like they were finally making a difference. As they were approaching the ship one of the Navy Seals on the team clamped Hunter on the shoulder and commented, “I wish I had known you ten years ago. We just won a victory over thousands of heavily armed Taliban without one single casualty. Every time we do what we do, I think of the seven good men I lost in this hell-hole ten years ago. I feel like today we are finally making a difference.”

  The coup-attempt had also been carried out Jalalabad, Mazari Sharif and Herat. Hunter did not want to lose his momentum and allow the Taliban to get settled or have time to reorganize. As soon as he got word of what was happening, he rearmed his Transports and his men and led the other half of his Unit immediately to hit the Taliban while they were in a state of disorganization from the loss of their supreme commander and their defeat in Kabul. Those who had just returned from Kabul were told to rest and prepare to leave as soon as the commandoes boarding the transports returned. Of particular interest now was Kandahar International Airport where the U.S. had helicopters and fighter jets that had been turned over to the new U.S. friendly Afghan government. There were a few hundred U.S. Air Force personnel on sight for training and technical support, but the flying was now being done by the Afghan Air Force. The coup had been overwhelmingly successful at the Air Base and 35 U.S. security soldiers had been killed in the Air Base take-over. There was no way Hunter was going to allow Fighter Jets and Helicopter gunships to remain in the hands of enemy forces. He only had his two Transports and they were being used on his sweep through the major cities targeted by the coup attempt. It only took one com-call to King Verron and within an hour two Class X Fighters blasted out of the stratosphere fifty miles from the Kandahar Airport and following close behind were four more troop transports with Verron Marines to assist the sweep of the cities where the Taliban had taken control. There were now 3000 soldiers in body armor on the ground in Afghanistan. When Hunter questioned his grandfather’s reasoning for sending in so many Marines, he replied, “Carpe diem – Seize the day. There is no better time than the present to take advantage of the momentum you have started. I’ll send more if we need them. If we can stabilize Afghanistan, then you can focus your efforts in other places.”

  Over a period of 72 hours, everything in the Air or on the ground that was not part of the anti-terrorist team was considered a fair target. With an estimated strength of 80,000 Taliban and no doubt an additional 20,000 ISIS supporters in Afghanistan, Hunter determined that based on the ammunition used, there were at least 70,000 fewer Terrorist in Afghanistan and of the 30,000 remaining, many of them had fled into Iran or Pakistan. The news channels were inundated with coverage of men in gray body armor marching through the streets of the major cities of Afghanistan being cheered by the locals as they summarily shot anyone with a weapon, many of them being pointed out by the people in the streets, and the tracer-rounds that appeared to come out of nowhere as the Transports continued to lay-waste to any military vehicles on the ground. There was a camera crew on the ground at Kandahar International Airport when the two Class X Fighters turned 150 jets and 50 helicopters to rubble and when Verron Marines marched in and rescued the 150 U.S. Airmen being held captive, as well as the 200 travelers stranded in the Airport Terminal. To most, the unnamed leader of the Terrorist Elimination Unit was a hero, bringing freedom to millions, but to others he was considered a butcher who indiscriminately killed anyone in his way, the most damning footage being taken from a hotel across the street from the Capital steps when unarmed Islamic Clerics were vaporized when they attempted to surrender. The video footage was especially poignant when the smirk on Mohammad Omar’s face turned to a look of terror when he realized his life was about to end. The liberal press had a field day denouncing the barbarian that had so coldly taken another man’s life.

  When the U.N. Peacekeepers arrived and the elected government was once again in control, President Aziz made a public speech thanking those who had rid his country of its greatest enemy and who had destroyed the opium poppy crops and illegal drug manufacturing facilities. With the fighting over, aid workers from around the world began to pour into Afghanistan to help them reorganize. There were a lot of widows and orphans now in the country and special attention was being taken to provide for those who had lost their husbands and sons to the war. Hunter decided to give his men some much needed leave and sent them home for the Christmas Holidays. Of course no one in their home countries knew what they were doing and where they had been. The USS Carl Vinson made for Diego Garcia for resupply and to meet-up with the two transports that had been provided by Hunter to carry the ship’s crew back to the States free of charge. One landed in San Diego and the other in Norfolk and would return them back to the ship when their shore leave was over. The Verron members of the team were not about to leave their transports or their weapons onboard the carrier without them there. They loaded everything onboard the transports and headed for some much needed R&R on Verron.

  He wasted no time getting to the Hacienda and a warm welcome from his Mom and Stepfather. He felt like he needed to unwind a couple of days before he talked to King Verron or his father General Hall. He had a lot on his mind and needed to sort it out before he spoke with them. He was struggling with the label that had been placed on him and his unit by the media and outspoken liberals back on Earth, Verron Death Squad is what they were being called, not Liberators, or Freedom Fighters, or Defenders of Justice, but Death Squad. He thought, “Even Assassins sounds better than that.” What really upset Hunter the most was not necessarily the name he was being called, but the fact that he was beginning to agree with it. Only he truly knew the number of lives that had been lost under his command. Counting the War on Darsai, his activities in Africa, Iraq and Afghanistan, he knew he was well within reach of a half million. He crashed in the hammock on the terrace overlooking the river below and the mountains nearby, ate a big piece of his Mom’s pecan pie and drank a Diet Coke and wondered how many more would lose their lives before it was over.

  Hunter avoided everyone for a few days and was soon joined by Amber; home from the Academy. Robert had promised his parents he would meet them at their Florida home in West Palm Beach for the Christmas Holidays. He would have preferred to be with Amber on Verron but realized he needed to spend a little time with them to break them in to the fact that he was in love with a girl from outer space and planned to marry her, that is, if she said yes when he asked. Hunter and Amber had always been best friends and hadn’t realized just how much they had missed each other over the past year. The two would get up early and go for a freestyle run in the mountains and workout in the family gym, still trying to beat the stuffing out of one another when they practiced their Jxansa Gha. Both had forgotten how good it felt to have a sword in their hands and how challenging and intense the training could be. But when they weren’t leaping across canyons, scaling cliffs at a run or trying to beat each other senseless, they spent a lot of time talking, her talking about Robert and her future as the Commander of the Verron Air Force and him about how it was beginning to get to him about all the killing he had done since arriving on Verron six years earlier. Amber was wise beyond her years and gave him a hug, saying, “Grandpa has always told us that if we can kill without remorse or become too comfortable with it, then we need to quit. We had to kill billions of Jhxunka and we’ve had to kill invaders from Qualoc, you had to kill those people on Darsai, if we did
n’t do what Grandpa has been training us to do ever since we got here then how many more people would have lost their lives or their freedom. None of us wants to kill other living things, but you know as well as I do, it is still the only sure way to keep them from killing others. I now realize what a heavy burden Grandpa must be carrying. He knows that Verron is the only thing that stands between the total annihilation of the human race and many non-human races as well. If we fail, think of the billions, probably even trillions who will perish. I guess we have to look at the big picture and try not to focus on just Earth. If we, I mean Verron, pulled back and just left Earth alone, how long do you think they would last against the Qualoc or the Volvs? Our life isn’t destined to be easy; it’s destined to make a difference.” Hunter looked at his little sister and smiled, asking, “How did you get to be so smart?” She smiled and answered, “I took after Mom instead of Dad.” Hunter turned to head to the kitchen in search of another piece of pecan pie before Amber discovered it in the fridge, and replied, “Better not let Dad hear that.” From down the hall came the voice of Renee, shouting, “He already knows it.”

  Hunter had avoided King Verron for nearly five days as he spent time with his family, his cousins, even the remaining surfers who were calling Verron home. Since there is no unemployment on Verron and the five remaining surfers needed jobs, Renee had found two of them employment on her ranch, two of them were working in the sporting goods section at J.C. Penny’s and one major surprise was the remaining surfer who everyone called Doc and who turned-out to actually be a medical doctor who had resigned his practice when he couldn’t save his own child after falling off the balcony of his home. The death of the child had ruined his marriage and he had no heart for the medical profession. Renee had convinced him that his education coupled with the technology available on Verron would save a lot of lives and give new meaning to his own. After seeing just how different medicine was on Verron, he began to cry, saying, “If I had lived on Verron my son would still be alive.” He apprenticed to Tlase and Dr. Joe Verron and was given King Verron’s blessing to begin a pediatric unit for children with life-threatening illnesses and birth-defects. He was like a new man and wondered if he could convince his ex-wife to join him.

  After having lunch with Doc and his Mother, Hunter headed for Mountain City to see King Verron. No one could understand why King Verron chose to keep his office in Mountain City when he had such beautiful buildings in the heart of Capital City. He held public meetings, the occasional court and diplomatic meetings in the office he maintained there, but for security reasons, he preferred the limited access provided by having his office a few floors below the Mansion, with very limited access to those not on his Command Staff. The Dragon Guard actually had an office down the hall from Paul’s. It was rarely used, but gave them access to Lucy and any vital information they may require.

  Hunter was in no hurry, so he took a public transport across the bay to Mountain City. The people on board were shocked to see a member of the Dragon Guard using public transit. One of the well-meaning Xhondar transplants who now lived in Mountain City and worked for Zimuel asked, “You must be new here. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you before. I don’t intend to be rude, but aren’t the Dragon Guard the only ones who are supposed to wear that kind of cap. Just thought I’d warn you, wouldn’t want you to get into any trouble.” Hunter observed the shocked look on the faces of some of the people he recognized as long-term residents of Mountain City. He smiled at the man and politely removed his cap and replied, “Thank you, sir. I wouldn’t want to get into any trouble over having a dragon on my cap.” The man quickly responded, “Oh, it’s OK to have a dragon on a cap, hat, shirt or anything else, just not that particular design.” Hunter once again replied, “I’ll try to remember that.” Hunter paused and continued, “So you live in Mountain City now? What job assignment have you been given?” The man proudly answered, “I’m a gemologist from Xhondar II. The King’s cousin, Robert Neal, was so overworked and had little experience in gems from various planets so I have been assigned to his staff.” As the shuttle to Mountain City landed in the hanger, Hunter exited quickly through the side door to be greeted by 99 and Ilna back from the Cape for the Holidays. Ilna embraced Hunter and 99 shook his hand, as he said, “God it’s good to see you Prince Hunter. We have got to get together for a run and a workout now that everyone is on Verron.” He put his cap back on as he walked toward the restricted elevators up to the Executive Offices. The Gemologist from Xhondar II saw and heard the greeting; he looked at his fellow passengers and asked, “I just made a rather big fool of myself didn’t I?” One of his coworkers popped him in the back of the head and laughed, saying, “I can’t wait to tell Robert. Maybe he has a picture of all his cousins in his office so you can see what the royal family looks like. Everyone on Verron knows Prince Hunter and that blond ponytail. By the way, he’s also heir to the thrown; probably be King one day.” A few hours later a courier arrived with a parcel for the Xhondarian. He opened the brown paper bag and removed a dragon cap and a photo of Prince Hunter. It was in Inga’s hand writing, saying “Welcome to Verron. After six years of living here and our population growing from 3 founders to nearly 100 million residents, I can’t expect everyone to know who I am. Let me know if I can do anything for you. Feel free to wear this at home, but it might be wise not to wear it in public. God Bless, Prince Hunter Verron-Hall.” Enclosed with the cap, was an autographed picture of Prince Hunter and the rest of the Dragon Guard.

  King Verron heard his Grandson’s unmistakable laugh as he gave his cap to Inga with a message for someone. It was actually Paul who gave him the photo of the Dragon Guard. He pointed out that they needed to make a new photo to include Metsis, Ibrihim, Ilna and Lydia while everyone was on the planet for a couple of weeks. He was warmly embraced by his Grandpa and escorted into the office. He felt so good about being in familiar surroundings and among friends that he was smiling so hard it hurt his face. Inga couldn’t help but notice the adorable dimples when he smiled. She thought, “He definitely got that from his mother.” She knew that because General Justice Hall was standing in the door to greet his son almost immediately after Paul did. General Zarman and General Zhdanov were just inside the door when Hunter entered with his Grandpa and Dad. Vlad gave him a big Russian hug; General Zarman gave him a good firm handshake. They all sat around the office in chairs and on the sofa and discussed the things that had been going on with the other planets that composed the allied Nations. Hunter was staggered by the progress being made on planets that had only been part of the system for a short period of time. He was especially pleased to know that there was a large installation on Darsai and that King Darsai had assigned 500 men to be trained in modern weaponry and fighting techniques. Five of those men were on Verron undergoing flight training. His mouth popped open when King Verron added, “We also have 10 Lyncardi undergoing full military enhancement and scheduled to be trained by 99 when they complete it. It’s a test group. How well they do will determine if there will be more. They really are quite intelligent, just illiterate and they learn very fast. You should see them in Jxansa Gha training.”

  Hunter soon had his opportunity to discuss his operation and the progress he had made and how much more there was to do. He felt like it was an endless and thankless task, especially with the never ending bad press his team of fighters was receiving. He then confronted the three men he knew would understand his mixed feelings about war. The three General’s in the room had seen action in Afghanistan and lost a lot of good men to the Taliban. They were encouraging to Hunter to not give up and reminded him that he had accomplished more in Afghanistan than 50 years of Russians, Americans, and U.N. troops put together. Paul sat and listened to his Grandson talk about things that most commanders of armies don’t deal with until they were well into their middle years. Here was a young man who had just turned 25 who had already commanded armies and fought wars in two solar systems and seen more death than the other three genera
ls in the room combined. He was tasked with the assignment to eliminate thousands of years of terrorism from a planet of 11 billion people. It was time to give him a little more help. He didn’t want Hunter burned-out before he was 26.

  Paul waited for a break in the conversation and began by saying, “Hunter, we are all proud of what you have accomplished in a short time and with only 100 men. I believe that it is time that we gave you a little more support. I would never expect you to stay behind while your men did the fighting, but I also know that you cannot go on every single mission like you have been.” Turning to General Zarman, he asked, “Jim, I’ve trained all the Earth forces I intend to train for now, could you arrange for two more cloaked transports and an additional 100 Verron Marines to be assigned to General Hunter’s command when he returns to Earth after the Christmas break. I want you to promote Lieutenant Colonel Dumas to Colonel, Major Bentley and Major Martinez to Lieutenant Colonel and select a few others to move up a notch, actually that should be Brigadier Hall’s job.” Before Hunter could speak, Paul continued, “Oh, yeah, it won’t do to have two Brigadier Halls, so Justice your now a Major General. Our military is growing at an almost alarming rate and we need to advance quite a few people to be sure we have the right people in place we need to command. Hunter smiled and finally spoke, “Brigadier General Hunter Verron-Hall. I can’t wait to tell Amber.” Paul laughed and replied, “I intend to make her one as soon as she gets back from the Academy next year. So enjoy your gloating while you still can.” Major General Hall patted his son on the shoulder and informed him, “Don’t gloat too much, she’s still smarter than you.” Hunter looked at his Dad and laughed, asking, “Do you have the Hacienda bugged?” Shaking his head with a grin, he told him, “No, but when it comes to you two, your mother and I still keep no secrets. But don’t worry; you got part of your mother’s brains and all of my good looks. I may have to start calling you George now. As I recall, General George Armstrong Custer had long blond hair and often wore it pulled back in a ponytail. I hope you’re smarter than him, General.”


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