Hell of a Witch (Crypt Witch Cozy Mystery Series Book 2)

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Hell of a Witch (Crypt Witch Cozy Mystery Series Book 2) Page 18

by K. E. O'Connor

  Frank hissed and advanced on Eligos. My body heated to an uncomfortable level, and my clothes were soaked with sweat.

  “Be careful,” I cautioned Frank. “You’re fighting in a human body. My body. I need it in one piece.”

  “I make no guarantees.”

  Perfect. Frank was in full-on hunter mode, and I could do nothing but watch from the sidelines as he trashed my body.

  I caught a glimpse of Dazielle, who was focused on crowd control and keeping any non-magicals from seeing what was about to go down between two demons.

  Eligos crouched and charged Frank, who dodged me out of the way with ease. My fist made contact with the back of Rachel’s head, and my knuckles protested as they slammed into bone.

  “Go easy!” I yelped.

  Frank simply laughed as he threw himself onto Rachel’s back. This was fun to him, but if he didn’t rein it in, I’d be wearing bruises for weeks.

  “Magic barrier in place,” Dazielle shouted to me.

  That barrier would do nothing to protect me but would stop the gawking non-magical onlookers from seeing the truth about Willow Tree Falls. They weren’t going to tick watched two demons in a knock-down fight off their bucket lists today.

  Eligos flipped me on the ground. I just had time to roll out the way of Rachel’s bare foot as she tried to smoosh my face into the dirt. Death by calloused heel was not the way to go.

  “We need to get that ring off her finger,” I said to Frank.

  “It would look lovely in my collection.” Frank pushed me to my feet, and the demons circled each other.

  “We’re not keeping it.” Once I had that ring, it was going somewhere no one could get their hands on it.

  Rachel grabbed me in a headlock, and we hit the ground again. Her arm wrapped around my neck, and she squeezed so tightly my eyes bulged. That ring was giving her serious amounts of muscle power.

  “Frank! Do something.” Only Frank could hear my plea, and I had to be desperate to ask him for anything, but if he didn’t get me out of this headlock, something was going to break.

  “I’m having a little trouble.” I’d never heard Frank sound so panicked. “Need a way out.”

  “Tempest, hold on. We’re here.”

  I recognized Aurora’s voice. Through my tear-filled eyes, I spotted Aurora, Mom, Auntie Queenie, and Granny Dottie standing in a row. I just had time to shut my eyes as their combined magic blasted into Rachel and Eligos.

  Rachel’s body slammed to the ground, taking me with her. Fortunately, her iron tight grip loosened. I shoved myself out from under her arm.

  Frank took control again. He grabbed the finger that had the Ring of Halo on it and tugged. The sickening crack I heard was bone breaking. The ring slid into my hand, and I rolled away as angels piled on top of Rachel.

  Frank was still on fire inside me, and he wasn’t done fighting just yet. For a second, I had control of my own voice.

  “Hit me!” I yelled at my family.

  Aurora’s eyes widened. “Are you sure?”

  “Blast me with something powerful.” My control was gone as Frank’s energy shot up my spine and over my head.

  A warm blast of magic flowed through me, and I relaxed. I knew this power. It was a feeling I’d grown up surrounded by. It was love and protection and kindness. It was everything my family stood for. It gave me enough of a boost to shove away Frank’s power and regain control.

  I rolled over and slammed face first into the side of a building.

  Frank still lingered below the surface, but he wasn’t pushing me. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think he was concerned about my well-being or maybe simply licking a wound or two of his own.

  I lay there, watching the flurry of white feathers as angels subdued Rachel. She was still holding residual power from the ring I had yanked off her finger but looked easier to control.

  The angels pulled her onto her feet, her hands behind her back, and marched her away.

  Dazielle walked over to me, caution etched on her face. “How are you doing?”

  I coughed, and a sulphurous belch came out. I waved my hand in front of my face. “I’m still not quite myself.”

  Dazielle held out a hand to help me up, but I gestured her away. “I think I’ll stay here for a while and make sure everything is as it should be.”

  Dazielle nodded. “You’ve just saved Willow Tree Falls.”

  “Does that mean you owe me one?”

  Dazielle snorted in surprise then nodded. “Perhaps it does.”

  I watched as she strolled away, confidence oozing from her now she had success in bringing Rachel to justice.

  Wiggles bounded over, followed by Mom, Aurora, Auntie Queenie, and Granny Dottie.

  I forced myself to stand, despite not trusting my knees to hold me up. Wiggles paced in front of me. He looked anything but the chilled-out hellhound he usually was.

  Mom engulfed me in a hug. “How are you? I hope our magic didn’t do you harm.”

  “You know me. I come from tough stock.” I stepped back and smiled at everyone. “Thanks for the blast of magic.”

  Granny Dottie also hugged me. “We were worried about you, my girl.”

  “There’s nothing to worry about. Not anymore.” I opened my hand to reveal the ring.

  Everyone took a step back, their eyes wide as they stared at it.

  “Do you know what you’re holding?” Mom asked.

  “The reason everything’s been so weird around here lately.”

  “You must get rid of it,” Granny Dottie said.

  “I brought this to contain it.” Auntie Queenie opened what looked like an ordinary wooden box.

  As I slid the ring inside, it glowed a dazzling purple as she snapped the lid on it. “That will keep it safe for a short while.”

  “It needs to go back to the forest. Suki is its protector,” I said.

  “We’ll make sure no one else gets their hands on it,” Mom said.

  “That sounds good to me.” I felt my eyes trying to close. Having a fight with a human possessed by a demon was never my idea of fun.

  Aurora looped an arm around my waist. “Let’s get you home.”

  I smiled feebly as I let them lead me away. Home, a week of sleep, and no more hassle sounded just about perfect to me.

  Chapter 19

  After several hearty meals fed to me by Mom and an amazing night’s rest in my old bedroom at the family home, I felt a hundred times better. Willow Tree Falls was safe again, the Ring of Halo had been contained, and it looked like Rachel was neck deep in Nick’s murder. She must have killed him to get her hands on the ring. All the angels had to do was get a confession out of her. Even they couldn’t mess that up. Everything felt right with the world.

  I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Mom was in her usual place by the stove, stirring what smelled like an enormous vat of strawberry preserve.

  “Would you like some breakfast?” she asked.

  “Actually, I thought I’d go out and celebrate after yesterday’s fun,” I said.

  “My food isn’t good enough to celebrate over?”

  I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. As much as I loved my mom, she could be a little on the stifling side. I was used to living with just Wiggles and not being fussed over. “Thanks, but I’ll pass. I’ve got a couple of loose ends to tie up with this case. I need to report in to Angel Force to make sure Suki has been released and Rachel is safely behind bars with no chance of getting out.”

  “Of course. Do tell Suki she’s welcome at ours anytime. We always have room for a wood nymph.”

  After saying goodbye, I left with Wiggles and strolled back to the main street.

  “Can we have pizza for breakfast?” Wiggles asked.

  “I was thinking an enormous smoothie bowl covered in nuts, grated chocolate, and dried fruit.”

  “What’s wrong with pizza?”

  “It’s not exactly a health food. I feel like I need to take better care of mysel
f after yesterday.” I touched a bruise on my butt. Everything felt a little sore, even after Mom had performed several healing spells on me.

  “You might, but I’m still stress eating after seeing you almost killed by a demon.”

  “You’re stress eating?” I rolled my eyes. “We’ll consider pizza for lunch.”

  A white van was parked outside of Unicorn’s Trough as we neared it. James was strutting around the outside of the van, a smug look on his face.

  He scowled when he saw me before glaring at Wiggles and being careful to keep a safe distance. “I don’t suppose I can get an exclusive story on what happened here yesterday? I’ve been asking around, and everyone is tight-lipped. That always means there’s something juicy if they don’t want to tell me.”

  “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

  “I have a source who tells me you were in the center of the action,” James said. “It will be a real scoop if I can find out what it was, especially since I have my new promotion. I need to make a splash with an exclusive.”

  “I’m happy for you. I still don’t know what I can do to help.”

  “You can tell me if my source is correct.”

  I glanced around, wondering exactly who his source was. As soon as I discovered them, I’d make sure they never talked to another journalist again. “What do you think you know?”

  James grinned. “There’s something different about you. You might be the next Uri Geller.”

  I arched an eyebrow. “Isn’t that the guy who bends spoons?”

  “He’s psychic. Some believe he has magic powers.”

  I snorted a laugh. “We’ve been here before. A smart guy like you believes in magic?”

  “I’m not the only one. My source tells me that the hunt for magic is what got Nick killed. My source also tells me Rachel went off the rails and killed him for it.”

  “If that’s true, then magic doesn’t sound like the sort of thing you want to mess with. You need to look for another story. How about a sympathetic report of your good friend Nick Saunders?”

  “That’s boring. I’m not leaving here until I get the truth about you and this place. There’s more to this backward little hamlet than hot water that stinks and ancient stones. You’re hiding something here.”

  My nails dug into my palms as I smiled at him. “Why don’t you come have breakfast with me? I’d like to hear everything you know.” Then I could make a decision about what to do with James. I couldn’t risk him leaving Willow Tree Falls and running a lurid story about us. We’d get all kinds of spook hunters arriving to see the freaks of the village if I did.

  James winked at me and adjusted his collar. “I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist me for long.”

  “You don’t know what a struggle it’s been. This way.” I headed into Unicorn’s Trough and nodded at Brogan as I sat at my favorite table by the window.

  James settled opposite me and stretched his legs. “I have to admit I wasn’t looking forward to yet another boring small town story, but being here has been an adventure.”

  “You don’t say. What kind of adventure have you been having?”

  “This place is full of secrets. Everyone who lives here is hiding something. I believe it’s the same something.”

  “You don’t really believe the magic theory, do you?”

  Brogan came over, a curious look on his face as he saw me with James, especially since we’d argued the last time we were in here. “What will it be, folks?”

  “I’ll have the goddess smoothie bowl and the biggest mug of coffee you can find,” I said.

  James ordered waffles and fresh fruit. “What is this big mystery? I thought it might be you were all hiding an old diamond mine or an untapped source of oil and didn’t want anybody to know about it.”

  “No, it’s nothing like that. This place is as dull as you think it is.”

  “There is no magic ring?” He raised his eyebrows and stared hard at me.

  “Nick did talk about a ring,” I said. “Maybe he meant an engagement ring for his unstable girlfriend.”

  “It has to be more than that.” James drummed his fingers on the table in an irritating rhythm. “The police won’t tell me anything.”

  “That’s because there’s nothing to tell. It’s time for you to move on and hassle another village for a story that doesn’t exist.”

  He watched me in silence, his gaze full of mistrust. I was telling him nothing. It was time to change the subject.

  “Do you know how Jenny’s doing?” I asked.

  “Why should I be interested in her?”

  I gave a small shake of my head. “She’s your assistant.”

  James shrugged. “She’s out of the hospital. I’ve got her loading up the van.”

  This guy was a real piece of work. “You do know she was attacked yesterday by Rachel, right?”

  “Sure, but there’s nothing wrong with her now.”

  That was strange. Jenny couldn’t even sit up in bed unaided when I saw her. “Her hands were messed up. She shouldn’t be carrying anything and definitely not loading your equipment into a van.”

  “She said it wasn’t a problem. Jenny had some bandage straps on her hands, but I don’t see what all the fuss is about. There’s barely a scratch on her. She was being hysterical.”

  “Jenny has a right to be. She was in a bad way when she was found after Rachel attacked her.”

  “You know what women can be like when they get catty.” James smirked at me. “Have you ever fought over a guy?”

  “They weren’t fighting over a guy.”

  “That’s not what Jenny says. She told me Rachel got jealous and went for her. I can’t understand it. Nick had no drive, no get up and go. Why would they have fought over him? Rachel needs a real man if she wants to go places.”

  “Do you think you’re that real man?”

  His smug smile turned lecherous. “Why don’t you let me show you?”

  “There’s no need. I’ve already made my mind up about you.”

  “What does that pretty little mind of yours tell you?” James leaned over the table and tried to grab my hand.

  “Is there a problem here?”

  I looked up, surprised to see Axel standing at the counter, glaring at us.

  I waved away his concern. “Nothing for you to worry about.”

  Axel glared at James before turning away.

  “Is that your boyfriend?” James asked.

  “A friend. So, you really made Jenny go back to work already?”

  “Of course, if she stops working, she’ll be forgotten in five minutes. There are always people chasing after these assistant positions, looking to get a foot in the door with journalism. She can’t afford to take time off.”

  “She must be in a lot of pain.”

  “When you’re motivated, you get things done,” James said. “And I’m motivated to get the truth out of you.” He finally succeeded in catching hold of my hand and pulled it across the table toward him.

  Instead of yanking my hand away, I gripped hold of his wrist and held on tight, pulsing a spell through my fingers and into his skin. “How about I tell you a story? In Willow Tree Falls, there is a beautiful old thermal spa. That’s the true magic of this place. People who go in the thermal spa leave feeling ten years younger and invigorated.”

  James’s eyes glazed over as my magic weaved through his thoughts, removing his desire to tell the truth about the village. He would have his story, but it would be the same boring old story everyone told after they’d visited this place. The magic lay in the thermal spa waters and the ancient stones. That was all there was to it.

  Despite wanting to yank my fingers off his clammy skin, I kept hold of James’s hand until I was certain my magic had done its job.

  Brogan walked over with our food. Concern crossed his face as he sensed my magic. “I hope there’s not going to be any trouble here.”

  I smiled sweetly at him. “There’s nothing f
or you to worry about. James is going to take his food to go, though.”

  Brogan looked at James, and he nodded. “That’s right. I need to go.”

  Brogan returned a moment later with a bag for James. He wandered out of the cafe looking happy and completely oblivious to the truth.

  Brogan eased himself into James’s empty seat. “Tempest, you don’t need me to tell you to be careful using magic around non-magicals.”

  I scooped up a big mouthful of smoothie. “He deserved it. He was a jerk, whose only interest is himself and what he can get out of a situation. He knows Willow Tree Falls is different. He wasn’t going to stop questioning people until he found out the truth. I can’t afford for that to happen. We don’t need people poking their nose where it’s not wanted. When that happens, dangerous magic gets uncovered, and people get hurt.”

  Brogan looked out the window at James, who sat on the bumper of his van eating his waffles. “I guess he did deserve it. How are you doing? I saw most of what happened yesterday. You took quite a beating.”

  “I feel surprisingly good. It was worth getting a few bruises to get this whole mess sorted out.” I glanced out the window. Even though everything was resolved, what James had told me about Jenny’s quick recovery unsettled me. There was no way she should be using her hands after they’d been so badly injured.

  Brogan touched my arm. “What’s on your mind?”

  “Maybe it’s nothing. I need to close down this case and move on. There’s bound to be some demon who needs a butt whipping.”

  “The Ring of Halo is in safe hands, I’m assuming,” Brogan said.

  “It’s secure. I’ll be giving it back to Suki as soon as I can. She can keep it safe along with all the other magic in the forest. She’s done a great job for so many years. I’m not going to let one slip-up go against her.”

  “Good. I don’t like to think of her alone in the forest. She is welcome here anytime. And until she feels comfortable enough to use the front door, I will keep supplying her with food out the back.”

  “She’s good at taking care of herself, but I know she’ll appreciate that.” It sounded like Suki would be busy from now on; she was getting so many invitations.


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