Operation: Recruited Angel (Shepherd Security Book 2)

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Operation: Recruited Angel (Shepherd Security Book 2) Page 8

by Margaret Kay

  “Let’s talk about the tracker first, then I’ll go,” Cooper said. He checked his wristwatch. “It’s nearly lunchtime. You did get your order into Angel, didn’t you?”

  Madison had to chuckle to herself. Again, with the lunch order.

  “Yeah, but I’m putting my foot down on a healthier lunch tomorrow. There’s way too much salt in Chinese, on top of the salt and fat in the pizza yesterday. I’ll bring her up to the kitchen when we’re done in time for lunch.”

  Doc picked up a large shot-like device. In place of a needle on the end it had a wide, blunt, metal tip. “Miller, we plant a tracker here.” He laid his hand to her upper back. “All of us have one. It’s a technology Michaela invented, tied into an array that monitors them anywhere in the world. It’s saved our asses more times than I can tell you.”

  Madison eyed the device suspiciously. She didn’t like the idea of it, liked even less that she had not been previously told about it. “You’ve got to be freaking kidding me?”

  “Last year it was the tracker that clued us in that Shepherd and Angel were moved and led us to them when that Op went south. Without it, we would never have recovered them. They’d both have been killed,” Cooper said. His honey-brown eyes stared intently into hers.

  Madison shook her head no. “I’ll take my chances without it.”

  “You will be injected with it. It’s mandatory,” Doc said.

  The coldness and bluntness of Doc’s statement surprised her. Her eyes met his. His eyes were a steel-gray color. His face was emotionless. He was a hard man. She knew his type well from her days in the Army.

  “I don’t like the idea of anyone tracking my every movement.”

  “It’s not an invasion of your privacy,” Cooper spoke after several quiet seconds.

  “It sure feels like it,” she replied.

  “It gives me peace of mind, knowing it’s there,” Cooper added.

  “I have to think about this. Can we come back to this at a later date?” She asked.

  Cooper’s lips twisted into his trademark smirk. “Madison, we don’t pull military rank here often, but this is not negotiable. You just retook your oath and you know what that means. This is to keep you safe and to support the mission.”

  Now Madison’s lips twisted into a smirk of her own. “Does Michaela have one in her?”

  Doc nodded. “Everyone, including me, Michaela, Angel, Yvette in Ops, and Shepherd himself.”

  Madison breathed out a heavy breath. She nodded yes. “Are you going to give me a shot of lidocaine first to numb the area?”

  Doc shook his head, his lips twisting into an unreadable grimace. “I don’t understand the logic of a painful needle poke to slightly numb an area for another painful poke. And it’s not that bad. You’ll live through it.” He lifted a can of Biofreeze. “I will apply a topical numbing agent to it first.”

  “Fine,” Madison answered.

  Cooper nodded. “I’ll see you back upstairs after you’re done with Doc.”

  “Sure.” She slipped her sweater from her and draped it across her legs as she took a seat on the exam table at Doc’s prompting.

  Cooper took his leave, closing the door behind himself. Doc directed her to remove her shirt. He didn’t offer a gown. She held her shirt to her chest to somewhat cover herself. Doc dropped the bra strap on that side down her arm and sprayed on the Biofreeze. Then swiped an alcohol swab over the area sterilizing it. He told her to take a deep breath, hold it, and stay still.

  “Just a sharp pinch,” he said as he lined the device up where he’d inject the tracker. He steadied it and pulled the trigger.

  Madison’s breath caught in her chest as the instrument dispensed the tracker into her upper back. An intense sensation shot down her right arm and tears pricked at her eyes. She blew out the breath. “Yeah, that was sharp, all right.” Like lightning.

  Doc patted her shoulder. “It may be a bit tender for a day or two. If it hurts bad or doesn’t ease after that come back and see me.”

  Madison nodded. He swabbed it with alcohol again and then placed a bandage over it. He directed her to put her t-shirt back on. He then brought up her medical history from her Army service as well as the past two years on his tablet and went over her confidential information that she had not given him access to. It didn’t surprise her he had it, but it did piss her off.

  Next, he went over the medical protocols of the team which included monthly blood tests for all members. She wasn’t surprised to hear he had complete medical authority over the team. That was standard in a Spec-Ops military unit and she had expected it. He uncovered a tray on the counter that had been draped. It held six syringes, “required inoculations,” he explained. “I track all team members vaccinations and will set an appointment with you when you are due again.”

  She nodded, and he got busy injecting her in both arms with five of the needles. Madison just sat still and focused on the door. She wanted to end this and run out, wanted to quit this job before she had really started. When he finished, the soreness in her arms distracted her from the pain in her upper back where the tracker had been injected. She couldn’t wait to get back to her purse in her office and take some Tylenol.

  Doc stood with the last syringe in his hand. “This one is a birth control shot. I was surprised to see you were not on any form of birth control.”

  “I haven’t needed it,” she replied. “And I don’t think I need that either. I don’t like the idea of putting anything in my body that potentially has side effects for just the hell of it.”

  Doc’s eyebrow raised. “There are operational reasons beyond the obvious. This one is mandatory as well.”

  “Jesus! Fine, I’ll go to my regular GYN and discuss it with her.”

  Doc shook his head no. “I have it ready and it really will be much easier for me to take care of this now and in the future, just like all other immunizations.”

  Madison breathed out heavily. “Fine.” She offered her shoulder again. Damn, she felt like a pin cushion already.

  “This one needs to go in your behind.”

  “No fricking way. I’m not dropping my pants.”

  Doc laughed. “I’m the team doctor, Miller. If you ever get injured, I may have to cut your clothes off to treat you.”

  “If I’m bleeding out, I won’t care, but I am not bleeding out right now. Forget it Doc. I’ll go to my regular gynecologist.”

  “Miller, this is mandatory. You can’t have a period when out on a case. That could severely interfere. The team’s health falls under my purview. I’m responsible for all inoculations. That’s what I consider this, just another inoculation.”

  “Fine!” She hopped off the table, undid her jeans and dropped them down over one cheek and then she leaned onto the table with her forearms.

  Doc noticed the thin, turquoise G-string strip of fabric hugging her crack. Oh yeah, things have definitely changed on the team. He wondered for a second how a woman on the team would work after an Op with the men changing out of their BDU’s on the plane or chopper. Privacy was a luxury they often did not have. Someone would have to have a conversation with her regarding it and possible less revealing underclothing. It wouldn’t be him.

  Once they were done, he led her up the internal staircase to the fifth floor. They were greeted by the amazing smell of Chinese food as they entered a packed kitchen. There had to be fifteen people in the room. Garcia grabbed his and Yvette’s and left right away with them to eat them in Ops.

  “How did it go?” Cooper asked them.

  “It went fine,” Doc answered before she could say a word. He threw a small smile her way and winked.

  “Yes, just fine,” Madison echoed, getting that Doc was teasing her. Maybe he wasn’t so hardened after all.

  “She’ll be sore in the shoulders for a few days, so no PT or sparring till Wednesday.”

  Cooper nodded.

  Angel handed a container towards her and a fork. Cooper made the introductions of the other
s present, all men except for Angel, all Operators she assumed. After she sat next to Angel, Shepherd rolled into the room and up to the spot at the head of the table with no chair. His food already sat there waiting for him. Seconds later Michaela came rushing in. She took a seat across the table and immediately dug into her take-out container with no shyness.

  Within seconds the table was alive with countless conversations all competing in volume like a big family holiday dinner. Madison sat back and observed the relationships and listened to the conversations. She caught Cooper’s eyes fixed on her from across the table. He was watching her, which greatly unnerved her. She didn’t like being under his scrutiny.

  She smiled as she realized the men still ate as fast as those she served with. It brought fond remembrances of life in the Army, the entire unit seated around large tables in the mess hall, a boisterous group eating quickly and chatting in between bites.

  “It’s kind of overwhelming, isn’t it?” Angel said, bringing her from her musings.

  “It’s comfortable,” Madison replied. “You never served, did you?”

  “Me, oh no,” Angel said with a shake of her head.

  Madison’s eyes shifted to Michaela when she added, “me neither.”

  Madison wondered what Michaela’s background was and how she ended up employed here, of all places, without a military background. That seemed a prerequisite for employment at Shepherd Security.

  The group thinned out as the men finished their food. Cooper stood. His eyes swept between Madison and Angel. “You’ll stay with Angel for some uniform details. Michaela will bring you to Ryan to issue out your tactical gear and show you where to stow it. Michaela, bring her by Garcia when you’re through.” His eyes then settled on Madison. “You’ll work with Garcia till the end of the day. Be in by zero-eight-hundred tomorrow and report to your office. There has to be over twenty hours of protocols loaded on your laptop that you have to get through.”

  “Will do,” she replied.

  He left, leaving the three women alone in the room. Madison sat back in her seat almost relieved.

  “It is all kind of overwhelming, isn’t it?” Angel asked.

  “Yes, it is. I can’t imagine not having a military background coming into this unit,” Madison said, hoping either of the other women would offer up insight on how that was for them.

  Neither did.

  “So, I worked with Requisition Ryan to special order a few different samples of BDU’s, more tailored to a female form,” Angel said. “I didn’t find the unisex from the regular supplier to be very comfortable. They’re made for a man.”

  “I appreciate that. Thank you, Angel,” Madison said sincerely.

  “The Kevlar and other tactical gear won’t matter as much, but I agree, your BDU’s have to be comfortable,” Michaela chimed in. “We’ll go up to eight in a few minutes.” She spooned a few more bites into her mouth.

  “I hope you will like working here,” Angel said. “The guys are nice. I really feel like they are all my older brothers, looking out for me.”

  “They do think of us differently from the other guys though. I seriously wasn’t joking when I said I didn’t think they would ever hire a woman as an Operator,” Michaela said. “Sometimes this place can be caveman central. Now just simmer on down there, little lady,” she said with a fake twangy accent Madison couldn’t place. “Or my favorite, don’t you worry your pretty little head about any of that. Or what’s a pretty little thing like you doing playing with weapons and explosives,” she said laughing. “Honest to God things some of the guys have said to me.”

  Madison laughed, feeling more relaxed then she had all morning.

  Angel laughed as well. “Until my wedding when they saw you for the first time with makeup on and in a dress, then they were all nearly speechless.”

  “You didn’t hear them gasp in shock when I stepped out into the lounge. Jesus, you’d think none of them had ever seen a woman dressed up before,” Michaela said.

  “They’re probably more used to their women not dressed at all,” Angel threw in.

  Madison was momentarily surprised by Angel’s statement.

  “Anyway, way too much testosterone in this building. I’m glad you’re adding some estrogen.”

  “I’m happy I could help in that department,” Madison said. “Honestly, I’m not sure about the whole field Operative part, but I was very good in the Ops Center. I know I can do a good job there.”

  “You’ll be fine,” Angel said dismissively. “You have Cooper as your SO. He’ll make sure you are ready for the field.” She came to her feet and motioned to the others to follow her. She’d clean up the food later.

  At her desk she pulled out several uniforms. “Cooper helped me guess on your size, and I ordered these samples.” She motioned to the bathroom across the hallway. “Try them on and let me know what you think.” She held one aside. “I really like the material of this one, is easier on a woman’s curves and moves with you. But you let me know which you prefer.”

  Madison took the three sets of black, fatigue-style uniforms from Angel and sealed herself inside the bathroom. When she reopened the door, she had one set separated from the others, a clear winner in the comfort department.

  “Let me have the ones you don’t like,” Angel said. She threw them over her desk chair. “Yes, I thought you’d like those better,” she said pointing to the set still in Madison’s hands. “What about sizing?”

  “I hate to admit it, but Cooper guessed right. They fit perfectly.”

  Michaela barked out a laugh. “I’ve secretly suspected Cooper was into women’s clothing.”

  “No, I think he’s just into women, though I’m sure what he usually purchases are a hell-of-a-lot skimpier and made of lace,” Angel added.

  The three women laughed at Cooper’s expense for several minutes offering up various styles of lingerie he would be most likely to buy. Camouflage and netting were brought up several times. Black leather even got some laughs.

  “Come on,” Michaela said. “I’ll bring you up. We’ll drop the uniform stuff off with Requisition Ryan and get your tactical gear. Then I’ll bring you to Ops and Garcia. I’ll catch you later, Angel.”

  Angel went back into the kitchen and glanced out the window after the two women left. Her stomach was starting to roll again. Her morning sickness with this pregnancy was just as bad as it was with her last. She sipped her 7Up, willing her stomach to calm. Two more weeks and she’d be past the third month, into the second trimester. By everything she read, the morning sickness should calm down by then. She certainly hoped so.

  Madison followed Michaela up the stairs. “Did they get you set up for the handprint scan yet?” She asked as they reached the landing of the eighth floor.

  “Not yet. I believe that is one of the things Garcia will take care of this afternoon.”

  “If he doesn’t, pop by my lab before you go this evening and I’ll get you set up.”

  Michaela did the handprint scan to gain access to level eight and then brought her to Requisition Ryan. He took the uniform order and then issued out Madison’s tactical gear. Madison carried the heavy equipment as they took the elevator down to subbasement two, to the team room. All members of the agency had large lockers to store their tactical gear. Madison’s last name was already stenciled on a locker. She remembered getting gear like this issued to her early on in the Army. Thankfully, she’d never had to use it.

  They took the stairs back up to eight, a great workout, and Michaela pressed her palm to the Ops Center door and opened it. She gave Yvette and Garcia a smile. “How was your lunch?” She asked as she and Madison stepped within.

  “Good. I’ve never had their moo goo gai pan, but it was good. I’d get it again,” Yvette said. She nodded her head to Garcia. “If he ever orders something other than shrimp chow mei fun I’ll be shocked.”

  “When I find something I like, I stick with it. It’s called being loyal, Yvette,” Garcia joked.

>   “Yeah, yeah,” Yvette said.

  Michaela tilted her head to Madison. “She’s yours rest the day.”

  “Good,” he said, flashing a smile at Madison. “We’ve got a lot to cover.”

  They got to it immediately. He brought her to a workroom, which Garcia affectionately called his toy room, through the door which lay beside the door to the Ops Center. Within, he took her picture against a blue background. “Your credentials will be FBI. We all carry federal credentials. They’re on record with the appropriate department, so they hold up.”

  “Really?” This was news to her. She was discovering things almost hourly that surprised her.

  He flashed her a crooked grin. “Yeah, operating domestically we need some official standing, especially if we get in a jam.” She watched him click away on the keyboard. “It will take about a week for it to be processed and the official documents to be received back from DC.”


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