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Operation: Recruited Angel (Shepherd Security Book 2)

Page 25

by Margaret Kay

  She wasn’t surprised when later that evening as she packed for the Op, her cell phone buzzed a new text message. Cooper. She vowed she’d keep it brief this evening as she texted out a quick reply. Of course, it didn’t work out that way. Once they started conversing, be it through text message or talking on the phone, the exchange always continued for longer than planned. In between text messages she completed her packing and straightened her hair, which gave her a much different look.

  Madison laughed out loud as she read the screen. Her last text had been a teaser to Cooper that she was working on her appearance to bring herself to her best date-ready look.

  Cooper replied. “I don’t think you can up the hotness by much.” He recounted the looks of hers he’d seen. “There is the professional yet still sexy job applicant in a suit look with your hair gathered at your neck, the everyday millions of curls look, the post-workout look that I won’t even comment on, and my favorite, the sassy, spitting fire Madison look.”

  After he’d hit send, he knew he had stepped pretty far into flirting territory. He smiled though, wondering what her comeback would be. She always had good comebacks. These after-hours, out of the office text messages and conversations had become something he looked forward to. He could only hope she felt the same. She always engaged, so he couldn’t think she was offended or worried by them. He hoped not anyway. They were harmless. The relationship would go nowhere inappropriate.

  It occurred to her that he had recounted all her looks well. Too well. She thought for a minute what possible reply would be appropriate. She typed a few things, erasing it each time before she settled on, “I will be expecting a hotness rating when I’m dressed for success in my ass-hugging, super-short, slut-skirt, kitten heels, and lowcut top tomorrow afternoon. Oh, and be prepared for a hairstyle-add to my many looks.” She laughed after she hit send and then took another drink of her wine.

  “Oh, holy hell,” Cooper cursed as he watched Madison approach the group at the Shepherd Security hanger.

  “Close your mouth and stop drooling,” Doc whispered to Cooper as he too watched Madison stroll in their direction.

  Cooper’s gaze took her in. Her hair was straightened flat, long, sleek, incredibly sexy. The professional makeup job put most runway models to shame. Thank God she wore jeans and a t-shirt. Had she been in a short skirt and heels he probably would have come in his jeans just from the sight of her approach. She beamed a cocky smile at him. Her eyes, somehow an even more vibrant blue than usual, were locked onto his.

  “Holy shit, Madison,” Jackson swore. “Schmidt doesn’t stand a chance at resisting you.”

  She flashed a beautiful smile at him. “Thank you, Ethan. I tried to rev up the hotness level to irresistible.” She winked at Cooper. “Did I succeed?”

  Doc murmured something unintelligible followed by a few curses and then grabbed his gear and mounted the stairs into the Learjet.

  “So, does this look pass?” She asked Cooper while waving a hand in front of her face.

  He noticed even her nails were painted a sexy shade of red. “Fuck yeah,” he moaned.

  Jackson laughed and then he too climbed the stairs into the plane.

  They went over the mission again during the flight. Cooper had to mindfully keep his thoughts in check. Damn if Madison wasn’t the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. That opinion was changed when they got to Van Joosten’s office and she went to change into the sexy assistant get-up. Holy. Fuck. His dick swelled in his pants at just the sight of her. One glimpse of her and he was sure the only way she could look sexier would be naked and beneath him. Which of course would be nothing that would ever happen. Off limits, he reminded himself.

  “Schmidt will be all over you,” Ben Van Joosten said as Madison retook her seat at the conference room table. “I’m sorry in advance.”

  Madison laughed and then pulled the hem of her royal blue suit skirt as far down her thigh as it would go, which still had it shorter than short-shorts. “Not needed Ben. I know what I’m getting into. So, I studied all of the information you sent on the pieces you’re currently procuring. From the information you gave Shepherd, it looks like Schmidt helps you obtain these antiquities through legal and reputable sources, so you can verify their authenticity, and once they are catalogued that is when he somehow switches them with the fakes.”

  “That’s about the long and short of it. I guess I’ve been a moron, not realizing what he’s been up to,” Van Joosten said.

  Cooper purposely kept his eyes off her, kicking himself in the ass to try, really hard, to keep his head where it needed to be. Even the manner in which she conversed with Van Joosten he found sexy as hell. He pulled his thoughts back to the case. “Jackson is busy putting in an extra level of protection and surveillance in the vault and storage areas. We’ll have eyes on the plates at all times.”

  Cooper pointed to the antique Bronze-age plate that sat on the table. Schmidt was bringing a similar item to be authenticated and purchased for the collection that Van Joosten was putting together for a private buyer. They’d placed a thick inventory sticker on the bottom of the plate and had not told Van Joosten it had a tracker in it. They had a similar sticker to go on the bottom of the one Schmidt would be bringing.

  “I appreciate Sammy sending you,” Van Joosten said. “He always was the responsible guy we could all count on. Did he tell you about that year we trained together for the Biathlon?”

  This was the first Cooper heard about this. His ears perked up. “Biathlon?”

  “Yes, there were very few good coaches to train with, so often several athletes from different countries trained with the same coach for a period of time. Sammy and I were teens. He and I and four other young men lived that fall, winter, and the following spring in the Canadian Rockies with Helmut Ziegler, one of the best coaches at that time. Of the six of us, four of us made the Olympic teams in our countries. Sammy of course represented the United States, I represented the Netherlands, there were two others from the United States. Bruce Wilson went on to medal at the Olympics two years later. He was with us that year.”

  “Sam Shepherd trained to be an Olympic Biathlete?” Cooper asked.

  “Yes, well he ended up not going out for the Olympic Team after all. He had been accepted to West Point and didn’t take time away from it to continue to train. He and I stayed in contact though, have been friends all these years.”

  “And did you go to the Olympics, Ben?” Madison asked. That had not been in the dossier she had been given to study on Ben Van Joosten.

  “I did. I didn’t medal though. I came in fifth overall.”

  “That is still quite an accomplishment,” Madison praised. “Not many can say they made their country’s Olympic team, competed, and finished that close to medaling.”

  “Thank you. It was. I came from humble beginnings, a single mother and not a lot of extra money for things like trainers and travel. But that is a story for another time perhaps,” he said dismissively. “Again, thank you for assisting with this. Sammy said this is not the type of thing your agency normally deals with, but it is costing me substantial losses.”

  “Hopefully we will get to the bottom of it quickly,” Madison said.

  Cooper smirked. “Just as soon as Schmidt takes you away and you infiltrate his organization, we should know something.”

  Madison sat at the desk in the outer office waiting for Heinrich Schmidt. Cooper was within the office with Van Joosten. He would pose as the private collector. Doc and Jackson were nearby in the office they set up as their onsite base, monitoring the listening and surveillance equipment. It was fifteen minutes past five. Schmidt was late.

  “Subject approaching outer office door,” Doc’s voice came through Madison’s comms.

  The outer door opened, and the man Madison had studied at length came into the room. He held an ordinary black briefcase in one hand. It strangely looked out of place against the perfectly tailored Armani suit he wore.

  “You must
be Mr. Schmidt,” Madison said in her most professional voice.

  Schmidt stopped just within the door, studying her. A greedy smile curved his lips. “And who might you be?” His voice was animated.

  She rose and crossed the room, right hand extended. “I am Maddie Hayes. Ben’s personal assistant.”

  “Are you now?” He took her proffered hand, holding it in a lengthy shake, caressing it. He drew his fingers over her palm as she withdrew her hand. “You have beautiful facial features, Ms. Maddie Hayes. Tell me, are you of German descent?” He asked with a distinct German accent.

  “I really don’t know,” she replied, even though she did indeed know her ethnicity, German, Dutch, and Norwegian.

  “You look German. No matter.” He waived his hand dismissively. “Tell me, how long have you worked for Van Joosten?”

  “A little over a month,” she replied, the cover story.

  “So, you are not settled in quite yet. Good. I can make you an attractive offer to come work for me instead.”

  Madison beamed a shocked expression at him. He had some balls! “I don’t even know how to reply to that.”

  He gazed at her with a look that was beyond self-assured. He was brazen, audacious, egotistical, slimy, narcissistic, and he made her skin crawl.

  “I know what Ben is most likely paying you. I can double it.”

  “Why would you?” She feigned confusion. “You don’t even know what skill set I possess.”

  “Nor do I know about your education or where you’d like your career to go. I’ve heard it all before. It’s no matter.” He pulled a business card from an expensive gold encrusted case. “Seven o’clock, the Hofbrauhouse down the street. Do you know the place?”

  She nodded silently, tucking the card into her jacket pocket.

  “I can help your career soar to heights you have only dreamt of, Ms. Maddie Hayes. Come, have a glass of wine, chat. You are under no obligation.”

  “We’ll see,” she said noncommittally. Then she nodded at the door to Ben Van Joosten’s office. “You’re expected.”

  She opened the door and stepped in. “Mr. Van Joosten, Mr. Schmidt is here.”

  Schmidt stepped through the door and stopped dead. His eyes were fixed on Cooper with a look of annoyance that he didn’t even try to hide. “Ben, you know our terms. All of our meetings are to be conducted in private.”

  “I insisted,” Cooper said. He stepped in front of Schmidt. “John Wiess. I’m the collector Ben is working for.”

  Schmidt stared daggers through Ben Van Joosten. “This is highly irregular. Ben, we had an arrangement.”

  “Mr. Schmidt,” Cooper said. “I insisted that I be present to personally be assured of the legality of the acquisition. Your identity is of no consequence to me and will remain confidential.” He nodded to the brief case in Schmidt’s hand. “Is that the last piece of the collection?”

  Schmidt’s eyes flickered to Madison and then to Van Joosten. “It is.” He approached the table and carefully removed it from the case, sitting it beside the other piece. “Beautiful, aren’t they?”

  Cooper came in close to examine the piece. “Incredibly.”

  Throughout the half-hour long meeting, Schmidt’s gaze never left Madison for more than a few seconds at a time. Van Joosten validated the authenticity of the piece, the inventory sticker was affixed to the back of it, and the deal was made. Van Joosten initiated the electronic transfer of funds to Schmidt’s account, as usual.

  “Gentlemen,” Schmidt said, preparing to leave. His gaze went back to Madison, “and Fräulein Hayes, have a good evening.”

  Van Joosten reached his right hand towards Schmidt. “Until next time.”

  The men shook. The expression on Schmidt’s face was telling. The deal was closed, funds were transferred. He’d scored a big payday, and he was pleased.

  “Mr. Wiess, the legality of the acquisition has been authenticated to your satisfaction. I fully expect your confidentiality. If I acquire any other pieces, I think may be of interest to you, I will contact Ben as our registered intermediary,” Schmidt said, shaking Cooper’s hand.

  “Thank you, Mr. Schmidt. I appreciate your professionalism.”

  Schmidt left the office without another word.

  Several minutes later, Doc and Jackson came through the door and confirmed Schmidt had left the building. Madison filled Van Joosten and the team in on Schmidt’s proposition upon his arrival.

  “Unbelievable,” Van Joosten shook his head in disgust. “I cannot believe my other assistants fell for that.”

  “Well, we’ll see what his pitch is at the restaurant,” Madison said.

  The team formulated the surveillance plan and how Madison should play it during the dinner meeting with Schmidt depending on the scenario. She’d leave the earbud two-way communicator in her ear during the meeting, so the team could hear the exchange and offer her direction if needed.

  At five minutes past seven, Madison strolled through the front door of the Hofbrauhouse. The long bar was on the left, packed with afterwork revelers. Many male eyes openly followed her every movement as she glanced around, pretending to look for Schmidt.

  “He’s in a private VIP room,” Jackson informed her, through her comms. He had gone in twenty minutes earlier and stood at the bar sipping a beer.

  She approached the hostess stand. “I’m meeting someone here, but don’t see him. Do you know if Mr. Heinrich Schmidt has arrived?”

  “Certainly,” the hostess replied. “Mr. Schmidt is in his private room. This way please.”

  Madison followed the petite brunette through the lobby and through the door at the far end that led to the VIP private dining rooms. Within the corridor she knocked on the second door on the left.

  “Come,” Schmidt’s voice came from within.

  “Your guest has arrived, Mr. Schmidt,” the hostess said and then ushered Madison in. She left, closing the door behind herself.

  Schmidt was alone in the tiny, impressively decorated room seated at a table sized for two. He rose and closed the short distance, taking Madison’s hand in an overfamiliar embrace. “I am so glad you decided to join me.” He pulled out the seat beside his.

  “Thank you for the invitation. I will admit, I was intrigued.” She sat in the offered chair, which was situated too close to Schmidt’s.

  “Intrigued is good,” he oozed. “I like a smart girl who considers all her options.” He took his seat after she was settled. He sat so closely beside her that his thigh pressed into hers. He poured her a glass of wine and then lifted his own from the table, holding it between them. “To new beginnings, opportunity, and wealth.”

  She raised hers as well and tapped her glass against his, drinking to his unusual toast. “So, Mr. Schmidt,” she began, but was interrupted by him.

  “Heinrich,” he said with a smile. “If I get my way, and I always do, we will work very closely.”

  “Okay, Heinrich, why are you offering me a job?”

  “It is quite simple, my dear. Anything Ben Van Joosten has, I choose to relieve him of.”

  “What? Why?” Madison asked with real surprise. She didn’t need to fake this reaction.

  “Ben Van Joosten is not what he appears. He is the devil incarnate, a master manipulator, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Everything and everyone he touches, he ruins. He ruined my family and I am making it my life’s work to ruin him.”

  Madison gazed at him with wide eyes. “How did Ben ruin your family?”

  The corners of Heinrich Schmidt’s lips tipped up. “Is of no consequence. The path has been taken. I am offering you a job for your salvation. Working for him your future is destined for failure. Working with me, you can soar. I will invest in you, in education or opportunity of your choosing.”

  Madison gazed skeptically at him. “And what do you want in return?”

  Schmidt laughed. “It is not what you think. I of course would want a mutually satisfying sexual relationship with you, but only if it is what
you desire. It certainly is not mandatory, nor is my offer contingent upon your agreement.”

  Madison was even more surprised, if that were possible. She openly showed her reaction.

  Schmidt laughed out with confidence. “I know in time, you will want that as well. I am a patient man.”

  “I’m still confused,” Madison said.

  “The offer is double the salary Ben is paying you, any opportunity or education you desire. You quit on him via text message this minute. Do we have an agreement?”

  Madison paused, unsure how to answer. This was crazy. Schmidt was crazy, she was sure. This hadn’t gone down per any of the scenarios they theorized in the planning of this meeting. She nodded. “Yes, we have an agreement.”


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