Lessons in Love

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  As Wendy pulled the tow chain and was hooking it to the Lexus’ undercarriage, Odessa asked, “What’s wrong with it?”

  Straightening from her crouched position, Wendy shrugged her shoulders. “Dunno, Om, but whatever it is, I can’t fix it here.”

  Odessa growled, “It’s Odessa, not Om.”

  “That’s what I said, Om. You know, your initials, O-M. Like those meditation things.”


  “Yeah, mantras. Om is a pretty common one, according to the TV.”

  “Do you meditate?”

  “Nope, no need. I’ve got my coin.” She pulled a hand from her pocket and flicked her thumb, sending a flash of brightness spiraling into the air. Once it landed, she opened her palm with a flourish and displayed its well-worn surface. “Frowny, next answer’s no.”

  Odessa stared at the coin nestled within the mechanic’s small palm. “Excuse me?”

  Speaking slowly, as if she were explaining the miracle of birth to a small child, Wendy said, “Smiley face is yes, frowny face is no. Came up frowny so the next answer’s no.”

  “You can’t mean that you make all of your decisions by flipping a coin?” Odessa fumbled in her pocket for a pencil, her expression incredulous. Every time she thought she’d plumbed the depths of bizarre behaviors, someone deepened the well.

  “No, I don’t, not all of them. Only the ones I’m not sure about.” Wendy smiled. “See, it worked. You asked a question and my answer was no. Works every time.” Finished with hooking the car up, Wendy waved Odessa into her truck.

  Resigned to meeting lunatics at every turn in the road, Odessa prodded, “And where did you get this idea?”

  “I saw it on TV.”

  “On television?”

  “Oh yeah. I’ve got a great one too. It took me years to save up, but I’ve got a flat screen TV that’s this big.” Wendy spread her arms out to their full span, which outlined pert breasts under her jumpsuit. “I watch it whenever I can. Bubblegum Crisis is my favorite.”

  Odessa was now certain that Wendy was still mentally with Peter and the boys but, still, something about her made her skin flush and her belly heavy with longing. She shook herself mentally, surprised at her suddenly surging libido, and forced her attention back to the peculiar conversation. “Tell me more about the coin.”

  Scowling, Wendy said, “I’m trying, but you keep interrupting.”

  “Sorry, go ahead.” Odessa schooled her features to present a picture of complete attention and twined her traitorous fingers together in her lap to keep them from tracing Wendy’s sharp cheekbones.

  Shifting into gear, Wendy said, “All right, then. The Science Channel said that everything on a computer happens with either a one or a zero. That’s like my coin, except I made it with smileys and frownys.”

  “Smileys and frownys…”

  “Uh-huh. I tried thumbs, but I never could remember which one was up.”

  Odessa turned her face toward the passenger window to hide her smile. “So smileys and frownys work better for you?”

  “Yeah, I made it myself. See, it’s cool.” Wendy rummaged through her pocket until she found the coin again and then offered it to Odessa.

  Odessa took the coin, snatching her hand back when a spark leapt between their fingers. The coin was well made and obviously had seen lots of use; both sides were worn from repeated rubbing. Wendy kept glancing out of the corner of her eye as Odessa turned the coin repeatedly. Something was niggling at her subconscious that Odessa couldn’t bring to the forefront of her mind. “Go on, Wendy. You were telling me about how you came up with this.”

  Wendy grinned. “Anyway, the show said that lots of things happen because of one and zero. If computers can do everything with them, I can too.”

  Intrigued, Odessa asked, “Why didn’t you just use yes or no?”

  “‘Cause not everything’s a yes or no answer. Sometimes I have two things I can’t decide between and the coin helps me choose. It works great! You should try it.”

  Something about Wendy’s simplistic logic made Odessa reconsider her initial opinion of the tow truck driver. Maybe there was more to this woman than first appeared, her physical response to her notwithstanding. She sat in silence until just after they had passed the sign that announced Sedona proper.

  “Wendy, would you mind dropping me off? I’m staying at a condo on Arroyo Roble Road.” She waved a hand at her rumpled clothing. “I’d like to change and get something to eat before I have to tackle my car again.”

  “Sure, Om. Not a problem. Just tell me the address and I’ll take you there.”

  They pulled up in front of the address and exchanged information, Wendy licking her pencil stub before copying Odessa’s insurance information and having Odessa sign the paperwork consigning her car to Wendy’s care. Each time they touched or made eye contact, Odessa’s skin tingled, making her blush and duck her head to hide from Wendy’s knowing grin.

  Wendy carted Odessa’s substantial luggage out of the car and into the condo, grunting with effort. Odessa tried to help but Wendy waved her off saying, “I’ve got it, Om. You just watch.”

  Odessa willingly complied, manual labor being something she avoided at all costs. Besides, she was only too happy to watch Wendy work, admiring the wiry muscles that the woman revealed when she unzipped her jumpsuit and tied the dangling arms around her waist. Her muscle T-shirt was sweat stained, but Odessa ignored that to think about how nicely Wendy’s small breasts would fit in the palms of her hands. It had been a while since she’d been with a woman. Carmen was her last; sex with her had been infrequent and one-sided, with Carmen always on the receiving end. Odessa licked her lips, imagining Wendy’s fingers tangled in her hair, holding her in place while she ravaged her breasts with her teeth and tongue. She shivered awake when Wendy brushed her fingertips against her arm.

  “You all right, Om? You had a funny look on your face just then. Anything else I can help you with?”

  Blushing furiously, Odessa shuffled her feet, embarrassed to be caught fantasizing about sex with a stranger. She cleared her throat, hoping her voice would sound normal. “I’m fine. I was just…thinking.”

  Waggling her eyebrows playfully, Wendy teased, “Must have been good, you were really moaning. I thought maybe you were in pain or something.”

  Odessa cringed, then climbed the stoop, shuffling backward when Wendy followed her. She was at least nine inches taller, placing Wendy’s mouth even with her breasts. Though it was still warm out, her nipples rose and stiffened, reaching out for contact. Seeking distance, Odessa pressed her shoulder blades against the door, unintentionally thrusting her breasts forward even more. Instead of moving away, Wendy stepped closer until there was less than an inch separating her lips and Odessa’s straining nipples.

  “Something tells me you want me to stay.”

  Wendy’s breath brushing against her nipples almost made Odessa come on the spot. She opened her mouth, nearly panting her denial. “Yes...I mean…no. I want…you…to...go.”

  Wendy cocked her head and stepped away, giving Odessa some much-needed space.

  Maybe I tapped into a ley line. Sedona was riddled with energy vortexes but as far as Odessa knew, none of them were sexual.

  “Are you sure? I’d love to stay and…” Wendy stepped closer and ran a fingertip across Odessa’s nipple. In a singsong voice she chanted, “Stay or go, yes or no. Stay or go, yes or no. Stay or go, yes or no.”

  Odessa writhed under Wendy’s fingertip, her blood pounded in her belly, making it difficult to think, and still Wendy chanted, “Stay or go, yes or no.”

  Finally following her body’s lead, Odessa said, “Yes. Stay.”

  Wendy’s gray eyes twinkled. “And you didn’t even need my coin.”

  Odessa fumbled behind her for the doorknob, stumbling into the room when the door opened behind her. Wendy followed, catching Odessa by the wrist and raising it to her lips to nibble the pulse point.

  Legs clo
se to buckling, Odessa groaned, then leaned in for a kiss—she had to slow this down or she would come in her pants before Wendy even really touched her.

  Wendy deepened the kiss, maneuvering Odessa down the hall toward the open bedroom door. When the back of Odessa’s knees bumped into the bed, she fell backward, finally breaking the suction that bound them together. She raised her hands to Wendy, beckoning her to join her on the bed, frowning slightly when Wendy raised a hand and said, “Stay there. Don’t move. I need a shower.”

  Breathless and confused, Odessa flopped back onto the bed and traced a crack in the ceiling with her gaze. She’d never had such a physical response to a stranger before but knew that she wanted whatever magic Wendy possessed. Needing to take the edge off her desire, Odessa slid a hand under her waistband, inching her fingers toward her aching center. Just before she touched herself, Wendy poked her head back into the room and said, “Ah ah ah. No touching. The wait will make it better.” She grinned at Odessa’s groan and flashed her naked ass as she returned to the bathroom.

  Odessa lay still, listening to Wendy singing in the shower.

  She couldn’t make out the words or even the tune but found herself somehow mesmerized by Wendy’s voice. She couldn’t wait until that mouth, those lips were snugged in her most intimate places, sucking her neatly shorn lips. Lost in her daydream, Odessa didn’t hear the shower stop, didn’t hear Wendy moving around, didn’t hear anything until Wendy was standing naked between her legs, holding out her hands to help Odessa stand up.

  Wendy turned her around to face the bed, rubbing her naked breasts against Odessa’s silk-clad back. When Odessa pressed backward into her, Wendy slapped her ass and said, “Stay still, this is my rodeo.”

  Breathing raggedly, Odessa tried to comply while Wendy unbuttoned her blouse. Cool fingers pinched and pulled her nipples through her bra, and Odessa sagged. Her nipples had never been as plump and sensitive, and Wendy played them like a jazz pianist, interspersing herky-jerky tugs with smooth finger riffs. On the verge of coming just from nipple play, Odessa tried to turn around again.

  “No, no.” Wendy pushed her onto the bed, trapping her arms in her shirt sleeves by rolling her over onto her back.

  Nipples pointing to the heavens, Odessa swallowed thickly when Wendy licked her lips.

  “We need to get that bra off, but…not…just…yet.” Wendy bent over and tugged Odessa’s slacks and panties from her hips, leaving them crumpled around her ankles. “Now I think I’ll—”

  Eyes glazed with desire, Odessa panted, “Touch me, Wendy. I need you to touch me.”

  “Oh, I will. I will. Don’t you worry.” Wendy dropped to her knees and peeled Odessa’s shoes off, massaging her feet, then taking the

  time to run her fingertips up the inside of her thighs, stopping just before she reached Odessa’s aching slit. Odessa’s hips rose, seeking contact, but Wendy denied her by kneeling on her pants, pinning Odessa’s feet to the floor. “Now I’ve got you, my pretty. If only I had some lube.”

  “In my bag. The blue one. Please, Wendy. I need you.”

  “Just a sec.” Wendy left the room, then returned with the blue bag, upturning its contents onto the bedroom floor. “Pantyhose, underwear, socks, bras…” She paused to finger a lacy edge, making Odessa wish those fingers were fondling her nipples instead of her underwear, “Ah, lube. Now where’s my jumpsuit?” Odessa’s eyes tracked her as she moved around the room, then widened when she snapped on a pair of blue gloves.

  “What…what are those gloves for?”

  Wendy resumed her position between Odessa’s legs, pouring a generous amount of lube onto her gloved hands before dripping some on Odessa’s fiery slit. Odessa jumped when the cool lube hit her clit and Wendy once again stomped on her pants, forcing her hips back onto the bed. Rubbing her hands together, Wendy said, “Now where was I? Oh, right here.” She touched her lubed fingers to Odessa’s opening and probed gently to gauge its elasticity.

  Odessa moaned deep in her throat and her eyes rolled back in her head when Wendy inadvertently brushed the tip of her clit with one of her fingers. “Oops. Sorry about that.” She pushed a little deeper, curving her fingers upward to press on Odessa’s g-spot, then asked, “Have you ever been fisted?” Odessa’s head thrashed and the only sound she produced was a series of grunts and moans that increased in volume and intensity every time Wendy moved her fingers. “I’ll take that as a no, then.” She poured more lube onto the palm of her right hand, pushing three fingers, then four, into Odessa’s wide-open snatch. Finally, she tucked her thumb into her palm and Odessa swallowed her hand whole, grunting when Wendy’s fist pressed against the walls of her womb.

  Wendy stepped off Odessa’s pants and straddled one of her long legs, twisting her right hand and gently massaging Odessa’s lower belly with her left.

  Odessa moaned, “Oh…my…God! What are you doing to me? I’ve…never…felt like this before.” Rising up on her elbows, she pried open her eyes, falling back when she realized Wendy’s hand was completely inside her body. Coherence deserted her when Wendy pressed her wrist against her g-spot, reducing her to grunting, moaning and sobbing in pleasure.

  Wendy rode Odessa’s straining leg, waiting until she was on the edge of coming before she moved her left hand down to Odessa’s cleft. Using her thumb, she massaged Odessa’s lips, avoiding her clit completely until Odessa called out, “Touch me! Touch me!” So Wendy did.

  When Odessa’s mind cleared, Wendy was kneeling between her legs, her right hand still being squeezed intermittently by Odessa’s womb. She was wet all over, sweat dotted her forehead, and moisture seeped around Wendy’s wrist, running down the crack of Odessa’s ass and drenching her asshole. She sighed gustily, twitching whenever Wendy moved, too weak to protest when Wendy withdrew steadily until the thickest part of her hand popped free. Wendy snapped off her gloves, wiping her hands on a towel she’d placed beside Odessa’s hips, then climbed onto the bed, kissing her way up Odessa’s quivering body.

  Wendy said, “That was some ride, huh?”

  The edges of Odessa’s lips turned up and she whispered, “I’ll say, cowgirl,” then closed her eyes when sleep dragged her under.

  A slash of sunlight woke her and Odessa stretched, pleasantly sore from the previous night’s activities. Wendy was snoring, back turned and curled around herself. Odessa resisted the urge to run her fingertips down the knobs of Wendy’s spine. She chuckled softly; one leg was still entangled with her pants, but Wendy had taken the time to free her from her blouse and bra at some point during the night.

  She shook her leg free and Wendy stirred, then rolled over, throwing a leg over Odessa’s hips. “Ready for round two?”


  They spent the next two weeks together, mostly in bed, only occasionally venturing to Wendy’s garage to check on Odessa’s car. Wendy used her coin frequently for decisions both large and small, and each time, Odessa felt an idea niggling at her subconscious. They were lying in bed, sharing their last afternoon together, when Odessa was stuck by a thunderclap that she eagerly shared with her new girlfriend

  Wendy said, “I don’t know, Om. It doesn’t seem right to sell it. I thought it up for free. Maybe I should just share.”

  In a million years Odessa never imagined herself saying the words that were about to come out of her mouth, but she was desperate enough to take the chance. “Flip your coin, Wendy. See what it says.”


  Odessa changed her name to Charon. Life was good on the talk show circuit; she’d even introduced her grandmother to Oprah, which almost made up for the disappointment she’d seen in her grandmother’s eyes when Odessa had resigned from the university. Wendy was especially pleased because she was the star of their infomercials. As the spokesperson, she could watch herself on TV anytime she wanted. The only thing she liked better was dragging Om off to bed for a midafternoon romp.

  Odessa/Charon was ecstatic because in an odd way, she was still helping people. It didn’t
hurt that they’d made a mint within three months of marketing the coin. She didn’t even feel guilty about her new livelihood. The coin was Wendy’s idea, but she’d come up with their instruction manual and sales pitch all by herself. The Decision Coin: two extremes that lead to infinite possibilities.

  Top of the Class


  Allie punched in the first three digits of Cindy’s phone number and then hesitated. With a sigh, she pushed the off button and surveyed the mountain of clothes that had sprouted in the middle of the bed as she’d tried on and discarded outfit after outfit. Somehow, the excuse that she couldn’t go out because she had nothing to wear felt thin, even to her.

  “I can’t believe I let them talk me into something as stupid as this.” She fingered the leather chaps she had purchased one summer for a horseback camping trip. Smiling, she recalled that the concept had been a little bit more glamorous than the actual event, but it had still been fun. Of course, most of the clothes she’d purchased for the eight-day excursion never saw any further use. “And they’re not going to tonight, either.”

  Eyeing the black leather pants and mesh top with a shake of her head, she scooped up the whole pile and dumped it on a chair, then marched to the closet and pulled out what she usually wore for a night out with friends—jeans and a scoop-necked, ribbed white T-shirt. All right, so it was true that the simple attire always got her plenty of attention. The jeans hugged her high, tight ass, and with no bra under the form-fitting T-shirt, her breasts just screamed for a warm palm to cup them. The thought of fingers playing across her tight nipples caused her belly to twitch. “Okay. Okay. So maybe they’re right and I do need a little recreational sex, but vanilla will do me just fine.”


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