Jane's Surrender (Hard World Tour #2)

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Jane's Surrender (Hard World Tour #2) Page 17

by V. F. Mason

  You slut, Jane!

  Did you see how she glared at the blonde? Fucking hilarious

  I thought we would have a catfight.

  Eh…Jane would have beat the shit out of her

  Pity really that the girl gave up

  Possessive Jane

  Caveman Jane :D

  We need to buy her a bat to finish the look

  Yeah, next time a bitch comes to sniff around her man, she would punch her

  Imagine the news spread in a magazine. Caveman Jane, after a fight with a woman, grabbed her husband by the hair and took him inside her cave. LMAO

  That’s funny! *rofl*


  Seriously, girls, leave her alone.

  Thanks, babe. I knew I could count on you.

  I would have lost my shit too if someone touched Ryan like that. You go, girl. We need to make sure to let women know these guys are taken.

  I glared at her across the room. She was sitting on Ryan’s lap, who was gently playing with her hair, and sending smirks and smiles my way.


  Ha, ha. If you guys are done, how about you shut up like I asked you to. BTW, Bella, thanks for nothing

  Welcome, babe. Always glad to help

  That kiss though…sex is coming your way

  Sex is not coming my way, and what the hell does that mean anyway? No one says it like that.

  You have condoms, right? Or you guys do it without? Fuck if I know how couples do it.

  Stop swearing so much, Sam, seriously. And none of your business.

  Oh it so means with no condoms. Girl you need to share how it feels, okay? I mean dying to know here.

  Amazing, imagine great sex but even better

  Damn, you’re making me horny. I miss sex.

  Shut up, bitch. At least you can grab that manager of ours anytime. Now I have no idea when my getting laid will come. Ugh.

  I’m not gonna grab him. I’ll find someone on tour.

  We’re on tour

  Yeah, right. Face it; your vajayjay was used only by Jeremy in the last year. I don’t know why it’s hard for you to accept the guy.

  Shut up.

  Now I’m so happy :D

  Jane, tell me. He kisses good?

  I’m not the one to kiss and tell.

  He must have been good. Remember how she was all over him moaning? Never thought I’d see that.


  Oh yeah LMAO

  “Just shut up,” I finally said, annoyed that they weren't dropping the subject, and they started laughing aloud. I just shook my head. Suddenly, my eyes caught Drake’s, who was watching me with his usual focus, but there was no calmness in them.

  They were full of questions, and something else I couldn't catch. He wanted to know what the hell happened back there as well, but he couldn't do it here, because he was protecting me from Jer.

  The man in question interrupted our staring contest. “Everyone knows you guys are married.” His voice was grim.

  “There was no doubt that would happen. They never saw me with a guy before.” Pathetic if you think about it.

  “Right now, it works in our favor. You were married, which explains your lack of social life, and everyone wants to know how you fell in love and what happened. Fans are going crazy and we need to have a press conference tomorrow, and I agreed to a spread in a magazine.”

  “But I don’t want to do that.”

  My protest was met with an icy stare. “Too bad. We’re on tour, Jane. I don’t want any more surprises, and don’t forget part of our fan base is teenage girls. We can’t have them think that on the spur of the moment you married some dude you didn’t know.” Unfortunately, he was right. The media could turn it into a new scandal, and that wouldn't be good. “Drake and you need to come up with a believable history and say that you were in touch all this time. It’ll work for us with the Logan situation as well. You’ll have the support of the fans, which means little to the judge, but a lot to people.”

  “We’ll do it.” Drake’s voice was firm, and it wasn't as if I had a lot to say.

  “Great. Now I have a headache from all those shots, so how about we call it a night and meet tomorrow at rehearsal. Then we have a concert and will be on the move again.”

  “Sounds great,” Ryan said and stood with Bella, who was giggling like a fool, in his arms.

  With a wave, they left the bus. Since they were a couple, Ryan ordered some top-notch trailer for himself with a driver and followed her around. They slept there, as opposed to us girls, who each had a room here. Jeremy had his own trailer; the dude liked his privacy, but I think it had to do a lot with the fact he didn't want to see Sam with guys after concerts.

  Not that she had any guys lately, or rather since they started their fling, which apparently was on permanent hold.

  Drake stood up, came closer to me, and extended his hand.

  “Come with me.” Our eyes held each other for a second, and I knew we would have our talk, where I’d have to answer his questions.

  I took his hand, and we quickly exited the bus, with Ariel and Sam saluting me. I just had to roll my eyes at that. Were we back in high school or what?

  “Where are we going?”

  “Out to talk.” Great, here comes the conversation about what the hell was going on. “Let’s grab Sparky on the way too. He needs his run before bedtime.” Thankfully, he wasn’t wetting the floor anymore.

  We made our way to the band’s trailer and retrieved Sparky, who was beyond happy. He spent some time with Drake—those two really liked each other—and then he was running happily on the grass while Drake and I sat on a bench nearby.

  “So,” he started.

  “I know I was out of line back at the bar,” I blurted all of a sudden, and he frowned. I just needed to justify my actions somehow. “I’m sorry, but she was—”

  And just like that, my words stopped, and now he raised his brow.

  “She what?”

  No way was I admitting to him that I was jealous, but coming up with another excuse was hard.

  Because nothing justified this behavior but jealousy.

  “She was bothering you, so I decided to help you out.”

  He was silent for a second, but then he started laughing hard. I frowned, but at the same time, I was happy, because I think it was the first genuine laugh he gave me since coming here.

  He used to laugh like that back in Vegas.

  “It’s not funny.”

  “No?” He moved closer and put his hand on the back of the bench so I ended up in the crook of his arm, and he looked me straight in the eyes. “You were jealous and want to cover it up. From my point of view, beautiful, it’s funny.” His sapphire eyes were intense and bright in that moment, and it was easy to forget myself in them. His voice was soothing. I wanted to lean forward and kiss him, to feel his chest against mine and his erection pressed to my core. I had dreams about him that made me wake up all hot and needy inside.

  I was so tired of getting myself off with my hand. It did nothing to me, just made me hunger for him more.

  He was the star of all my fantasies.

  “Maybe I want you to admit it,” he whispered against my lips, sending shivers down my spine as though he was touching me with a feather.


  His hand moved to my nape, gently caressed it, and then he pulled me closer to him.

  “Because it would make you admit you feel something for me. At this point, babe, I’m desperate.” My hand moved to rest on his chest while his other hand grabbed my waist.

  We were so close I could feel his breath on me, and it was driving me crazy.

  Holding his eyes with mine, without another thought, I whispered, “I was jealous. She can’t have you wh
en you are mine. Not until—”

  He didn't let me finish and kissed me hard, deep. His tongue didn't ask permission, just entered as if it was his right to do it.

  It sought mine, played with it. The velvet touch of it made me warm inside, and then he pushed slightly at my chin, allowing him to go deeper, making the kiss hotter and wetter. My lips hurt from the invasion, but he licked them and bit them at the same time.

  “—until the divorce,” I finished breathily, and he palmed my face in his hands and just shook his head.

  “Jane, shut up about the stupid divorce and let’s enjoy this moment.” His voice was soft, almost amused, and it loosened some of the knots inside me.


  “I want to fuck you. Hard. Now. And I don’t want to hear any excuses.” His hand palmed my breast and squeezed it lightly, making me whimper.

  “Yes.” My whisper was so low I was afraid he wouldn't hear me.

  But he did.

  His eyes darkened into deep blue pools, where it was easy to get lost. He stood and picked me up in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he marched toward Ryan’s trailer.

  “Sparky, come,” he commanded, and the puppy was instantly at our feet, giving us questioning looks, if that’s possible for a dog.

  “What are we doing? Ryan and Bella are there!” The need in me was too strong to be ignored, but I had no desire for my best friend and her man to hear me cry out in pleasure.

  “You think I would share any part of you, even your voice, with other people?” he asked huskily and opened the door of the trailer. He brought us inside, and Sparky went to his doggie bed and happily plopped down on it. He was tired from all the activity in the park.

  Drake’s voice made me even hotter and wetter, if it was possible.

  “I don’t know,” my lips whispered as I ran them over his neck, nipping slightly at his skin. I wanted to lick, suck, and nip at him all over. To make women out there know he was mine and no one else’s.

  He growled and I loved the sound of that, of Drake losing control.

  “Then you need to be reminded.”

  With those words, he took quick strides to his room, closed the door with his foot, and threw me on the bed, where I landed with a loud yelp. He started removing his clothes, revealing his beautiful body to me. First came his shirt, which showed off his abs, then came his belt and his jeans, and finally his boxers, leaving him gloriously naked, and not a bit ashamed from that fact.

  His cock was hard. I couldn’t resist the urge to lick my lips and his eyes darkened. My nipples hardened and my pussy got wetter at his heated stare, and suddenly all my clothes felt too heavy and I wanted to rip them apart. They were restraining me. I wanted my skin on his skin, his naked body on my naked body, to feel every touch and kiss with every part of me.

  “Strip before I rip them off, Jane,” he said gruffly, his face a mask of need and desire. Part of me wanted to disobey him, just for the sake of seeing what he would do, but my body craved his, and the need to feel him inside me was stronger and won.

  I removed my pants and boots, then rose up on my knees in bed facing him, and slowly removed my shirt with one movement, leaving me with only a strapless bra and thong. His eyes roamed hungrily all over my body, and his hand moved lower and grabbed his hard-on.

  Was it possible for his cock to get harder? It sure looked bigger than a second ago.

  “I want to taste you.” My whisper was breathy and needy, but who cared? It had been so long since I had him in my mouth that it watered just from the memory, and the way his eyes darkened with lust, I knew he thought about the time in Vegas too.

  He moved closer to the bed, one hand still stroking his massive erection while the other grabbed my hair, and he pushed me down to his cock. It was right in front of me, and the way he was holding me sent electric tingles to my core as I licked my lips.

  “Do you now?” he said harshly as his eyes focused on my mouth, so I licked it again for better effect. He growled, “What are you waiting for then? Suck.”

  Immediately, I leaned forward on my hands and knees and licked his length, and then sucked on the head while my hand moved to his root where I squeezed him hard. I still remembered the things he taught me. The taste of him on my tongue was divine. He groaned with pleasure, his hand pulling me closer as he pushed into my mouth deeper, and I relaxed my throat.

  “Jane,” he moaned, and I felt wetness between my thighs and quivering sensations around my clit. I desperately wanted to come. I released the head, moved down to lick his whole length, and inhaled his smell. I licked him from root to tip and sucked him in deeper while my hand caressed his balls. His groaning and moaning gave me a sense of power over this man. My hands grabbed his ass cheeks and I raked my nails across his skin, while his hips pushed himself deeper inside me, and I loved it. The only thing that was not perfect was my pussy aching with need. I moaned around him, and clenched my thighs for friction on my aching clit.

  Suddenly, Drake pushed my head away gently, made me lie back, and kneeled in front of me. When he pushed my legs apart, I felt his hot breath on my core.

  “When you are with me, you won’t pleasure yourself, Jane,” he growled and then licked my clit with his flattened tongue. When his tongue pushed inside me, I cried out with desire. He rested my thighs on his shoulders and my heels pushed against his back. I grabbed his head and tugged on his hair to pull him closer as my other hand fisted the sheet tightly.

  He was an expert with his tongue. He knew exactly how to bring me to the brink of an orgasm then pull back and leave me unfulfilled and frustrated. He moved his two fingers inside me while his tongue teased my clit.

  “Drake, please,” seemed to be the only words I could utter. His mouth disappeared from my folds, and then he lifted and pushed me up the bed. Before I knew what he was doing, he flipped me over onto my stomach, pulled up my hips, and he thrust deeply into my core. He grabbed my hair and tugged my head back so my lips were inches from his, and then he moved his hand lower to my stomach, resting it there.

  “Drake.” My voice was husky, barely there from all the emotions I was feeling.

  “Yeah, feel me inside you. Did you miss me?” He thrust again, and we kissed deeply. To feel anything but this was impossible. “Or the sex?” His tone changed from raspy to harsh and his hand on my waist tightened.

  “You.” Was he crazy?

  “Really? Why is that?” His movements stopped and his hands moved to play with my nipples.

  I moaned again and leaned my head back against his shoulder; my eyes closed as I enjoyed the sensations. The technique this man had, I swear.

  Suddenly, he pinched me hard.

  “Answer me, beautiful,” he demanded, thrusting into me. I was so close to an orgasm, but I wanted this moment to last forever, but at the same time, my body craved release desperately.

  But he needed something else, and I would give it to him.


  “Because it’s you. No one else makes me want—” I breathed heavily through the pleasure his hands and cock were giving me, and continued, “No other man makes me want him.” My hand pulled his head forward as he pushed deeply into me. His lips met mine in a demanding, deep, passionate kiss.

  Somehow, what we shared was the most erotic experience for me. I was aware of his feelings for me in his every touch, every kiss, and every breath.

  He let go of my mouth and his lips moved to my neck, where he nipped, licked, and sucked.

  Drake was leaving marks on me for everyone to see. His dominating nature came out to play only during sex, and the feminine part of me loved him for it. I loved seeing him lose control for me, around me.

  I was hot all over. He was planted deep inside me, stretching me. His hands played with my nipples; his mouth caressed my cheek. His actions evoked such pleasurable sensations from my body.

  The position was hot, but I needed more. I didn't want to come like this, and I was close. I could feel it. />
  “Drake.” I turned my head to see his hooded blue eyes filled with desire and need. Instantly, his eyes snapped to my lips and he licked them, and then he sucked my lower lip into his mouth.

  This man seriously wanted me to come right then, but no.

  I needed him.

  “What?” Although still husky, his voice was softer, and he made another move with his hips.

  “I want to change my position.” That made him frown.

  “Not enough friction?” he growled, unhappy I wasn’t satisfied the way we were.

  “Not enough you.”

  He froze and our eyes held each other for several moments, and then he flipped me over. I found myself straddling his hips, my chest to his chest, and I moaned, because his cock was pressed firmly against my womb. I pulled him closer to lose myself in his kiss, while my hips moved up and down on him. I was close, so close. His hands rested on my hips as he guided me toward my release. The bliss that only came from our lovemaking.

  I stilled above him, gasped, and threw my head back with a cry. He was still hard inside me. He leaned forward and sucked on my nipples firmly, one-by-one, and then he grabbed my neck and kissed me again. He stiffened inside me then shuddered and groaned against my mouth as he found his release.

  We were both breathing heavily as he pressed his forehead against mine. My arms and legs were wrapped around him, our bodies sweaty and sticky, but at the same time, I’ve never felt better in my life.

  His eyes gazed into mine, and I couldn’t look away. They had so much inside them, so many feelings he usually hid from me, and it was no wonder. My heart ached at the idea that I hurt him so much with my constant refusal.

  We could have had this all this time.

  “I swear to God,” he started and cleared his throat, his voice hoarse and raspy. “If you disappear on me again, I will run after you, bring your ass back here, and spank it like you deserve. No more of this bullshit,” he said grumpily. His words made me smile, because we both knew, if I really wanted to get away from him, he wouldn't force me.


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