Captured in Croatia

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Captured in Croatia Page 12

by Christine Edwards

  “Please tell me what you’re doing in my country,” I whisper so as not to frighten her.

  Without missing a beat she replies quietly, “I can’t. You’ll hurt me.”

  “You really believe that? Even now, as we lie here together?”

  “Zoran, I’ve been trained to believe that.”

  “Trained? You’re a spy?”

  She averts her eyes, ashamed.

  “Look at me.” I try to keep my voice level, not wanting her to shut down.

  Thankfully she meets my eyes once again. “It’s complicated, not what you think. I can’t talk about it.”

  I sigh, more disappointed than frustrated. “Carew, I have the design you stole that night. It was in your purse when I pulled you out of the wreck. I know what you were after. What you were stealing from my boss. The time for playing games is over, baby.”

  Her cheeks blaze in anger as she sits up and straightens her gown to cover herself. “You don’t know what you’re talking about! It’s far more complicated than you think, Zoran.”

  “Then tell me, why go through of the trouble of breaking in? I want to understand.”

  “Why? So you can let your boss and the other guards loose on me? I don’t think so. I’ve told you enough already, Zoran. Now drop this. Please!” There is genuine fear in her voice.

  Standing, I move off the bed and head for the shower.

  With a long sigh, I stop before stepping in. “All right, my princeza, enough for now. A few guys are coming over for our monthly poker game later. Considering what’s going on, I wanted to cancel it, but can’t. I’m don’t want to draw any unwanted attention by changing plans at the last minute. It starts in just over an hour. I ask that you stay up here. I do not want any of their eyes on you, especially in the limited clothing that you have. Understood?”

  Silence. Then she sighs heavily and asks, “What choice do I have?”

  “You’re wrong there. Everything in life is a choice.” The horrific events of my past have taught me that lesson all too well. I chose not to defend my parents and as a result, I still have my brother and my own life. But my parents had to suffer. Fucking choices!

  She’s agitated as she rises to her knees, clutching a pillow against her breasts. “Don’t think for one second that this is some form of relationship, because we both know it most certainly is not.” She gestures between us. “All of this? Nothing more than a twisted, one-sided mess!”

  I shake my head in exasperation and step into the shower. After shoving the handle on, I allow the circular rainforest showerhead to pour down over me.

  I wonder if she could ever understand that I never give my affection this freely. I have let her into my world, given her more than any woman before her. I scrub my wet palms over my face, thinking things over. I’m beginning to seriously consider just letting her go.

  Holding onto her is like trying to contain a rainbow. Impossible.

  Chapter Eleven

  A Steady Hand

  The afternoon light is beginning to wane. My hunger has been steadily increasing and I wish that I had finished the amazing meal from earlier today. Out of curiosity, I try the latch on one of the windows. To my surprise, it swings right open. Cool air wafts in as I stick my head out to have a look around. The house sits up high on a grass and rock precipice before a gushing waterfall.

  What would happen if I jumped into the pool below? It’s not making it into the water that concerns me. The house sits close enough to it that the leap would most likely be a success. It’s what lies beneath the water that scares me. There could be craggy rocks close to the surface that would cut me open or worse, knock me unconscious. Nope, sorry. Not today, death. At that thought, I close the window and puff out a long sigh.

  Loud male voices and boisterous laughter float up from downstairs. I just knew that guy played poker! I bet nobody gets the drop on him. His tells would certainly be undetectable.

  My body tingles, recalling how he made me so mindless, so sexed-up for him earlier. Hell, I would have let him do just about anything to me during that sensual encounter, my desire for him is so off the charts overpowering.

  Zoran … who are you and what have you done with my self-control?


  I’ve resolved to stay busy, running through some kata movements and a few sets of sit-ups. I need to be on my A-game now more than ever. I strain with effort to complete what should be a routine set of exercises. My body is still weak from the crash and my behind is incredibly tender.

  It’s a struggle, but I make it through the last sit-up and haul my body up from the towel and head for the shower. It’s completely dark outside now and their game has been going on for three hours. They are listening to music so loud that there’s no way they will hear the water over it.

  I’ve kept adding wood to the fire. The light it throws off combined with the generous track lighting gives the vast room the feeling of a supremely elegant prison. When is he going to come up here? I berate myself for yearning for his company, his strong hands. Oh God, yes, that wicked tongue of his ….

  I turn the shower handle and waste no time, allowing my wet fingers to absently glide across my tight nipples, rubbing gently, thinking of the pleasure he elicits from me. My index finger slips between my saturated lips and rubs hard against my clit as I widen my stance.

  The hot water is raining down over my body and I recall the raw, animalistic sex from this afternoon. My mind conjures up that sexy tattoo of the tiger, the perfect symbol of his power. How his strong back heaves and flexes as he powers into me. Oh yeah … so fucking close. I rub harder, imagining his sexy, labored breathing against my neck. Almost there ….

  I’m just about to fall over the edge when I hear heavy footfalls in the room. Reluctantly, I pull my hand away and reach for the handle, intending to step out and see what he wants. With my arm still extended, I come to a dead stop and let out a scream of absolute terror.

  Staring at me, with only a quarter inch of glass separating us, is a giant of a man who looks like a cross between a pitbull and a demon. Not knowing what else to do, I fly back to huddle in the steamy corner, wishing I could just curl up into a ball and disappear.

  My wide eyes take in the sight of the terrifying man. The most chilling aspect of him are his nearly black eyes, which are roaming over me like a starved bear that has just woken up from a four month slumber. His face is pitted and wide, his flat features twisted into a sneer.

  Holy fuck, Carew, think!

  My best bet is to scream for Zoran because there is no way in hell I can take on this giant with my injured wrist. Sizing him up quickly, I note that he has to be nearly as tall as Zoran. Shit!

  Sucking in a deep breath, I lift my face and scream for all I’m worth, all the while thinking, Please, please dear God, let him hear me!

  I watch those black eyes narrow in anger and I jerk back. Who knew this guy would get even scarier? Before I can scream again, he is inside the shower and on top of me, pinning me against the wall as he begins his assault—groping my breasts, nauseating me with his alcohol-laden, disgusting breath.

  It’s beyond revolting! I struggle to twist my head away and let out another scream. I’m cut off by a vicious backhand that leaves my cheek on fire with pain.

  “No!” I cry out as loudly as I’m able.

  A rough grunt and a few slurred, undeciperable words are his only reply. I writhe in horror as this monster begins to undo his belt and dark pants while holding me by the neck. I struggle to breathe.

  Suddenly, so quick that I have trouble tracking the movement, another body is inside of the enclosure. My eyes widen as a massive hand slides quickly between us, clamping down with deadly accuracy on the face of Mr. Gruesome. At the same time, I see a quick forward flash of legs as he’s pulled backwards and off balance.

  Zoran ….

  They both crash to the pebbled floor with a loud thud and he’s on the guy in a second, pounding savagely into his face. It’s so brutal in it
s intensity, his blows so dead on and steady that I can only stare in stunned horror. It’s like watching a UFC fight from the center of the cage.

  The guy is strong and nearly shoves Zoran off twice, but Zoran’s straddling him and has the dominant position. There is little that the man can do other than lie there and take the beating. He holds up his forearms in a vain attempt to ward off the violent blows.

  Zoran stops when the guy stops fighting and simply lies there, moaning, under the spray from the shower that is drenching them both. Vivid red blood drips off Zoran’s hands, swirling around on the light, tiled floor before disappearing down the drain.

  Without looking at me Zoran shouts, “Go cover yourself!”

  I blink twice before my brain sends the message to move. Then I stagger around the two prone bodies to grab for a towel and wrap it around my trembling body. I want to lock myself away from all this brutality, all this terror. There is nowhere to go. B bounds into the room as I race toward the far side of the bed.

  He immediately casts his eyes down. Genuine concern is in his deep voice as he asks, “You all right?”

  I reach down to secure my towel and open my mouth to speak, but no sound comes out. I nod once, shock setting in.

  “My brother in there?” He heads toward the bathroom.

  I manage a strained, “Yes,” before I climb up and huddle against the headboard, grabbing as many pillows I can get my hands on, as if they can somehow protect me. My lace robe is spread out along the end of the bed. I tentatively reach for it but freeze as Zoran steps out of the enclosure. He’s drenched and a murderous look is etched across his chiseled face. Blood streaks his hands and thick arms, all the way up to his elbows. I watch in horror as he clenches and unclenches his fists.

  I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be here! Rewind, rewind!

  He makes his way over to the sink as B drags the angry, cursing man through the room. By now the rest of the poker party, five guys total, have come running up the steps to see what all the commotion is about. Eyes track back and forth between me and the battered man.

  B starts to haul the injured giant across the bedroom and calls out, “Pomoci mi.” Help me out.

  Just as two of the guys step forward to assist him in tossing the guy out, he pulls forward, shrugging out of B’s and another man’s hold and turns around to sneer at me.

  I suck in a breath and strangle the pillow against my chest as he continues to glower at me. His voice rough and guttural, he says in English, “Stupid bitch. You will pay.”

  Zoran rounds the corner of the shower as the last word leaves his mouth. He reaches Mr. Gruesome in three long strides. A vicious right hook aimed at the Croatian’s mouth has him spraying at least two teeth and a gush of blood across the room. He falls to the floor in an echoing thud.

  The quaking shudders start up tenfold, and despite my best efforts I can’t get a grip. If he can do that to a three-hundred-pound abomination, what could he do to me?

  Oh God, I have to get the hell out of here. What if he plans to never let me go?

  All these conflicting thoughts fly around in my head as I fold my arms across my eyes to block out any additional graphic images in their nightmarish play-by-play.

  Their loud voices and heavy footsteps become faint as the room empties out. I crawl under the warm duvet, thankful to be left alone, especially by Zoran. He must know that he scared me out of my mind tonight.

  Chapter Twelve

  Drowning in Dreams

  “That’s right, Carew, try again.”

  My finger caresses the trigger while my eye is latched against the rifle’s scope. My target passes before my lens, and I line up the sights …. Yes! Another spot-on hit! It has taken many months of constant practice but I am up to ten shots without one single miss. I hope that my father will notice and be proud. Today my goal is fifteen. It’s invigorating.

  A loud, barking voice that I can hear through my earplugs pulls my concentration away.

  “Major General Sloan, a word sir?”

  There is something off about the voice. It’s overtly arrogant. I lower my rifle and push up from my prone position on my stomach to stand. My father is only seven feet away, his broad back facing me.

  “Yes, what is it, soldier?”

  I watch the soldier remove his hat. An odd gesture. We are at a civilian firing range and he’s dressed in full camo gear, as if he’s ready for war. He’s young, maybe only twenty-three, with skull-trimmed blond hair and a fresh face. But his onyx eyes are so flat, so dead. A cold chill runs up my spine.

  “Dad?” I call to him in a wary voice.

  At the same time, the soldier pulls his pistol from his hip and points it right at my father’s chest.

  “This should get me some recognition from the fucking military!”

  My father makes a quick, valiant attempt to go for the gun but the shot has been fired, nailing him directly in the chest. I struggle to catch him in his backward fall.

  I gasp as another single shot rings out and armed people race to our aid. The man unloaded on the side of his own head.

  As my father lies sprawled across my lap, blood spewing from the wound in his chest. I scream frantically, “Daddy, nooo! Someone, anyone help us!”

  The words are still on my lips as a hand passes over my forehead. My arms fly up to push it away, convinced that it is a threat. My eyes spring open to see Zoran staring at me, a look of shock on his face.

  I gasp and try to lurch backward out of his arms but he holds fast, speaking to me in a soothing voice. “Shhh, princeza, it’s okay, nobody will hurt you. Did you dream about what happened tonight?”

  Still trying to shake the tragic memory, I say, “No, it wasn’t about that guy. The stress may have triggered it, though; it usually does. I’ve had that dream hundreds of times before. It’s about my father.” I try to calm my breathing and continue. “He was shot by a disgruntled ex-Marine. It happened right in front of me. I should have done something to stop it. I mean, I had a rifle right in front of me!”

  Tears spill down my cheeks. He looks concerned but continues to hold me as he lightly stroking my hair.

  “You’re all right now. Don’t worry.”

  Thankfully he avoids any additional questions and we sit propped against the soft pillows. The fire casts low light across the darkened space.

  After several minutes he surprises me by whispering, “Both my parents and my immediate family were murdered by soldiers as well. It happened during the Croatian War of Independence. The Kosovo Liberation Army, they were called. They wanted our home and property. I wish I could go back to that day with the knowledge that I have now. Things would be very different.”

  I take in his confession and finally reply, “I’m very sorry. That’s horrific.”

  His arms tighten around me from behind. I watch him stare across the room at the dancing flames for a long moment before he continues in a pained voice,“B and I escaped and eventually joined the Croatian military to get our land back. Took us four years but it eventually happened. Had it not, we would have died trying.”

  “So you were both soldiers?”

  “Yes. First it was just me because B was too young. He stayed with a distant relative until he turned sixteen and then joined the fight. I stayed in and B got out two years after we reclaimed our home. He went on to college and teaches English at a nearby school. That’s where he met his girlfriend, Georgina. You’ll meet her tomorrow.”

  “Are you planning on releasing me tomorrow?”

  “That’s not what I said.”

  I look away from him, out the window at the white half-moon. “Will you ever?”

  With both arms around me, he turns me gently in his arms and pulls me beneath his hot body. I should fight him but my need betrays me as desire washes over me. His full lips meld against mine, erasing all but pleasurable thoughts.

  He is like a beautiful force that I am helpless to deny. I feel a hand at my stomach as he
unfastens the delicate bow of my lace robe, spreading the fabric apart before he draws it off, pulling it out gently from beneath me to toss it at the bottom of the bed. Without the barrier, I feel his smooth nakedness and moan as he begins to grind his hips between my legs. I spread them far apart, aching from deep within my core. I want this … him. I need him to fuck me, brand me as his.

  I pull my mouth away and plead, “Tigar.”

  “Shhh, just feel me on you.”

  I smooth my hands across his wide shoulders and down his back. A rough sound of male approval escapes before he slowly lowers his head between my spread legs. I throw my head back at the first swipe of that skillful tongue, so wet and forceful. I won’t last long.

  He laps hungrily at my core, through my slick pussy lips, and over my sensitive clit. Over and over until I writhe beneath him in mindless pleasure.

  “Yes, oh yes! Please, please don’t stop!”

  Two thick fingers fill me as he begins a relentless, pumping motion. That wicked tongue stays on my clit, licking in a frenzy. I spread wider, wanting, needing everything that he offers. I feel my channel tighten around his fingers just before everything shatters apart into a prism of vibrant colors and warm heat so intense it rips a scream from my throat.

  “Tigar! Oh, my God! Ahh!”

  I writhe as the orgasm flutters continuously, spurred on by his hungry determination, so fierce that I’m left breathless.

  I pant, blissed out beyond measure. “Thank you.”

  He climbs back up to hover over me and whispers in a silky voice, “My pleasure. Now, no more bad dreams tonight, princeza, okay?”

  “Yes, okay, Tigar.”

  His liquid clear eyes light up as he places a soft kiss on my lips before he twists to fall onto the mattress beside me.

  Without overthinking it, I sit up, pull the white cover away, and kneel between his thick legs.

  He knows what I’m up to because a low male purr cuts through the air. I grin and let my hair fall across his ripped stomach as I open wide to take him between my parted lips. Hot, silky flesh welcomes me. I take his shaft in slow pulses at first, letting my mouth stretch to accommodate his girth. He tastes so perfect and clean—a bit like fresh pine blended with mint. I encircle the base of his shaft with my right hand and hold fast as I begin to suck his cock with all the fervor and passion he has just given to me.


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