Unraveled - A Short Story Collective

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Unraveled - A Short Story Collective Page 12

by KR Bankston

“Hey Chriss,” Lathan spoke quietly.

  Chrissalyn was still smiling slightly to herself recalling her conversation with Devon when Lathan’s voice startled her. Quickly gathering herself she looked up at him and returned his greeting.

  “I didn’t know you were coming,” Lathan told her looking directly into her eyes trying to gauge her thoughts.

  “Is it a problem that I’m here?” Chrissalyn asked calmly.

  Lathan sighed softly and told her no. Chrissalyn grunted noncommittally and returned her attention to the dance floor effectively dismissing Lathan. She didn’t know why but she was extremely irritated with him. Well that was a lie; she did know why she was irritated. Chrissalyn was sick and tired of being sick and tired where Lathan was concerned and obviously he still hadn’t done what he’d promised concerning Alisha, given his nervous demeanor that she was here at the party as was Alisha.

  “Chriss, can we talk?” Lathan asked not deterred by her mood at his presence. Chrissalyn turned to him once more and looked him over before answering. “Did you do what you needed to do Lathan?”

  Lathan sighed deeply and tried again. “Please Chriss, just a few minutes,” he answered instead. She sucked her teeth and turned her head once again. “Meet me in the Cartier room, its down the hall on your left, in 10 minutes, please,” Lathan told her and walked away unsure if she would or wouldn’t show.

  Devon arrived just as Lathan left but didn’t comment. Instead he handed Chrissalyn her drink and challenged her.

  “If you can drink this shot of crown straight, I’ll do your dishes for a week,” he told her giving her a look.

  Chrissalyn burst into laughter again at how silly Devon was, and thankful he’d helped her shake the earlier mood and took his challenge. Less than a minute later she was looking at him holding the empty shot glass in her hand.

  “I like my plates and pots hand dried and put up, not left in the drainer,” she told him calmly as Devon’s mouth hung open.

  “Damn, I been hustled,” he proclaimed laughing once more.

  “Let’s get some air,” Chrissalyn suggested and Devon cheerfully obliged.

  “You know I was just playin’ about the dishes right?” Devon tried and Chrissalyn laughed telling him he was wimping out on the bet.

  “Loser,” she teased and Devon laughed as he held the door for her and they headed out onto the terrace to enjoy the view.


  Lathan was hurrying to the Cartier room. He’d been held up a few extra minutes talking to one of the senior VP’s. Please don’t let her have left, he thought as he yanked open the door and entered the room, completely shocked at what he found.

  “Hey baby, I’m glad you came,” Alisha greeted him seductively as she hugged herself close to his body and kissed his cheek. “You almost got here too early,” she chuckled again oblivious to the fact that Lathan didn’t have a clue.

  “Uh, well yeah I’m here, now what?” he threw back hoping she would get to point and get the hell out before Chrissalyn came. Just as the question left his lips the door opened again as Kina and Tae walked in.

  “Hey girl, thanks for getting Lathan in here,” Alisha giggled looking at her best friend.

  Kina simply smiled as she and Lathan exchanged looks each reading the others thoughts.

  “Well baby,” Alisha began again as Lathan waited for the other shoe to drop. Whatever she was up to, he was sure he wasn’t going to like it. “I know we’ve had our ups and downs, but you’ve got to know how very much you’ve come to mean to me and how very much I love you,” Alisha continued as she stepped closer to him almost touching him as she continued to speak. “I don’t want what we have to ever end Lathan,” she continued and the knot in his stomach tightened. “So with that thought in mind, I want to give you this ring and ask you to marry me and be my husband,” Alisha finished earnestly as she waited for Lathan to react.

  The applause came from seemingly nowhere and startled everyone, everyone except Kina.

  “Wassup baby?” Sammy greeted Alisha smoothly as her mouth hung agape and she stared incredulous that he was actually here.

  What the hell? She was thinking trying to figure out how she would get through this. Lathan, knowing who Sammy was, gave Alisha a questioning look.

  “Oh hey, don’t let me stop this wonderfully touching moment,” Sammy threw out again taking a sip from the champagne flute he was holding.

  Kina was beside herself with glee.

  “What are you doing here Sammy?” Alisha finally managed to ask.

  Sammy chuckled slightly before answering. “I was invited,” he said calmly. Alisha frowned in confusion.

  “Who invited you Sammy?” she threw out again.

  No one at DCA knew her ex-boyfriend that she was aware of.

  Sammy laughed again. “Well it seems Kina was kind enough to extend the invitation, and I just couldn’t say no to that,” he told Alisha continuing to watch her wrap herself tighter in her own web of deceit. “Hell I would have missed all this if I had, not to mention, Lathan would have said yes not knowing the whole story,” he finished his intent completely clear.

  Alisha thought she was going to pass out, but managed to gather herself enough to turn and face Kina. “Why?” she asked simply the depth of hurt at her friend’s betrayal evident in her voice. Kina felt no remorse, only deepening anger at the question and willingly answered her.

  “For starters because you’re a lying, backstabbing bitch,” Kina told her and Alisha’s eyes filled with unshed tears hearing the venom in her friends voice. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out? That Kurt wouldn’t tell me?” Kina threw at her and Alisha’s hand flew to her mouth. “Yeah whore, he told me about the two of you fucking. At my house no less and in my muthafuckin’ guest room,” Kina continued enjoying her well-earned victory over Alisha’s games.

  “Kurt was my man Alisha, I loved him to death and we were good together, that is until your nasty ass came between us,” Kina continued to spit as Lathan’s disgust deepened and Sammy’s amusement grew. “He wanted me back, so he thought telling me about the shit would help him out,” Kina continued as Tae held her waist. He’d already heard the story and he knew how deeply it’d hurt her, now was her release and he wasn’t going to interfere. “All it did was hurt more Alisha and open my eyes to the tramp that you really were,” Kina told her as the first tear fell.

  “Then tonight, what was this shit about bitch?” Kina asked as Alisha opened her mouth but still unable to speak, “You thought Tae was a dog too huh? Or maybe that you were so much fucking better than me?” Kina fired at her throwing the card she’d slipped to Tae as she left the bar with her number and a message to call her.

  “So here’s the love of your life Lathan, the bitch you’ve given up everything for, hope she was worth all that shit,” Kina told him and fell silent. Sammy exhaled deeply and all eyes fell on him.


  Devon and Chrissalyn heard the loud voices as they passed the Cartier room and it peaked their attention. She hadn’t wanted to go in, but Devon told her maybe they needed to mediate, not including the revelation that he had a few plans of his own. They’d slipped unnoticed into the shadows of the room as Kina verbally assailed Alisha. Chrissalyn couldn’t believe the scene unfolding in front of her. Marry her? She thought to herself having missed the beginning and not knowing that is was Alisha who’d proposed and not Lathan.

  “Hey Lathan man, nothing personal,” Sammy began and Lathan gave him his undivided attention.

  “Please baby, let’s leave,” Alisha tried and Lathan pushed her aside telling Sammy to spit out what was on his mind. Sammy looked at Alisha and shrugged slightly before continuing.

  “Me and Alisha, well, we been kickin’ it almost every night here the last few months man,” Sammy told him and the vein in Lathan’s forehead began to throb. “Hell she even told me she was leaving you for me,” Sammy added and Alisha screamed at him calling him a liar. Sammy chuckled again. “Yeah see I knew you
would try that, so I bought a lil sumthin’ with me,” he told her looking at her hard and Alisha’s heart began to race. If Sammy shows Lathan that DVD he would never forgive me, she thought to herself conveniently forgetting everything that’d already been revealed. Alisha knew Lathan was angry, but she also knew she would be able to find a way to help him rationalize her behavior and after his anger passed, forgive her.

  “What you got?” Lathan asked tightly.

  Chrissalyn watched him seeing the hurt and embarrassment on his face, but she couldn’t bring herself to feel pity for him, still angry that he hadn’t kept his promise and broken things off. Not to mention to small matter of him proposing to Alisha adding insult to her already numerous injuries concerning him. Devon felt her tremble slightly and held Chrissalyn

  tightly. He knew this was hurting her, but he needed her to see the real Lathan tonight. His future with her was on the line and Devon was determined to go down fighting.

  “This lil flick here should be real interesting to you,” Sammy told Lathan stepping aside and revealing the personal DVD player he’d brought with him.

  Alisha had to grab the back of the chair to keep from passing out on the spot. “No Lathan, don’t look at that!” she screamed as he walked to the player and pushed play.

  The images spilled onto the small screen and Lathan’s hands immediately clenched into a tight fist.

  “Like Kina said man, just thought you’d like to know what you was getting,’” Sammy told him nonchalantly as he cast an eye at Alisha who was glaring at him.

  Lathan watched the DVD a few moments more then pushed stop and turned to Alisha.

  “So you been playin’ my ass huh?” Lathan threw at her and Alisha began to beg pleading her case.

  “Lathan it wasn’t like that,” she tried and he stepped toward her causing her to back up quickly. “You was screwing Sammy, so how else was it gonna be?” Lathan yelled at her and Alisha flinched. “You’ve put me through hell Alisha, cost me every fucking thing and for what?” he added and Alisha’s own fury cranked up.

  “Cost you what Lathan?” she screamed “That bitch Chrissalyn?” she threw at him and Lathan remained mute. “She’s with Devon, Lathan” Alisha screamed again, “Let it fucking go, she doesn’t want you” she added and Devon grabbed Lathan just as he was about to hit her. “It ain’t worth it man,” he told his friend.

  Lathan spun around hearing Devon’s voice as his eyes came directly into contact with Chrissalyn’s.

  “Damn Lathan, you sure got a lot of drama,” Vanessa said calmly.

  Everyone turned to the voice that appeared seemingly out of nowhere. “What are you doing here?” Lathan asked his heart sinking at the sight of her.

  “Who the fuck is this bitch?” Alisha screamed seeing his reaction to the woman.

  “No, no, little girl,” Vanessa told Alisha menacingly. “You don’t know me like that,” she added and returned her attention to Lathan. “You never told me it was this serious with you and her,” Vanessa told him and waited for an answer. Chrissalyn was totally bewildered.

  “Yeah Lathan, explain this shit,” Alisha threw out again gaining her confidence back now that she had something to hang over his head as well.

  Devon was once again holding Chrissalyn who was still watching the scene completely detached from it.

  “Vanessa, why are you here?” Lathan asked again. “Because Devon invited me,” she answered smoothly and this time it was Lathan’s turn to be surprised.

  “Why don’t you tell everyone who Vanessa is to you Lathan,” Devon said calmly and Lathan knew he’d set him up to ruin any chance he had with Chrissalyn.

  “Yeah I want a explanation if no one else does,” Alisha piped up again.

  Lathan shot her an evil look and directed his answer directly at Chrissalyn who was watching him intently again.

  “She’s a friend of mine,” he answered the emphasis on the word friend. Vanessa chuckled slightly.

  “Well Lathan, I’d say we’re just a little more than friends,” she threw out the meaning evident from the tone of her statement.

  Lathan sighed slightly and repeated what he’d just said as his eyes begged Chrissalyn’s understanding.

  “Well if she just a friend, why you trippin’ about her being here?” Alisha threw out garnering his attention once more away from Chrissalyn.

  “And you have room to question my shit why?” Lathan returned furiously.

  Vanessa sighed deeply and stepped between the two of them. “Lookie here,” she began as Lathan implored her to stop and Alisha waited expectantly for an answer. “Me and Lathan have been kickin’ it on the low since last May or June” she told Alisha looking her directly in the eye.

  “What the hell does that mean?” Alisha threw out. “You two have a relationship or what?” she added and Vanessa smiled slightly once again.

  “Well for the stupid ass people in the room,” she began again still looking at Alisha, “We have been fucking each other since last May or June,” Vanessa said point blank and Chrissalyn grew physically ill.

  “Lathan seems to like coming on down to Warner Robins, and then Lathan likes cumin’,” Vanessa said crudely as she turned her attention to Lathan once more. “You got too much drama baby boy,” Vanessa told him evenly “Call me up when you sort this shit out, you know the dick is good, so the pussy will be waitin’,” she told him calmly ignoring the furious Alisha as she kissed him softly on the cheek and bid everyone a good evening as she left.

  Tae and Kina left next seeing that the festivities were over and Kina had accomplished all she set out to do. Sammy also left telling Alisha as he walked out that he’d still take her back if Lathan kicked her to the curb, hell everyone needed a good cut buddy, then laughed hard and left them alone.


  The room was back to the original four players and as silent as a mausoleum. Chrissalyn was the first one to speak.

  “Lathan,” she began and he turned his attention to her. “You are an amazing piece of work,” she continued calmly never taking her eyes from him. “You got me, I’ll give you that,” she told him the hurt coming through her voice. “All the drama I endured just to be your friend, wow,” she said and stopped for a moment to gather her emotions.

  “Then you come to my house feeding me all those lies about loving me and wanting to be with me, but you too weak to even break up with Alisha, not to mention the surprise guest of the evening,” she told him and Lathan opened his mouth to defend himself.

  “Hush, just don’t say nothing” Chrissalyn stopped him and he remained silent allowing her to finish. “Devon’s a good person, and he’s been nothing but good to me, yet I was willing to throw him away just to be with you,” Chrissalyn told him as the first tear fell. “And for what?” she threw out trying hard not to break down completely. “I am so done with this and with you Lathan,” she told him and Lathan immediately walked to her trying to take her into his arms, not caring that both Devon and Alisha were in the room.

  “No, get away from me,” Chrissalyn told him harshly. “You’re pathetic,” she added and looked at him distastefully. “One day when you grow up, maybe God will be kind enough to send you someone else who’ll love you the way I did, but it won’t be me Lathan. It won’t be me,” she told him as a final point turning and taking the hand Devon offered. “I hope you and Alisha live happily ever after because if there were ever two people on this earth who deserved each other, it’s the two of you,” she told him as Devon opened the door and they left the two of them alone together in the room. The party was still in full swing in the other room, but for the couples leaving the Cartier room, the party was over.


  Well it would be nice to say that everyone lived happily ever after once the festivities ended or even that everything was settled, but this is real life and in real life nothing is ever that cut and dry. Kina and Tae continued to date and grew increasingly closer, with Kina eventually becoming pregnant. Her and
Tae's son is due to be born in the next few months. She and Alisha never spoke again, with Kina transferring departments to get away from her former friend. Sammy found a new love and began a new relationship. He ran into Alisha on a few occasions at the club. Alisha was extremely hostile the first couple of meetings but soon Sammy wore her down and the two began talking again, forging a tenuous understanding and limited friendship.

  The last two times Sammy saw her at the club, he and Alisha enjoyed great flashback sex. She was still a firecracker to Sammy and he enjoyed watching her explode as he sexed her. Neither of them had any expectations of the encounters other than tension release as they continued their daily lives with their chosen partners.

  Vanessa ended her liaison with Lathan, telling him he was too indecisive and had too many issues for her to deal with. They met one last time, having goodbye sex and bid each other the best. Lathan, still unable to admit defeat, continued to call Chrissalyn trying to regain her trust. Sitting in his living room nursing the beer in his hand, thinking of their last conversation, Lathan sighed deeply, closing his eyes to keep the hurt at bay.

  "Hey Chriss," Lathan greeted her softly after she'd finally answered the phone. He'd been calling her since the night of the party, always getting her machine or getting hung up on.

  "What do you want Lathan?" Chrissalyn asked still in no mood to deal with him.

  "I just wanted to make sure you were okay, and to tell you how very sorry I am for hurting you" Lathan returned gently.

  Chrissalyn sighed deeply before answering. "Lathan, what do you want me to say?" she threw at him, "I mean, you have had me on this damned treadmill so long, it'd actually become normal," she told him wearily. "And that is real messed up."

  "I never meant for it to be like this Chriss, please believe me," Lathan tried.

  "Lathan please," Chrissalyn told him scoffing at his remark. "Do YOU even have any idea of what is going on with your life?"

  "Look," Chrissalyn began again, "Let it go Lathan, it's a dead issue for me now, just as our friendship is."


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