Regency Romance: To Capture The Duke’s Heart (CLEAN Historical Romance) (The Inheritance Saga)

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Regency Romance: To Capture The Duke’s Heart (CLEAN Historical Romance) (The Inheritance Saga) Page 17

by Jessie Bennett

  James threw back his head and roared with laughter. “I cannot say no to that Ed, but there are so many beautiful women, some even fine ladies…but no, no one has caught my attention long-term…” said James, wanting desperately to add until now, but he forced himself to keep quiet, although his thoughts raced to beautiful Rose Buxton and the intimate night they had shared under the night sky.

  Edward watched James carefully. “I heard that you played the knight in shining armor when you rescued Rose Buxton the other day when she encountered Morgan Fallot’s men in the woods,” said Edward.

  James nodded and smiled. “News travels fast doesn’t it?” asked James.

  “Yes, indeed,” he said. “And you have been a frequent visitor to her shop,” added Edward, looking amused.

  James nodded again. “I had to go to her shop to order fabric for a new coat, as I did not bring any clothes with me. You know, Ed, I did not expect to stay more than a day here, not knowing what reception I would get from Mama,” said James.

  Edward nodded. “You remember Rose, don’t you?” he asked.

  “Not at first, but when she jogged my memory, it all came back and I remembered the three of us playing on the castle grounds,” said James.

  “Rose is a good woman and very persevering, although to remain in a business such as hers is a task to be reckoned with when there are people like Morgan in the same business,” said Edward.

  They both turned when they heard Hannah approach. “Your Grace, I have just finished preparing pork pie. Would you care to join us?” asked Hannah.

  “Now, Hannah, when have I refused your delicious pork pie? Of course I will join you for supper,” said Edward. Hannah smiled as Edward and James followed her into the kitchen.

  “How is Charlotte?” asked James as he cut a thick slice of pork pie for Edward.

  “She is well. Today is her day with the children, and that is why Hannah is free,” said Edward.

  “You are happy now, aren’t you, Ed?” asked James suddenly.

  “Of course, although it was a rough start for me. Charlotte has learned her lesson and is now a good mother,” said Edward.

  “I am happy to hear that, Ed,” said James.

  Edward finished three slices of pork pie and leaned back against his chair. “Now that was sumptuous,” he said as he smiled appreciatively at Hannah.

  “I am glad you liked it, Your Grace,” said Hannah.

  “I have always loved your cooking, Hannah, just like Papa…did,” said Edward, glancing quickly at James.

  Hannah nodded and they saw the sadness in her eyes.

  “Well, James, when do you propose visiting Frampton Castle?” asked Edward as he stood up and dusted his trousers.

  “I will come there tomorrow evening,” said James.

  “Very well, I will expect you then. You can stay for dinner, as Hannah will also be at the castle tomorrow evening,” said Edward, glancing at Hannah, who nodded as she smiled. “In the meantime, how long do you propose staying in Bath?” asked Edward.

  “Likely for a few weeks or even a month. That is, if Mama can put up with me,” said James as he glanced mischievously at his mother.

  “James Stratton, you know that I would love to have you with me,” said Hannah, smacking James playfully on the shoulder.

  “But I am also looking for a job,” said James. “I just cannot sit here doing nothing; it would make me mad,” he added.

  “You would not like to work in the castle?” said Edward.

  “No, Ed, not at the castle,” said James. “I don’t want people…” James’s voice trailed off.

  “I know what they say,” said Edward. “But be warned, don’t take any notice of gossip,” he added.

  James and Hannah nodded. “That is what I have been telling him for years,” said Hannah.

  “And your mother is right, James,” said Edward. James nodded.

  After Edward left, James and his mother sat on the porch and talked for a long time. “Mama, don’t worry too much about what people say,” said James.

  Hannah nodded. “These same people have been talking for ages, James,” said Hannah. “I will someday tell you the story of your birth,” said Hannah.

  “Hush, Mama, let the past rest. I have no intention of digging into old wounds that would cause you pain,” said James as he kissed his mother on the cheek. James stood up and stretched his hands above his head. “I am exhausted, Mama,” he said.

  Hannah smiled. “I have prepared your bath and the bed is arranged. Go take a bath and have a good night’s rest,” said Hannah as she patted James’s shoulder. They were about to bolt the front door when the sound of hooves echoed in the fast-fading light.

  “Who could that be?” asked Hannah as she opened the door, and then she gasped. “What is he doing here so late in the evening?” muttered Hannah as James came to stand behind her.





  “Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast.” ~ Jane Austen

  James walked out to meet Morgan. “It is Mr. Fallot, isn’t it?” asked James.

  “Indeed it is, James Stratton,” said Morgan.

  “And what brings you this way?” asked James.

  “I was in the area and thought I’d pay you a visit,” said Morgan as he looked over James’s shoulder to where Hannah stood.

  “I heard that Mrs. Buxton encountered three men the other day and was extremely lucky that you came along,” said Morgan.

  “Indeed,” said James, stifling a yawn.

  Nevertheless, Morgan was so self-centered that he chose to ignore James’s yawn and went on talking to him. “James, I was wondering whether you would care to come and work for me. I could do with a little help now that the business is booming,” said Morgan.

  James looked at Morgan in shock and then he smiled slowly. “No, Mr. Fallot, I don’t think I could do that. In fact, I was thinking of asking Mrs. Buxton whether she would hire me, as I think she needs a hand with her warehouse and shop more than you do,” said James.

  Hannah curbed a smile when she heard what James said. This man needs to be taught a lesson, and James is the ideal man to teach it, thought Hannah.

  “Oh, Mrs. Buxton would indeed be elated if you went to work for her. I heard a lot of…oh, but that’s to be expected from a woman of her status,” said Morgan with a shrug, hoping that James would take the bait.

  James clenched his fists and wished he could take a swing at Morgan’s face. “Mr. Fallot, if that is all that you came here to ask me, then I suggest you leave, as I am not one to stand and listen to frivolous gossip about people in Bath,” said James.

  “Oh I see. Perhaps that’s the reason you have not heard what people say about your own birth,” said Morgan haughtily, his eyes flashing fury.

  James unleashed the fury inside him as his open hand connected with Morgan Fallot’s cheek, which sent the other man reeling. “Now get the hell out of here, you bastard,” shouted James as he angrily kicked Morgan’s shin. The other man shrieked and staggered out of the garden. “That will teach him a lesson,” said James as he watched Morgan try to mount his stallion.

  “Come, James,” said Hannah. “You did what I was itching to do,” she added as they both walked into the house and closed the door behind them.

  The following day, Bath was buzzing with the news that Morgan Fallot had been in a fight with James Stratton.

  “Mrs. Buxton, did you hear the news?” asked Sam as he came bounding into the office.

  “What news?” asked Rose as she looked up from the ledger she had been scanning.

  “Morgan Fallot was in a fight with James Stratton, and James slapped him,” said Sam.

  “Oh dear me,” said Rose as she looked at Sam.

  “Don’t you think it is wonderful news that Morgan got his due?” said Sam.

  “Indeed, I am happy, but didn’t Morgan retaliate?” she asked.

  “Oh no, he did not. Apparently, he did not have a chance with James Stratton, as he quite literally kicked him out of their garden,” said Sam with a chuckle.

  Rose was worried that Morgan might have hit James back. She detested James and Morgan alike, so she wondered why she bothered to worry. Did she indeed dislike James so much? “Do you know the reason for the fight?” she asked.

  Sam fidgeted with his shirt collar. “Apparently, Morgan said something derogatory about James’ birth,” said Sam. “In front of his mother, no less.”

  Rose looked up quickly. “Sam, no one should talk about another’s birth line or parentage. It is none of our business and I believe James was in the right when he slapped Morgan,” said Rose firmly.

  “Mrs. Buxton, is it true that James is the Duke’s bastard child?” asked Sam.

  Rose pushed back her chair and stood up at once, anger surging through her body. “Sam, I just told you that it is none of our business. Get out my office and don’t come back until I have called for you,” shouted Rose.

  “Oh, I am sorry, Mrs. Buxton,” said Sam as he backed out of the room and bumped into somebody who had just come to the door. Sam turned around and looked straight into the face of James Stratton. One look at James and Sam fled the office as fast as his feet would carry him.

  James and Rose exchanged glances and then she smiled. “Sam was just telling me about your encounter with Morgan Fallot last night,” she said.

  James grinned. “He got what he deserved,” said James.

  “Did you see Wilbert about your measurements?” she asked.

  James nodded. “That is not why I came here today,” he said.

  “Oh?” asked Rose.

  “Mrs. Buxton, I am going to be in Bath for more than a month and doing nothing is not my forte. I wondered whether you would have a job for me here?” he asked.

  Rose’s eyes clashed with his as she looked at him in surprise. “But I thought you said you had cotton factories back in Manchester?” she asked in surprise.

  “Indeed I do, but I would like to stay with Mama for a while and see whether I can convince her to return with me to Manchester. My initial thoughts when I came here were to take her back with me, but I can see she has commitments at the castle and therefore refuses to leave,” said James.

  Rose nodded. She had heard about Maria Beaumont and Lord Stephen Huntington’s plans to kidnap Lady Sophia and Lord William. News traveled fast in their small community, especially where aristocracy was concerned. “I do need a hand in the warehouse, as Wally is getting too old for handling bales of fabric by himself now and Sam is always out on deliveries and the like, but Mr. Stratton…I must warn you that it is hard work and that the pay is nothing much,” she said.

  “I understand that, Mrs. Buxton, and would be grateful if you would give me a chance,” said James.

  “Very well, can you start tomorrow?” she asked, eyeing his shabby coat.

  “Indeed I can, Mrs. Buxton and thank you very much,” said James.

  “Very well then, go and ask Wally to come,” she said as she studied the ledgers on her table in a bid not to let her gaze wander to the man who had spent a night with her only two weeks before.

  James went in search of Wally and found him struggling with a bale of fabric. “Here, let me help you, Wally,” said James as he rushed to help the old man.

  “Oh, thank you, Mr. Stratton. That bale is pretty heavy,” said Wally.

  “Oh, Wally, Mrs. Buxton sent me to fetch you.

  “Now what does she need? Poor soul just cannot manage on her own here,” mumbled Wally as he trudged into the office, his tattered cap in hand. “You called for me, Mrs. Buxton?” he asked.

  “Indeed, Wally,” smiled Rose. “Mr. Stratton will start work at the warehouse tomorrow and I want you to show him everything about the fabrics and how they are stacked. I know they are not properly stacked at the moment, as you cannot reach the top racks, but I am sure Mr. Stratton will help you,” said Rose as she glanced toward James.

  “Indeed, I will be happy to help you, Wally,” said James as he looked kindly at the old man.

  “Ah, Mr. Stratton is a strong man. He just helped me with a bale of fabric. I was almost staggering under its weight,” said Wally with a smile.

  “Very well, Mr. Stratton, I shall expect you to report for work at eight tomorrow morning,” said Rose as she went back to writing her accounts.

  “Thank you once again, Mrs. Buxton,” said James as he tipped his hat and walked out of the office. James smiled to himself as he mounted Venus. “This, James Stratton, is your first step to winning the lady,” he muttered to himself as he rode away.

  However, someone sitting on the other side of the fence heard him and smiled to himself. “You think you will be able to smell the roses so easily, James Stratton? No, indeed not,” the man mumbled with an evil chuckle, as he quietly trudged home, evil plans mounting in his head. James Stratton would never ever be able to get close to Rose Buxton.





  “Business, you know, may bring you money, but Friendship never does,” ~ Jane Austen

  James stopped at Wilbert’s shop to collect his coat. “Mrs. Buxton has paid the bill, Mr. Stratton,” said Wilbert as he wrapped the coat in brown paper.

  “That was very kind of her,” said James.

  “Kindness never pays the bills. I told her that before as well,” muttered Wilbert.

  James grinned to himself as he walked out of Wilbert’s shop. When he got home, Hannah had already left for the castle, leaving a note behind for him to join her there that evening.

  James sat on the porch and ate his lunch of bread, meat, and fruit, which Hannah had left on the table. His thoughts circled around Rose. James had fallen in love with Rose Buxton the very first day he had seen her in the woods and had come to her rescue, and he knew that somewhere deep down in her being she felt the same, but why she was so aloof and distant, he did not know.

  He rode to Frampton Castle deep in thought. The castle’s garden made him nostalgic, so James dismounted and stood looking at the great elm tree, where he and Edward had played with Rose. Memories of them chasing Rose around the garden came flooding into his mind.

  “Reminiscing?” asked a voice from behind, which made James jump.

  He turned and saw Edward standing behind him and nodded. “Those were the good old days, Ed,” he said.

  “I couldn’t agree with you more,” said Edward as he put a hand on James’ shoulder.

  James smiled when he saw Charlotte walking toward them with Sophia, William and Jonathan.

  “Hello, James. It’s been a long time since you visited Bath,” said Charlotte.

  “Indeed, Your Grace,” said James. “Oh, James. I believe Edward mentioned titles and the like,” said Charlotte, smiling.

  James and Edward smiled. “Goodness me, your babies have certainly grown up,” said James as he ruffled William’s hair and looked at Jonathan, who was peeking at him from behind his mother.

  “I heard from Edward that you have set up quite a lucrative business in Manchester,” said Charlotte.

  James nodded. “It was hard at first, but having been in the Navy had its advantages,” said James.

  “Businesses are always difficult to begin unless you have the right connections,” said Edward, and James nodded.

  “You couldn’t be more correct,” he said.

  “Why don’t you come to Bath and set up your business here?” asked Charlotte.

  James shook his head. “I would foresee stiff competition and rivalry here, and that is not what I want,” said James, his thoughts racing to Rose.

  Charlotte and Edward exchanged glances. “So I have heard,” said Charlotte.

  James looked quickly at Charlotte and saw her exchange a smile with Edward.
br />   “Rose Buxton is a brave woman to brush shoulders with Morgan Fallot,” said Charlotte.

  “That is what I meant by stiff competition and rivalry,” said James.

  “But Rose does not give up easily,” said Edward as the three of then began to walk toward the castle.

  “James, I think it is in order if I ask you this, but please correct me if I have misspoken. Aren’t you thinking of marriage?” asked Charlotte.

  “Why do you want me to get into trouble, Charlotte?” asked James with a grin.

  “Marriage does not get one in trouble usually,” said Charlotte firmly.

  “Well, I have thought about it once or twice, but have not met anyone with whom I would like to share the rest of my life,” said James. “Marriage is for eternity, and when I meet the right woman, I will know,” he added.

  “Haven’t you met anyone yet who would be appropriate?” asked Charlotte.

  James nodded. “I may have met a woman I think would be a perfect wife, but there are constraints,” said James.

  “Constraints?” asked Edward questioningly, obviously confused.

  James nodded again. “Perhaps I should instead call them drawbacks, I think,” he said.

  “Who is she?” asked Charlotte.

  Edward and James exchanged glances.

  “Somehow, I think that both of you know who she is,” said Charlotte with a smile.

  “I might as well tell both of you,” said James.

  “Out with it, James,” said Edward.

  “Rose Buxton,” he said.

  “Rose Buxton,” repeated Charlotte thoughtfully. “Hm, she is a fine woman. Very persevering and would make a good wife,” added Charlotte.

  “But she seems aloof most of the time,” said James.

  “Women have different ways of expressing their feelings, James,” said Edward.

  Charlotte laughed. “I’d second that,” she said.

  “Haven’t you spoken to Rose about your feelings?’ asked Charlotte.


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