Wound Tight: A Rough Riders/Blacktop Cowboys Crossover

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Wound Tight: A Rough Riders/Blacktop Cowboys Crossover Page 13

by Lorelei James

  “It’s been killin’ me the last couple of weeks, watchin’ you struggle against askin’ me to stay with you. I knew that even if the thought of me leavin’ you broke your beautiful heart into a million pieces, that you’d let me go. Like you said you would. Because you’re a woman of your word, right?”

  Callie managed to nod.

  “You’d let me go because you’re used to disappointment. But that ends right now.”


  “I’m not letting you go without a fight. I’ve waited a long goddamned time for you, Callie. You’re mine in a way that makes me so fucking proud. Not just because you’re young and sexy and beautiful. But because you’re strong-minded, soft-hearted, resilient, and hopeful. Despite the shit hand that life dealt you, you always find the good, the funny, and the ironic in every situation. You saw all of that in me when I no longer saw it myself. Money can’t buy that. You gave that optimism back to me, freely, and from your heart. You make me happy in a way I never thought I’d deserve. And baby girl, I know I make you happy too. I know it,” he repeated. “And it also makes me so fucking proud that I can do that for you. That you let me do that for you.” He paused. “Remember when you told me that you didn’t believe in all that soul mate, romantic bullshit? Because you’d never seen it or experienced it?” Those green eyes of his went soft. “Maybe that’s why you’re fighting me on this. Because you don’t recognize that’s what this is between us, Callie.”

  Stunned by his admission, she just stared at him.

  “You deserve all the happiness in the world and I’m making it a personal life goal to give it to you every day.”

  She found her voice. “What are you saying?”

  “You’ve never had anyone take care of you. From here on out, that’s gonna change. I’m takin’ care of you. That doesn’t mean controlling you or making your decisions. That means you’ll move in here, with me, while you’re going to school.”

  When she started to ask a question, he shook his head.

  “I’m not done. You proved to me that you don’t care about the age difference between us. So use that same logic and apply it to the financial differences between us. Prove to me you don’t care.”

  Callie got a tiny bit annoyed that he was using her own damn argument against her. “How?”

  “I know you’d have a problem letting me take care of you as my girlfriend. I’m hoping that you wouldn’t have that same mindset as my wife.” Justin dropped to one knee.

  Omigod, omigod, omigod, what was he doing?

  “I’d planned to do this in a more romantic setting, but it’s more important that you know now that I’m not messin’ around with this. I’m not waiting. I love you. You are the best thing in my world. I want to spend every day of my life with you by my side and every night with you in our bed, in our home. So, Calliope Jane Morgan, will you marry me?”

  His chest was heaving. His eyes were hot. He was the most magnificent male she’d ever seen. And he was hers. All hers. All she had to do was say the word. One word to have everything she ever wanted.


  Maybe she shouldn’t have laughed when he stood up so fast his knee creaked.

  But he laughed right along with her. “You sure you want me, creaky parts and all, sweetness?”

  Nodding, Callie framed his face in her hands, staring at this beautiful man she loved so much, grateful that she’d get to look at him, be with him for years to come.

  “I know I’m a little old to be thinking about startin’ a family, but if you want that, a few years down the road after you’ve established yourself in your career, well…I’d be happy to knock you up a time or two.”

  She kissed him, her heart so full she couldn’t speak.

  But as usual, Justin knew everything she was saying and feeling. He swooped her into his arms and carried her into his bedroom, ready as always to let their bodies do the talking.

  * * * *

  Later, Callie was splayed across his flannel sheets, thoroughly spent. Her stomach grumbled but she didn’t have the desire to move even an inch away from her fiancé.

  Fiancé. What a trip.

  They hadn’t made wedding plans or talked logistics of merging their lives together permanently. They’d just celebrated their new permanence in their own fun, naughty way.

  Justin gave her back a long sweeping caress, from the nape of her neck to her butt. “I’m already slacking on my duties as your husband-to-be by letting you go hungry.” He kissed her shoulder. “We can order in pizza, or I can sneak over to my mom’s apartment and see what she’s got for food.”

  Callie lifted her head. “Your mom’s apartment?”

  “Yeah. Jack and Keely have an apartment here too. We sorta took over this end of the building.”

  “Why? None of you live here full-time, do you?”

  “Nope. When we sold the farm, we knew we were giving up more than just work and land. It’d always been our home. A place for our family to gather. Jack and Keely built Mom her own place on their acreage in Wyoming, and she can do her own thing, but she’s close to them and her grandkids. Jack’s always had an apartment in this building and I bought one because he swore it was a good deal. When two other apartments came up for sale on this floor a few years back, we bought them. Mom has one and since Jack and Keely have so many kids now, they had to expand into more space. So even when I couldn’t get to Wyoming for Christmas or Thanksgiving, we could all meet here.”

  “I love that. I can’t wait to be a part of it.” She’d immediately clicked with her soon-to-be sister-in-law last week when Keely and Jack and their kids had stopped by the rodeo school for a few hours. Callie had only met Justin’s mom via FaceTime, but she seemed like a sweet lady. It hadn’t crossed Callie’s mind that Justin’s mother was the same age as her grandmother until he’d pointed it out.

  Callie hadn’t told her mom and sisters much about Justin. They tended to be cynical about men—especially cowboys—and she’d wanted to enjoy her time with Justin without their judgment. But now she couldn’t wait to introduce them to the man who owned her, body and soul.

  “Whatcha thinking about?” he said after he kissed her shoulder.

  She looked at him curiously. “You won’t mind living here full-time?”

  “I love Denver. It’s a great place to be based out of, for…whatever I decide to do next.”

  “Well, Richie Rich, it’s not like you’ve gotta find a job next week to pay your cell phone bill this month.”

  He pinched her ass and she yelped. “I love that you’re already rolling with this.”

  “Oh, I’m sure I’ll have issues with it. Not in a bad way, more like…Fine, cowboy hottie, you can pay for dinner. But I do foresee the…No, big spender, I do not need another Land Rover conversations too.”

  He laughed. “I’m gonna have so much fun spoiling you, Callie.”

  “Because I don’t want it?”

  “No, because you don’t expect it. That’ll make it ten times more fun for me.” Justin rolled her onto her back and positioned himself above her. “Speaking of fun…”

  “I thought you were gonna feed me?”

  “After,” he murmured against her neck and he began to kiss his way down her body.

  “Are you always gonna be this insatiable?”

  Justin lifted his head and grinned at her. “Yep. Will that be a problem?”

  “Nope.” She shoved his head back down. “Now get to work.”

  “This is the job I was meant to do.”

  “Making me orgasm several times a day?”

  His eyes were serious when he said, “Takin’ care of you.”

  “Sweet talker,” she said huskily. “The pay isn’t great.”

  “Then it’s a good thing I’m not in it for the money.”


  Two years later…

  “Callie! Woman, get a move on. We’re gonna be late.” Justin fiddled with his bolo tie. Why wouldn’t this damn thing la
y flat?

  “Cool your jets, cowboy. I doubt they’ll start my graduation party without me.”

  Justin looked up and wished he hadn’t.

  Jesus, his wife looked hot. Like fuck-me-now hot in that slinky dress the same amazing blue as her eyes. Although calling it a dress was a stretch as the damn thing barely covered her sexy little ass. But the cut of the dress—and those black stilettos—did spectacular things for her killer legs. Not to mention the sparkly top half of the dress, with a well-placed cutout, showed her mouth-watering cleavage. The fabric cupped her tits, ribs, and hips so tightly that his hands got a little twitchy with jealousy.

  Finally his gaze moved to her face. Callie still had the ability to render him speechless. She’d gone all out with her makeup and hair tonight, which was perfect advertising for the skills she’d learned over the past two years. As the top student in her class, she had her pick of the best salons in Denver. He assumed she’d choose one the first day, because she had a work ethic that flat-out amazed him and claimed she was ready to earn her keep.

  As if. He kept his woman very well, thank you very much.

  But to his surprise, Callie insisted on taking two weeks after graduation to really consider her options since this was the start of her career and not just a job.

  While they both loved living in Denver, they’d spent a lot of time in Wyoming with Jack, Keely, and their brood, as well as his mom. Callie’s sisters were off at different colleges and she didn’t see them as often as she liked. She’d cajoled her mom into taking a few vacation days so they could hang out in the big city. Callie had even convinced her mom to let her do a full makeover on her—hair, makeup, clothes. Mary was thrilled to look ten years younger, but her real thrill was seeing her daughter in her element, doing what she’d always dreamed of, and her pride that Callie had gotten there on her own.

  As glam as Callie could make any woman look, including herself, she remained a country girl at heart. She loved the outdoors and hanging out with family and friends. When they were ready to start their own family in a couple of years, and when she was ready to open her own salon, he hoped she’d consider moving to Sundance.

  That’d be ideal for him and Jack, since they’d gone into business together last year and started a nonprofit.

  That’d also be ideal for Keely and the ten billion other McKay women, since they begged Callie every time she came to town to do their hair and makeup—and paid her well for her expertise.

  “You’re staring. Is this too much?” Callie asked.

  “No, sweetness, you’re breathtaking. I couldn’t talk for a moment.”

  She smirked. “And yet you still manage to be a sweet talker.”

  Justin set his hat on the side table and ambled toward her.

  Callie immediately backed up. “Get that look out of your eyes, buddy. It’s your fault we’re running late the way it is.”

  “My fault? Baby girl, I don’t believe those were cries of pain an hour ago when I was on my knees in the shower with you.” Most days he felt like a horny twenty-year-old kid when he saw his wife naked. Or clothed. He couldn’t keep his hands off her.

  “Whatever. I’m finally all put together and you are not going to tear me apart.”

  “Can I muss you up…just a little?”

  Her eyes heated and he was tempted to do a fist pump. But she realized she was giving in and held her hand out. “Nope. Tonight is the one night I can’t have a single hair out of place.”

  “Our friends and family are already impressed with you. And I’m proud as hell of you for all the hard work you’ve put in for the past two years. It’s paid off. You finally get to live your dream.”

  Callie sauntered forward and wreathed her arms around his neck. Then she planted those blood red lips right on his. “I’ve been living the dream from the moment I met you. This is just…icing.”

  “So that means you love me, huh?”

  “Yep.” She kissed him again. “But you still can’t muss me up.”


  On her way to pick up her coat, she gave him the fuck-me look that she had the first night in the bar. “But I’ll let you tear me apart any way you want when we get home.”

  * * * *

  Also from 1001 Dark Nights and Lorelei James, discover Roped In, Stripped Down, Strung Up, and Tripped Out.

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