by Court Ellyn
Where was the Elari who commanded them?
The Regs and dwarves who remained drew up shoulder to shoulder and backed from the stable yard. Rhian backed away with them, spread his arms, and a wall of fire sprang up to cover their retreat.
One of Laniel’s arrows whistled past his ear, and the shriek of a wounded ogre signaled a third portal opening behind them. Rhian whirled with palm leveled. A firebolt sped toward the portal. The Elari dived aside. Silvery chains swung from his belt. The finger of fire speared the ogre exiting the portal behind him instead.
Pinched between the two enemy squads, the Regs fought furiously. The dwarves locked shields. But they were far outnumbered. They fell fast.
“Take him,” bellowed the Elari. “Take him now!”
Three ogres hurtled over corpses and bore down on Rhian. A plume of fire engulfed one, a fistful of lightning felled the other two.
Rhian spun to hunt down the Elari, but a massive force shoved him from behind. He landed on his belly with the full weight of an ogre crushing him into the dirt. Heat filled his palm. He reached back to plant fire in the ogre’s flesh, but ice-cold jaws encircled his wrist. The flames died. The order to summon fire, storm, wind leapt no farther than his brain. Nothing, nothing, his hands would do nothing. Panic surged. The ogre pinning him to the ground seized Rhian’s groping, clawing arm, twisted it behind him, and a second manacle closed.
The weight of the ogre lifted, and Rhian tried to scramble to his feet, but he made it only as far as his knees. He couldn’t breathe. The chain looped behind his back sapped his strength like a leech drains blood. He stared at the manacles. How shiny they were. How cold.
The storm wind filled with the laughter of triumph. The Elari sauntered toward him. “Rhian of Rávalin. I can hardly believe it. I need this many ogres to take you down? Impressive. We’ve never met, have we. I’m Ruvion.”
Rhian surged to his feet to tackle the Elari and beat the grin off his face, but an ogre seized the chain. One tug flung him to the ground. Mother’s mercy, his joints were going to tear loose. He squirmed and kicked until his arms were over his head instead of pinned behind his back. If the ogre was careless enough to release him now, he’d find a way to strangle Ruvion with his pretty chain. But the ogre didn’t let go. He dragged Rhian a few feet through the choking dust. The manacles bit into the heels of his hands. Rhian lashed with his feet until another ogre pounced his legs. Between them, he was stretched like a criminal on the rack. He had no more slack left to fight with.
One glance showed him that he was the last left alive. The Regs were vanquished, the dwarves heaped together, the riders all fled. “Zephyr,” he said through clenched teeth.
Ruvion stood over him and raised a shiny silver box by a ring, like a lantern. From inside came high-pitched screams. “Is this Zephyr? Furious little fighter you have here. She put seven of my ogres to sleep before I caught her. Baernavë, it seems, neutralizes even the most pure of magics. Unfortunately, it will kill your friend. A fact we’ve only recently discovered.”
Rhian bellowed wordlessly. My pearl…
Ruvion hooked the tiny prison to his belt and crossed his arms. “Where’s Dathiel? Our party wasn’t important enough for him to attend? I’m insulted.” A second set of chains dangled half the length of his leg. That they would remain empty provided Rhian some small satisfaction.
The Elari knelt and pinched Rhian’s jaw in hard fingers. “Look at those eyes. I’d kill to have eyes like that. Let’s trade.” Ruvion’s eyes were all too human. He unsheathed a dagger and tapped the tip against Rhian’s cheekbone. The gesture wasn’t a threat; it was a debate. Yes? No? Now? Later? “I’m sure there’s a spell somewhere.”
Rhian squeezed his eyes shut and tried to turn away. Ruvion’s grip didn’t let him.
“Lucky for you, Lothiar wants you unspoiled. For now. But so help me, avedra, I’ll have those eyes before you die.”
Rhian spat in the Elari’s face. “Rot in hell.”
Ruvion wiped his cheek and put away the dagger. “No, avedra, that’s what you’re about to do.”
Beyond the Elari’s leer, the clouds roiled and lightning rippled, but Rhian couldn’t feel the storm on his skin. He was blind already.
“Breathe deeply, avedra,” said Ruvion. “Savor it. This is the last fresh air you will ever taste.”
The Falcons Saga concludes in
Coming Soon!
Appendix A: Character Index
Aralorr and Evaronna
At Ilswythe:
Kelyn, Lord Ilswythe, War Commander
Thorn Kingshield/Kieryn Dathiel, his twin brother, avedra
Rhoslyn, Duchess of Liraness, Kelyn’s lady
Kethlyn, their son
Carah, their daughter, avedra
Eliad, Lord Drenéleth, formerly Kelyn’s squire, one of King Rhorek’s youngest illegitimate children
Etivva, tutor and member of the Shaddra’hin
Lura, Rhoslyn’s handmaid
Rhian, Thorn’s apprentice, of the Pearl Islands
At Bramoran:
Valryk, the Black Falcon of Aralorr and Evaronna, the king under the Falcon Crown
Rhorek, his father, murdered
Briéllyn, the queen mother, Lady Rhyverdane
Tullyk, captain of the Bramoran garrison, captured
At Windhaven:
Halayn, Rhoslyn’s aunt, also maternal aunt to King Rhorek
Drael, captain of the Windhaven garrison
At Tírandon:
Lander, Lord Tírandon, murdered
Andett, his lady, murdered during the razing of Tírandon, twenty years ago
Leshan, their oldest son, killed defending King Rhorek after the Battle of Brengarra.
Ruthan, their daughter, avedra, now Lady Tírandon
Other Highborns of Aralorr:
Brugge, a dwarf, foreman of Thyrvael, murdered
Dagni, his wife
Degany, Lord Zeldanor, the dwarf-friend, deceased
Drys, his son, now Lord Zeldanor, Laral’s friend
Ulna, Lady Blue Mountain
Gyfan, her consort, the first to call Kelyn “Swiftblade”
Kalla, Ulna’s niece, a knight of Blue Mountain, Laral’s friend
Maeret, Lady Lunélion and Lady Vonmora after both parents murdered at Bramoran
Gheryn, Lord Helwende, escaped Bramoran; son of Garrs, murdered
Rorin, Lord Westport
Barrin, his son, murdered
Princess Rilyth, Lady of Brimlad, sister to King Rhorek, murdered
Drem, her sickly son, murdered
Arryk, son of Shadryk II, White Falcon upon the alabaster throne
Raed, Lord Éndaran, the White Falcon’s chancellor
Rance, his son, lieutenant of the White Mantles
Istra, Raed’s daughter, formerly Arryk’s queen, deceased
Nathryk and Bhodryk, King Arryk’s half-brothers, both deceased
Tarsyn, the bastard of Cayndale, Arryk’s cousin
Other highborns of Fiera:
Laral, Lord Brengarra, formerly Kelyn’s squire, disowned son of Lord Tírandon
Bethyn, his lady-wife. Their children: Lesha, Andryn, Jaedren
Drona, Lady Athmar, one of the infamous “river twins”
Degan, her twin brother, slain by Kelyn
Daxon, Lord Ulmarr, Degan’s son and heir
Johf, Lord Haezeldale, uncle to Prince Bhodryk
Haldred, Lord Brengarra’s squire, of Gildancove
Ha’el, former king of Leania, murdered at Bramoran
Da’yn, Leania’s crown prince, also murdered
Da’era, Ha’el’s daughter, now queen of Leania
Rhogan, Lord Mithlan
Aisley, his granddaughter
Avidan Wood
Aerdria, Lady of the Elarion, whose palace is in the city of Linndun
Laniel Falconeye, capta
in of the Dranithion Quethiel, or Guardians of the Northern Wood, Thorn’s oath-brother
Lyrienn, his sister, Lady Aerdria’s companion
Tíryus, commander of the Avidan Regular Army, or Regs
Aegulon, Keeper of Civil Order
Saeralín, Keeper of the Veil
Cheriam, captain of the Lady’s Moon Guard, or Dardra
The Naenion
Lothiar, the Exiled
Paggon Ironfist, chieftain of Storm Mount Clan
Fogrim, of Dragon Claw Clan
Korax Elfbane, of Black Marsh Clan
Lohg and Screamface of Sky Rock Clan
Tugark, of Fire Spear Clan
Lothiar’s Lieutenants:
Ruvion, tasked with rounding up avedrin
Iryan Wingfleet, former captain of the Dranithion Uthiel, Guardians of the Southern Wood
Solandyr, led the Red Axe ogres in taking Ilswythe
Elyandir, leads the Broke Blade ogres against Tírandon
Dashka, an avedra of Valrosk
The Histories
Dorelia, first Lady of the Elarion, who led her people across the sea to Dwinovia
Amanthia, Aerdria’s sister. Ancestor of Kelyn and Thorn Kingshield
Uthaya, a first-generation avedra, creator of the naenion
Bhodryn the Great, the last powerful king of a united Westervael, whose grandsons split the realm into Aralorr and Fiera
Tallon the Unifier, who with the help of the Elarion, joined Evaronna to Aralorr
Appendix B: Elaran, Abridged
Ada / Anda = (adj.) strong. And= (n.) strength. As in andyr.
Aethar = to think. (reg.)
Alas / Elas = a journey. (pl. alasion). From verb Elar, ‘to travel;’ lasí = wandering, traveling (adj.). The elves call themselves Elari (pl. Elarion), meaning ‘traveler.’ Their language, spoken and written, is Elaran.
Alva = river. As in Alvávidan.
-an / -en /-in = pluralizes, as does ‘-ion.’ As in Thyrnoran, ‘Silver Mountains.’
Ana = mother. Used in conjunction with Forah, forms the name for the creative force of the universe, Ana-Forah. Zhianese, and other paternal peoples, reverse the elements to Forana, ‘Father-Mother.’
Ara = favored, beloved. As in Aralorr, ‘favored jewel.’.
Arga = Blessed (n. and adj.). Arghel = a blessing.
Asa / As = (adj.) new, fresh. As in Dan-Ora’as, ‘home of new beginnings.’
Ath / Eth = red. As in Forath, ‘red father.’
Aurien = friend. (pl. aurienen). Aura = friendly, kind. (Note: words that begin with vowels and are preceded by a word ending in a vowel, are written and pronounced with an ‘h’ in order to separate the vowels’ sounds.)
Avë = implies magic, powers, elemental forces. As in Avidan and avedra.
Azeth = the indwelling soul or life-energy. As in rágazeth, the Soul Snatcher. (compare Yr/Ir)
Azhdyr = an exile, or the exiled. (pl. Azhdyrion) From Ashter, ‘to exile.’ As in Azhdyria (Land of the Exiled).
Baer / Ber = (n.) iron. As in baernavë, ‘iron of un-magic;’ Baerdwin, dwarf, literally ‘man of iron’ (pl. baerdwinion).
Bazan = to be (irreg.)—vi’e (vië), vil, bi’ev (biëv), vayan, vailan, baizan. Imperative form—vilë, ‘you be,’ vailanë, ‘you all be.’
Bryn / Bren / Bran / Bram = falcon. As in the River Bryna, Brengarra, Bramoran, Brynduvh.
Chequar (one of the few ‘ch’ words pronounced as ‘church’ rather than ‘Bach’) = to scar, mark, brand. (irreg.)—jheqi, jeqil, jeqin, jhequan, jeqlan, jeqiven. Cheq = (n.) scar, brand. As in keldjeq, ‘warrior’s mark.’
Chinál = method, way
Dal / Del, Tel / Tal = star. Della / Dalla = (adj.) ‘starry.’
Dan / Don / Dun = home. As in Avidan.
Dath = thorn. (pl. dathan; adj. thorny is ‘datha’) As in Dathiel, ‘one who is thorn.’
Devor = to try, endeavor, attempt (irreg.)—devoi, devil, div, devyan, dévilan, diven.
Dorreah = Goddess. Literally, ‘moon lady.’
Dra / Dri / Dry = guardian. From Druhan, ‘to guard, protect.’ As in shaddra, avedra, Dardra, and Dranithion.
Dragar = to fly. Drag = flight. Draghí = f lying (adj.) As in Drakhan.
Dren = fang, tooth. From Drenar, ‘to bite’; pl. Drenilion. As in Mount Drenéleth, ‘stone tooth.’
Duinn = (n.) dark. From Duinar, ‘to darken.’ Duina = (adj.) dark. As in duinóvion, ‘humans’ (see ‘Ova’)
Elari = see Alas/Elas
Eleth = stone (n.). Adjective form is eletha.
Er = the.
Eshel = fire (compare Val).
Fann = to.
Forah = father. As in Forath. (see Rea and Ana)
Frinach (sometimes vrinach) = storm.
Gedar = to fall. Gedasi=falling (adj.).
Ghedielen = the fallen.
Gohn = from.
H’ = added to the front of a word that begins with a vowel if that word follows another ending in a vowel. See the note following ‘aurien.’
Har / Her = sun. Hara, ‘sunny.’ Harsha, ‘sunlight.’ Harshava, ‘sunlit.’ As in Harac, Harena (The Desert), Heret (Land of First Dawn).
Ils / Is = corruption of ‘elves.’ As in Ilswythe, Elves’ Meadow.
Ínuin = niece.
Jer(a) = with.
Kaem = ridge.
Kathio = east. Kathiel=eastern.
Kel = warrior. As in Kelyn, keldjeq. Plural kelion.
Kantav = bridge; also denotes ‘passage across,’ as in Kantava Islands and Kantávlea, the ‘Sea of Crossing.’
Kir / Kier = shield, from Kírer, ‘to shield from.’
K’sant = fuck.
Kulyah = head. (pl. kulyanen)
Lanor = to run, flow fast. Lani=running (adj.).
Lassar = to grow, increase. Lashí = (adj.) growing, increasing. Derived is Duinlas, ‘growing dark’ or twilight; Shalas, ‘morning.’
Lau = down.
Lea / Lia = sea, water in general. As in Leathyr (silver water), Leania (land of water)
Len / Linn / Lyn = beautiful, fair. As in Kelyn, Rhoslyn.
Ler / Lir / Lor = jewel, gem. As in Aralorr.
Lesha = melody.
Leth = land.
Lethryn = earth, globe, planet entire.
Liethan = to praise (irreg.)—liethi, liethil, liethiv, lithyan, lethilan, lethivan
Loth = ash (pl. lothen). As in Lothiar, ‘like ash.’
Luin / Lun = tower. As in Lunélion.
Mar / Mor = fortress, stronghold. Seen in countless names of strongholds across Dwinovia, like Bramoran, Athmar.
Mar’i = of (on behalf of/do something for someone)
Mith = peace, quiet (n.). From Mithar, to grow peaceful, quiet. Mitha = peaceful (adj.). Mithilë! = Peace! (command).
Myol = shit
N / Na = signifies negation. Also ‘no’ or ‘un-’
Najer = without.
Na’eth = shadow. Na’etha = shadowy (adj.). As in Nathrachan, Nathryk.
Na’in = ogre. (pl. naenion)
Nethai = brother.
Ni’e = eye. (pl. nihen)
Nith / Nyth = forest, wood, and the singular tree. As in Avidanyth (Avidan Wood), Nithmar.
Och/ocha = as/like (begins simile)
Ora = beginning (n.). From Oren, ‘to begin.’ As in Dan-Ora’as.
Ova = a community, clan, people, gathering place. From Ovan, ‘to gather.’ As in Sýnnova (‘safe place’). Duínovë, meaning ‘dark person,’ the Elaran name for a male human, while Duínova is a female human. Duinóvion is the plural for many humans, while Duínovan is the adjective denoting anything of human make or design, including their language. Dwinóvia, ‘Land of Men’
Qas = at
Quethia = north. Quethiel = northern.
Ran / Ren / Ryn = royal. As in Kieryn, Bramoran.
Rava = pearl. As in Rávalin, one of the Pearl Islands.
Rëa = lady or queen, or any
highly placed female.
Rek / Rik / Ryk = king. As in Rhorek, Shadryk, etc.
Rhithio = west. Rhithiel = western.
Rhos = flower.
Rith = wing (pl. rithion). As in Goryth, and Avarith, lit. ‘magic wing’ or ‘wing of avë’ for dragon (pl. avárithen).
Sha = light. Seen in ‘shaddra’ (Guardians of Light, the monks dwelling in the valley of the same name)
Shath = day.
Slanta! = Greetings!
Tav = joy. Tava = (adj.) happy. From Tabar, ‘to be joyful, happy’
Taov = behind.
Tha = and.
Thall / Thell = Bay, cove. As in thellnyth tree.
Thassan = to forgive, pardon.
Thevríl = the Veil, and the spell-word used to conjure it around oneself.
Thyn / Thyr = silver (n. and adj.). As in Thyrvael, Thyrra.
Ter / Tír = arrow. As in Tírnan, Tírandon.
Tran / Tryn = ford. As is Galantryn, the Great Ford.
Trechan = to teach (irreg.)—trechi, trechil, trechiv, treyan, trechilan, trechiven
Ula / U’alu = (adj.) long. As in Ulmarr.
Uthia = south. Uthiel = southern.’
Uhv = on.
Van = song. From Vanar, ‘to sing’
Val / Vul = fire (in liquid form). As in Valrosk and Galvalia.
Valav = (n.) balance. Navalav= unbalance.
Vilat = you were. Past tense of ‘bazan,’ to be.
Vri = for (because of/for this reason)
Wyr = moor, heath. As in Wyramor, ‘fortress of the moor.’
Wytha = meadow, valley. As in Ilswythe.
Whenda = windy. As in Helwende.
Yessor = to retreat, to flee. (irreg.) yeshi, yeshil, yessiv, yeshan, yeshilan, yessivan
Yno = boy.
Yr / Ir = life; spirit. From Yran, ‘to live, have spirit.’ Yri, adj. ‘living.’ As in Iryan.