The Face of Deception ed-1

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The Face of Deception ed-1 Page 6

by Iris Johansen

  Vicious bastard. She strode out of the lab. She couldnt ever remember being so enraged except the day Fraser had been caught. She wanted to kill someone. He didnt care. People should care. How could he She knew how he could do it. He was probably a crazy freak like Fraser. Cruel and cold and without mercy. I want him to pay for it.

  Then Ill find out who it is for you, Logan said.

  She whirled on him. How can you do that? Did you lie when you said you didnt know who he is?

  I dont know him but I know who probably hired him.


  He shook his head. I cant tell you, but Ill find out who did this. He paused. If youll come with me.

  Tell me who hired him.

  Youll find out yourself if you come and do the job. Why not? It will take time to set up a new lab. Youll just be spinning your wheels now. Ill up the money for the Adam Fund another two hundred thousand and throw in the son of a bitch who did this to you.

  A sudden thought occurred to her. Maybe you had this done to push me into going with you.

  It would have been too chancy. You could just as well have jumped the other way. Besides, I dont kill helpless animals.

  But youre willing to take advantage of whats happened.

  You bet I am. Is it a deal?

  She looked around the bloodstained room, and once again rage rushed through her. Ill think about it.

  What if I raise the

  Stop pushing me. I said Id think about it. She picked up a box from the floor that had once con-tained printer paper and began to put Mandys skull fragments inside. Her hands were still shaking with anger, she noticed. She had to be calm. Go away. Ill call you when Ive made up my mind.

  I need to move fast on

  Ill call you.

  She could feel his gaze on her and expected him to continue to try to persuade her.

  Im at the Ritz-Carlton Buckhead. He paused. I shouldnt tell you this. It compromises my bar-gaining position. But Im a desperate man, Eve. I have to have your help. There isnt anything I wouldnt do to get it. Call me and give me your price. Ill pay it.

  When she looked up, he was gone.

  What would make a man like Logan that des-perate? If there was any desperation in him before, hed kept it well hidden. Maybe the confession of vulnerability had been a ploy.

  Well, she would consider that later. She needed to get back to the house so her mother wouldnt come looking for her here. She picked up the pictures and Mandys box and started for the door. She could try to put the skull back together. Even if she couldnt get a completely accurate structure, it might be enough for computer imaging

  Another wave of helpless fury washed over her as she realized that couldnt happen. Joe had told her they had no idea who Mandy could be, so how would they find a photograph? Her only hope had been of building the face and using that face to lead to someone, anyone, who could identify her. That hope had been crushed by the bastard who had deliber-ately smashed the skull to warn her off.

  Eve? It was her mother walking toward her down the path. That was the insurance company on the phone. Theyre sending a claims adjuster out right away.

  Are they? Evidently Logans Margaret had pre-vailed. Hows Mrs. Dobbins?

  Better. Do you think we should get her a little kitten?

  Not for a few months. Let her get over the first hurt.

  Sandras gaze went to the lab. Im sorry, Eve. All your files and equipment.

  Theyll be replaced.

  This is such a nice, quiet neighborhood. Things like this never happen here. It kind of makes you scared. She frowned. Do you suppose we should get some kind of security system?

  Well talk about it. She opened the kitchen door. Theres coffee, would you like some?

  No, I had a cup with Mrs. Dobbins. She paused. I called Ron. He suggested we go out for lunch to get my mind off it. I told him no, of course.

  But it was obvious she wanted to go, Eve thought. Why shouldnt she? Shed had a hell of a morning and she wanted comfort. Theres no reason for you not to go. You cant do anything here.

  Youre sure?

  Im sure. Go call him back.

  She still hesitated. He asked you to go along too. You said you wanted to meet him.

  Not now. You said the insurance people were coming.

  Ill come right back.

  Eve set Mandys box down on the kitchen counter. Stay out as long as you like.

  Sandra shook her head and said firmly, Two hours. No longer.

  She waited until the door shut behind her mother before letting her fixed smile fade. It was stupid and selfish to feel this abandoned. Sandra had done every-thing she could to help. She just didnt realize how alone Eve was feeling.

  Stop whining. You are alone. Youve learned to deal with it. Even Sandra was sometimes more of a responsibility than a companion, but that was okay. She wasnt going to start feeling sorry for herself just because some slimeball had tried to scare her.


  Why did he keep invading her mind?

  Because she felt as helpless and terrified as in those days after he had invaded her life. He had killed her daughter and she had been forced to plead with the authorities not to execute him. She had even gone to see him at the prison and begged him to tell her about Bonnie.

  He had smiled that charming smile that had lured twelve children to their death, shook his head, and told her no. The bastard had even refused appeal so the books would be closed and the children would never be found. She had wanted to tear him apart, but she had been trapped, caught by the words he wouldnt say.

  But she wasnt helpless now, or powerless. She didnt have to be a victim. She could take action. The knowledge sent a rush of fierce satisfaction through her. Logan could find who destroyed the lab for her.

  If she paid his price.

  Was she willing to pay it? She hadnt been sure before. She had been going to think rationally and unemotionally about the proposition before she gave him her answer.

  Logan was probably banking on the fact that she didnt feel rational or unemotional now. He would take advantage of every weakness she showed him.

  Then dont show him weakness. Take what you need and avoid the traps. She could do it. She was as smart as Logan and, as she had told him, she knew how to protect herself.

  She was not a victim.

  Ill do it, Eve said when Logan picked up the re-ceiver. But on my terms. Half my fee up front and the entire amount going to the Adam Fund deposited in their account before I leave this house.

  Done. Ill do it by electronic transfer today.

  I want proof that its been done. Ill call the fund headquarters in four hours and make sure theyve re-ceived it.

  Fair enough.

  And I want my mother and my home protected while Im gone.

  Ive told you that youd have security.

  You also promised me youd find out who de-stroyed my lab.

  Ive already got someone on it.

  And if I find out that what Im doing will make me an accomplice to any crime, Im bailing out.


  Youre being very agreeable.

  I told you to name your price. She was going to do it. Hell, he would have promised her the world. Pack a suitcase. Ill be around to pick you up later this evening.

  If I receive the confirmation from the Adam Fund.

  Exception noted.

  And I have to tell my mother where were going.

  Tell her youll be moving around and youll call her every other evening.

  Will I be moving around?

  Probably. I should be there by ten tonight.

  He hung up the phone. Yes. He had her. After hed met Eve and gauged her toughness, hed been afraid it would take much longer. He might still be arguing with her if the break-in hadnt made her so angry. Maybe he should thank that bastard Timwick. Authorizing that stupidity had been exactly the wrong thing for him to do. There had been enough violence to anger Eve, but not enough to completely scare her off.

d the incident had warned Logan that Timwick was suspicious and possibly had inside knowledge of his actions. Interesting.

  Timwick was smart and didnt often make mis-takes. When he learned that Eve had not been scared off, he would correct the error and up the ante.

  And next time he would make sure it wasnt a cat that died.

  A block from Eves house Fiske smiled as he pulled the electronic listening piece out of his ear and laid it on the seat beside him. Hed always loved gadgets, and particularly admired this powerful X436 ampli-fier. The concept of hearing through walls was so in-triguing. Actually, in this case, it was through panes of glass, but the feeling of power and control was the same.

  That Eve Duncan wanted his head as part of her price for going with Logan was flattering. It showed how well hed done his job. The dead cat had been a masterstroke. Death of pets always hit the nerve. Hed learned that when hed killed the dog that had belonged to his fifth-grade teacher. The bitch had come to school with swollen eyes for a week.

  Hed done his job; it wasnt his fault that Timwicks orders had backfired. Fiske had told him he needed a deeper strike, but Timwick had said it was premature, that it might not be needed.

  Chicken bastard.

  Your front porch light is out, Logan said when Eve opened the door. Do you have a bulb? Ill change it.

  I think theres one in the kitchen cabinet. She turned and started down the hall. Funny, I changed it just last week.

  The porch light was on when she returned a few minutes later with the new bulb. You got it on.

  It was just a little loose. Is your mother here?

  Shes in the kitchen. She wrinkled her nose. She took my going away very well. Shes already planning on repainting the lab.

  Could I meet her?

  Of course. Ill go get

  Mr. Logan? Sandra was coming toward them. Im Sandra Duncan. Im so glad youre taking Eve away during this stressful period. She needs a little vacation.

  Im afraid it wont be a vacation, but it will defi-nitely be a change. Ill try not to work her too hard. Logan smiled. Shes lucky to have someone like you taking care of her.

  Logan had turned on the charm and her mother was melting, Eve noticed.

  We take care of each other, Sandra said.

  Eve tells me youre going to paint her lab. That break-in was a terrible thing.

  Sandra nodded. But the cleaning crew has scrubbed it almost spotless. When she gets back, shell never know anything bad happened there.

  Well, I feel guilty taking her away before theyve caught whoever did it. Eve told you that Id arranged for security?

  Yes, but Joe will take

  Ill feel better adding my bit. If you dont mind, Ill have someone call and check in every night.

  I dont mind, but its not necessary. She gave Eve a hug. Dont work too hard. Get some rest.

  Youll be okay?

  Ill be fine. Im glad to get rid of you. Now maybe Ill be able to invite Ron here for dinner without worrying about you giving him the third degree.

  I wouldnt have She grinned. Well, maybe I would have asked him a few questions.


  Eve picked up her briefcase. Take care of your-self. Ill call as often as I can.

  A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Duncan. Logan shook her hand, then picked up Eves suitcase. Ill take good care of her and bring her back as soon as I can.

  That charisma again, flowing out and enveloping Sandra.

  Im sure you will. Good-bye, Mr. Logan.

  He smiled. John.

  She smiled back. John.

  She stood at the front door, watching them as they went down the stairs and the front walk. She gave a final wave and closed the door.

  What was the purpose of that display? Eve asked.

  He opened the car door for her. Display?

  You sent so much honey flowing toward Mom that she couldnt move.

  I was merely being polite.

  You were being charming.

  Ive found it greases a few wheels. You object?

  Its all lies. I hate it.

  Why do He paused. Fraser. I was told he was a Ted Bundy type. Dammit, Im no Fraser, Eve.

  She knew he wasnt. No one was like Fraser ex-cept Lucifer himself. I cant help It just reminds me of It annoys me.

  Since well be working together, thats the last thing we need. I promise Ill be as blunt and rude as I know how.


  Not so good. Ive been known to be pretty ugly on occasion. He started the car. Ask Margaret.

  From the way you describe her, I doubt if shed put up with it.

  True. She can be much nastier than me. But I do try.

  Where are we going?

  Where did you tell your mother we were going?

  I didnt tell her. I said youre based on the West Coast and she assumed thats where were headed. She and Joe Quinn have my digital number in case of an emergency. She repeated, Where are we going?

  Now? The airport. Were taking my plane to my place in Virginia.

  Ill need equipment. Most of my stuff was de-stroyed. He missed only a few instruments.

  No problem. Ive already equipped a lab for you.


  I knew youd need a place to work.

  What if Id turned you down?

  I would have looked for second best. He smiled and added in a melodramatic growl, Or kidnapped you and locked you up in the lab until you did my bidding.

  He was joking. Or was he? she wondered suddenly.

  Im sorry. Too light? Just testing your sense of humor. By the way, you failed miserably. Is that rude enough for you?

  Yes, I have a sense of humor.

  I havent seen it. He drove down the exit ramp onto the freeway. But dont worry, its not required for the job.

  I wasnt worried. I dont care what you think of me. I just want to get this job done. And Im tired of going at this blind. When are we

  Well talk about it when we get to Virginia.

  I want to talk about it now.

  Later. He glanced at the rearview mirror. This is a rental car and not secured.

  At first she didnt realize what he meant. You mean its bugged?

  I dont know. I just dont want to take a chance.

  She was silent a moment. Are your cars usuallyhellip; secured?


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