The Face of Deception ed-1

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The Face of Deception ed-1 Page 30

by Iris Johansen

  Well, Fiske is out of the picture. Our first lady will have to hire another hit man and that may take a little time. Particularly if she doesnt find out right away that Quinn put him down.

  Not enough

  You cant do anything about it, Logan said. Your mother has made her choice, Eve. You cant protect her if she wont accept your protection.

  She doesnt understand. Gary and Joe She doesnt understand what can happen.

  I believe she understands very well. She saw Joe taken away in that ambulance. Shes not stupid.

  I didnt say she was stupid.

  Then why do you treat her as if she were?

  I just want to protect her. I dont want to lose her.

  Like you lost Bonnie?

  Shut up, Logan.

  Ill shut up. Sandra already said it all. He got on the I-85 entrance ramp. But Id think about what she said. Shes a smart lady. I had no idea how smart.

  Where are we going?

  To meet Margaret and tell her to get out of town. I dont suppose I could persuade you to go with her?

  Anger was suddenly replacing fear. And will you go? How about you boarding that boat for Timbuktu, Logan? Why dont you forget about Gil? The words were tumbling out, exploding with fury that was building every second. Why dont you forget about Ben Chadbourne? Just run away and say screw the world.

  He pursed his lips in a soundless whistle. You dont have to bite my head off. It was just a sugges-tion. I didnt think youd

  It was a lousy suggestion. I wont leave Joe and Mom. Im tired of running and hiding and being afraid. Im tired of people I care about getting hurt and Im tired of feeling helpless. I swore a long time ago Id never be a victim again, and its happening. Shes making it happen. Her voice was shaking with intensity. I wont tolerate it any longer. Do you hear me? Ill never let her

  I hear you, Logan said. I get the picture loud and clear, but Im fuzzy about how the hell were going to stop her.

  So was Eve. Then she remembered her mothers last words to her, the words that had struck a deep chord and triggered her rage.

  Its time I took control.

  Lisa Chadbourne had been the one in control, the one on the attack. She had killed Gary. She might have killed Joe.

  But her mother was alive. Eve was alive, so was Logan. And they were going to stay alive.

  No more deaths, she had prayed.

  She wasnt praying now.

  She was taking control.

  Margaret got out of the van, leaving Pilton in the passenger seat. Hows Quinn?

  We dont know, Logan said. Intensive care.

  Im sorry, Margaret told Eve. You okay?

  Eve nodded.

  Hows Sandra? She was pretty fond of him, wasnt she?

  Yes. Her eyes were stinging. Change the sub-ject. Dont think about Joe. She wont be going with you. Shes staying here.

  Margaret frowned. Do you think thats a good idea?

  No, but she does. She wont listen to me.

  Perhaps I could talk to

  Shes through listening, Logan said. Now, you and Pilton take off.

  Pilton deserves a bonus, you know, Margaret pointed out. He never figured hed be a fugitive when he took the job. The police will be looking for him.

  Then give him a bonus.

  A big bonus. Hes been a good

  Wheres Fiskes car? Eve asked suddenly. Did you find it?

  Pilton found it. It was parked in the driveway of an empty rental property about two miles from our cottage.

  Did you clean it out?

  Clean as a whistle. We dumped everything from the glove compartment and the trunk into garbage bags. Then I drove the car to the airport and left it in the long-term lot.

  Where are the bags?

  In the back of the van.

  Eve moved toward the van. Lets get them, Logan.

  Margaret watched them toss the garbage bags into the backseat of their car. You think he had something important?

  I dont know, Eve said. Probably not, since he was a professional. But we dont have any other leads.

  Be careful with that bigger bag. There was enough firepower in Fiskes trunk to start a small war, Margaret said as she climbed back in the van. A rifle, two handguns, shells, a few boxes that con-tained some kind of electronic bugging equipment. He didnt believe in traveling light. She smiled grimly at them. Good luck. Be sure you keep alive, John. The bonus Im going to charge you for my part in this mess is going to make Piltons look sick.

  Eve was already crawling into the backseat as Piltons van left the parking lot. Ill look through the bags. You drive. She opened the bigger bag first. What did she know about weapons? That she didnt like them, that they frightened her, that to her they represented only violence and horror.

  But they hadnt frightened Fiske. He had used these weapons. They wouldnt frighten Lisa Chadbourne. She had ordered their use.

  Eve put her forefinger on the barrel of the rifle. The metal was warm, smooth, almost pleasing to the touch. Somehow she had expected it to be cold. Find anything? Logan asked.

  Nothing she had wanted to find. Not yet.

  I bet there wont be any way to trace those guns to Lisa Chadbourne.

  I know. Lisa would leave no trail that could lead back to her. Eves search was probably hopeless.

  To lose hope was to admit defeat. Shed be damned if shed lose hope.

  She pushed the first bag aside and started on the second. Rental car papers in a green folder, a first-class ticket to Washington on Delta Airlines, an air-line schedule, a few receipts from restaurants, two in Atlanta, one in Bainbridge.


  Dont think about Bainbridge. Dont think about the motel room where Gary had died.

  A folded piece of paper. Another receipt?

  She unfolded the paper.

  She went rigid.

  A list of several names. Some typewritten, some inked in.

  Her own name, Logans, Joes, her mothers

  And two other names that caused her eyes to widen in shock.

  My God.

  She forced herself to continue down the list.

  Gary Kessler. Neatly crossed off.

  She stared down blindly at Garys name.

  Just another name on the list.

  Gil had said Fiske was obsessed with neatness and efficiency. So kill a man and cross him off the list.

  What is it? Logan was looking at her face in the rearview mirror.

  A list. Garys name. She folded the paper and stuffed it into her purse. Shed look at it again later and think about it harder. It hurt too much just then. She went through the other papers. Nothing else of interest. Find us a place to stop.

  A motel?

  No, theyll be looking for us in this area. Shell wonder why she hasnt heard from Fiske and there will be discreet inquiries. Theyll find out about Joe.


  She quickly shied away from the thought of him. When she remembered Joe in that hospital, she couldnt focus on anything else.

  You know we should leave this vicinity.

  No, Joe may need me.

  Youre not being reasonable. You cant even go to

  I dont care. She couldnt leave Joe, not when she didnt know whether he was going to live or die. Just find us a place to stop for a while. I need to think.

  Ive already been thinking. I believe we should contact Peter Brown, the reporter on that Atlanta newspaper.

  Maybe. She rubbed her aching temple. But hes Joes friend. We really need Joe to

  Joe again. They needed Joe. She needed Joe.

  The memories came flooding back. Joe stopping by her lab to nag her for working too hard. Joe joking with her, talking quietly and

  Just relax, Logan said. We dont have to de-cide anything this minute. Ill drive for a while and see if I can find somewhere unobtrusive to park.

  Logan stopped at a McDonalds ten miles south of Gainesville and bought burgers and Cokes to go. He pulled off the highway and drove on a bumpy dirt road for another five miles,
then stopped several yards from a large pond.

  This should be private enough. Logan turned off the engine. Though theres probably a farm-house over that next hill. Its not easy finding a spot of wilderness in this day and age.

  How far are we from the hospital?

  Driving fast, forty minutes. He got out of the car, grabbed Bens case, and came around and opened her door. Come on, lets walk down by that pond. I think we both need some exercise.

  Anything to release a little of this tension. She picked up her handbag and joined him.

  The pond was muddy and the bank slippery. It must have rained recently. The sun was starting to go down, casting glittering bars of light on the waters surface.

  After thirty minutes Logan asked, Better?

  No. Yes. She stopped beside a tree and leaned her cheek against the trunk. I dont know, Logan.

  I want to help you. Dammit, tell me how to help you.

  Make Gary rise from the dead. Tell me Joes going to get well.

  She shook her head.

  Quinns not the only one who can help you. Let me try.

  She sank down on the ground. Ill be okay, Logan. I just have to think. I know theres a way to end it, but it has to come clear and Im not thinking clearly.

  Are you hungry?


  You should be. You havent eaten in nearly twenty-four hours.

  Bubba Blues Barbecue. Gary had ordered food deliveredhellip;

  You stay here. He set Bens case down beside her. Ill go bring the food to you.

  She watched him stride up the slope. Get a grip, she thought in disgust. She was behaving like a wimp and he was worried about her. The cold calculation of Garys name on that list had thrown her into a tail-spin, and it was taking her a little time to rec

  Her phone was ringing.


  She dug frantically in her purse for the phone.


  Lisa Chadbourne.

  Eve started to shake. Damn you. Damn you to hell.

  You gave me no choice. I tried to give you a way out.

  And then you killed Gary.

  Fiske killed No, I wont deny it. I told him I wanted it done.

  And did you tell him to kill Joe too?

  No, that wasnt in the immediate plan.

  But she wasnt denying it might be on her agenda. Hes dying.

  And I assume the dead man who was found with him was Fiske?

  He tried to kill Joe.

  Evidently he didnt succeed. I understand Quinn may still live.

  Hed better.

  Are you threatening me? I can understand your bitterness, but havent you realized that you cant win? How many more people have to die, Eve?

  You dont have Fiske anymore.

  Timwick will find a substitute. Quinn is very vulnerable now. Hes on life support, isnt he?

  A bolt of sheer rage shot through Eve. Dont you even think about it.

  I dont want to think about it, Lisa said wearily. The idea sickens me, but I will have it done, Eve. Just as I had Kessler killed. Just as Ill have everyone you care about killed. You have to give me the skull and that DNA report.

  Go to hell.

  Listen to me, Eve. Think about it. Is it worth it?

  Youre saying if I give you the skull that Joe will live?


  Liar. Joe wouldnt be safe. My God, you even killed Scott Maren, and he was supposed to be your friend.

  Silence. That wasnt my decision. I didnt know about it until it had been done. Timwick is in a panic and striking out. Ill see that Quinns safe. Be-lieve me.

  I dont believe you.

  Then, what do you want, Eve? What can I give you?

  I want you brought down. She closed her eyes and said the words shed never thought shed say to anyone. I want you dead.

  Im afraid thats not one of your choices.

  Thats all Ill ever want.

  Thats not true. Lisa paused. I was afraid that Fiske would fail, so Ive been sitting here won-dering what I could offer you. And then it came to me. So simple. I know what you want even more than you want me crushed down.

  There isnt anything.

  Oh, but there is, Eve.

  Eve was still staring down at the phone when Logan came back.

  He stopped a few feet away, his gaze narrowed on her face. Was it your mother? Hows Quinn?

  She shook her head. It was Lisa Chadbourne.

  He stiffened. And?

  She wants the skull.

  So whats new? Is that enough to send you into shock?

  Yes. She put the phone back into her handbag. Its enough.

  Did she threaten you?

  She threatened Joe and Mom.


  But Im not sure she can guarantee their safety even if I make the deal. She said Timwick is in a panic and she lost control of him when he killed Maren. She might lose control of him again.

  And she might never have lost control and given the order herself.

  Maybe. I dont know. I cant think right now.

  If I make the dealhellip;

  The phrasing abruptly hit home to him. My God, youre actually thinking about it. What the hell did she say to you?

  She didnt answer.

  He fell to his knees beside her. Tell me.

  She shook her head. My heads messed up. Maybe later.


  She changed the subject. I want you to call the hospital.

  To check on Quinn? Your mother said she

  No, I want you to call the nurses station. I want you to tell her that you intend to kill Joe.


  I want you to be obscene and ugly and explicit. I want you to tell her how youre going to pretend youre hospital personnel and slip into his room and cut off his life support. Or maybe give him a shot hed never wake up from. I want you to sound crazy and homicidal.

  He slowly nodded. Theyll report the anony-mous call to the cops hanging around the hospital and theyll be on the lookout.

  Id do it myself, but a man is usually perceived as more lethal.

  Perception can be faulty as hell. Ill call right away. He frowned. What are you doing?

  She was on her knees, reaching for Bens case on the ground beside her. I just want to hold Bens skull case.


  Im not going to run away with it. I just want to have it in my hands.

  He didnt like that any more than he liked the way Eve was acting. Maybe we should think about leaving here. We need to find somewhere to sleep.

  Okay, well go back to Gainesville later tonight. She looked away from him and down at the case on her lap. Make the call.

  Sandra called Eve at eleven that night. Joes vital signs have stabilized. Hes still critical but its looking better.

  Hope surged through Eve. When will they know for sure?

  I dont know. Tomorrow morning, maybe. How are you?


  You dont sound okay.

  Im fine, Mom. Are you with Ron?

  Yes, hes right here. He says hes not going to move two feet from me until this is over. He thinks you should come in and talk to the police. So do I. Youve got to get this mess straightened out.

  It sounded so easy, she thought tiredly. Deposit everything in the arms of the police and let them take care of it. Call me back when you find out more about Joe. Take care of yourself, Mom.

  Quinns better? Logan asked.

  She nodded. But not out of the woods. She opened the car door. Im going to walk down to the pond. You dont have to go with me.

  In other words, my companys not wanted. He glanced at Bens case in her hand. But evi-dently our skeletal friend is. You havent set it down all evening. Are you going to tell me why youre toting that thing around?

  She wasnt sure herself. Maybe she thought it would give her the answer. God, she needed an an-swer. I just want it with me.


  Yes, havent you heard? I dont have all my marbles.

  Crap. Youre one of the san
est people I know.

  But look at the company you keep. She moved down the moonlit slope. The leather of the case was smooth beneath her touch.

  Help me, Ben. Im lost and I need someone to find me.

  Eve had been sitting underneath that tree for over two hours.

  And she was hugging that leather case like it was a baby.

  He couldnt stand it any longer. Logan got out of the car and stalked down the slope.

  Im sick of being patient and understanding. You tell me whats happening. Do you hear me? I want to know what the hell Lisa Chadbourne told you.

  She didnt speak for a moment, and then she whispered, Bonnie.


  She offered me Bonnie. She offered to find Bonnie for me.

  How could she do that?

  She said that shed have the cases reopened, that shed send an army of police and military to question and search. She said shed been thinking about it. The search couldnt be obviously for Bonnie. It would look too suspicious for her. Theyd choose one of the other children to publicly focus on, but the searchers would have their orders. It would be Bonnie theyd be looking for.

  My God.

  She said that theyd spend years if they had to. She promised to bring Bonnie home to me.

  And all you have to do is give her the skull and the DNA report? Its a trick. Shed never follow through.

  Just the skull. She said I could leave the country and keep the DNA report until she delivers Bonnie.

  A pretty weak hold.

  She closed her eyes. Bonnie.

  She wouldnt keep her word.

  Maybe she would.

  I wont let you do it.

  Her eyes flicked open and she said fiercely, Listen to me, Logan. If I decide to do this, neither you nor anyone else is going to stop me. Ill run right over you. If anyone can find Bonnie, Lisa Chadbourne has the power to do it. Do you know what that means to me?

  Yes, he said harshly. And so does she. Dont let her use you like this.

  She shook her head. You dont understand.

  He did understand and he ached for her. Lisa Chadbourne had used the one lure that was irre-sistible to Eve. When do you have to let her know?

  Shes going to call me at seven in the morning.

  It would be a terrible mistake.

  She said Joe and Mom would be safe, that all the killing would be over. Shell even try to get Timwick to stop looking for you.

  Fat chance. Youd be crazy to believe her.

  I believe she doesnt want any more killing. I dont know if she can stop it, but I think she wants it over.


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