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Longford, Elizabeth, Victoria RI (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London, 1964)
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The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Aberdeen Herald & Weekly Free Press, 106
Adams, William Henry Davenport: Celebrated Englishwomen of the Victorian Era, 24
Adelaide, of Saxe-Meiningen, consort of William IV (earlier Duchess of Clarence), 12
Albert, Prince Consort: and royal dukes, 7; status, 14; influences QV’s control of temper, 26, 68; congratulates QV on accession, 30; and Melbourne’s relations with QV, 37; courtship and marriage, 46–50, 55; qualities, 46–9, 51; upbringing and character, 46; attitude of English to, 47; allowance from Parliament, 49–50; portrait, 51–2, 96, 132; remoulds QV, 52–3; wedding, 53; denied public role, 54; nominated as Regent, 55; QV’s devotion to, 56; co-plans Great Exhibition, 59, 71–2; granted title Prince Consort, 59; marriage relations and role, 59–61, 131; family life, 62, 65–7; photographed, 64–5; dismisses Lehzen, 65–6, 79, 147; manages and rationalises household, 65; sense of duty, 67, 71; feelings for QV, 68–9; and social change, 70; and ideal monarchy, 71; and daughter Vicky’s marriage, 76; and death of Victoire de Nemours, 78; relations with aunt Duchess of Kent, 79; illness and death, 82–3, 85–9; sculpture of, 83; and son Bertie’s misbehaviour, 83–4; period of mourning, 91; agrees Bertie’s marriage, 92; QV mourns for, 92–4; monuments and memorials, 95, 97; QV’s dependence on, 96–7; engages John Brown, 105; approves of Gladstone, 121; arranges purchase of Sandringham, 125; hopes for Anglo–Prussian unity, 132, 152; QV buried alongside, 154
Albert Victor, Prince, Duke of Clarence and Avondale (‘Eddy’), 151
Alexander, Tsarevitch of Russia, 43, 51
Alexandra of Denmark, Princess (later Queen; ‘Alix’): marriage, 92–3; and Bertie’s typhoid, 125; shuns Crown Prince of Prussia, 134
Alfred, Prince: birth, 58; at sister Alice’s wedding, 92; in family portrait, 134
Alice, Princess, Grand Duchess of Hesse: birth, 58; childhood, 62; and Albert’s illness and death, 82, 86; cares for mother, 89; marriage, 92; and Bertie’s typhoid, 124; death, 132
Angeli, Heinrich von, 121, 132
Anglau, Count d’, 51
Anson, George, 50
Appleton, Elizabeth, 26
Arbuthnot, Harriet, 26
Arthur, Prince, 58, 102, 107, 122, 134, 138–9
Ashanti Wars, 151
Atholl, Anne, Duchess of, 96
Augusta, Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld, 68
Augusta, Princess (daughter of George III and QV’s aunt), 16, 80
Austin, Alfred, 135
Bagehot, Walter: The English Constitution, 3
Bagshot Park, Surrey, 18
Balfour, Arthur James, 145
Balmoral (estate), Scotland, 58, 65–6, 74, 105–6, 112
Bambridge, William: Mourning the Prince Consort (photograph), 95
Barber, Charles Burton: Queen Victoria seated on ‘Florrie’, John Brown in Attendance, Balmoral in the Distance (painting), 113–14
Barrett, Elizabeth (later Browning): Victoria’s Tears, 32; The Young Queen, 35
Barrie, Sir James Matthew: Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens, 9
Baynes, R.H.: ‘Hymn for the Jubilee’, 139
Beatrice, Princess: birth, 58; appearance, 93; dull home life, 102; marriage to Henry of Battenberg, 134, 150; in tableaux vivants, 151
Bedchamber Crisis, 38–9, 42–3, 49, 115
Beechey, William, 16, 96
Bertie see Edward VII, King
Bigge, Sir Arthur, 152
Bismarck, Prince Otto von: on Coburgs, 13; and Vicky-Frederick William marriage, 76
Blackfriars Bridge, London, 120
Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine, 36
Blake, William, 57
Blore, Edward, 65
Boer War (1899–1902), 43, 145–7
Bourdin, Madame (dancing teacher), 25
Bradlaugh, Charles, 7
Brock, Mrs (QV’s nurse), 16
Brontë, Charlotte, 74
Brougham, Henry, Baron, 6
Brown, John: portrayed, 105, 109–10, 114, 147; relations with QV, 105–15; QV gives painting and cottage to, 113–14; resented by courtiers, 113, 147; planned demonstrations against, 114; death, 115, 140; depicted in QV’s Leaves from the
Journal, 119; wariness of Gladstone, 121; nurses QV during illness, 123; QV dedicates More Leaves to, 140
Browning, Robert: The Ring and the Book, 118
Bruce, Lady Augusta, 80, 97
Buccleuch, Louise Jane, Duchess of, 141
Buckingham Palace: extended and improved, 59, 62, 65
Bulgaria: Turkish atrocities in, 136
Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron, 6
Cambridge, Augusta, Duchess of, 7
Cambridge, Duke of see George William, Duke of Cambridge
Carlton, John: The Golden Jubilee, 21 June 1887 (painting), 143
Carlyle, Thomas, 31
Caroline, of Brunswick, consort of George IV, 6
Carroll, Lewis, 43
Cart, Isaac, 50
Chamberlain, Joseph, 152
Charles, Duke of Brunswick, 51
Charles Emich, Prince of Leiningen (1763–1814), 10
Charles, Prince of Leiningen (1804–56), 10
Charlotte, Princess: death, 5–6, 8, 13; marriage to Leopold, 12; qualities, 34–5
Charlotte, of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, consort of George III, 5
Chartism, 57–8
Christian Victor, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein, 100, 102, 146
Clanricarde, Harriet, Marchioness of, 48, 78
Claremont (estate), Surrey, 27, 49
Clarence House, London, 80
Clark, Sir James, 40, 78, 82–3, 85
Clifden, Nellie, 84
Collen, Henry, 34
Collins, Wilkie: The Moonstone, 118
Conroy, Sir John: as Comptroller of Duchess of Kent’s Household, 14–15, 21, 60; dismisses Baroness Späth, 16; relations with QV, 17, 19, 42; scheming, 21–2, 26, 29; devises Kensington system, 23; denied access to Victoria’s proclamation as Queen, 32; QV’s hatred of, 33, 37, 40; organises QV’s tours of England, 34; appoints Flora Hastings, 39; and Flora Hastings’ supposed pregnancy, 40; pension, 66
Conroy, Victoire, 22
Constable, William, 64
Cowper, Countess see Palmerston, Emily, Viscountess
Crimean War (1854–6), 43, 72–3
Croft, Sir Richard, 6
Cubitt, Joseph, 120
Cubitt, Thomas, 65
Cumberland, Duke of see Ernest, Duke of Cumberland
Daily Graphic, The, 150
Daily Mail, 32, 153
Queen Victoria Page 16