Saving Our Hearts

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Saving Our Hearts Page 23

by Velvet Reed

  “He just wants his daddy’s attention, don’t you, Coop.” I take a seat and start on my food. “Any plans today?” I enquire.

  Turning her attention from Cooper, she focuses on me. “Just some more research on the accommodation for the wedding. I’ll go over everything more thoroughly with you on the weekend.”

  “I can’t wait to hear all about it,” I admit.

  “I was thinking about when we should ask the others to be our attendants.” She continues, “And I was also thinking it would be nice if you and I went out and had some fun.”

  “What do you have in mind?” I ask curiously.

  “Well, I thought maybe we could all go to Pitch & Tone tonight. We haven’t been there for ages, and I thought it would be nice to have some fun,” she suggests.

  The idea of going out and having a few drinks with our friends for the first time in months excites me almost as much as a kid on Christmas morning. I eagerly agree with her. “That’s a brilliant idea, baby. I’ll message everyone now.” Grabbing my phone, I type out a group message to April, Sam, Ashley, Charlie and Allison.

  Group: Night out. Pitch & Tone. 7pm. No excuses.

  “Done,” I tell Gracie with an excited grin on my face.

  “I’ll call Mom and ask if they can look after Cooper while we’re out.”

  “Why don’t you ask your dad to come over as well and we’ll organize dinner for them here. I’m assuming he’ll be watching Ruby, so he can bring her and have some adult company too,” I suggest.

  “Great idea.” Gracie’s eyes light up.

  Thoughts of Mom remind me she wants the photo sent to her. “Listen, I’m sorry to bring this up again but did you delete that photo from your phone?”

  Gracie’s happy demeanor changes instantly. Gone is the smiling face of seconds ago. “I haven’t touched the thing since I showed you the message. I think my phone’s in the living room,” she replies through pursed lips. “Why do you want it?” her question comes out accusatory.

  “Mom messaged me earlier. She wants me to send it to her because she’s meeting Regina Langley today. That’s Miranda’s mother. I don’t think she has any intention of showing it to her; it's just more as a backup in case Regina doesn’t believe her,” I hurriedly reply.

  “Oh, well, like I said, it should be in the living room.”

  Taking my last mouthful of food, I ease out of my chair to retrieve the phone. I wait until I return to the table to send the picture. As I’m attaching it to the message, I notice something. I press send then open the picture again, zooming in to confirm what I saw.

  “Having a good look, Cole?” Gracie snipes. “It doesn’t take that long to send a text.”

  I turn the screen to face Gracie. “See anything interesting?” I ask.

  Putting Cooper’s bottle on the table, she swats my hand away and raises her voice startling Cooper. “Are you really trying to make me look at it again? Seriously, Cole! Have some respect for my feelings for God’s sake.”

  “Look at the coffee table, Gracie. Look at the name on the folder. This photo was taken at least four years ago. It clearly says The Beverly Hills Hotel. That's in Los Angeles, nowhere near Seattle.”

  Instead of pushing the phone away, she snatches it out of my hand and peers at the screen. “That sick bitch,” she shrieks, startling Cooper again, but this time he starts crying. She puts him over her shoulder and starts rubbing his back to burp him. “I was so overcome by hurt and anger; I didn’t even take a good look at the photo other than seeing it was you and her.”

  “That’s understandable. I just hope when mom talks to Regina, they can do something about her; otherwise, I won’t hesitate in getting the restraining order I threatened her with,” I reply flatly.

  I’m just about to get up to clear the table when Gracie hands over Cooper and a nursing towel. “Here, you haven’t seen him for four days; I'm sure you’ve missed your man time,” she grins.

  Holding my son, I watch Gracie move around the kitchen, the picture of domestic bliss. “Do you really think she’s going to care what your parents think or say? I mean, come on, sending a photo that old is a little crazy,” she utters as she wipes down the counter.

  “Probably not and I’m really beginning to wonder what we ever did to have nut jobs like Troy and Miranda fixated on us,” I retort.

  “I’ve been pondering the exact same thing, babe.”

  Glancing down at Cooper, I notice he’s fallen back to sleep. “I’m going to put him in his crib, and then I’ll have to take off. We’ll know more about the Miranda situation tonight, so try not to worry yourself about it. Just concentrate on the wedding plans, okay?”

  “Sure,” she replies as she approaches me. “Let me kiss you bye now, so I can jump in the shower while he’s sleeping.” Placing a hand on my bicep for support, she leans in on tiptoes and presses her lips to mine. “Have a great day, babe.” I watch her delectable butt sashay down the hall away from me.

  The morning seemed to drag by in the ER, so when it was time for me to take my break, I couldn’t wait to make my escape. I grab something to eat from the cafeteria, and as I make my way through the foyer of the hospital, I am more than a little surprised to see Mom and Regina Langley striding through the front entrance.

  “Mom,” I call out to get her attention. She stops, and I give her a hug and kiss on the cheek. “Hello Regina,” I greet.

  “Hi, Cole,” she replies in a small voice, looking slightly uncomfortable. “Look, I know this isn’t the time or the place, but I want to extend Richard and my sincerest apologies for the disgusting behavior of our daughter. We’re sorry she hurt you and Grace the way she has, and we’re more than a little ashamed of her.”

  How difficult it must be for a parent to feel the need to apologize to someone over the actions of their adult children. Richard and Regina are lovely people and deserve so much better. “I told you and Richard at the party that you didn’t need to apologize for her,” I try to convince Regina.

  Shaking her head, she sighs, “That’s where you’re wrong. Miranda bears the Langley name; her reputation and behavior reflect on me and especially Richard. What she has done is vulgar and disgraceful. We won’t tolerate it.”

  I’m not sure how to reply to that, or if I should even try, so I keep my mouth shut instead.

  “We’re on our way to see your father. Regina, has some things to discuss with him,” Mom interjects, her face showing a mixture of satisfaction and trepidation.

  “If you have time to spare, I’d like you to come and hear what I have to tell him as well,” Regina offers.

  Unable to say no and curious about what’s on her mind, I agree and follow them into the elevator. Not a word is said on the ride up or the walk to Dad’s office, and as I cast sly glances between the two women, I wonder whether their friendship will survive this situation.

  When we arrive at my dad’s door, it’s open about a foot and voices can be heard from inside. “We’ll just wait until he’s finished,” Mom states.

  About a minute goes by when my father’s raised voice can clearly be heard through the doorway. “If you don’t look for somewhere else to work, Miranda, I am going to make your life a living hell. I’ve overlooked some things because you work in this department and because Olivia and Regina are friends, but no more. I won’t tolerate you trying to damage my son’s relationship ever again.”

  My heart beats a little faster realizing my father is overstepping a professional boundary by bringing a personal situation into the workplace. Just as I’m thinking this, I notice Mom and Regina have inched closer to the door and are looking inside. I move to stand behind them and see that from this angle, we can watch the reflection of my dad and Miranda through a mirror on the wall. My dad is standing behind his desk; his face masked in fury while Miranda’s on the other side looking annoyed.

  I’m about to move back from my eaves dropping and ask Mom and Regina to do the same when Miranda starts moving around the desk. “
What the hell are you doing?” Dad snaps, but it doesn’t stop her movements. I find myself speechless and absolutely horrified when she places a hand flat on his chest and moves closer as Dad edges away. “I’m sure there’s something I can do to change your mind; I'd be willing to do anything, John,” she purrs.

  I hear a growl in front of me, and Mom starts to move but Regina holds her back, resulting in a vicious glare from Mom. “Wait,” Regina whispers.

  What the hell does she want to wait for? This woman is making a sexual proposition on her boss. If we wait any longer, I’ll barge in there myself and throw Miranda out on her ass.

  Glancing back at their reflection, I watch my dad move further away. “Cut the crap, Miranda. You either find another place of employment, or you can kiss your career goodbye."

  The bitch doesn’t relent. “Does Olivia go down on you, John? Does she suck your cock and let you cum in her mouth?” I watch her hands go to her blouse and rip the thing open sending buttons scattering across the room. “I’d love to know if you fuck better than your son.”

  My blood boils, but before I have a chance to react, my mom’s through the door which slams loudly into the wall behind it and is across the room in a flash. “You stupid little whore!” she screams and grabs Miranda by her long blonde hair and yanks her backwards away from my dad.

  Miranda cries out in pain and is trying to claw at my mom’s arm in an effort to break free. “If you ever come near a family member of mine again, I’ll rip you apart,” Mom screams in her face before I lunge for her and pull her back.

  I’ve never seen Mom lose complete control like this in my life. As I pull her into me, her heart is pounding erratically against her chest, and her breathing is ragged. Dad comes to our side and takes Mom from me, holding her tightly.

  Miranda scrambles to her feet clutching the back of her head while her blouse remains wide open. When she takes her hand away from her head, it’s covered in blood. “You bitch!” she screeches. “I’m pressing charges for assault, Olivia. You’re going to pay for this.”

  “You’re nothing but a tramp, Miranda. Who do you think the police are going to believe?” Mom provokes.

  Miranda’s face transforms right before my eyes and becomes dark. “So you finally caught us. How does it feel knowing I’ve been having an affair with your husband for years? He fucks almost as well as his son, but then again, he is older and doesn’t have the same stamina. I haven’t decided who has the bigger cock yet though.”

  Mom lunges for her again. “You lying whore. A real woman knows how to keep a man. A real woman doesn’t need to try to break another woman’s relationship up with pathetic games. You don’t have a man because you’re not worthy of being loved.” The menacing tone of voice doesn’t sound like my mother at all. Miranda has pushed her too far; she’s snapped.

  As my dad continues to hold Mom back, a smug, sadistic smile forms on Miranda’s lips. “John certainly loved me a few moments ago when he had his cock buried deep inside me.”

  No one has a chance to respond because a loud crack fills the room. Miranda literally falls to the floor, her hand cupping her face while Regina looms over her. “Mom?” Miranda whimpers.

  “Get up,” Regina demands and again Miranda scrambles to her feet.

  “Why did you slap me? John just tried to sexually assault me while Cole watched and then Olivia attacked me. They’re out of their minds, Mom.”

  I look at my parents, their faces agape at the accusations. I’m still trying to process everything I just witnessed, but it just seems surreal.

  “You’re a disgrace, Miranda. I’ve never been more ashamed or disgusted with anyone in my life. I can’t believe you are even my daughter,” Regina rebukes harshly.

  “You didn’t see what happened. How can you believe them over your own flesh and blood?" Miranda spits.

  “Oh, I saw everything, sweetheart,” Regina bites back sarcastically. “And I feel physically ill by what I saw. We’ve been standing outside that door the entire time.”

  Mom has calmed a little as we watch the interaction between mother and daughter.

  “Rest assured that you will do as John said.” She turns to my dad. “I’m sorry for this whole mess, John; I truly am. I’m giving you Miranda’s two weeks’ notice, and I think you’ll agree she will take that time as sick leave.” She spins back to glare at Miranda, though she continues talking to Dad. “She will not set foot back in this hospital, and I can assure she’ll be living on the east as of tomorrow.”

  “I think that’s a great plan, Regina,” Dad agrees.

  “You can’t do that. I’m twenty-nine years old. I’m not a child, Mother, and you will not control my life,” Miranda rebuffs.

  Regina gives a mirthless laugh. “Unless you want to ruin your career with a sexual harassment case against you, which, by the way, I will testify against you; you'll do as I say. I am absolutely mortified by your treatment of the Tierneys, and if you don’t follow my instructions, you’ll find yourself disinherited and your cushy trust fund cut off. Do you understand me?”

  Miranda’s face pales instantly and if I was in her shoes, I certainly wouldn’t be taking Regina’s threat lightly. Being an only child, Miranda is set to receive the entire Langley fortune which would be a rather considerable sum.

  “Fix your blouse and cover yourself the hell up. I’m giving you fifteen minutes to collect any personal possessions you have, and then you’re coming home to explain to your father what a huge disappointment his daughter is.”

  Miranda scowls at her mother and storms out of the room without an apology or backward glance at me or my parents. I watch as Regina takes a few deep breaths before she turns to face us. “I’m so appalled by my daughter's behavior and don’t know how I will ever make it up to any of you.” Regret and embarrassment color her tone and her features. She looks away and shakes her head. “I’ve never raised a hand to my daughter in my life, but I was just so furious at her actions and accusations, and jeopardizing my relationship with my oldest friend.” A small sob escapes and Mom rushes to her side.

  “Regina, look at me.” she pleads, her voice full of concern. When Regina faces her, Mom continues. “I’m so sorry you had to witness all that and have to deal with Miranda now, but I want to thank you for believing in me. You’ve been my dearest friend since we were young girls and I for one am not going to let Miranda’s behavior come between us.”

  Both women have tears in their eyes, and I can see the pain this mess is causing them. “We’ve been through so much together, and just like every other time something has gone wrong, we'll get through this.”

  Regina closes her eyes and sobs again. “I feel like such a failure as a mother, Liv, and for her to try to hurt you, of all people, just kills me. I don’t know where I went wrong for her to become this terrible person.”

  Dad and I remain quiet. There’s really nothing for us to say, but we share a meaningful look knowing it’s over, and Miranda won’t be part of our lives any longer.

  “You’ve done nothing wrong, Reggie. That girl has been given everything she could possibly need, including the love of two doting parents. You mustn’t blame yourself for the messes she creates,” Mom continues, trying to reason with her.

  Looking at Dad, I gesture to the door, and we slip out of the room unnoticed as the women try to console one another. When we’re in the refuge of the corridor, we both let out an audible breath. “Can you believe what just happened in there?” I ask in disbelief, while pointing to his office door.

  He pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head. “I can’t believe Miranda would sink as low as trying to offer me sexual favors, and I sure am happy you three witnessed the whole thing.” He expels a heavy breath again.

  “She’s made it pretty obvious she’ll do anything to get what she wants, with complete disregard for the consequences, Dad.”

  “Yeah, you’re right,” he agrees, and we lapse into a moment of silence. He’s no doubt replaying
the whole thing in his head like I am.

  A sly grin forms on my face as I recall Mom’s reaction. “I’ve never seen Mom lose control like that in my life. I didn’t know she had it in her,” I snigger, which has Dad looking directly at me. His eyes light up and there’s love in them, but something more as well.

  “Damn, but I love that woman.” He shakes his head again incredulously. “There’s never been anyone else for me, and I know you don’t want to hear this since we’re your parents and all but when she came through that door, fire burning in her eyes and took on a woman more than twenty years younger than her, for me... because she loves me; I felt so proud and so damn turned on all at the same.”

  “Okay, thanks for that,” I mutter and look away.

  “Come on, Cole. You can’t tell me that when Gracie decked Miranda that time, or when she gets all possessive about you, you don’t feel like ripping her clothes off and showing her you feel the same way,” he rebukes. “We may be your parents, and we may be in our fifties, but our love and need for each other are just as strong, if not stronger than it was when we were younger. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for your mother, and I make the time to show her every single day what she means to me.”

  The sincerity in his words and the fierce love in his eyes leave me in awe of the depths of my parents’ relationship. They argue and have their ups and downs, like any normal couple, but what means the most is their undying love for each other. A love that has endured for over thirty years and is still going strong, and it’s my goal to ensure Gracie and my marriage is exactly the same.

  “I get it, Dad. I really do.”

  The door to his office opens behind us. Mom and Regina step out, now composed. Regina walks up to my dad and hugs him. “Richard and I will get this sorted out, John. I know it will put you at a bit of a loose end here without Miranda, but I really think it will be best in the long run. Seeing this new side to my daughter, I doubt she’ll risk losing the family money now that it’s been threatened.”


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