The Life, Love, and Death of Adara Marshall

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The Life, Love, and Death of Adara Marshall Page 2

by Phoenix Williams

  He retook his seat and adjusted the sleeves of his dark gray tweed suit before clasping his hands and placing them on the desk.

  My guard lowered by a fraction. As long as I could see his hands, I could counter any move that my target made. Mr. Bushae may have been my grandmother’s lawyer, but he was still a target. Everybody was.

  Trust no man, live to tell the tale. That was my motto.

  “Ms. Mashall, how can I be of service?”

  “Don’t play games, Bushae. I’ve had enough of them. You summoned me. I’m here. Let’s settle this estate.”

  He raised a brow before reaching in his desk. “Are the swords really necessary?”

  “Yep,” I drawled.

  “Fine,” he spat. “Sophie’s...Your land is actually quite popular in these parts. Everybody wants it. It will be easy to sell. In fact, I have a list of buyers ready.” Sliding a thick manila envelope across the smooth wooden surface, he held my stare. “But first, you must read the contents of this envelope.”

  My hands trembled as I picked it up, my name scrawled on the front with familiar elegant penmanship.

  “I’ll give you some privacy.”

  The door quietly clicked closed, and I carefully opened the envelope. Inside was the deed to the sixty-five acres of Mashall land, a key to a safety deposit box, and a letter.


  My sweet girl. If you’re reading this, then two things have happened. One, the good Lord has finally called me home. Two, Cleophous Bushae is finally worth all the money I paid him.

  When it comes to the land, I want you to follow your heart. You will face pressure on many sides. Do not make a rash decision. Before you decide, get the opinion of the four people who know you best in this world. Only then will my soul be able to rest in peace. Mashall land is the heart of this town. Never forget that.

  I want you to know that I never gave up on finding you. I went crazy with grief when I realized you were gone but I turned that heartache into determination. I vowed to see you again at any cost.

  Maybe that’s why I am gone now….because I was getting too close.

  I wouldn’t have died peacefully before laying eyes on you. My will was too strong to give up on my dream.

  I have always loved you, my sweet Adara. And, I will adore you beyond death.



  P.S. Trust no one in this town besides my best friend, Mama Terrell.

  Tears fell from my eyes, threatening to smear the ink on the thin paper. Carefully, I placed it back in the envelope along with the other documents and keys.

  My head was pounding as more repressed memories tried to resurface. Squeezing my eyes shut, I breathed deeply. Now was not the time for a breakdown. I had a job to do. The first one of my life that I had chosen myself.

  Fuck Sora.

  Fuck the job he wanted to send me on.

  This was more important.

  My grandmother’s letter had lit a fire inside of me and given me a reason to stay.

  I was going to find Mama Terrell.

  I was going to figure out what to do with the Mashall land.

  But, most importantly, I was going to figure out who murdered my grandmother.

  Her letter was more than an old woman’s wish for vengeance. It was more than letting a scarred and half-crazed killing machine know she had always been loved.


  Sophia Mashall’s letter was the key that unleashed the beast and would bring devastation to Hell Fire Valley.



  “Two days,” I said, trying my damnedest to keep my voice even.

  Leaning back in my recliner with a beer in my right hand, I was the picture of relaxation. Anyone that knew me would know better.

  I was never relaxed.

  I ran my short nails through my thick three-day beard, the scratchy noise breaking the tense silence. I looked over at those gathered in my living room.

  My three younger brothers, Joel, Keenan, and Luke were sitting on my cream sofa. Rio, my best friend, and right hand, was sitting on the floor next to the couch. My father D’Mitri was leaning against the wall directly across from me while my mother, Mila, was sitting primly in the armchair in front of my father.

  Everyone wore matching nervous expressions. I didn’t blame them. Even I could recognize how unpredictable I was. Always had been. Always would be. One minute I could be sitting there having a civil conversation, the next minute I could be trying to rip out your throat because I didn’t like your tone of voice.

  Laid back had never been a word I would associate with my personality. Then again, I was my father’s child.

  “The Mashall heir has been here for two days. Why am I just finding this out?”

  “Good question,” my dad grumbled. “I’d like to know as well. Who was on this one?”

  All eyes turned towards Joel, the baby of the family. I sighed heavily, my glare trained on him.

  Six years younger than me, the kid behaved like he was twelve instead of twenty-four. He was immature, irresponsible, and undependable. He never took anything seriously. That now included simple jobs like letting me know when the Mashall heir came to town.

  Joel cleared his throat repeatedly, avoiding looking at any of us. “My bad,” he mumbled. I felt my blood pressure rise and a deep growl escaped my lips. His head whipped in my direction, honey-colored eyes full of worry. “It’s not like I didn’t try.”

  A chuckle bubbled up from my throat before I could stop it. This kid was full of fucking excuses. I couldn’t even pretend to be surprised.

  Taking a long swig of my beer, I allowed the cool liquid to douse some of the fire inside of me before I set the bottle on the end table. Five seconds later, I had my baby brother slammed against the wall with my hands wrapped around his throat.

  Blinding rage built in my middle before spreading out to every nerve ending. It was hot and all-consuming. I couldn’t focus on the shouts and pleas of my family. I could barely feel the sting of Joel’s nails ripping into my arms.

  I hated this. Hated the thing inside me that made me like this. I had always had a bit of an anger issue, but it wasn’t until my father began “grooming” me to take over as head of the family that I started spiraling.

  I was no fool. I knew my brothers were scared of me.

  They were smarter than they looked.

  I was scared of me too.

  Strong hands pulled me off my brother just as his face began to turn purple. Whirling around, I glared at my father. Standing at his full height, he looked down his nose at me.

  “You wanna go, boy?” he asked, the steel in his voice forced me to rethink killing Joel. “Back off!”

  Retaking my seat, I took a few deep breaths. “Explain everything.”

  Joel held his neck, coughing as he took in massive gulps of air. “I started out waiting for the heir. Then one month passed, then another, and another. I thought he wasn’t coming. So, I just decided to move on until the estate went to the state then up for auction.”

  “Is that what you were asked to do?” my father grumbled.

  “No, Sir,” he whispered. “I’ll fix it. I promise.”

  I watched as Dad shook his head in frustration before his focus shifted to me. It took every ounce of willpower not to react to the challenge shining in his cognac-colored eyes.


  “Look, Alonzo…the land, the Mashall heir, Joel…I’m leaving you to handle this.” He sighed, moving away from the wall. “I’m older now, and it’s time for me to step down. I’ve wanted that for a while. You’re my oldest boy, the natural leader. Get the Mashall land, and you’ll be in charge. Fail, and you’ll be tossed out on your ass.”

  Without saying another word, he left with my mother and brothers following behind him.

  Little lemmings.

  As soon as my door closed, I poured myself a drink and picked up my cell phone. Dialing a number I knew by heart, I waited until I heard the
deep booming voice on the other end.

  “Cleophous, how you doin’?”

  “Quit the niceties, Leones. We both know they’re not sincere. I’m assuming you finally found out about the Mashall heir.”

  Sipping my beer, I chuckled silently. Cleophous was a straight shooter. That was why we always got along.

  “Tell me I’m not too late.”

  “Your Daddy still giving you a hard time?”

  “Just tell me what I want to know, old man.”

  A bark of laughter blasted through the speaker, and I couldn’t help but smile. Under different circumstances, Cleophous Bushae would be a trusted friend. Too bad he was related to the Clawsons, one my family’s biggest rivals.

  Figures that one of the only people to understand me is my enemy.

  “No, you’re not too late. Though, you are the last to call. What do you need?”

  “Are you sure you want to help me? Your grandson…”

  “Let me worry about the boy,” he interrupted. “You worry about making a good impression. Now, the heir is staying on the property. You might want to start there.”

  “Thanks, Bushae. I appreciate it.”

  I honestly did.

  As much as I didn’t want to take over the family business, it was expected. It was either do that or defy my father. He was the king of this family, the Alpha male. No one ever challenged D’Mitri Leones.

  So, I would meet with Mashall, make an offer, get the land, sell my own business, and take over for father. That was the way it had to be. My fate was decided from the moment I came screaming into the world, and the doctor declared, “It’s a boy.”

  Nothing was going to change that.



  Nicky’s Diner.

  I smiled as stared up at the neon red sign trimmed in lights. A memory played at the edges of my mind. It was fuzzy but filled me with warmth.

  I had been here before.

  Pushing the door open, I strolled into the crowded diner. A sign hanging above the L-shaped counter instructed customers to seat themselves. An old Della Reese song was blasting from the classic jukebox towards the back of the space. Taking one of the last seats at the end of the counter, I looked around.

  Silver booths, wooden counters and tables, burgundy stools, chestnut stained wood floors, and crisp white blinds, this old-school diner was cozy and inviting.

  Picking up a menu, I quickly scanned over the items. Less than two minutes later I was waving over the waitress as my stomach growled for the delicious down-home cooking smells wafting from the kitchen.

  “Mornin’, I’m Beck. What can I get you, honey?”

  “Morning,” I said, remembering my manners. “I’ll take the country special with black coffee.”

  “Good choice.”

  “Are my katanas cool in here?” I had been walking around with my blades for days, and no one had blinked an eye.

  “Don’t worry, honey,” she said with a wink. “You’re swords are the least of our worries here in Hell Fire Valley.” Before I could ask what she meant, she turned around and whistled. “Frank! I need an Old Man Clarence on the fly.”

  Frank grunted out a response as Beck poured my coffee.

  “’Scuse me, honey. I hope I’m not being rude but have we met before? You look mighty familiar.”

  “I don’t think we’ve met, but you probably know my family.”

  “Yeah?” she asked. “Who’s your people?”

  “The Mashalls.”

  As soon as those two words left my lips, everything stopped. The clatter of dishes in the back. The chatter from the other customers. Everything was still as everyone focused their attention on me.

  The hairs on the back of my neck stood up, and I placed my hand on the hilt of my katana. As much as I wouldn’t want to, I would slaughter everyone in this damn diner if they pushed me.

  Ninety seconds passed before Frank began making noise again in the kitchen. That was the signal to everyone else to resume their activity as if the Mashall name was never uttered.

  I sipped my coffee, ignoring the man who decided to sit next to me.

  “Ms. Mashall, I’ve been looking for you.”

  Keeping my gaze straight ahead, I ignored the man.

  “Your grandmother was a fine woman.”

  That got my attention.

  How did he know my grandmother?

  I finally turned my head slightly in his direction.





  Handsome did not do this man justice. He had to be at least 6’7". His brown skin looked soft to the touch along with the neatly trimmed beard. His shoulders were so broad that they threatened to graze mine and the man on the other side of him. His muscular chest tapered into a slim waist and I would bet all the money I had that he had at least an eight-pack underneath his forest green shirt. His almond-shaped dark brown eyes held mine and nerves attacked my system.

  This man had my body confused. I wanted to run from and to him at the same damn time.

  Clearing my throat, I used my manners again. “Thank you.”

  Is that my voice sounding all husky?

  I watched his broad nose flare, and his eyes darken a shade before a smile lit up his face.

  Be still my beating heart.

  It wasn’t like I had never seen attractive men before. It was just that usually when I saw them they were on the other end of my katana.

  “You’re welcome. I’m Daniel Farrell.”

  “Adara,” I replied, shaking his outstretched hand.

  The sensation of his large hand encasing mine sent another jolt of nerves roaring inside of me.

  Daniel canted his head and stared at me, his gaze traveling down my length.

  “Adara…that’s a beautiful name.”

  I giggled like a school girl, my face heating.

  Jesus Christ, Adara. Get it together!

  I was a grown ass woman acting like a teenager.

  Beck set my food down, casting a curious glance between Daniel and me. My blush burned hotter.

  “You sure are cute, Adara.” Leaning towards me, he lowered his voice. “I’ve never met a woman that blushes as easily as you do. Makes me wonder…”

  His voice trailed off, and I raised my brow. He looked me square in the eye, catching his bottom lip between his white teeth as his gaze dropped down to my cleavage.

  “Oh, I can just imagine what you’re wondering about, Mr. Farrell.”

  “Mr. Farrell?” he asked with a chuckle. “That’s my father. Though, I wouldn’t mind if you called me daddy.”

  I snorted as I crumbled up my bacon into my bowl of grits before stirring in my eggs.

  “Does that line actually work for you?”

  He gave me what I assumed was his most charming smile. He was adorable. Full of himself, but adorable.

  Oh, he’s trouble, I thought to myself as I began shoveling food into my mouth shamelessly.

  “Depends on the girl.”

  “That’s where you messed up.” His brow rose in question as I stuffed my face with the delicious breakfast. I took my time scooping up every last bit of food and drinking every last drop of coffee. Wiping my mouth with the napkin, I took out my wallet and laid a twenty on the counter before giving Daniel my attention. “I’m not a girl, honey. I’m a woman.”

  I strolled out of the diner, feeling his eyes on my ass the entire time. I had just unlocked my car when I heard footsteps behind me. Whirling around, I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw it was Beck.

  “I left the money on the counter.”

  She waved me off and stepped closer. “Listen, honey,” she said, her voice low. “I knew your grandmother very well. She was like a mother to me. Because of my love for her. I’m telling you this: be careful here in Hell Fire. Nothing in this town is more valuable than that land you now own. Some…people would do terrible things to get it. Watch your step.”

With that, she was gone. Glancing at the windows of the diner, I saw Daniel staring at me with an inscrutable expression on his face. His eyes blazed in the late morning sun that shone through the glass.

  Hopping in my car, I drove off. Poor, sweet Beck. She was worried about me. She didn’t need to. If there was one thing I was sure of, I could take care of myself.

  Always had.

  Always would.



  The familiar scents of ginger, onions, and beef filled the air as my Beef Shigureni simmered on the stove. All the windows were opened, allowing the nighttime breeze to swirl through the lower level. The soft sounds of Billie Holiday floated through the old stereo.

  I served up a bowl of beef with a side of steamed rice. I had just picked up my chopsticks to dig in when there was a knock at the door.

  “Sonofabitch,” I grumbled as my stomach whined with hunger.

  Plucking my katana off the back of my chair, I moved silently to the door. Not that it mattered as the breeze lifted the curtains, revealing everything inside.

  “Who is it?”

  “Gale Terrell,” the soft voice answered.

  I opened the door and smiled. I remembered her. This was Grandma’s best friend.

  “Mama Terrell,” I sighed. “Please come in.”

  “Thank you.”

  I grinned. I was killing this manners shit.

  “Would you like something to eat?” I asked, leading her to the kitchen.

  “No, thank you. I won’t be stayin’ long.” She took her seat before gesturing to me. “Feel free though.”

  Don’t have to tell me twice.

  I dug right into to the steaming bowl of beef.

  “What’s your plan, honey?”

  Swallowing my food, I looked up and was immediately trapped in her russet-colored eyes. My chest tightened as I felt all of my defenses come tumbling down.

  With one glance, Gale “Mama” Terrell was able to leave me feeling stripped bare. She may have been my grandmother’s best friend, but this was no ordinary woman.



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