The Life, Love, and Death of Adara Marshall

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The Life, Love, and Death of Adara Marshall Page 4

by Phoenix Williams

  “I live in Hell Fire.”

  “So, do I,” she drawled around a mouthful of food.

  God, she’s stubborn.

  “You’re causing trouble, Adara.”

  Shrugging, she took a sip of her drink. I did the same and damn near choked on the amount of sake mixed in the green tea.

  “Easy there, killer,” she chuckled. Taking a few deep breaths, I waited for the burning in my chest to cool.

  Silence once again engulfed us as we ate, fireflies lighting up the clearing behind her house.

  “Look, Alonzo, I appreciate what you’re trying to do, but I’m not scared.”

  Catching her eye, I tried to control the urge to shake some sense into her. “You’re literally staring demons in the face.”

  “I’ve been around the world several times over. Believe me, when I say, there are no demons here. There’s something better.”

  “Yeah?” I asked with a snort. “What’s that?”

  A slow grin spread across her beautiful face as she held me captivated by her gaze. “Monsters.



  Life was weird.

  You could go two decades moving around the world, only focused on the next task. Then the next thing you know, you’re investigating a murder, dodging your handler’s calls, and being pursued by two insanely good-looking men.

  Daniel and Alonzo couldn’t have been more different.

  Daniel was funny, nonchalant, flirtatious, and vague. Very vague. Getting information from him was like trying to get a dead man to speak, impossible. Butterflies always swarmed my stomach when I was with him. I always felt off kilter, unsure…like I was getting ready to jump off a cliff.

  Alonzo, on the other hand, was intense, serious, and gruff. He didn’t joke around much. In fact, he didn’t talk much, but when he did open his mouth, the words were worth listening to. When I was with him, I felt…safe. That feeling was something that a woman like me hadn’t felt much. It wasn’t the exhilarating free fall experience I had with Daniel, but it was way more precious. And, let's not even mention how wet my panties got whenever he was near.

  Naturally, I fell into some sort of pattern with the both of them. A few times a week I’d meet Daniel at the diner for breakfast. Several times a week I’d have dinner with Alonzo at my house.

  I still hadn’t invited Daniel over to my property. Until he admitted that he wanted to buy it, I wasn’t allowing him to cross the arch.

  The wind whipped through my freshly twisted hair as I drove down the long stretch of road with all the windows down. Right hand gripping the wheel, I stretched my left arm out the window and felt the breeze caress my fingers.

  This was freedom.

  This was joy.

  This was as close to flying as I would ever get.

  Two weeks had passed, and I was finally on my way to Philipot Grove. What I was going to do once I got there? Not sure.

  All I knew was that Mama Terrell’s riddle was as close to a clue as I had gotten since I arrived. So, I was going to see what this place held for me.

  I eased my car into one of the few parking spots at the entrance of the grove. Stepping into the late March air, I breathed deeply and felt my body instantly relax. Well, not enough to leave my katanas in the car. I wasn’t stupid.

  I walked along a path that was surrounded by large lush maple trees. Time stopped as I walked deeper into the grove, immersing myself in the beauty. Flowers were in bloom, a family of rabbits scurried through the trees, and the wind rustled the leaves.

  A deep cawing made me arch my neck towards the sky. Chills ran down my spine and dread pooled in my belly. The largest bird I had ever seen was flying overhead. It circled over me and cawed again as if beckoning me.

  And because I had never seen any horror movies and had apparently lost my damn mind, I followed the huge crow. It had to be at least four times bigger than other crows. It’s wingspan around six feet.

  The crow sailed above me, matching my pace until we got to a break in the trees that revealed a small clearing.

  Stepping out from the shade of the grove, the sun beat across my skin as I watched it move deeper into the clearing. I followed along until I spotted what it had been leading me to.

  Caked in grit. Caked in soil.

  A man laid in the middle of the clearing, his locs spread out amongst the wild grass. His body was covered in dirt and sweat.

  Rivers of blood run through the land, twisting and turning until they connect.

  Looking around, I noticed that streams of blood dotted the clearing, leading back to him.

  Approach the beast without fear amongst the ruby red grass.

  Taking a deep breath, I walked over to the man and knelt beside him with my hand planted firmly on my katana. The grass was stained with blood, turning it a deep red.

  Mama Terrell’s words finally made sense. This was the man that I needed to speak to.



  I tapped his shoulder while checking for signs of life. His chest rattled, but at least his was breathing.

  “You alright?”

  Dove gray eyes slowly opened and stared at me.

  “Sir, are you okay? Were you attacked?”

  Looking at his bare torso, I took note of the long slashes across his chest. Either he was attacked by a wild animal or a shitty swordsman. Either way, he needed to get to the hospital.

  Did they even have one of those in this town?

  “Yeah,” he croaked. “By a deranged animal.”

  I couldn’t tell if he was serious or not. But I didn’t have time to think about that when he sat up and started dusting the dirt off him.

  “You need to lie back down until I get a doctor here. Or at least an ambulance.”

  “You must be new around here,” he said with a smirk that made me want to slap him. “Ain’t no hospitals around here, woman.”


  “Look,” he cut me off with a grin. “If you want to do something, help me get back to my house. It’s just up over that hill.”

  I looked in the direction he nodded. Standing, I helped him off the grass and wrapped my arm around his waist. We walked for a few minutes in silence.

  “I’m Trevor.”

  “Adara Mashall.”

  “Ah, so you’re the one causing all the trouble?” His question was met with a snort. “Best stop worrying the town folk, Ms. Mashall. We have enough problems.”

  I opened my mouth to ask what he meant when a small stone and glass cottage came into view. We walked up to the driveway, and the name on the mailbox caught me by surprise.

  “Trevor Farrell,” I muttered. “You’re Daniel’s brother.”

  It wasn’t a question, but Trevor nodded as we entered his home. It was a cozy one bedroom space. Neat and tidy, unlike the junky bachelor pad I was expecting.

  Trevor excused himself and disappeared into the bathroom. I took the opportunity to look around. Original artwork hung on the walls. Magazines were arranged by color on a glass and steel coffee table. A few books were stacked on the end table next to an overstuffed navy armchair.

  Upon further inspection, it looked as if the house was barely lived in. No family pictures. No knick-knacks. Everything was pristine as if Trevor was just visiting.

  I heard the door to the bathroom open, and then another one that I assumed was to the bedroom. A few minutes later, Trevor appeared in fresh clothing. He sat in his armchair, eyes trained on me.

  “How are you feeling?” I asked.

  “Better,” he sighed with tired eyes. “Look, you seem like a nice girl, Adara…”


  “So, I want to give you this warning. My brother…Daniel is…”

  We both jumped as the door came crashing in. Poor, sweet Trevor pushed me behind his muscular body. I peeked out behind his shoulder, and my heart stuttered.


  He was familiar and different at the same time. His eyes w
ere as dark as raven’s wings. His usually smiling lips were curled up in a snarl. His breath came in desperate pants. Fists tightly clenched, his body practically vibrated with rage as he glared at his brother.

  His nostrils flared until his gaze locked on me. Then, like a snake shedding its skin, Daniel transformed right in front of my eyes. The anger dissipated within seconds. His mask of fury was replaced with his normal suaveness.

  “Adara, how are you?”

  “I should be asking you that with the way you kicked in the damn door.”

  Daniel shrugged. “Oh that…I was worried about my brother and was coming to check on him.”

  Daniel was a terrible liar.

  “So you heard?” I asked, peering at him from around Trevor.

  “Heard what?”

  I stepped around the suddenly mute Trevor. His eyes were cast downward, his face angled from his brother.

  “According to Trevor, he was attacked by a deranged animal.”

  Daniel stroked his beard as he turned his attention back to Trevor. “Is that so?”

  The concern in his voice was feigned, and sincerity didn’t even reach his eyes. I felt Trevor tense behind me. The air was dense with tension and something else I couldn’t explain. It didn’t make me want to run. It made me want to get Daniel as far away from Trevor as possible.

  “Well, I’m out of here. Daniel, walk me to my car?”

  “Adara?” I turned towards Trevor’s voice. His eyes were full of pain and worry. He ghosted a glance at Daniel. “Thank you.”

  Those two words were more than manners. They were a warning. I smiled and nodded before leaving the cottage.

  As we walked over the hill and through the grove the crow from earlier flew overhead, watching our every movement. No cawing. No speeding ahead. Its eyes were laser focused.

  If I had been paying attention, I would have noticed other eyes on us as well.

  Life, along with Hell Fire Valley, was getting weirder by the minute.



  My phone rang incessantly. I wasn’t surprised. I had been dodging Sora’s calls for weeks. I had been in Hell Fire Valley for a month, and I knew he was pissed.

  Oh fucking well!

  I would go back when I was good and ready. And, I wasn’t either at the moment.

  After the interaction with the Farrell brothers, I had set my sights on a different way to get information. I had finally ventured up to the second level of the house. It had taken a few days to actually make it into my grandparents’ bedroom. Every time I tried, I’d collapse to the floor with a barrage of memories attacked me.

  It was as if something was keeping the memories blocked and every single time I would get close to unlocking them, it was excruciating.

  After thoroughly cleaning the hallways and bathrooms on the second level, I finally felt ready to enter the room. With shaking hands, I turned the knob, my knees almost buckled, but I stood firm.

  You can do this.

  I eased into the space and turned on the light. Opening a window, I let the night time air in. Armed with a box of cleaning supplies, I got to work.

  As I cleaned, I found things I had forgotten about. Bottles of Grandma’s perfume that brought tears to my eyes. It smelled like love and home and peace.

  In the closet, I found a row of Granddaddy’s suits. I remembered him putting them on every Sunday for church. Those nights after dinner, he’d dance to Ray Charles with Grandma wrapped tightly in his arms.

  I smiled as I continued going through their belongings. It hurt less when I didn’t fight the memories. Yeah, I wasn’t the same girl I used to be. I was a woman now, shaped by the rough life in the mountains. It was time I accepted that.

  I dug a large hat box from underneath the bed and pulled off the lid as dust flew everywhere. After recovering from a sneezing fit, I gasped at the stack of pictures.

  Gingerly, I grasped the first one. It was of me, the last time I was here. My head began to pound, and I took a deep breath.

  Don’t fight it. Don’t fight it.

  Closing my eyes, I allowed the memory to surface.

  “Adara honey, you have to go. School starts in a few weeks. You need to go back home.”

  I clung to Grandma tighter, tears staining her white shirt. “Please don’t make me go. I want to stay with you!”

  Kneeling in front of me, Grandma wiped my tears. “My sweet Mashall baby. I want you to stay too, but you have to go with your parents. You know you can always come to see me.”

  “Adara!!” My father’s booming voice caused us both to jump. “Get your little ass in this car now! It’s time to go home!”

  My bony shoulders shook with sobs and anger. “I am home!”

  “Little girl!”

  “Adara,” Grandma whispered, grasping my shoulders tightly. “Don’t get fresh with your daddy.”

  Her eyes pleaded with me, and I hugged her tighter. She stood, and I grabbed my suitcase off the floor. Straightening my spine, I walked out of the house with my head held high and tears streaming down my cheeks.

  I walked up to the SUV, threw my luggage in the trunk, got into my seat, buckled, and slammed the door. Dad backed out the driveway as Mom nagged me about being too big to cry.

  My eyes stayed glued to the house until it went out of view and I broke down into silent sobs.

  Opening my eyes, I wiped the tears from my cheeks. That was the last time I saw Sophie Mashall. Four hours after leaving her home, we were back in Chicago, and I fell asleep. The next time I opened my eyes, I was in Japan.

  That memory made one thing abundantly clear. Before I went back to Japan, I needed—no, I deserved—answers on why I was sent there, to begin with.



  I wasn’t a patient man by nature. I liked things to be done quickly and efficiently. That was why I always worked in a group setting. But, this task was too critical and delicate to entrust to others.

  No, this was something that I would have to take care of myself.

  Pulling my car up to the entrance, I grinned as I read the scrawled letters in the arch. Mashall.

  Adara was a tempting surprise. When I heard the Mashall heir was in town, I automatically assumed it was a man. Honestly, it would have been easier if it was. Men didn’t get emotionally attached.

  Adara, for all of her tough-girl mannerisms, was just like any other woman. Overly emotional. When we met up in the mornings, she would go on and on about how much the land meant to her grandparents. I liked it better when she seemed to be in a rush to get out of Hell Fire Valley.

  But, I wasn’t worried. There was more than one way to skin a cat.

  Stepping out of my car, I began making the long walk to the Mashall house. I was familiar with this land as my grandparents were once friends with Adara’s.


  Damn, that name brought a smile to my face. At first, I was all about getting her land. Somewhere along the line, I started liking her. She was just like me. Dark, broken, and a beast.

  We could be the most powerful couple in this town, shit the whole fucking world. I just needed to stake my claim. I wasn’t stupid. That fucking Leones cat had been sniffing around my woman. I couldn’t have that.

  No, I wouldn’t lose Adara to anyone.

  The moon looked huge in the perfectly clear sky as the cabin came into view. Adara sat there on the stairs looking like the picture of beauty.

  Her cocoa skin practically glowed. Her twisted hair was piled on top of her head. A t-shirt stretched across her full breasts, and her shorts stretched across her wide hips and ample ass.

  The girl was a damn walking wet dream.

  Suddenly, her head whipped in my direction. Her almond shaped chocolate eyes bore into me. My gaze ran across her face, taking in her button nose and lush lips.

  “Hey,” I said with a smile as I came closer.

  The sounds of Nina Simone floated from inside the house along with the scent
of something delicious simmering on the stove.

  “Hey,” she greeted, standing. “Why are you here?”

  Putting on my most charming smile, I eased closer to her. The feel of her body heat caressing me had me biting back a groan.

  “I came to see you of course.”

  She eyed me suspiciously, and I felt my insides ignite. I didn’t like that look especially when it was aimed at me.

  “I would have called, but you never gave me your number.”

  “Oh,” she muttered while scanning the woods.

  “We need to talk.”

  That got her attention. Good. I wanted to be the only thing she focused on. Taking her hand in mine, I locked on her hypnotizing eyes.

  “I want you, Adara.” She opened her mouth to speak, but I placed a finger against those pillow soft lips. “Shhh, honey. We’ve been seeing each other for almost two months. It’s time to make it official.”

  She moved to pull her hand out of mine, but I held on tighter. “Daniel, I think you’ve got the wrong impression…”

  “Stop playing games, Adara,” I murmured seductively, gripping her hip with my free hand. “You know you want me too.”

  “That’s not true.”

  My head reared back as if she had slapped me.

  “Is it Trevor?” I asked. If it was, he was a dead man.


  Something dark and ugly unfurled in my gut as I pinned her with a stare. “Alonzo Leones?”

  She held my gaze, I’d give her that. But, the truth was written all over her face. That sly cat had tried to take what was mine.

  “I forbid you to see him anymore.”

  She tried to wrench out of my grasp, but I held on tighter. “Are you crazy? No one tells me what to do.”

  I snatched her body against mine. “You’re mine now, Adara. You’ll do as I say.”

  I tried to kiss her but she bit the fuck out of my lip, and I chuckled.

  “Get the fuck off of me!”

  Her screams did nothing to sway me. Everything inside me was urging me to claim her as mine.

  “I’ll mark you,” I grumbled. “I’ll mark you and every man will know you belong to me.”


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