The Escape (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 2)

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The Escape (Detective Jane Sparrow Book 2) Page 6

by Claire Merrington

  “Ah Jane, Jane, Jane why must we

  Dance like this.

  I once created you art. Eight

  Beautiful pieces, two in your

  Hometown. But you did not

  Appreciate what they were. So

  This time until we can be

  Together I thought I must be more

  Direct. Say hello to dear

  Helen Moore. My sweet little love

  Note to you. I am coming for

  You Jane but until we meet again and

  Spend the rest of days as though it

  Was foretold in the stars I will send

  You my love notes.

  Each with a ticking time bomb to show you how urgent my need for you and

  My want for your blood is.

  I will have you.

  Take care now Jane.”

  “Well it seems as if he has stepped up his level of obsession with me a tad. It’s escalated to a whole new level of creepy. Before it was just about beating me and showing me he was better. But now he seems to be under the delusion that it was written in the stars that we should be together.”

  “That is a tad delusional and if you don’t mind me saying hilarious when Perry finds out.”

  Jane couldn’t help but smile at that thought. The way Perry had gone off before when she told him that Thaddeus had escaped to come after her in the first place was endearing and a bit frightening. This was going to cost Thaddeus.

  “Wont it just. Good call on the bomb earlier Eric you helped save a lot of lives and our evidence.”

  “Thank you army training comes in handy. We should get going back to the station Detective the coroner and crime scene techs can handle it from here.”

  “Ok if you just go give the bomb unit the heads up we may be expecting more packages that are rigged in the same fashion. And see if any of them know where Jack is? I’m just going to check in with the coroner and I’ll meet you at the car.”

  “Ok I’ll let them know. I’ll try Jack’s mobile as well.”

  Eric gave Jane a nod of the head as he walked off out of respect Jane figured. He went of to discuss future preparations with the bomb unit and to chase up PC Jack Collins. Jane still had her escorting police officers with her but she could admit the fact she felt a little more exposed without any members of her team around her. Especially now that Thaddeus had written his level of lust for her down. Although the building was still surrounded with more than enough police officials and as far as Jane knew the perimeter hadn’t been opened yet so rationally Jane knew she was more than safe.

  “Dave how long will it take you to get this poor woman back to your office and do your initial post-mortem?”

  “Give me till morning Detective. I heard the creep gave you a name can I take it? I will confirm her identity still through dentals and DNA if we have any in the system for her but I prefer it when they come back to the office with a name rather than being a Jane Doe.”

  “Of course we have been informed the name of the victim is Helen Moore. And thanks Doc. Speak to you in the morning.”

  Jane headed out the door and down the stairs that led to the underground parking lot where Eric should be waiting. Scarily when Jane made it down the whole parking garage was eerily quiet and empty. Because all the residents had been cleared out earlier and had not returned yet it caused goosebumps to spike on the back of Jane’s neck, as it was an unusual sight. She turned to check that her escorting officers were there. Even more nerve wracking than it being so quiet was the fact that Eric was nowhere to be seen. As Jane was about to head further into the car park her escorting officers both placed their hands on her shoulders.

  “Just one moment mam. Were radio through to him instead.”

  The two officers tried several times to radio through to Eric when they were almost ready to give up, and they were just suggesting about driving Jane back to the station themselves for safety aspects, when he finally responded with an I’m over here. Where he meant by over here Jane had no idea. There was something in Eric’s voice, as well that Jane didn’t like. It was causing her to be nervous and cautious. They all ventured further forward into the parking lot to have a better look round when they spotted Eric over in the corner. Crouching but almost collapsed on the floor next to what looked like a body. Jane started to run towards Eric filled with panic as to who it was and how it could of happened. As she was running Eric started to shout out.

  “Jane, stop wait you don’t want to see this.”

  “Eric, who is it, what has happened? What’s going on what don’t I want to see?”

  But it was too late Jane had not stopped in time she saw. There was Jack splayed out on the floor. Jane couldn’t believe what she was seeing how had this happened. But either way it had. Jack was gone. He was dead.

  Chapter 7

  Jane collapsed on the ground next to Eric she couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t understand how it could of happened. There was a five street perimeter. How did Thaddeus get inside the area to kill Jack? Unless, no that was an even scarier thought, what if, what if he had never left Jane’s apartment block after he delivered the body. What if he was still here watching, waiting, getting off on all the fear and panic caused by his bombs and now the murder of a fellow colleague? Eric who had been working closely with Jack in the last few months looked bereft with grief. He was more than distraught. He had really taken a shine to the young Jack and had taken him under his wing. Jack who was the youngest member of their team still had so much enthusiasm for life and his work. He really felt the police force could make a difference. Jane knew she needed to focus her brain more dwelling on the loss of Jack was not going to honour his memory or do him justice. But it was so hard to get her brain to focus when the cloud of grief had engulfed every ounce of Jane. But with Jacks belief that the police force could change the world for the better she had to make sure that he hadn’t died in vain. Jane reached into her pocket and pulled out her mobile phone. She called back to the station to tell the rest of the team that they needed to drop everything they were doing and get back here. They asked questions but Jane did not want to tell them the circumstances over the phone. She just told them there had been an emergency with a member of their team and they needed to hurry. Jane’s escorting police officers radioed through for backup from the perimeter line that no longer needed to be held. Two units were the first to respond and were there within minutes. There was a lot more of a police presence at the perimeter line that was no longer needed and they were all doing the job of slowly letting the people back safely in the area. Jack who was still laying in the same position as when Eric found him had now since long passed. But Jane could not bring herself to take a closer look at any injuries he may have had. Dave the coroner was still upstairs collecting the body of the victim that they had been called here for first. They needed to know the cause of death and any answers that they could get from Jack so that they could lay his body to rest like he deserved.

  “Can someone go get the coroner please?”

  One of the extra police units that had arrived obliged and went up to notify the coroner and to collect him to come downstairs to have a look. Eric was still sitting there with blood on his hands from when he had first found Jack and tried to revive him. And with no shame tears ran down his face. They both continued to sit there in silence both too shocked to say or do anything else. The police officers that were there to escort Jane were getting more and more apprehensive at the situation and had almost got every other unit available to come stand guard around Jane. They each had their hands on their sidearm weapons poised at the ready just in case. They all looked just as shell shocked and distraught at the sight of the death of a fellow police officer. Even though most of them had never worked with Jack or knew him well at all. The coroner had arrived down from upstairs. His two assistants were carrying the body of Helen Moore over to his vehicle. Dave had came over to them with a slight look of confusion he began to speak about what do we mean by a
second body when he took one look at Jane and Eric on the floor and then looked round them to see who they were both shielding and crying over.

  “Oh no Jack”

  Dave knelt down and first went about checking the vital signs of Jack. But Jane knew it was too late. Dave began his initial examination and started muttering to himself about injuries, trauma and suggested cause of death but it was too much to bear witness to for herself and Eric. They both got up to move further away. Jane pulled Eric into a hug any form, just some form of comfort. They stood like that for several moments neither of them wanting to let go of the other for fear of complete collapse when the rest of the team arrived. Perry, the Superintendent and the chief warden had also arrived on scene. They saw the grief as clear as day on Jane and Eric’s faces and the realisation of the situation hit them. They all quickly started out scanning the area looking for Jack the one member of their team that was missing. Amy was the first to spot the scene of the coroner Dave Berry leaning over the body of their fallen colleague and she could not control or hold back the sob. Ian was next to follow who without delay pulled Amy into a tight loving embrace filled with comfort and tenderness. Perry came over and Eric released Jane. He pulled her tight into his body wanting to keep her safe. But as he kept one arm firmly tight around Jane’s waist letting her rest her head into his shoulder. She continued to let out the deep wracks of grief that were building inside. Perry placed one hand on Eric’s shoulder out of respect and to still offer the man some form of comfort at the loss of his co-worker. The chief warden from the prison stood in shock at the scene as the realisation of the mess he had created settled in.

  “I’m so sorry. I can’t believe this is happening. I cant believe one man has done all of this is no more than a day.”

  The Superintendent gave him a look of such disgust that the warden backed up and almost tried to disappear into the wall that he was standing in front of. The Superintendent who had not shed a tear at this point and probably never would in public was absolutely apoplectic with anger. He started demanding answers from anyone and everyone. Jane knew that it was his way of coping. The Superintendent needed to feel like he was doing something. So he began to bark orders and questions at people. That was one thing Jane prided her Superintendent on. He carried all his colleagues and staff with high regard and wanted them safe at all times when in the field. Jane knew he was absolutely outraged when she had been kidnapped and now this. Jane knew that the Superintendent was feeling it more now than before because he had been working so closely with her team over the last few months and had a great working relationship with all of the members. And had even found a new kind of respect for Perry. Dave had finished his initial on site examination of Jack and he came over.

  “I’ll get crime scene down here they are going to need access to the scene as it is before I can move him. I’m very sorry for all of your loss if it helps I think he went quickly.”

  All Jane could muster for a response was a nod. The rest of the team were also all still wrapped up in their own grief to give Dave much more of a response and the Superintendent was still off shouting at people. So Perry was the one to respond.

  “Thank you Dave.”

  “Yeah sure thing a real shame he was a great kid and an even better police officer. He will be missed.”

  The Superintendent Andrew Walden had pulled enough street cops over to shout at and started barking orders about Jane needing a police escort even more. He instructed them that they needed to search the whole apartment block. The cordoned off area was not allowed to be opened until that had been done and that they had a better clue as to how Thaddeus had got in and out. Jane’s apartment building has CCTV on the parking garage level so the Superintendent was dictating to some frightened looking beat cop to access the tapes and get them to forensics so they could search for him.

  “Perry I want you to take Jane now somewhere safe. Ian, Amy and Eric you may also go home.”

  “Sir who is going to do the family notification for Jack?”

  “Oh yes I ummm I suppose that will fall to me to do not a problem I will take care of it Eric.”

  “Well I was wondering sir if I may come with you I have met Jack’s girlfriend Annie and both his parents Kath and Roy. I would umm like to be there to offer my regards.”

  “Yes Eric that may actually be best if you come. Your presence will be welcome on such a grim visit. Being a friend of the family may help make their grief less unbearable in front of us. The rest of you go home get some rest. Grieve for Jack he was a valid member of this team. And tomorrow we will come back and catch the son of a bitch that did this. I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

  Ian still hadn’t let Amy out of his bear hug grip. Amy was still sobbing her chest wracking with such grief stricken sobs. Jane by this point still had a steady flow of tears streaming down her face but she had become slightly number from shock at this point. She placed a hand firmly on Ian’s shoulder and he looked at her with such grief and understanding, he knew she needed the comfort of her best friend as well. As he let go of Amy Jane pulled her friend tightly in for a cuddle and tried to comfort and soothe her friend from her tears like Amy had done for her so many times before. Even more sweetly Perry had taken hold of Ian’s hand and almost had him in half a hug helping to hold Ian up from his own sense of loss. Jane realised he wasn’t just holding on to Amy so tightly to soothe her but to make himself feel better. They all stood round in a circle comforting each other in their sense of loss and feeling guilty that it had been left down to Eric and the Superintendent to make the family notification. As they stood as a team and watched the two walk over to their car and leave for Jack’s parents house a few moments ago the look of sorrow and apprehension on both of their faces was to much to bare to look at.

  “Jane come on we should be leaving. Dave will take care of Jack now; there is nothing else you can do here. We should all get home.”

  “Ok Amy, Ian are you both going to be ok?”

  “Yeah were be fine were go home together. Don’t forget to notify your escorting police officers Jane, let them know your leaving. Have you got everything else you need for the night?”

  “Yeah I picked all that up from my flat earlier were all set to go.”

  “Ok good be safe the pair of you and were see you in the morning at the station.”

  “You two be safe as well stay together.”

  With that Ian thanked Perry and took Amy’s hand from the Detective and placed his other hand comfortably around her back and headed her off over to their car. Amy still had a full stream of tears going. Jane just hoped that the pair of them were going to be safe she couldn’t stand the thought of any one else in her team getting hurt when this maniac really wanted to get to her. If she could of saved Jack by going to Thaddeus she would of done it. Jane never wanted anyone to die for her or get hurt because of her. Jane and Perry headed over to their awaiting car and the escorting police officers that had been with Jane all day were quick to follow along with three other units that were hovering close by.

  “Were all to escort you to your location for the night mam. As my colleague and myself have been on duty all day we will escort you with the rest of these officers and then we are to clock off for the evening. There will still be your two units parked up out front and then the extra unit is to be posted at your door there will be random shift changes throughout the night under orders from the Superintendent.”

  “Ok Thank You.”

  “Not a problem mam and were all deeply sorry for the loss of PC Jack Collins.”

  With that he nodded at Jane and walked back over to his awaiting unit car ready to follow when Jane and Perry left. Jane and Perry drove in silence Jane didn’t even bother to ask where they were going to be staying for the night. Perry kept one hand resting firmly on her thigh to let her know he was still there while he was driving. Jane couldn’t help but cry still the overwhelming guilt that Jack had been murdered because Thaddeus was coming after her was ov
erwhelming. The sense of loss as well Jack was a valid member of their team that always knew how to lift all their spirits with his witty banter and was like to Jane a personal assistant. As much as Amy was the PC that Jane worked the most closely with Jack was always the one that collected Jane’s messages and mail, put a hot cup of coffee on her desk in the morning, helped calibrate her files so they made sense. Simple things that Jane knew she was going to be lost without and make her every day feel the loss of PC Jack Collins. Jane knew she was going to need to stop crying at some point her eyes were puffy and stinging and like always her head was pounding. Jane hadn’t even realised that Perry was already pulling into the car park of a hotel she had been too lost in her misery. Jane couldn’t believe she hadn’t noticed them pulling into this place. The hotel was so grand and picturesque. It was a building with ivy growing up the side. It looked like an old manor house that had been converted. Jane felt exceptionally underdressed and ashamed at the fact that she must look like a right mess. The hotel looked liked something out of a magazine and Jane was going to be walking in looking like she had been dragged through a hedge backwards.


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