by Chana Keefer
That thought almost choked him. Shouldn’t he hold that failure close to remain truly sorry for it? Wasn’t it his future to dwell in that failure forever? He could not fix it, he could not turn back time and undo it, but was it possible he needed to let it go?
He hopped to his feet, pacing as the rim of morning sun blazed out to greet him. He caught his breath at its beauty. Overhead a flock of ducks flew east and appeared to be swallowed by its brightness just as a fresh breeze, like a kiss blown from Adonai’s mouth, brushed his cheek.
He recalled another conversation with Adonai when he had questioned why the sun appeared and disappeared each day. “It is a picture of my love, that my mercy is new every morning, that no matter how dark the night may be, a new day awaits and my love is renewed.”
Those words had carried little meaning for a young man wrapped in the lap of luxury and contentment but now he grasped them like a lifeline. Adonai’s love was new every morning. Every day He offered a fresh start—even for a cocky manchild who had to lose everything to realize how much he had.
Then it hit him. He felt renewed much like he had after lounging in Adonai’s arms in Eden. He had asked and Adonai had answered! All the words from their many conversations were in his heart, just waiting for him. They were like the seeds placed in the ground, hidden but taking root, growing in secret until finally their meaning broke through the soil of his stubborn mind. Gratitude flooded his being and he cast himself to the ground. Adonai was here, unseen but still present, still available to give counsel and comfort.
Hardly realizing why he did it, Adam started gathering stones and placing them one on top of the other. He wanted to remember this moment. He wanted to have a visible reminder of his first conversation with his Maker outside the garden.
The sun continued to climb, chasing away the night’s chill as Adam, sweat trickling into his eyes, continued his backbreaking task, invigorated by Adonai’s presence. For the first time in several moons, his heart felt light and… filled—in the way only Adonai could fill it. He had thought he would never have that sensation again.
His conversation with the Almighty continued as his muscles strained, groaned and rejoiced. Amazingly, Adonai felt just as near in his work as He did in Adam’s repose. His whole body wanted to dance and—and—fly! But his feet were rooted to earth so his hands worked while his soul soared.
There were still questions and practical matters to address. How was he to feed his mate? He had seen their store of nuts and dried berries. Only one handful of each remained. He paused in his work to push the drenched locks from his forehead.
“Do you bring a sacrifice for Adonai?”
The voice startled him and Adam spun to face the speaker. The morning sun was in his eyes but he made out the figure of a man outlined in the brightness.
“Who are you, Lord?”
“I AM His Word that sustains you,” the puzzling answer flowed over Adam’s trembling body and he fell face down to the ground.
“Do you bring a sacrifice?” the shining One asked again.
“We have only a handful of nuts and berries…”
“Bring what you have,” came the gentle request.
Adam’s forehead wrinkled in confusion, “Surely You dwell in Adonai’s abundance, and our scant offering cannot compare.”
“What you have is sufficient.”
There did not seem anything else to say so Adam ran to the shelter to retrieve the last of their rations, nearly bowling over the still groggy Eve. “He’s here! He is on the hill! Come and see!” His excitement was so great he almost forgot their tiny store of food. But when he checked the basket, not a single crumb remained.
“Where is the food?” Adam asked.
Eve’s face flushed with guilt. “While I slept, I dreamed of feasting in Eden. When I woke I was so hungry. I tried to wait for you but you were gone so long….”
“But He said to bring it. Now we have no sacrifice.”
“I’m sorry. I was just so hungry,” her eyes welled with tears.
Adam pulled her into his arms. “All will be well even if we are empty-handed. But come, He is waiting.”
“Who? What is his name?”
“I don’t know.”
“Then how do you know he is good?”
“When you meet Him you will see.”
“What did he look like? What did he say?” Her questions would have continued if the trek up the hill had not made it difficult to breathe as she wrestled with her own clumsiness.
Thus the trip back went much slower than Adam desired and a few sharp words flew between them before they finally crested the hill and she beheld—a pile of stones. Adam searched and called while Eve, hungry and tired, slumped against Adam’s stone monstrosity. So this is where he had been all morning. “Adam, you must be exhausted. Perhaps you fell asleep and dreamed.”
“No! He was—” Adam froze as the man’s last words rang out in his heart, “Whatever you have is sufficient.” And there was his precious Eve, hair tousled and cheeks rosy from exertion, leaning against his monument to Adonai. She was the only thing in his life of any worth, the only thing worthy of his Lord. For the second time that morning he fell to his knees.
“What is it?” Eve rushed to his side, frightened by the horror on his face, but he did not answer; he just clung to her. Finally, when he did speak, the words were not for her.
“But what else is there?” He gasped, the loneliness of his life without her already consuming him. Clearly, he pictured the baby monkey when they were in the garden and the mother’s trust as she handed him to Adonai. The gift was accepted and then returned. Perhaps Adonai would be gracious? Just as quickly, he remembered the lamb. Adonai had given no guarantees. He was simply asking obedience.
Adam’s body trembled as the war raged inside. A picture of Eve’s lifeless body stretched upon the stones assaulted his mind. How could Adonai require this of him? Was this the price of his sin, to lose what he loved and spend his days in grief? Did he really want to be joined to such a bloodthirsty God?
No. Adonai was kind and generous and it was His love that had created Eve. Without Adonai, there would be no life. It came to this. This was the moment that separated bone from sinew. This was the crisis of his heart. Over and over he had failed the test. Over and over he had come up against the wall of his will versus Adonai’s. Would he serve himself or his Maker? From this defining moment on, who would be Lord?
He wept with so much remorse it seemed his life’s blood would drain away with the tears. Good. Better him than her, the one who had become the center of his world.
“There! Look!” He heard Adonai’s command as the wound was ripped aside to view the disease. Words spoken by his Master in the garden flowed through him, “My gifts are to be held with an open hand. Whatever is not entrusted to My keeping will turn to poison. The enemy prowls to discover and exploit that weakness.”
Through tortured eyes he looked up and cupped her cheek in his hand. “I have to give you back.”
He did not need to explain. His torment had forewarned her. Amazingly, she was not frightened—but could she be as brave as the lamb? It seemed such a cruel thing to ask when they had at last found the wonder of Adonai’s intended love. “Why?”
“It is my fault because I have put you before my devotion to Adonai.”
“If that’s the case, I am guilty of the same offense,” her eyes flashed with anger. “Should we not love so Adonai remains unoffended?”
“No. He once told me that to love best, we must love Him first, for only His love is unending. Only in that way will the love remain pure because we show our trust most with what we treasure.” The words were correct, but they cut in a way he had never imagined.
“But what of the life growing in me?” She placed his hand on her swollen belly, “The child kicks as if fighting for life.”
He had no answer as the frantic movement beat against his hand. Then, grasping at a thread of hope, he offered, “Adona
i breathed life into you once. Perhaps He plans to do so again.”
She laughed through tears. “If Adonai, the giver of life, decides to take it back, does He really need my permission? He could take it before my next breath. The lamb took my place once. Adonai has proven His faithfulness when I did not deserve it. Shouldn’t I trust Him again, even when I don’t understand?”
The fear in her eyes fled. “I don’t see any reason to wait.” She gulped, “How?”
“The stones. I… I saw you… l-laying on the stones.”
She strode to the monument that reached her chest in height and tried to climb onto it but her swollen form was cumbersome. Finally, she turned her back and attempted to clamber up. When she almost pitched forward, Adam was there to steady her. “Yes, I mustn’t get hurt!” But her laugh was hollow. With a kiss to his forehead she lay back on the stones with her hand still holding tight to his.
And they waited. A sweet breeze blew across them, filled with the spiced scent of Adonai’s embrace. Stillness grew in Adam’s heart, a peace that made no sense whatsoever.
“I-am-given,” Eve whispered in a groggy voice. Suddenly her hand tightened on his and she cried out as if in pain. Then she was still. Deathly still.
“Eve?” Adam squeezed her fingers. No response. He reached for her cheek then drew his hand away in dismay and gazed at her face. He laid his head on her chest and was silent a moment but soon his shoulders shook with sobs and he buried his face in her neck. “My Eve, my love,” Adam choked out as he gathered her into his arms and rocked, wailing with grief.
“I have come to claim what is mine.”
Adam paused and looked up through tear-drenched hair to see Lucifer, a glow encircling his head and a golden garment draping his body. “So nice of you to present my mate so conveniently.” The mocking voice continued. “And you’ve taken such good care of my seed. How kind!”
“You are too late,” Adam spoke in a toneless voice. “She is given.”
“What is that supposed to mean? Sacrifice? Don’t tell me the Great One’s developed a taste for blood!”
“He asked, we gave. It is over. Now go away.”
“But… but what about my seed?” Lucifer sputtered. “She is mine by right! I was first! What is inside of her is mine!”
Adam chuckled as fresh tears spilled and he brought her palm to his cheek. “I am so glad she is dead rather than in your clutches. Thanks be to Adonai for His wisdom.”
“Then I will remove my seed from her body!” Lucifer strode toward Eve, his hand outstretched, clawlike fingers contorting and grasping as if to will the inhabitant of Eve’s body out of hiding.
But Adam’s voice carried authority in his grief. “You will not touch her! all is given. All. Is. Adonai’s!”
There was a mighty flash of light and a roaring flame enveloped Lucifer as he emitted a high, piercing shriek and disappeared. All was silent once more.
Adam sat staring where Lucifer had vanished, astonished at what his eyes had just beheld.
But the strange events of that day were not over. A voice spoke, bringing once again the contented breeze of paradise. “Well done! Your trust and obedience are a pleasing fragrance to your heavenly Father.”
Adam looked to where the man, looking like a bit of the sun had come for a visit, once again reclined on the rock. As before, the brightness of His form made it difficult to make out His features but His voice was filled with joy.
“Rejoice! This day your enemy’s plans are thwarted. Adonai accepts the sacrifice of your greatest treasure.”
“Does she know,” Adam looked to the peaceful smile on Eve’s still features, “that we did something right?” He stroked her cold cheek.
“She is held in Adonai’s embrace. There is no deeper joy.”
The man came toward Adam, “However, the heartache of offering the blood of the beloved as a sacrifice for sin is not something the Father asks of his children. He asks it only of Himself. Receive back the gift given, renewed and restored through your faith.”
Then the shining man placed a hand on Eve’s head. The heavenly glow encased her body and was absorbed. Immediately her chest rose with a deep breath and her eyes fluttered open. She gazed at the man before her, joy flooding in. “It’s You!” she exclaimed.
The man laughed, “Yes, dear one. But you are not the lamb, so rise.” He assisted Eve down from the altar, and then placed her hand in Adam’s.
Adam looked at Eve’s hand in his, then hungrily drank in every feature of her face before hugging and spinning her as he whooped with joy and she laughed, returning his eager kisses. Finally they stopped and Adam placed her feet on the ground as they turned toward their heavenly visitor with sheepish expressions.
“Thank you,” Adam said, stealing glances toward Eve’s flushed cheeks and glowing eyes. “I do not deserve such joy.”
The heavenly messenger laughed, then said, “All heaven rejoices with you. However,” when he continued, his voice was gentle, “your task today is unfinished. The covenant of Eden must be renewed with blood until the promised One is given. As the priest of your household, Adam, this task is yours.”
“But I have no lamb to give,” Adam said.
“Adonai provides the lamb.”
No sooner was the word spoken than the provision appeared. A young lamb trotted into view, a stout yearling, and, with a plaintive bleat, it started up the hill, its hooves clicking against the rocky ground, until it stood between the two parties.
“You must bind him and place him on the altar,” the man’s voice continued. “Approach, son of man, and receive the tools of sacrifice.”
Adam crossed to take a golden bowl from the shining hands. Inside was a length of rope and a sharp knife. Tears already glimmered on Eve’s cheeks but she moved forward to take the lamb’s head in her hands, stroking and kissing it. “I am so sorry,” she murmured. “Thank you.”
Soon, the lamb was bound and lay quietly upon the altar. Adam recalled the scene of sacrifice in the garden and repeated Adonai’s words. “Our sins are conferred onto this innocent one. Adonai’s spirit binds with this accursed flesh, thus the knife is plunged into His heart; the blood that flows is His divine blood.”
As before, this was the first time the animal struggled. According to instruction, the knife rose, glimmering in Adam’s trembling hand, and plunged into the lamb’s heart. Through his tears, Adam allowed the blood, set aside as holy unto Adonai, to flow into the bowl as their divine visitor directed.
When all was complete the man said, “Step away.”
Adam and Eve complied and when fire from heaven enveloped the altar, they trembled with fear and fell to their knees. Then, when the terrifying rain ceased, both saw in the smoke that rose to the sky, the disfigured form of a man, dripping streams of blood from countless cruel wounds, arms outstretched, muscles straining with torturous pain, eyes peering through the smoke until his gaze locked with theirs. The torn lips gave a smile of recognition and moved with unheard words, then his body was wracked with one final spasm of pain and the man’s head fell forward. The vision billowed upward with the rising smoke, and faded.
They were speechless; eyes still locked on the smoke that rose heavenward, a swiftly building monolith, until it began to spread, reaching swiftly to the north and south horizons and beyond. Finally, where horizontal and vertical met, the sun’s rays shot out.
“Adam, dip your hands in the bowl.”
Adam walked to the stones and the golden bowl where he had drained the lamb’s blood, surprised to discover the liquid was clear. In fact, it seemed a shame to stain it with his bloodied hands, but he plunged them into the sparkling fluid and watched the red stains disappear without a trace.
“Now eat what the Lord has set aside as your portion,” the man instructed.
Adam hesitated, eyeing the lamb that sizzled and smoked on the stones that still glowed from the firestorm. “I… am not accustomed…. In the garden Lucifer consumed the lamb and—”
/> “Fire burned him,” the Holy One finished the thought. “It will not be so for you whose stain is cleansed. When you eat the lamb’s flesh, you partake of his death and cleansing through fire. In this way, you are one with his death and yet you live.”
“Might Eve be allowed to share the portion with me?”
“No, it is the priest’s job to eat of the sacrificed lamb. Trust Adonai. When all is accomplished to fulfill the covenant, provision is made for those in your care.”
As Adam chewed slowly, the Holy One continued, “This sacrament is to be observed as a reminder to you and your descendants of Adonai’s steadfast love. In this way, the evil one is defeated in your flesh until the sacrifice that heals all is given.”
With those final words, the light of the man’s presence began to fade until Adam and Eve were left staring where His eyes had been, an after-image of peace and joy wreathed in fire.
Thus they remained on the hilltop beside the blackened altar while the crossbeams of smoke continued to rise above their heads.
Finally, as the sun edged toward the western horizon, Adam and Eve made their way back down the mountain, arms entwined.
“Did it hurt?” Adam asked.
“On the altar?”
“You cried out as if in pain.”
Eve smiled and her head fell against Adam’s shoulder, “It was too beautiful, too… fulfilling. I was absolutely free, no fear, I couldn’t even imagine the word. Even now I can’t imagine ever needing anything ever again. I am not even hungry!” She laughed.
“Did you really die?”
“I can’t be sure,” Eve replied, a bemused expression on her face. “I was aware of all that happened but I was so peaceful there was no desire to move and no need to even breathe. It was like,” she paused, eyes squinted in concentration, “like those times I fell asleep in Adonai’s arms. It was pure bliss. I wanted to laugh when Lucifer spoke because I felt so… so free.”