Fated Love (Stone Pack book 3)

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Fated Love (Stone Pack book 3) Page 24

by Harper Phoenix

  ‘The girl that was dumped on our perimeter. Did you kill her?’ Number two starts to thrash and wail behind his knot. I have asked twice now, and despite my calm exterior, my patience is growing thin. I asked a question. I expect an answer. I like that he isn’t giving up so easily though—makes my job so much more worthwhile. Number one swivels his eyes to his buddy and then back to me.

  ‘He did it,’ he says, hopeful that I will leave him alone. He’s wrong. He isn’t getting away that easy.

  ‘And you had no part in it?’

  He shakes his head, much to his own detriment, and he wails in pain. ‘I believe you,’ I tell him, lying. I move over to number two. I yank out his knot and ask the same question. I get the same answer. It was the other guy. Okay, this is good—now the fun starts. I reach under number one and get the jump lead. Popping it under number two. I manoeuvre his ropes and get him in a similar position as number one. He is already screaming, and I haven’t done anything. But it’s okay, the rooms are soundproofed, and it only makes for more fun.

  A few hours later, I have made some shallow cuts on each of them, and they have both lost teeth and nails. Each have broken fingers, and have had enough electricity pumped through them to light the house all week. I’m tiring a little, but I still have a long way to go. I know something that they don’t realise I know.

  I studied as a young boy. And weird shit intrigued me. Cannibalism was one of the things I read about. I know of a whole tribe dying from a disease of the brain, similar to mad cows disease. And I know that you get symptoms similar to a junkie when you eat human flesh regularly. And especially when you are hungry for it. Just like the two men I am looking at. Jared thought they were tweaking for drugs, but it’s not that at all. And when I think back to that little girl, I confirm it in my mind. These fuckers hunt and kill humans. Kids.

  They will die horribly.

  ‘You hungry?’ I ask number one. He moans slightly. ‘How about I cut you a nice piece of meat? The kind you like?’ His eyes flicker open as he realises I’m onto him.

  ‘How about you?’ I ask number two. He makes a garbled noise in his throat. I’ve punctured his lung slightly. I take a scalpel to his thigh and slice through it, peeling the flesh back with the muscle ripping as I run the scalpel through that. He screams. I expected it. I place the piece of thigh on the table. I wash my hands, take my phone from my pocket, and I dial Jared. I explain the situation. Confirm that the cowboys hadn’t been a part of the child’s death. And I explain what these fucks are all about. Jared gives me the go ahead to finish them off, satisfied with the info I provided. But I decide I don’t want to end it all too soon. They need to suffer a little more. I think they must have tortured and killed plenty of people to get in the state they are now, and with that at the forefront of my mind, I dice and slice pieces from every limb before moving to the torso. Eating any kind of carcass over a period of time would either require freezing, or they would need to keep it alive for as long as possible, in order to keep it fresh. I can bet that these two enjoyed doing that. So I skilfully do the same to them. My scalpel is doing most of the work for me today. They scream and wail and pass out several times before my brothers arrive.

  Jared, Brad, and Harrison arrive, and Jared is pleased that I have prolonged it. The others too. He wants me to make it last. I can definitely do that. I wait until they leave, preferring to be alone when I work. There have been exceptions of course. Devon being one. She understood me, it seemed, when we shared that time. It was strange but beautiful. She did well. I was proud. I have a fleeting thought about a student. Maybe I could teach my discipline? Maybe it is not something that can be taught? Maybe I will just know when the right wolf crosses my path in need of an education? I shake my head and come back to the present as my pack brothers leave. I shake out my shoulders and get back to work. I am getting weary and tired. But I have more in me for sure. I have made them choke eating their own flesh for the last hour or so. And it’s been quite enlightening. It seems they cannot stand the meat of their own flesh, but humans are a different matter entirely. However, it doesn’t deter me. They will feast on themselves until I am satisfied. If they choke, I will ensure they don’t die, over and over, until the time is right.

  Several hours pass, and I’m not aware of the time or even if the sun has set yet. I have no way of knowing down here without checking my phone, which I don’t bother with. I carry it purely for the necessity of the pack. So we can always be in contact. Other than that, it’s a tool I don’t use often.

  Cracking my neck, I close my eyes and stretch my arms over my head, linking my fingers. The men are now in a position where their backs are bent, and their heads and feet almost touch. I love the rope—it’s my favourite tool. The intimacy of it, the intricate detail, the time it takes, and the patience needed. It can be used for pleasure and for pain. It has no limitations. I take one last look at my artwork and sigh in satisfaction. I peruse my collection of tools and decide that I will use the knife with the serrated edge for the finale. They both have their abdomens on show and the ropes run up either side of the torso, leaving the centre free of obstacles.

  I move to number one. He is not looking so good—his time is already limited, but I want him awake, so I reach for the smelling salts and wake him. His eyes widen, and I see the pain inside. I smile and stick the knife just under his diaphragm. In a sawing motion, I move down all the way to his pubic area. He spills his guts out onto the floor. I watch as his eyes lose their light. It was dim anyway. But it was still there. I get right up close, feeling his last gasp of air and exhale on my face. Then he is gone. He hangs empty and lifeless.

  I move to number two, who is in better shape than one was. His eyes are wide with fear because he knows his end is coming too. He can’t speak because he has eaten his own tongue. I cauterised the wound though, so he wouldn’t bleed out. But I watch as the fear ramps up to an all-new high, as his friend’s guts make a sloshing noise as they hit the floor. I find peace in this, knowing that I am doing justice. I clean the knife with a special rag I keep with my tools. I make my way over to him. His mouth is hanging open because his jaw is broken, but his eyes are speaking to me. ‘Please don’t kill me’ or maybe they are saying ‘Please end it.’ I can’t be sure.

  I hold his hair and bring the blade to his throat. Normally I would use a smooth blade, but this way will cause more pain, and although it poses a little more difficulty, I am happy with that. I saw at his neck, and he chokes on the blood filling his mouth as I cut into his carotid artery. I close my eyes and breathe it in. Death. Opening my eyes when I know he is close, I watch as his light flickers out. Again, I sigh, shuddering as the feeling runs through me like an orgasm.

  I clean my tools at the sink until they are smear free. Then I set to, disposing of all the parts before I finally hose the area down. And lastly, I hose myself down. The water is cold, but I am used to it. I take my t-shirt and boots and go to my locker where my spare clothes are kept. I dress and leave the area like nothing has happened in there. The bodies are all bagged and set to be buried.

  I make my way into the kitchen where beers are being passed around. I look through the window for confirmation. It’s late evening.

  I accept a beer from Brad as Howard and Willow come down the hall stairs. Howard clears his throat purposely. Everyone turns to him and he and Willow both have huge smiles on their faces.

  ‘Spill,’ Jared shouts. ‘Why are you smiling so damn hard?’

  He nods his head towards Willow who looks right at her brother, who looks worried.

  ‘I have my memories back.’ She smiles biting her lip.

  ‘Oh my god, Willow, that’s so good to hear.’


  ‘That’s amazing news.’

  ‘Fuck yeah.’

  Everyone shouts their happiness in unison.

  ‘I am happy for you,’ I tell them both, as Brody stands, looking shell-shocked.

  ‘I’m so fucking happy for yo
u, sis,’ he tells her. ‘And I’m so sorry about… everything.’

  ‘Stop saying sorry. Its done, over, this is a new chapter no more apologies. A new start, okay?’

  ‘Okay,’ he says almost crying. I take one last look at them, all happy and exchanging congratulations before I slide out of the door. I need a different kind of release, and there is only one place that I can fulfil that. And I have a particular submissive in mind.

  Find me:

  Website- www.HarperPhoenix.com

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