Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle)

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Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle) Page 5

by Alara Branwen

  “I do. Cuckolding turns you on. It’s where a dude likes to see the girl he likes get railed. It’s pretty common.”

  “But I liked the idea of joining you too, and I liked the idea of you watching me do it with another girl.”

  “Then you’re a cuckold, slash threesome fetishist, slash exhibitionist then, I don’t know what that would be specifically.”

  “Just don’t run away or anything.”

  Tarka laughed. “Please, I have plenty of fetishes you don’t even know about. It’s fine.”

  Cleave thought of Mary’s unknown fetishes made his member press against his breeches.

  “That’s why I didn’t want to say anything. I thought you’d go.”

  “No, I was just worried about you being jealous in game. But if you want my advice, just take some time and think about it. Explore the web a little. Just enjoy the fact that you like watching other guys doing your sexy little kobold girl.”

  His sexy kobold girl. A smiled spread across the elf’s face. The ice in Cleave’s body thawed and he was able to breathe deeply. “Thanks for not thinking I’m nuts.”

  “Cleave,” Tarka said and brushed her hand across the elf’s erection, “you need to learn how to relax.”

  Tarka lowered Cleave’s pants and leaned him back against a rock resting against a large tree. She lowered her maw around his member and suckled. She wrapped her fingers around the lower portion of his cock and stroked the skin. The elf’s body tensed as exhilaration bounded through his body.

  The kobold lowered her mouth on his rod. Her tongue played over the underside of his member and she moaned. The vibrations intensified the feel of her movements over his member. The elf stroked his palm over the ridges in her scales and tickled her floppy ears. She giggled and slowly bobbed her head on his member.

  She withdrew her mouth from his dick and unfastened her leather breastplate.

  “I don’t know if we should do this in dangerous territory,” Cleave said.

  “We’ll make it quick. Besides, I don’t want to keep Krug waiting,” Tarka said.

  Tarka removed her clothes and placed them neatly on her armor. She took hold of his member and lowered her nude body on it. It brushed across her hot, wet pussy lips, spreading some of her nectar across the purple head, before sinking down upon it.

  Her pussy muscles tightly squeezed his cock as she went down. A vibrant arc of electricity passed into his crotch and bounded up into his chest.

  Tarka fully speared herself on her partner’s member before pressing up and dropping down again. The kobold’s face screwed up as her body shuddered. Cleave reached out and caressed her breasts, teasing the nipples with his thumb as her body bounced on his cock.

  Cleave’s hands ran down his partner’s curves and grasped her luscious hips. He squeezed and Tarka unleashed a husky moan. Her tight cunt held its grip on his member, milking it as the kobold girl rode him

  The elf laid back and allowed the sexy little monster girl to ride his dick. He contented himself with watching her breasts bounce as she undulated her body, pressing the head of his member deeper into her.

  Cleave let this go on for a few seconds before he tightened his grip on Tarka. He drew back his hips and pumped up. The kobold’s eyes shot open and her back stiffened. He did it again and she gasped.

  His hips pounded steadily upward into Tarka. Her eyes closed and she leaned down to press her hands against his chest. Her position allowed Cleave to press his member further into her, touching the very back of her vaginal wall with each thrust.

  Cleave’s pumping grew heavier. Hip slapped loudly against hip as they moved their bodies. The elf held onto her hips so he could control her position and drill his dick firmly into the kobold.

  Tarka tried to shift her body but Cleave held her in place. He loved to be in control of this little kobold girl, his sexy little kobold girl. The thought drove him to batter his cock into her hot snatch. He was going to make her scream, make her feel the thrill he felt when he thought about her. She took his heavy thrusts and gave back as best she could. She moaned aloud and dug her claws into his pects.

  Her pussy clamped on his member. Cleave could feel her heartbeat as her body rocked with his. Ever faster, invigorated by their shared lust, they moved to the silent beat of the forest around them.

  Cleave grunted and felt a little bouncing ball in his stomach. It stretched out into a thin line and touched his chest and toes. His body became numb. He was surprised the excitement was building up so quickly, but he was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed how roughly he was ramming his cock into Tarka.

  The numbness overtook his limbs. He closed his eyes and a shower of colors sparkled over the back of his eyelids. His thrusts were cataclysmic slams that throttled the kobold’s body.

  The buildup boiled over and an intense pressure exuded from his ballsack. Cleave grunted as cum shot into the kobold atop him. Her pussy clenched around his member and a vibrant orgasm rocked Tarka’s body.

  When they both finished Tarka laid her head on his chest. She drew small circles on the chest of his shirt with her claw and basked in the glow of their union.

  “We should do it every time you first get on. It’ll help clear your head,” Tarka said.

  “Seriously. Anyway, we better get started. We have a Ring of Treesoul to get.”

  Though he was tired, Cleave felt reinvigorated.

  Cleave Lvl. 7

  HP: 100%

  Stamina: 100%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  He checked his status and what few hit points he lost were restored by his and Tarka’s sexual encounter. A heavy weight was lifted from his chest. He quickly dressed and put on his gear. Tarka smiled at his enthusiasm and placed hers on as well. Krug rejoined them a short while later, and soon they were back on their quest.


  The map in the diary took them into a an area of the forest where the flora was thicker than what they’d travelled through previously. Even Cleave was having a hard time navigating the narrow corridors created by the massive oak trees. Krug somehow managed to muscle his way through. The sleeves on the tunic the giant wore beneath his leather armor tore in several places and his leggings were in tatters.

  Tarka, much smaller than either of them, was undeterred by the thick brush that she easily ducked under and stepped around.

  After Krug pushed over a squat tree to clear a path for his group, there was a growl.

  A small creature that came up to Cleave’s knee appeared on his right. It had a grey hide and a long and thin appendages where its nose should be. It stood beside a fallen tree, and as its nostrils flared, its face opened up into a wide mouth full of small, dagger like teeth.

  The nose quickly extended outward and clamped down on Cleave’s leg. He gave a yelp and drew his sword.

  Cleave Lvl. 7

  HP: 90% (-10%)

  Stamina: 100%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  Tarka drew her short sword. She closed on the creature and looked it in its crazed green eyes before bringing her weapon down on the strange appendage clamped to Cleave’s leg.

  The edge of the blade bounced off the creature, leaving a small cut.

  “What the hell?” Tarka said.

  She hacked at it again and left another small cut. Cleave did the same but his effort was only as fruitful as hers was.

  Cleave tried to pull his leg away from the beast but it held on, gnawing as he and Tarka tried to damage him.

  Krug pressed his way through the dense foliage and managed to bring his foot down on the beast. The creature looked rattled but it continued to chew.

  Cleave Lvl. 7

  HP: 89% (-1% per second)

  Stamina: 94%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status

  Bleeding (Continual Damage)

  They continued attacking it for a few more seconds bef
ore a stomp from Cleave on its forehead made it withdraw its mouth from the elf. The half-giant brought his foot down again and the creature was still.

  Your skill with one handed swords has increased to 8!

  Cleave Lvl. 7

  HP: 74%

  Stamina: 81%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  A small screen appeared in front of Cleave. He closed it and Krug yelled out as another one of the creatures came out of the woods. Cleave hobbled over to the creature and struck it. Again, his sword bounced off.

  “Cleave, saw through that thing’s mouth, uh nose thingy,” Tarka screamed.

  Cleave nodded, grabbed the creature’s nose and began to saw through. It took several seconds but he was starting to make progress. When he was halfway through, the creature withdrew its mouth and took a bite at the elf.

  Tarka ran over and jabbed her short sword at its eyes. Her aim was excellent and the sword tip pierced one of its eyeballs. It squealed and ran away from them.

  “Looks like we need to be careful,” Tarka said as she picked up her map and quill.

  “I don’t know what I’m gonna do if one of those things latches onto my leg,” Krug said, “I won’t have enough room to move to get it off.”

  “We’ll watch your back big guy, just keep clearing a path for us,” Cleave said.

  They slowly moved forward through the forest. The trees became denser by the minute and it took Krug more time to make enough room for them to move on. Tarka and Cleave kept an eye out for danger.

  Another gray creature appeared on a tree. Without thinking, Tarka unsheathed her short sword and stabbed at it. The creature backed away and launched its mouth at her. The kobold parried it.

  “Not this time you bastard,” Tarka growled.

  It brought its mouth around again, and this time it was Cleave who managed to parry the blow. Tarka and Cleave defended themselves as they tried to get around the creature’s mouth and attack its eyes.

  Krug reached down and just managed to get his fingers down to where a small tail with a fluffy white tuft on the end wagged profusely. After several attempts he managed to get his hand around the tail. With all of his might he pulled it from the tree and slammed it against the trunk. After a few crunching sounds the beast lay dead in his grasp.

  They moved on and found another waiting for them at the base of a tree. It quickly stretched its mouth and caught hold of Krug’s leg. Cleave leapt on the creature and sawed at its thin mouth. After a few seconds he broke through the tough hide detached it from the body.

  The long mouth shrank and fell to the ground. The creature it was attached to wiggled itself from under Cleave and ran away.

  Two more showed up after Krug moved away some more foliage and attacked the party. Tarka ducked under one mouth, grabbed the appendage, and punched her attacker with the pommel of her sword. Cleave was not so lucky. His attacker crawled up a tree and managed to bite his shoulder. He pulled away before it could latch on, but its teeth cut gashes in his arm.

  Cleave Lvl. 7

  HP: 70% (-4%)

  Stamina: 76%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  Cleave jumped up and slashed his sword at the creature, leaving a small cut. The beast bit at his abdomen and hit directly, but his armor protected him from most of the damage.

  Cleave Lvl. 7

  HP: 68% (-2%)

  Stamina: 58%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  More of the little gray creatures came out of the woods, growling and running as fast as their little stumpy legs could carry them toward the party.

  Four of the critters scampered toward them, bloodlust in their eyes. The party fled as fast as they could toward the way they came. More of the wicked little mobs appeared and bit at their legs. One managed to attach itself to Krug. The half-giant kicked his leg but the long mouth held firm.

  Another jumped off a tree and sank its claws into the half giant, biting his shoulder.

  He screamed and kicked the one on his leg against the trunk of a tree. It took two more strikes before the dazed creature fell away.

  Cleave and Tarka parried the mouths that attacked them away as best they could, but with the limited space they had to work with, eventually some of the beast’s mouths got past their swords and latched onto them.

  More were coming by the minute and were easily keeping pace with them. Running wasn’t going to do any good they were going to have to fight. But what could they do? His sword was useless against them. If only he had another weapon.

  Cleave pulled a frying pan from his belt and slammed it against the beast attached to his shoulder. It looked a little dazed. He grabbed the mob’s mouth and banged his pan against its head. The creature relinquished its hold from him and he threw it off.

  Tarka found a fist sized rock and smacked it against the mouth of one of the creatures attached to her. It instantly pulled away. Using this same method, she managed to remove the rest from her.

  Krug slammed his warhammer down like a plunger on the creatures coming near him. He squashed the creatures underneath his powerful blows. Tarka parried attacks on her with her sword, bashing a rock against any mouths that latched onto her.

  Cleave brought his frying pan down on the little gray monstrosities. His strikes were not as effective as Krugs, but he was able to get the point across, knocking some mobs unconscious and backing others off.

  Your skill with small improvised weapons has increased to 3!

  One of the creatures to bypass the elf’s defenses and clamp down on his calf. It sucked inward and lightning shot through his leg. To his horror, he realized it was drinking his blood.

  Cleave Lvl. 7

  HP: 58% (-10%) (-1% per second)

  Stamina: 45%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status

  Bleeding (Continual Damage)

  He stomped on its long mouth and levelled a powerful blow on its head with his frying pan. There was a loud crack and the creature was still. The battle went on for a few more minutes. Little gray bodies piled around the trio of adventurers as they bludgeoned their enemies.

  Krug brought his warhammer down on one more critter that tried to scurry away. All three looked around and breathed heavily. They eyed the corpses of the mobs around them. They all faded and rose to the sky in blue flame.

  Cleave sighed. Thank goodness that was all over. He hoped they could get to the crypt before anything else showed up. There was a crackling of leaves in the distance, and then a scuttle. There was another, followed by feet pounding against the ground.

  A long, grey mouth emerged from the trees. Cleave brought up his frying pan in time to knock it away. Several of the gray creatures, many more than before, burst through the trees. There had to be twenty, no thirty, forty! The elf’s head spun. The first wave was bad enough, but he wasn’t certain they’d be able to take these.

  Cleave sighed and weakly raised his frying pan.

  Before he could move, an arrow came down from one of the branches of a tall tree and sank straight into the eye of the charging creatures. It fell dead, and three more arrows came to fell as many more.

  The party gathered their remaining strength and defended themselves while arrows rained down on the creatures. A few bounced off their hides, but arrows found the eyes of some, thinning their numbers.

  Krug squashed a couple of the beasts and Cleave beat back a few. Even with smaller numbers these grey devils were proving to be difficult. He slammed his frying pan into the heads and mouths of the mobs, but his movements were getting slower. His vision in the game was getting snowy and darkened. VR exhaustion was setting in.

  One of the creatures latched onto his leg and he struck its head, but the blow was not enough to dislodge the creature.

  Cleave Lvl. 7

  HP: 48% (-10%)

  Stamina: 17%

p; Mana: 100%

  Character Status

  Exhausted (Penalty for all physical actions)

  Two more critters ran up to him. He wasn’t sure if he was going to run out of hit points or stamina first. Either would spell death. The sweat pouring from Krug’s body, and Tarka’s weakened movements, told him his friends were suffering like he was. If their unseen allies didn’t do something else, Cleave knew he and his friends wouldn’t last.

  As if sensing the danger, five beings leapt from the trees. All of them wore green and wielded thin swords. With lightning precision the warriors stabbed the little grey beasts through the eyes. They would fell one and quickly pull back to kill another.

  The allies had long hair that flowed behind them and long, pointed ears. Cleave marvelled at their speed as they took out mob after mob with deadly precise strikes.

  Cleave Lvl. 7

  HP: 35%

  Stamina: 12%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status

  Exhausted (Penalty for all physical actions)

  In less than a minute, the remaining mobs fled. The party leaned against the trees and heaved as they struggled to catch their breath. Cleave felt himself sinking against the bark. His legs barely had the strength to hold him up. A hand clutched his shoulder. He looked up and saw a familiar face looking grimly at him.

  “Larukel,” Cleave huffed.

  “You shouldn’t be out here. You could get killed,” Larukel said.

  “No shit,” Tarka said between gasps.

  The other elves looked down their noses at the exhausted adventurers.

  “Larukel, the Streshanks are gone. Let us get back to scouting.”

  Larukel shook his head. “They are hurt. They’re in need of medical attention.”

  “Then they shouldn’t have come to a dangerous part of the woods. It isn’t our fault they put themselves in danger.”

  “But it’s our responsibility to look after those that have lost their way.”

  The elves, minus Cleave, gathered in a circle and whispered among each other.


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