Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle)

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Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle) Page 7

by Alara Branwen

  Muriem looked up at the kobold and smiled, the light returned to her bright eyes. “It’s okay.”

  “Could we -” Cleave said.

  “See them?” Muriem finished for Cleave.


  Muriem thought for a second and then knelt to grip her dress just above the hem. She raised it to reveal pink tentacles, twelve by Cleave’s count. They were thicker at the base and tapered down to thin, spoon like tips, similar to a squid’s. Most of them were on the ground, supporting the woman’s weight. A few of them writhed around. Small strands of clear slime leaked from the undersides. Several suckers squeezed at the air. Tarka’s mouth fell open a little.

  “Oh, I like them,” the kobold said, obviously fascinated.

  “Very cool, I didn’t know they let you have those in game,” Cleave said.

  “I had to pay for a special package,” Muriem said. “I got them so I could share them with other players. Guess I was stupid.”

  “No way,” Tarka said. “Uh, can I touch one?”

  One of the tentacles came up and Tarka brushed her hand across it. She smiled and shivered.

  Cleave asked if he could do the same and he stroked his fingers across the slimy appendage. His palm easily slid over it. The young woman wrapped her arms around her bust and smiled.

  “Thanks for not laughing,” Muriem said.

  “Don’t know why anyone would laugh, you like what you like,” Cleave said.

  “I like a lot,” Tarka said.

  “If you want to go to a place where some people would like your tentacles, we’re part of a guild that would really be interested in them,” Cleave said.

  Tarka shook herself from her fascination with the squirming appendages. “Yeah, they’d be happy to take you. If you weren’t interested in that, at least they’d be nicer to you than these Lren bozos.”

  “I think I’d like that, but I couldn’t make it on my own.”

  “Krug, the big guy, me, and Tarka will help you get there. We’re going to Clearwater on a quest, but if you come with us and hang out there, you can come back with us when we’re done,” Cleave said.

  Muriem nodded. “Before we go, could I ask a favor?”

  “Sure,” Cleave said.

  “I’ve never had the chance to use my tentacles, and you both aren’t fully healed yet.”

  “You can use them on us,” Tatarna said quickly.

  Cleave laughed. “If you’re up for it, I’m definitely game.”

  A tentacle came out and gently stroked across Tatarna’s face. The kobold shivered and stroked across it’s slimy surface. Another came up and wrapped itself around her shoulders.

  Two more tentacles reached up from Muriem backside and Cleave caressed these. The young woman blushed and shivered as they lavished attention on her slippery attachments.

  The three undressed themselves and placed their clothing and armor neatly on the floor. Cleave’s member grew hard when he looked upon the young woman’s generous bust. He sidled up behind her and gently groped her breast. She gasped and wrapped a tentacle around his member.

  The suckers tenderly pulled at the elf’s skin. He groaned and kissed the back of the young woman’s neck. Two more of the wet appendages wrapped around his waist. The little feelers massaged his butt and the tips traced lines down the small of his back.

  Muriem curled around the curvature of the kobold’s small breasts. Tarka groaned and massaged her nipples, but tips of the pink appendages moved her hands out of the way and flicked across the cherry red buds. They prodded at the tips and stroked across the areola and left a trail of slime where they touched.

  Cleave’s hands busily traversed the large mounds of the woman’s gargantuan tits. He kneaded the soft skin, his fingers questing upward to pinch and twist at Muriem’s nipples. She responded by tightening her grip around his cock. The elf shuddered and one of his palms slid down the squid girl’s curvy side until he reached the small of her back, down to her full butt.

  The elf trailed kisses down her spine, sending little shivers through the woman. She drew her tentacle back and slapped his ass. A sharp shock jolted through him. Another tentacle did the same and he grunted. He always thought that he was averse to pain, but the tremors working through his legs told him otherwise.

  He smacked the girl’s butt and she responded in kind. Cleave gripped her breast and kissed up the girl’s milky skin, gently biting at the nape of her neck. She wiggled her shoulders and slapped his ass again.

  Tarka groaned as the tentacles undulated around her. She thrust her chest out as the little feelers sucked on her skin, pulling at the little nerves that rested beneath. Two tentacles spread her legs and another trailed a circle around her womanhood with a slippery tip.

  The kobold leaned back and a tentacle slithered around her shoulder to hold her in place. Tarka relaxed into the tentacled embrace as the appendage below teased her womanhood. The travelling tip found her clit and wiggled across it. The kobold let out a high pitched moan and jittered as the pleasure coursed through her. Muriem smiled and pressed another tend against her moist, winking opening. It gently pushed in and Tarka’s body stiffened. The wet, wiggling appendage plunged into her wet cavern.

  It twisted and wiggled into the kobold and tickled the end of her vaginal wall. Tatarna writhed uncontrollably, and was only held in place by the strong pink tentacles. Her body spasmed and she cried out as she experienced a powerful orgasm.

  The tentacles lifted her into the air and lathered her body in their oozing juices. Tarka pulled her hands free and rubbed it all over her body as the appendages displayed their wiggling affection for the little kobold.

  Seeing Tarka in so much pleasure sent Cleave’s mind into overdrive. He thrust into the tentacle pleasuring his cock while two others gently slapped and massaged his firm ass. Another tentacle snuck beneath the one exercising his dick and stroked over his ball sack. A rush of icy heat sank into his muscles. His body nearly gave way. The appendages on his butt held him upward and one curled around his back while Muriem pleasured his throbbing cock and teased over his hardening sack.

  His tingling feet were lifted off the ground and the pink attachments that held him up formed a sort of chair, a kneading, sucking, squeezing chair that stimulated all of the tingling senses beneath his skin.

  Cleave pumped his hips into the tentacle teasing his cock. His eyes focused on Tarka’s body thrash, the tentacle inside of her flailing in her depths. He imagined the appendage stroking his cock as an alien pussy sucking on his skin, bringing him closer to the precipice of pure pleasure.

  “Muriem,” Tarka whimpered as she was being taken by the tentacles, “can you put one…”

  Tarka lifted her tail and exposed the pink star of her beneath. Muriem lifted a tentacle toward the exposed pucker and drilled a wet tip against the opening. The pink star yielded to the persistent appendage and slowly sank it. It gave a few slow thrusts before increasing the intensity. The kobold wrapped her tail around her body and let out a long hiss between clenched teeth.

  The tentacle plunged deeper, exploring the innermost recesses of her. It thrust into her ass with the same potency as the one attacking her clenching pussy. Her body went rigid again as another orgasm rushed through her.

  Cleave enjoyed the feeling of a tentacle on his cock, but he wanted more. He wanted to feel the warm depths of a pussy on his member. He reached under her ass and felt beneath the tentacles. His questing fingers found nothing but pulling cups that squeezed the skin on his palm. Through the rows of suckers he found a moist opening and brushed his fingers across it.

  Muriem looked back at the elf. Her eyes lidded and lost to lust.

  “Do you want to take me?” Muriem’s voice was breathy and quivering.

  “If it’s okay,” the elf murmured back.

  Muriem angled his body back. The purple and swollen head of his member pressed against her wet womanhood. The elf grasped her hips and pushed his member in. He gasped and the torrid walls of he
r pussy clenched around his member. Cleave took control of his body and thrust into the woman. Her eyes squeezed shut as he rammed his member into her.

  Cleave clenched her hips and drilled his cock firmly into her tight box. It clenched around him, milking the sensitive shaft. He had to push hard to make headway into her tight cunt. An explosion of excitement burst up from his belly and into his chest each time he pushed into her.

  Muriem cried out as the elf took her, roughly pounding his dick into her moist cavern. Her ministrations on Tarka became more intense. She thrust her tentacles into the kobold female’s openings with great force.

  Tarka cried out as she experienced another orgasm. Cum dripped down the tentacle violating her quivering pussy. One of the tentacles came up and brushed over the kobold’s snout. She took it into her mouth and suckled on it. Her tongue wrestled languidly with the tip for a few seconds before she bobbed her head on the appendage. It responded and carefully pumped into the kobold’s mouth.

  Cleave’s pupils never left the tentacles having their way the beautiful kobold. They held her aloft, violating her openings, squirming lithely as they spread their slippery goo over her body.

  The elf didn’t realize the force of his thrusts had increased. He pumping motions became irregular as he drilled his cock into the squid girl.

  Her pussy clamped down on his member but he continued to pound into her. Nothing would stop him from feeling the wet heat of her cunt. At some points it felt like her ridged walls were pushing him back, but he plowed on.

  Tarka squirmed uncontrollably, experiencing repeated orgasms as the pink appendages wiggled and slithered, hammering into her openings with extreme ardor. Cleave’s mind went numb as he hammered his dick into the squid girl’s pussy. He steadily cried out as exhilaration took control of his movements.

  All three moaned together. Their cries reaching into the camp. Cleave pressed his chest against the squid girl’s smooth back. His nipples ground against her downy skin, stimulating his chest. Time became lost to them as they climbed together toward an apex. Their movements synchronized and they all reached the top of their long, lusty climb.

  Cleave bellowed as cum gushed into Muriem. The build up from her teasing his balls was rewarded by several rushes of hot, sticky semen in her cunt. She cried out after two more thrusts and released her girl cum on his cock.

  When the squid girl came down from the moment of ecstasy, she laid Tarka back on the table and unwound her tentacles from her. The kobold was spread eagle, covered in slime and sweat. Her eyes were nearly closed.

  Cleave withdrew his member and his eyes trailed along the small body of the sexy female. She looked so hot spread as she was, he wanted to do her right then. However, he knew both of their bodies were spent.

  Muriem helped the two clean up and get dressed. She gave them both a strong hug and smiled.

  “Thank you all so much for this, it feels really nice to be appreciated.”

  Cleave shrugged. “You don’t need to thank us, it was our pleasure. I’m sure Tarka would agree if she could talk.”

  Tarka smiled weakly and gave a thumbs up.

  Muriel was quiet for a moment and then nodded. “I wasn’t sure before but now I know. I want to go with you. There’s no use hiding here anymore.”

  Cleave promised he would take her with them.

  She walked toward the door. Before she left, Cleave stopped her.

  “Hey, have you tended our companion, Krug?”

  “I was on my way to see him now,” Muriel said.

  “In that case, if you’re okay with it, why don’t you show him your tentacles as well. There’s no doubt in my mind he’d show you all kinds of appreciation.”

  Tarka smirked, showing the tips of her sharp teeth and nodded.

  Muriem blushed. “Okay, I’ll do that.”

  She walked out of the tent brushing aside the flap. From outside he saw Larukel eying them. Cleave smiled and the other elf winked.


  Krug was grinning as he was brought out to Cleave and Tarka, who were surrounded by elves wielding bows and spears. The party was a bit nervous, but the elves didn’t seem too hostile so they relaxed somewhat.

  “Did you guys get healed by that Muriem girl?” Krug said.

  Cleave and Tarka both smiled and nodded.

  “Holy crap that girl was awesome. She healed me and then uh-”

  “We know Krug,” Tarka said.

  “I never knew I had a tentacle fetish before today. I’ll have to check it out when I log out.”

  Muriem came out to meet them, flanked by two elves. When she reached the three she blushed.

  “Hey guys, so I talked to the elves, and two of them are going to take me to that one place you told me about. They tried to talk me out of leaving but, the thought of a guild full of people who might like -uh me, is really exciting.”

  “It is pretty exciting, but it can be a bit extreme sometimes,” Tarka said.

  “Just talk to Estelar and tell him you know us. He’ll hook you up with a room and pretty much anything else you need,” Cleave said.

  “That would be great,” Muriem said. “Thank you for being so nice.”

  One of the elves came up to the group and asked if they had a map to the Fey Wilder’s location. Tarka gave them the copy she was working on and the elf studied it. When he was done he nodded and handed it back.

  Larkel joined them later. He told the elves around them that he would take care of their guests. The elves were a bit hesitant, but after some coaxing he got his brethren to leave.

  “We are going to lead you back to the main road. Blindfolds will be placed over your eyes. Like before, no harm will come to you while you’re travelling.”

  “At least you’re taking us to the main road so we can get back to Clearwater. You took our map we needed for our quest so we can’t follow that anymore,” Tarka said.

  “About that,” Larukel said.

  He took out a black cloth pouch and a rolled up piece of parchment and handed it to Tarka. Inside the pouch was a silver necklace set with several small rubies. A small silver bracelet crafted to look like two dragons with small elven runes. In the “mouths” of the two dragons was set an emerald. Along with the jewelry was five gold pieces.

  Tarka unrolled the parchment and drawn on it was a map. There was an X on a spot and beneath it was written “tomb” and “Gugna Kainari.”

  “A couple of my friends and I spoke to the chieftain. We told him of your quest and he made that map for you to find your way.”

  “What’s the jewelry and money for?” Tarka said.

  “Those are gifts from the chief and my friends for your ill treatment here. We wanted to give the large one something but we didn’t think he’d like jewelry, so we decided gold would be best. The necklace is for you, the rubies match the colors of your scales.”

  Tarka put on the necklace and smiled down at it. They glimmered against the scales on her neck. Cleave put the bracelet on. He wasn’t terribly partial to jewelry, but he was never one to turn down a gift.

  The group acquiesced and blindfolds were placed over their eyes.

  Travelling blindly with the elves was still a bit frightening. Cleave stepped on many different plants and the occasional briar would rip at his breeches. He continued on. Sometimes a guiding hand would point him in another direction or stop him if there was a noise.

  Three times, there was the sound of battle. The group wanted to tear off their blindfolds and help the elves, but hearing bows drawn behind their backs stopped them.

  Cleave soon felt firm dirt beneath his feet. They walked for several more minutes before their blindfolds were taken off.

  They were in a clearing with a small pool of water. The grasses were soft beneath their feet and the general atmosphere of the area was peaceful.

  “Where are we?” Cleave said.

  “This is a clearing my friends and I use when we’re scouting. You should be able to reach your goal from here in
a day’s time,” Larukel said.

  “Thank you very much for helping us,” Krug said.

  “You're pretty awesome, for an elf,” Tarka said.

  “I take offense to that,” Cleave said.

  Larkel bowed. “I wish you the best on your journeys.”

  He and the other elves slipped away in the forest. The party set up camp and logged out.


  Clint went over to Mary’s place the following morning and brought his VR headset with him. He figured she would want to jump right into Unexplored after they were done studying.

  They spent a couple of hours going over the study materials Mary had, during which time she was pleasantly surprised to learn that she wasn’t as “dumb” as she thought. She even taught him a little bit about sentence structures.

  Clint brought out his VR band but was pleasantly surprised when Mary asked if he wanted to watch a movie and get pizza.

  When the food came they agreed on a terrible horror movie, Severed Limbs, and made fun of the stupid looking villain and the incredibly fake body parts as they stuffed their faces. Every time a victim would lose a plastic limb or deliver a corny line, Clint or Mary would make a joke that caused the other to laugh.

  Clint felt his crowning achievement of the day was making Mary snort Coke through her nose while she finished off her bacon pizza as he reenacted a scene where a headless victim strangled another to death.

  It’d been a long time since he and Mary had the chance to hang out at her place. They occasionally went out together on the weekends to the VRcade, a bar, or somewhere else, but they were usually too busy to make the trip over to each other's houses.

  The last time Clint remembered staying over at Mary’s place was when they were eighteen, a week before they both graduated high school. It had been an awkward experience because Mary’s boyfriend showed up for a surprise visit.

  He was a linebacker and the jealous type, so Clint left the house that day with a broken nose and several bruises. Nothing was going on, save for them playing some old first person shooter Mary got on sale.


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