Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle)

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Crisis at Clearwater - A LitRPG Virtual Fantasy Adventure (Book 2 Unexplored Cycle) Page 16

by Alara Branwen

  “I understand. Once Tarka comes she can give you a quick romp and get your hit points back up. Whatever our next course of action is, I have a feeling all of us will need to be at full health.”

  “Cleave,” an exasperated voice said from the door.

  The elf looked to see Tarka. Her black cloak was slung over her shoulder and she looked at him, mouth agape.

  “I take it you heard that,” Cleave said.

  “Yes, and I’m appalled that you turned down an offer of healing from such a beautiful woman. What’s wrong with you?”

  Vera’s thin eyebrows went up and Cleave looked away, flushed.

  “I - uh it’s just, you and me.”

  “You and me what?”

  Cleave was flustered. He tried to find the right words to say but nothing was coming out. So he pointed to him and her and said, “Us.”

  A light clicked on in Tarka’s head. “Oh. Cleave, I don’t know how many times we have to have this conversation. This is a game. It’s only a game. Let go, relax, and have fun.”

  Vera looked at Cleave, then to Tarka. “Are you sure it’s okay?”

  “Perfectly sure. Hop on and give him the ride of his life,” Tarka said.

  Cleave craned his head upward, his cheeks were beet red. He did it in front of Tarka with another girl in game before, but that was before his feelings for her started coming to a head.

  “Are you in need of healing?” Vera said.

  “Nope. I managed to escape all the fuss with Krug. Tatarna found us and led me to the shop. Krug stayed behind in case other guards found us. I’d be worried, but it’s Krug. He’ll smash any guards that mess with him into jelly. Tatarna is in the shop, watching in case anyone comes in.”

  There was a short silence while everyone in the room looked at each other.

  Tarka sighed and tapped her claws on the door sill. “Well, are you two going to do it or what?”

  “Wanna join?” Cleave said.

  “Nah, I’ll watch. I’m too tired from running from guards.”

  Vera walked over to Cleave and he helped her onto the table. They cleared off the stray pieces of leather and their mouths met.

  Tunics and breeches fell to the floor and tongues sampled each other’s tastes. Vera’s lips were full and sweet, and were reminiscent of strawberries freshly picked from the vine. Her luscious lips played over Cleave’s, capturing them momentarily and releasing.

  The halfling moved her head lower and caught Cleave’s lower lip. She bit down, very slightly and sucked in. The tip of her tongue grazed along the minute ridges of the flesh before her lips returned to their post.

  Vera removed Cleave’s codpiece and his iron solid member sprang free. She gripped the shaft and exercised the elf’s cock, squeezing when the base of her palm reached the crown.

  Her nail of her thumb tantalized the sensitive skin of the mushroom head. An icy streamer slithered through Cleave and he intook a sharp breath. He removed Vera’s black leather bra and exposed her breasts.

  The mounds were large and easily yielded to Cleave’s questing fingers. Her nipples were puffy, downy an exhilarating to the touch. The soft little buds perked beneath his digits, hardening as anticipation of the primary even mounted.

  Cleave squeezed them between his thumb and forefinger and Vera moaned into his lips. She bit his lower lip, a little harder this time, and planted three small pecks on the area. Her lips drew down Cleave’s chin and to the nape of his neck where her teeth delicately clamped down.

  Chills raced down Cleave’s back. His palms pressed against her tits and rolled them in small circles. He basked in their silky texture and mashed the pliable skin together. His hands explored downward, over the halflings slightly pudgy belly, to the slip of cloth that protected her nethers.

  He hooked his thumb into the bands of her panties and pulled down. Her pussy was clean shaven, moistened from their intimate activity. Cleave brushed the pads of forefingers over the soft, torrid wet cunt lips. There was a strong tingle in his hands as they quivered beneath his touch.

  His other palm found her inner thigh and he squeezed. Vera’s legs slowly straightened out and her body gave a little shudder. Cleave craned his neck over and nibbled on the halfling’s ear. She giggled and her teeth carefully burrowed into the elf’s flesh.

  Cleave’s hot breath gushed over Vera’s ear. He huffed, not as a human, but as a feral beast tasting the numbingly luscious taste of lust. The halfling melted as he teased her creamy thighs, drawing forth dampness in her snatch. The elf’s fingers slipped inside and collected the heated honey from the wanton cunt.

  Cleave pulled away from the halfling’s exciting nibbles on her neck and kissed along her jaw and chin. He trailed small kisses down her neck to her breasts and dropped to Vera’s supple breasts. It was a long journey to one of the nipples. Gooseflesh sprang up around the bud when his lips encapsulated it. His tongue played over the pink knob, tip wiggling against the already excited skin.

  Vera’s exercising of his member became more animated. She tightened her hold on his member and pumped her hand with greater fervor. Cleave responded in kind. His fingers explored the depths of the scorching wet cavern. He pressed his fingers all the way to the base, touching the smooth skin until he found a ridged area.

  He curled his fingers along this patch of skin, drawing a small “S” over every little rim. Vera’s body quaked and she threw her head up. Black hair cascaded down her back and she uttered a shrill moan that shattered the silence of the room.

  The halfling leaned her head against Cleave’s chest as he continued his deliberate and precise exploration of the minute area. He pressed his fingers to the giving flesh. Her pussy muscles closed around his fingers and her juices formed small rivulets down his hand.

  She pulled back and looked up at him. There was a glimmer in the halfling woman’s eyes that Cleave hadn’t seen before. The look excited him as she pulled the skin over his member. A little storm raged in his belly. He tightened his abs to contain the building monsoon that wanted more than anything to escape.

  Cleave grabbed Vera’s bountiful ass cheeks and kneaded them. She shuddered and released the elf’s cock. His member throbbed, as if begging for the halfling to return the attention she deprived it of.

  Tarka moaned. Cleave looked over to see her armor was off and her hand was in her brown, sackcloth shorts. She thrust her fingers into her crotch as she watched him and the halfling excite each other.

  The kobold leaned against the door sill and released sharp, hissing breaths between sharp, clenched teeth. Her eyes were heavily lidded and glassy. Cleave wasn’t sure if she was still watching them or lost in the throes of her own pleasure.

  Cleave led Vera to rise to her hands and knees and stood on his knees behind her. Her butt was raised in the air. Her legs were positioned just right to give him a perfect vantage of her cunt an anal entry.

  Cleave took hold of his member and brushed it across Vera’s honey hole. She let out a small moan.

  “Cleave, have you ever tried anal?” Vera said, voice husky and shuddering.

  “No, I haven’t,” Cleave said.

  “Want to try it now?”

  It was something he’d seen online a lot but it wasn’t a thing he’d imagine trying himself. He looked down at the little pink pucker of her ass. The idea didn’t exactly revulse him and he was interested in trying new things.

  Cleave threw a glance at Tarka who was still off in her own little world.

  “Sure, I’ll give it a go,” Cleave said.

  Cleave pushed the head of his member against the little hole just above Vera’s dripping cunt. It resisted, as he figured it would. He was worried about doing it unlubricated, as he heard that was important with anal, but the head very gradually pressed in. The tightness slowly gave way to the force against it.

  He guessed the designers had made an allowance for participants in anal sex not to need lube. It made sense, eventually someone would want to do anal and it wouldn’t
be as fun if you had to stop and put on some kind of lubricant.

  Cleave’s cock slowly progressed into Vera’s ass. The taut hole clamped down on the elf’s member. The vibrations from the halfling’s body reverberated through his. The warmth from the constrained hole taunted him forth with promises of pleasures intensely surreal.

  Half his dick was buried into the halfling’s ass when Vera arched her back upward. All resistance gave way and the rest of his member pushed inside. The constraining cavern and the warmth induced virulent electricity around his nerves.

  Cleave pulled back and slammed his cock into the halfling’s ass. His hips clapped against hers and her cheeks jiggled from the impact. He held himself there for a few moments, appreciating her form, relishing the feel of of her body heat and the little quakes undulating through her muscles.

  Vera ground her ass against him, wagging the front of her body, simultaneously taunting him and silently begging for more of the molten rod buried inside of her.

  The elf smirked. Every little move she made excited him. The feeling of being in control of such a sexy woman and her wanting him to be in control was a pleasure that drove him wild.

  Tarka squealed and her body thumped against the door sill. Cleave’s desire overtook his pleasure from the moment and he pounded his cock into Vera’s tight ass.

  He roughly drilled his member into her, pushing with all his might. Her hole squeezed and seemed as if it wanted to deny his movements, but he powered through these. Nothing would deny the pleasure he wished to seek. Nothing would stop him from generating the little squeals from Vera and experiencing the unfathomable ecstasy her body gave him.

  Their hips slapped together with each thunderous thrust. Bodies moving in a strange discordant harmony, an expression of the rampaging need bounding in them. The work table rocked and the world seemed to shift and rumble with them. For a moment, Cleave felt like he was the center of the universe, an existence of unmitigated elation.

  Cleave reared back and delivered a strong shove slid Vera’s body forward several inches. She cried out and he released his seed into her.

  His body relaxed and he held himself there for a few moments. Vera allowed him to run his hands across her back for a few moments before she pulled away.

  The halfling dropped into a sitting position and winced. “Damn, I think I’m gonna walk funny for a week.”

  Tarka leaned against the window sill and weakly smiled. “That was really fun to watch. Before you leave Clearwater, I think you’re gonna have a thing for halflings, Cleave.”

  “How’s your hitpoints looking?”

  Cleave opened his character screen.

  Cleave Lvl. 8

  HP: 94% (+10%)

  Stamina: 38%

  Mana: 100%

  Character Status


  “Pretty good,” Cleave huffed. “I should be near full by morning.”

  The last bit of haze cleared from his mind. His enjoyment of the moment became marred by one thought. How in the world were they going to stop the Crimson Kingdom?


  Mary and Clint logged out of the game and watched an old B movie while they talked about what they were going to do about the threat to Clearwater. Mary was just as clueless as Clint was and agreed that capturing Padwin or one of the elves and forcing them to confess the whole plot, was the only way to stop it.

  The time went by too fast for Clint. Soon it was ten o'clock and he felt exhaustion pulling at his eyelids. Mary tried to convince him to stay another night, but he had to go. He dreaded going back to his job, but he had to. He didn’t want to admit it but his boss was right about one thing, his coworkers needed him now.

  He went home and woke up in the morning a little more refreshed than he’d been a few days ago. Clint showered and arrived at work an hour early, like he normally did. He entered the area where his cubicle was and his jaw nearly fell to the floor. A massive beam of soft blue light shined from his work area.

  Clint dug into his desk and put on a pair of shades so he could withstand the illumination. Several blue holograms took up the entire volume of his cubicle. The holos wavered as he passed through them. He tried to read some of them, but the text from the many requests was so saturated he couldn’t tell where one ended and the other began.

  He opened his email and nearly laughed at the 893 messages he had. Some from his bosses, some from colleagues, and one from Bonnie saying she hoped he felt better. There were eighty messages on his desk phone. The first few were messages filled with ire, which turned to desperation in the later calls.

  Clint felt bad for them, he really did, but there was nothing he could do about it.

  He opened the ten reports he had to do and started working on them. There were many little minute details he had to get right, and every little mistake he made cost him several minutes of backtracking, but after five hours of herculean effort, he finished it.

  His phone rang off the hook, but he ignored it. More help requests appeared. His cubicle got so crowded that they started floating into the cubicles around him.

  When the last report was finished he heard a knock on the metal barrier of his workspace. He turned to see Cooper, gawking at the impressive mass of requests.

  “Hey Clint, I was gonna ask if you were free to work on the doc we’d talked about but, I guess not.”

  Clint laughed and motioned to the requests. “No, I got the important stuff out of the way. How far along are you with the document?”

  Cooper looked excited. “Well yesterday I had a huge breakthrough and managed to condense all the information you gave me. So I think I’m almost done. I just need you to go over the info and some help setting up a Wiki to put it all in. If we push we can get it done by closing time.”

  “So, by eleven p.m.?”

  The two laughed and made plans to meet after lunch. As they talked, a number of angry looking people walked up behind Cooper. One tapped him on the shoulder and he hopped out of the way. The person in the lead, a short, plump woman with protruding jowls, spoke.

  “Clint, it’s nice to have you back with us,” Clint recognized the woman’s voice from the message. It was Angela from production and distribution.

  “Hey Angela. What’s up?” Clint said.

  “I’m here to see if you got my help request, in fact that’s why we’re all here. We’ve been sending you messages for the past three days. Have you not looked at them?” Angela said as she looked with disdain at a few lone holos floating out to her.

  “No, I haven’t, and I’m very sorry to have inconvenienced you all. I’ve had a mountain of work come in the past few days and I haven’t had time to get to your requests. To combat the problem, I spent some time with Cooper this week to create a document that contains fixes for your issues.”

  All eyes turned to Cooper and he shrank back.

  “You should’ve been taking care of requests while doing this project. We have many assignments imperative to the company that we have to take care of.”

  “I’m aware, and that’s why I’ve been working so hard on this. I believe this document will clear up our problems going forward and make our lives easier.”

  “I’m not worried about forward, I’m worried about now. I have six reports that need to be finished and I have a representative from another country here were trying to expand to. He’s about to leave and I have nothing to give him.”

  Other members of the group started to voice their concerns. A small rumble of voices turned into a cacophony as his coworkers’ frustrations manifested themselves in their complaints.

  “I unfortunately have other assignments I have to do as well, and because of the amount of work, I’m unable to get to some of those.”

  “We’re all swamped, but we don’t shirk our duties.”

  Instead of responding Cleave moved aside and showed Angela the amount of work he had. He pulled open the reports and the mass of emails.

  “I’ve tried to ask for help from ot
hers in the company, and I’ve gotten some, but it’s not humanly possible to finish everything I have and take care of my help requests.”

  “If you’re unable to take care of your work, then you should pass your job to someone who can,” spittle flew from Angela’s mouth. “I had a talk with Roger yesterday and he agreed with me and some of the others that you’ve become very lax on help requests.”

  Ice dropped in Clint’s stomach. A couple of months ago, he would do whatever he could to placate this person and tell her he would get to what she needed done as fast as possible. He would have been too afraid to speak out because he didn’t want to lose his job. But this wasn’t two months ago. Back then, things were manageable. Things were easy. They weren’t anymore.

  Clint faced the leering crowd and leaned back in his chair. His audience quieted. “Because of the influx of work I’ve received from Roger and other members of management, I am not able to complete all incoming help requests in a timely manner. I’ve received conflicting views on which request or report is most important from management, so I’ve handled problems in the order I thought they should be handled in.”

  “You should talk to someone about your work priorities,” a person in the audience said.

  “Not sure who I’d talk to. One hundred different people need one hundred different things done immediately. Their opinion on priority would depend on who I spoke with.”

  “You need to do something to fix this,” Angela said.

  “That’s what this document is for. I’m trying to take care of the problem as efficiently as possible. This is the best way I’ve found to do it. If any of you have better ideas I’d be happy to hear them. I know you’re all very busy with what you’re doing, but any help you can provide with this current situation would be appreciated.”

  The audience was silent. People in the crowd looked at each other and a few even seemed to be in thought. But no one said anything.

  “This problem needs to be solved,” Angela said.

  “That’s not a solution, just a statement of fact,” Clint said. “I am solving it as well as I can. There’s nothing else I can do. When this project is done, I will handle those that aren’t taken care of by the document with as much expediency as possible. Until then, please let me get to my work.”


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