The Standing Dead sdotc-2

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The Standing Dead sdotc-2 Page 10

by Ricardo Pinto

Carnelian looked down at the shrouds and then offered them to Fern. 'You're kind but there's really no need.'

  Fern scowled and looked down at the ochre blanket Carnelian had around his waist. 'You believe you can get down the cliff dressed like that?'

  Carnelian saw Fern was right. He put the bundle down, then, reluctantly, he removed the blanket, found two corners and began to fold it.

  'You can't take it with you,' said Fern.

  Carnelian hugged the blanket. He could almost imagine it had Ebeny's scent.

  'I'll get you another when we get home.'

  Fern helped him pull on the dead man's robe. It was a tight fit and short. Carnelian tried to keep the disgust from his face as it clung wet to his skin. Fern handed him a long strip of cloth.

  This is an uba. It is wrapped around the head.'

  Carnelian was mustering the courage to put it on when Fern suggested that, for the moment, he could use it for a belt. Relieved, he was further heartened when he found the cloak hardly smelled at all. Throwing it around his shoulders, Carnelian sensed Ravan was avoiding looking at him.

  Cloud announced it was time to leave. Dressed as a Plainsman, Carnelian lifted his end of the stretcher, Fern the other, and together they carried Osidian out from the cave. The rain had soon washed the colour of slaughter from their feet.

  Soaked and miserable, Carnelian stood among the youths peering through the rain, as Ravan and Fern with the other men climbed up to hang the dead on a crag, naked save for the charcoal that had been made and rubbed on their skin. Carnelian wondered at this strange custom.

  When they came down, everyone sang a ragged lament. When they were done, Fern would not look at Carnelian as he bent to pick up his end of the stretcher. They lifted Osidian between them and set off. Ravan walked beside them embracing a djada bale, his head hanging so that his drenched uba hid his face. The other youths trudged up ahead, each with his burden, following Ranegale and Loskai while Cloud walked among them encouraging them to sing. All they knew were riding songs whose rhythms only served to remind them of the aquar they had left bleeding in the cave, so they soon fell silent.

  At the edge of the abyss, where its pavement merged into the ravine wall, Ranegale found for them a ledge. He tested it then edged off along it, leaning into the cliff, followed by Loskai and then the youths in single file.

  When it was their turn, Carnelian went first. He kept his eyes on his feet making sure not to slip. It was difficult not to let his gaze stray down into the abyss.

  So they toiled, stopping sometimes to rub fife into their arms. The ledge soon gave out and they had to clamber down to another. This was the first test. Ravan was ready to help and Krow too when he saw Cloud join in. As they lowered Osidian, he looked so serene as he hung suspended over the abyss Carnelian could believe him embalmed.

  As they progressed, Carnelian found the limestone was inlaid with the spirals of ammonites and other sea creatures. His wonder was short-lived. As they grew tired, the desperate struggle to hold on put everything else out of his mind.

  The day waxed and waned. The sky growled and sometimes a shock of lightning would blind them. To relieve the ache in their muscles, Fern and he took turns at being in the lead. Cloud said nothing but his hands were often there to help. When the ledges widened, they would sometimes turn their backs on the harrowing fall and stop for breath. As they chattered away their fear, they made sure only to watch each other's mouths so as not to see the staring terror in every eye.

  Encroaching darkness made them fear they might lose their footing. They had passed many caves and, finding another one, they decided to stop there for the night.

  Little was said as they had their djada. Carnelian chewed some for Osidian and gave him water. Then he lay beside him to warm him with his body. Cloud told a story but Carnelian was too tired to catch hold of the words and, giving up, he fell asleep.

  For days they clung to the limestone with trembling fingers, the abyss echoing at their backs. Sometimes the terror clamped a youth so desperately to the cliff they had to resort to prising his fingers free. The rain leached their strength so that they were forced to rest more often. Mostly it was Carnelian and Fern who struggled alone with Osidian on his pole, though Ravan, Cloud and Krow helped when they could. Carnelian rarely had enough strength left to thank them.

  Whenever Ranegale let them stop, they collapsed. Though care was taken to make sure the youths ate their ration, most were growing thinner. The inevitable happened: one of them fell and took another with him spinning down into the abyss. After that Carnelian's dreams, awake and sleeping, were all of flight.

  Under Carnelian's fingers, Osidian seemed made of tainted alabaster. Was this the same vessel he had once touched with wonder, imagining it brimming with the ichor of the Gods? The light that once had been in him had gone out. The rounded beauty had sunk into his bones. Carnelian frowned back the tears as he struggled to remember how glorious his beloved had been. He glanced over to where Fern slept like the dead and wondered why each morning his friend chose to suffer another day carrying a fevered stranger down a cliff. How could Carnelian not wonder when he who loved him dreamed of letting the stretcher go; longing to watch this torture to sinew and spirit drop away from him into the depths.

  A rattle and gasping drew him back. Osidian was muttering, his feet hinging spasmodically on his ankles. Carnelian crept through the raiders, placing his feet carefully among their bodies. At the entrance to the cave he crouched to lift one of the leather bowls they had left out to catch rain. He was deaf now to the downpour but heard behind it the dull roaring of the river and the waterfalls feeding it with their arches. Tomorrow, if the Gods willed it, they would camp upon its bank. Even on the black ship, hiding in drugged dreams from the storms, he had not desired to reach the Three Lands as much as he craved to reach the ground below.

  He made his way back cradling the bowl, not wanting to spill it in case he should wake one of the youths. He set it down beside Osidian and knelt. Dipping the corner of a blanket into the water, he took it dripping to Osidian's mouth, touching a finger to Osidian's throat to make sure he was swallowing.

  They spread themselves out on the moss, gazing up at the white rampart it seemed they had spent their whole lives descending. Cloud made jokes and poked the youths in the ribs. He would not stop even though they made no reaction but moaning. At first he only lit a smile here, another there, but somehow, he put light back in their eyes and choking laughter in their throats. They promised each other what they would do together once they got home. Some of the youths grinned, imagining their mothers' joy at their return.

  Ranegale rose, fixing them all with his grim eye, and told them they were not home yet. Grumbling, everyone chewed djada and then, picking up what appeared to be much lighter burdens, they set off along the river bank.

  Ravan and Krow took turns with Carnelian and Fern at carrying Osidian. There was time to admire the vast white columns buttressing the cliff and the boulders the size of hills they had to walk around.

  All day they had been getting closer to where the walls of the abyss framed a vast expanse of storm-grey sky. They heard the rapids before they saw them. From the mouth of the abyss, the river spilled roaring down into what at first seemed the ruins of a city. Clambering over this masonry, they soon found it was nothing more than blocks that had crumbled from the white cliff of the Guarded Land. Among this jumble they laboured and as night fell they managed to find a dry place to make a camp. A greater delight was the fire they were able to coax from some damp wood, over which they roasted three small saurians Cloud and Loskai managed to catch.

  Sitting with the raiders round the flame, Carnelian took pleasure in seeing them, ruddy-faced, lying back holding their stomachs. It was Osidian starting up his babbling that brought the return of unease. Later, when night fell, his body burned and cooled in quick succession.

  'He wrestles the fever,' said Fern frowning.

  Ravan looked anxious. 'Will he die?' />
  Fern looked his brother in the eye. 'Pray to the Mother for his recovery.'

  In the morning they set off eager to put the abyss behind them. It was not long before the rain had worn them down. Sodden they clambered among mossy boulders, always making sure to keep the limestone cliffs on their left.

  The going was so arduous they had to make frequent rest stops. The talk then was all about the Leper Valleys.

  When they had set off again, Carnelian asked Fern discreetly, 'Is there danger in those valleys?'

  Fern shrugged. 'We still have salt to pay their tolls.'

  'Will having two Masters with you not cause you problems?'

  Fern chewed his lip and looked round to make sure his brother was not in earshot. 'I'm more worried that, seeing us arriving on foot, they might try to rob us. I don't like the idea of getting into a fight with them. There's the youngsters to think of.'

  'Surely if we give them the salt there'll be no further reason for them to attack us.'

  Fern looked at him in horror. The salt we carry was intended to pay tolls and make purchases for the Tribe in the market of Makar. Every grain was bought with our men's blood.'

  Though the sun was hidden behind the stormy ceiling of the sky, they could feel the day was waning when they came to a river; a fierce white roar of water whose further bank seemed impossible to reach. They stared at the torrent, allowing their eyes to follow it upstream, and saw halfway up the cliff wall the tall and narrow funnel of a ravine from which the river was tumbling.

  Wearily they began the trek down its bank, but this was so littered with sharp rocks they were forced further and further away from the water. At last Ranegale declared he would go no further and slumped to the ground.

  He looked round at them with his single eye. 'How can we hope to find a ford when we can't even get close to the river?'

  He pointed westwards to where they could all still see the mouth of the abyss. 'Look how far we've come. At this rate it'll take us a moon to reach the Valleys.'

  'Do you really believe this kind of talk is helping anyone?' said Ravan.

  Cloud put his hand on the youth's shoulder to calm him. 'Ranegale has a plan.' He turned to him. 'You do have a plan, don't you?'

  Ranegale looked down the rock-strewn slope that plunged into an ocean of fronds fading away into the stormy margins of the sky.

  'No, no,' stuttered Ravan as every face went ashen.

  Next morning, though rainless, they felt the weight of the black sky as they struggled down from the boulder-strewn foot of the cliffs. The ground began softening into a treacle that sucked at their feet. Fronds began choking their path. Dense stands of scouring-rush rose as islands. The mud oozed brackish pools that bubbled up decay.

  The sky clattered and shook, then released a downpour. Dank and miserable, they pressed on into the thickening thickets and, though the ferns wove themselves into a roof above their heads, they provided no shelter at all.

  They chose a mud mound to camp on. It was too wet to make a fire. Hunched, they chewed djada, peering anxiously at the leaf wall they could almost reach out to touch and which shivered and trembled as if something were coming through it. It barely screened the rasp and trill of hidden creatures or the more distant wails and trumpetings. Once, some faraway high pinnacles of leaves shook in succession, showing where some monster was pushing through. With the rest, Carnelian pulled down fern fronds to hide his body and snatched what little sleep he could.

  Morning found them pushing deeper into the swamp, winding their way along ridges, hacking their way through stems and creepers, catching glimpses of loathsome striped bodies sliding sinuous among the trunks. Every pool was certain to conceal horrors. Every stretch of mud had been printed by huge clawed feet and the drag of undulating tails. They struggled, sinking into this soft world. The ferns grew monstrous, meshing their leaves above them until they could no longer see the sky and wandered lost among their trunks in a twilight where everything was a noisome, mouldering paste.

  After two days of this they came into a region where the air stank of putrefaction. They could find no way around it. Uneasy, they pushed further into the gloom under the treeferns expecting some scene of carnage, but all they found were lurid red blooms, petalled with tongues whose throats exhaled a rotting breath. Flies swarming these carrion lilies clogged Carnelian's nostrils and eyes. Whenever he opened his mouth they crowded in, forcing him to swallow those he could not spit out. The pillars of this sombre world were hung with pitcher plants, their mottled bellies plump with such a gluttony of insects and birds that some had burst open, disgorging the half-digested mess all over the bone-carpeted ground.

  Night approaching, they made camp. They managed to get a smoulder going; the smoke at least drove away the flies. Here, Osidian came suddenly awake with a gulping gasp.

  'He seeks me out!'

  The cry, in Quya, made the raiders jump up staring. Carnelian peered into a thin face lit by immense eyes.

  'Who seeks you out?' he asked gently.

  The Black God,' Osidian whispered. His eyes closed as his body convulsed in its pupae of mouldy blankets. The pale lips released a hiss. 'Our Father of Darkness.'

  Carnelian waited for more; tried talking in both Quya and Vulgate but received no response. He became aware that the Plainsmen had gathered round.

  The fever's broken,' said Fern.

  Carnelian saw the fear lurking in the tunnels of his eyes. It was in all their eyes.

  Hesitantly, Fern and Ravan helped him prise open the bindings cocooning Osidian to the pole while Krow looked on. The body they revealed had wasted to bones and skin. Carnelian remembered how glorious Osidian had been, how strong, when they swam in the dazzling lagoons of the Yden. He leaned close to whisper love names into his ear and, by this means, he roused him from sleep.

  Pain and puzzlement played over Osidian's face. 'Where…?'

  Carnelian could think of no easy answer. Osidian's emaciation was so overwhelming Carnelian became obsessed with feeding him. He chewed djada and squeezed it in softened pellets into Osidian's mouth. To avoid seeing his stare of horror, Carnelian cradled him. He slept close. Sometimes, waking in absolute blackness, he would find Osidian's lips with his fingers and give him water to drink.

  It was near dawn that Carnelian felt the tremor in the ground. He believed it to be thunder until he realized he was hearing it only with his body. The earth was shaking with a slow rhythm, as if some giant were walking by. The undergrowth rustled and sighed as something squeezed through it. Osidian must have heard it too, for Carnelian felt him stirring. He slipped his arms over the rack of Osidian's ribs and hugged him still. Holding on to him, Carnelian could feel Osidian's heart racing and knew he was listening. The presence circled them. Carnelian only released Osidian when he felt it move away.

  In the morning twilight, Carnelian woke from a terrible, grinding nightmare to find Osidian deathly still. Carnelian touched him, then shook him, but Osidian would not wake.

  'We'll have to bind him up again,' said Fern. 'It was stupid to imagine he'd have the strength to walk.'

  Carnelian thought his friend had a haunted look. Many of the youths were peering among the trunks as if they were expecting to see something in the gloom.

  He leaned close to Fern. 'Did you hear it?'

  Fern bent over Osidian, making no sign he had even heard the question. He looked up. 'Are you just going to watch?'

  Carnelian helped him lay Osidian's long bony body along the pole. They secured him, then hoisted him and followed after the others.

  As the weary struggle of the day wore its way to night, Osidian woke again. He stared into the darkness pleading, negotiating with something that was not there. The pure consonants of his Quya were obscured by the protests of the Plainsmen.

  'He draws the demon to us,' said Loskai.

  'It's a ravener,' said Cloud.

  'Without fire to drive it away, that's terrifying enough,' said Ranegale. His eye fell on Osidian,
whom Carnelian was trying unsuccessfully to quieten. 'We should've killed him.'

  Carnelian sensed most of them agreed with Ranegale. Osidian's voice continued its rambling. In the end, Carnelian only managed to silence him by plugging his mouth with djada.

  The raiders struggled to gather leaves and twigs to make a fire but everything was too damp. As the last light faded, they gave up trying, huddled together and tried to sleep.

  Rising at first light, Carnelian could not help seeing how haggard everyone looked. The presence had visited them again, but if in truth or only in their nightmares, he could not tell. Fern helped him lug Osidian on the next stage of their journey. Feeling eyes on him, Carnelian kept turning. At first he thought it must be one of the Plainsmen and put it down to their fearful fascination with Osidian's ravings, but every eye was busy finding a way for their feet. The sensation persisted and in the pit of his stomach the feeling grew that whatever was looking at him was not human.

  That night, Carnelian tried to pick words from Osidian's deranged incantations. The Plainsmen would only look at Osidian from the corners of their eyes. Only Ravan was brave enough to speak the common fear.

  'He's drawing the soul of this accursed place down on us.'

  Carnelian opened his mouth to protest but found no words. He looked at the Plainsmen expecting violence but only Ranegale and Fern would hold his gaze; all the rest were striving to hide in sleep.

  Nightmare lumbered towards them tearing through the fabric of the enfolding treeferns. Screams like a scattering of birds followed by an agonizing silence. Blind, Carnelian could sense an immense presence. Above his head bellows were breathing a fetor that clung clammy to his face. A mass swung away, his face cooled and he dared to gulp a mouthful of rotten air. A whimpering. The immensity adjusting caused the earth to shudder. The victim's trembling was betrayed by the vibrating wail he began pumping out. Air was displaced by something massive falling through it. The wailing, snuffed out, was replaced by a grinding moistened by tearing and the iron smell of blood. Urine oozed warm down Carnelian's thigh.


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