The Standing Dead sdotc-2

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The Standing Dead sdotc-2 Page 43

by Ricardo Pinto

  Whin exchanged an anxious look with Akaisha. 'It's too much smoke to be a beacon.'

  Their koppie burns,' said Sil.

  Akaisha shook her head. Their ferngardens wouldn't be dry enough.'

  Poppy was clinging to him. Carnelian knew what he must be seeing was a fire in the koppie of the Bluedancing. Akaisha and Whin stared bleakly out.

  'What is it that is burning, my mothers?'

  Both women turned wild-eyed. Their mother trees.'

  Leaving Poppy with Sil, Carnelian followed Akaisha, Whin and others of the Elders down to the Eastgarden. He sensed they were expecting trouble. The camp of the Bluedancing seemed much the same as it always did except that the women were all standing gazing to where the pall of smoke was hanging over the southern horizon.

  'Imagine how they must feel,' whispered Mossie, and Ginkga shut her up with a glare.

  They crossed the earthbridge and went down the Blooding, turning often to observe the motionless ranks of the Bluedancing. Akaisha took the path of barren earth to the camp. As the Ochre approached, the Bluedancing seemed unaware of them, but then some children cried out and the women turned.

  'What're we going to say to them?' asked Mossie.

  'Hush, dear,' said Akaisha.

  The eyes of the Bluedancing, red from weeping, regarded the visitors with hatred.

  'We must order them to their work,' said Whin.

  'The work will make them forget,' said Ginkga.

  'Would you so easily forget your mother tree?' asked Akaisha, her eyes flitting among the Bluedancing.

  Carnelian could see how that thought was being passed between them with glances.

  Compassion and fear warred in their faces.

  Harth glared at them. 'I warned you not to trust the Standing Dead.' She advanced towards the sullen Bluedancing.

  'Get to your work,' she commanded.

  The Bluedancing made no move and continued to stare. Behind them Carnelian could see the smoke from the burning of their mother trees swelling the horizon.

  Harth repeated her command and still there was no response. Carnelian was becoming aware of how many there were of the Bluedancing. So many eyes filled with grief and anger.

  'We'd better go back,' said Akaisha, nervously.

  'Shouldn't we try -?' began Mossie.

  'Let's go now,' hissed Akaisha and, retrieving Harth, they retreated back over the bridge and made their way at speed for the beckoning safety of the Homeditch.

  The Elders armed the Tribe as best they could and set them to guarding the two most easterly gates and the arc of the Homeditch which lay between. The Crag beacon was lit to summon back their men. Carnelian waited with Akaisha by the Bloodgate. All eyes were scanning the ferngarden, looking for the expected Bluedancing attack.

  When he told Akaisha he thought they were overreacting, she flared to anger.

  'What! You don't understand. How could you? If anything should happen to my tree, the grief…' She shook her head and resumed her look-out for the Bluedancing.

  Carnelian felt like asking her if she imagined her grief could turn into murderous rage, but he said nothing more. Guilt at the way the Tribe had treated the Bluedancing was the true root of her fear.

  Carnelian paced back and forth beneath the mother tree. When Galewing had appeared with many riders, Carnelian, fearing bloodshed, had spoken out in defence of the Bluedancing. He had declared them to be nothing more dangerous than frightened, dispossessed women and children. His words clearly had force for the Elder men though, unhappily, he sensed this was because he resembled the Master. Outraged, Harth had commanded him to be silent, saying the matter was for the Elders to decide. Akaisha had sent him to their hearth to wait for her.

  His brooding was interrupted by a voice calling from the rootstair. Seeing it was Krow, Carnelian invited him into his hearth. Astride the men's rootbench, they faced each other. As Krow nibbled at his nails, he was smearing hornblack from his lips to his fingers.

  Carnelian asked him how the men were, mentioning names, among which he included Fern so as not to draw attention to his concern for him. Without lifting his head, Krow told him everyone was fine.

  Carnelian decided against asking more specifically. 'How goes the great hunt?'

  Krow looked up at him. 'I know nothing of a great hunt.'

  'Is his earthwork finished?'

  Krow nodded grimly. His eyes unfocused as he saw it in his mind's eye. 'It parts the herds on their way to the lagoon. Even heaveners walk round it.'

  Carnelian was surprised. Two moons and that's all you've done?'

  Krow shook his head. 'He makes us ride against the herds in lines, in arrowheads. He divides us into groups and, with his spear, commands us to strike against earthers in waves.'

  Carnelian narrowed his eyes. 'Why?'

  Krow shrugged. 'Perhaps this great hunt you spoke of, Master.'

  There was something in that shrug that suggested Krow was hiding something. It seemed to Carnelian obvious Osidian was training them for war.

  'Why did the Master burn the Bluedancing's mother trees?'

  Krow grew troubled. 'He told us that as long as their trees lived, the Bluedancing might hope for freedom and revenge.'

  'It was cruel and impious.'

  Krow sunk his head again and resumed his nibbling.

  'You of all people should know how it feels.'

  Krow's head jerked up. The Manila murdered my hearth and tribe.'

  'As we did the Bluedancing men and, besides, made their mothers, wives, sisters and children slaves.'

  'We showed them mercy.'

  The Master's mercy was meant to force the need for this hunt so as to give him power over the Tribe.'

  Krow looked away haunted. 'What choice do I have but to follow him?'

  'Akaisha might welcome you into her hearth.'

  Krow turned back fiercely. To remind her that her son is possessed by the Master?'

  Carnelian had no answer to that.

  'I'm sorry, Carnie, but the only place I have left is at the Master's side.'

  Carnelian could not deny the plea in the youth's eyes that he should stop. He smiled at him. 'Why have you come to see me, Krow?'

  The Master wants to know how much progress you've made here.'

  Carnelian closed his eyes and tried to imagine how much of the ditch was still to be cut; how much they had already cut and how long it had taken.

  He opened his eyes, feeling sick at heart. 'In the end it will come down to whether the Bluedancing will still work.'

  Krow smiled coldly. They'll work all right.'

  'You're returning to him today?'

  Krow nodded.

  Tell him that in eight days the work here will be complete.'


  Krow took leave of him with a kind of bow and then Carnelian was left alone to brood on what he had learned about Osidian's preparations. Sil and Poppy appeared and Carnelian helped them make the evening meal.

  Night had fallen before Akaisha and Whin returned. Everyone could see they had been quarrelling. Akaisha said they had come up from the Homeditch gates, now guarded by the men of the Tribe. Though everyone was desperate to know what the Elders had decided, neither Akaisha nor Whin volunteered anything.

  Later, Akaisha took an opportunity to talk to Carnelian alone. 'I suppose you'd better know.' She looked unhappy. 'We have had to take some of their children away from them. There's no other way we can be sure to be safe when our men are away.'

  Carnelian was aware she would not look him directly in the eye.

  'We have to send them away to ensure the good behaviour of their mothers.' 'Send them where?'

  'Galewing will take them with him tomorrow when he returns to the Master.'

  Carnelian could not believe this. 'If you must take their children, why not bring them up here where you can keep an eye on them?'

  When Akaisha would not answer, he took her hands in his. She glanced up at him.

  'Surely you u
nderstand, Carnie? How could we hurt them ourselves?'

  Carnelian let go of her hands. 'But you're happy to let the men do it?'

  'It won't come to that. Their mothers would do nothing to risk their children.'

  'I can't believe you want to send any children out there, among the herds and the raveners. Who'll care for them?'

  Akaisha grimaced. 'We can't have them here. We can't.'

  'What do you fear, Akaisha?'

  She shook her head in answer. He thought about it.

  'Is it that having them among the hearths the women won't be able to distinguish the Bluedancing children from those of the Tribe?'

  Akaisha looked up at him and there were tears in her eyes. 'What have we become?' she whispered. 'What have we become?'

  Akaisha conspired with Carnelian to draw out breakfast as long as they could. It was the other overseers gathering waiting for them at the edge of their rootearth that eventually forced them to rise.

  'We'll have to face it some time,' Carnelian said.

  With the others, they marched in silence down to the camp of the Bluedancing. When it came in sight, Carnelian was as reluctant as everyone else to go any nearer, but he pushed forward nonetheless.

  The Bluedancing seemed carved from wood. Carnelian tried not to catch glimpses of their eyes as they were ordered to their work. They shuffled along, their chins digging into their bony chests. They looked like sartlar.

  He accompanied them to the ditch and, removing his robe, was determined to work among them as he had done for days. It made him feel better to be sharing their labour.

  He clawed at the mud, but hard as he worked, he was aware of the space there was around him. Every time he glanced up he would catch glimpses of the hatred in their eyes. It sapped his strength. Their eyes made him question why he was sharing their work. Was it that he was doing penance for the guilt he felt? Was it that if he pretended to share their suffering no one would be able to blame him for his part in what was being done to them? It was Osidian who had brought all this about, but who was it had brought Osidian to the Koppie and at every turn protected him, nurtured him until he had grown into what he was today? Ultimately, Carnelian could not pretend his hands were clean of any of Osidian's crimes. He dropped his mattock and looked at his red, earthy hands. He left the ditch. It was about time he took responsibility for what he was and what he had done.

  He ceased work with the Bluedancing but tried instead to get as much food and water as he could for them. He made sure to keep an eye on their Ochre overseers. He understood what spurred these women to cruelty. Sometimes, when he saw the thin arms of the Bluedancing plucking at the red earth, he grew enraged, desiring to lash them, to heap abuse on them, but he had delved deep enough to see this was guilt taking possession of him: by bringing his victims low, he could hope to justify keeping them in their place.

  He did not judge the Ochre. They had lived all their lives with the constant threat of having their children stolen from them. It was not easy for them to have become the very thing they most hated.

  Days later Carnelian, worn down by another day working as an overseer, returned to the hearth desperate for its familial warmth. Sil and the other women were lining their bench. A smell of stew was drifting in the air. He went to wash first and smiled when one of the children greeted him, then jumped when something in the shadow under the mother tree moved.

  'You,' he gasped, seeing it was Osidian.

  'I have come to impart to you the role you will play in my great hunt.'

  Osidian said no more and Carnelian was glad when he left him alone to his washing, for it gave him time to order his thoughts. When he joined the hearth he found Osidian was not there.

  'Ravan?' Carnelian asked as Akaisha handed him a steaming bowl.

  The Master came without either of my sons,' she said, severely.

  'Did he say-?'

  'He said nothing.'

  Akaisha must have seen his anger, for she put her hand on his arm. 'We need him, Carnie,' she said, quietly. 'If his plan fails, the Tribe will starve.'

  He gave her a nod, smiling, and she released him.

  Carnelian carried the bowl to his sleeping hollow. Osidian was there.

  'I have brought you some food,' Carnelian said, in Quya.

  'Leave it on the ground,' the shadow replied. Carnelian put the bowl down. 'Are the hostage children well?'

  'Well enough.' 'Was that your idea?'

  Osidian smiled. 'Amusingly, the savages thought it up entirely on their own. It seems they have the capacity to learn something from their superiors.'

  'Why are you training the Ochre for war?'

  'Carnelian, you have known my intentions since the day we reached the Earthsky.'

  Carnelian became exasperated. 'You really believe the Ochre can win you back your throne?'

  They shall be but the first tribe of my host.'

  'Plainsmen against the legions?'

  'My first move in the game that is to come.'

  Carnelian felt he was talking to a madman.

  Osidian took him by the shoulders. 'Believe me, Carnelian, we shall return to Osrakum and regain everything we have lost.'

  Carnelian took a step back to break the hold Osidian had on him. 'Even if you were successful, you would be returning to Osrakum alone. I shall remain here with these people.'

  'I will not allow that,' said Osidian, his voice ice.

  '"You will not allow?" You may control events here, Osidian, but you do not control me. I know you could manipulate me, use force even, but my heart will no longer yield to you.'

  Carnelian felt Osidian's anger in the stillness. 'In addition, I will play no further part in your schemes. If you continue on your path I will do anything I can to stop you.'

  Osidian smiled. 'Anything?'

  Carnelian restrained his lust to punch Osidian's white face. He thought of again threatening to betray his plans to the Elders, but he feared what Osidian might do to Fern. A murmur was coming from the hearth.

  Osidian chuckled. Thinking up threats, Carnelian?' He grew serious. 'I will devise a way to change your mind, but take care; what I have set in motion here cannot easily be stopped. Whether or not you decide to oppose me, accept that your precious 'Tribe" can never return to the life they had. Either they shall follow the path I have chosen for them or else they will be destroyed. However much I may feel the God working through me, a successful outcome is not assured, but be certain of one thing: I alone can hope to control the forces I have unleashed.'

  Carnelian felt he was being possessed by Osidian's vision.

  'Are you sulking, Carnelian?'

  It seemed a different person saying that. Carnelian felt annoyed at being spoken to like a child and then, realizing how childish this was, he smiled.

  Osidian glared. 'Do you mock me, my Lord?'

  This made Carnelian burst into laughter, which he took some time suppressing. 'Not at you… at me,' he managed to say.

  As the tremors of mirth subsided, the horror flooded back.

  'You were going to tell me about this great hunt of yours.'

  Osidian frowned. 'You will play your part?' 'Do I have a choice?' 'Knowing you, none at all.'

  Carnelian could feel the faraway thunder through his saddle-chair. His aquar was very still as she blinked her enormous eyes at the horizon. Her eye quills twitched at every sound.

  'Make ready,' he cried.

  He was outside the Newditch on one side of the Horngate. Other riders formed a line with him stretching away into the lush fernland. On the other side of the gate under Sil's command was another line of aquar raked back, each hitched to one of the drag-cradles he had modified according to Osidian's instructions.

  The thunder deepened under the clear sky. The ground was now shaking so that Carnelian, seeing the breeze ruffling the fernheads, could imagine the earth they concealed was undulating with the slow rhythm of deep water.

  The riders, all women, coughed their tension. Carneli
an joined them in gazing off to where they could see the horizon darkening with a mounding mass. He swallowed past a parched throat.

  Closer and closer rolled the flood. The earth's shaking jostied him in his chair. His aquar's quills half-flared as she drew back her head and stared veiling her eyes with their inner lids. He rubbed his feet on her back to calm her.

  Carnelian began to see details in the flood. Necks reaching up to the sky like tornadoes.

  'Heaveners,' the cry of shock went up from the women round him.

  Carnelian sagged, knowing they were right. Osidian had said nothing about the giants being the victims of his hunt. Carnelian felt he had been tricked. The women were arguing among themselves. Should he sabotage Osidian's hunt? Gripping his saddle-chair against the tremors, Carnelian looked round at the fernmeadow. He relived the grinding labour of the Bluedancing; the conflicts among the Ochre. Could he dismiss all those sacrifices? Could he deliver the Tribe into famine?

  He surveyed the women, all pale indecision. He saw how they were having difficulty controlling their aquar. The heaveners were close enough for him to see the mountainous churning of their legs. It was now or never.

  'Light up now!' he bellowed.

  The women confronted him with stares. It was Sil who spoke for them. 'Carnie, they're sacred.'

  'Do you want the Tribe to starve?'

  That made up their minds. Craning round he saw more women flinging torches into the drag-cradles. The kindling piled on them ignited with a blast that caused Carnelian's aquar to take several steps forward. He let her go and saw at the edges of his sight the other riders lurching raggedly into movement. He urged his aquar into a run. Craning round, he saw his drag-cradle shaking and jumping, rolling fire into the ferns. Smoke the colour of old teeth was snaking in among their stems.

  Looking forward, he gasped with horror as he saw the heaveners' tidal wave was almost upon them. The quakes were rattling his bones. The saurian stench struck him so that he could almost not breathe. His left foot trammelled the aquar's back, insisting she keep her headlong lope towards the onrushing stampede.


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