A Curse Awakened: A Weird Girls Novella

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A Curse Awakened: A Weird Girls Novella Page 8

by Cecy Robson

  I bolted after Quennel. My sisters would see to Danny’s safety, and I needed to see to his father’s. I assumed Quennel had a boat waiting at the end of the dock to race after Giovanna’s. Her motorboat sped along the waves to a large yacht in the distance. I briefly saw her drape Mr. Matagrano’s lifeless form over her shoulder before she climbed the ropes like a black widow.

  “Can you swim?” Quennel asked. My widening eyes answered for me. “No? Then I shall help.”

  Quennel ripped me from the wooden pier when I tried to straddle one of the posts and launched us into the freezing ocean. I flailed with my paws pathetically, and gasped for air as I broke through the relentless waves. Tigers could swim, but they didn’t purr. I purred and was damn good at drowning. Just a few of many traits that made me weird.

  Quennel made sure I didn’t drown. He gripped me beneath my front leg and shot through the water—never taking a breath, but lifting me enough so I could take enough for both of us. My heart pounded, mostly with terror. I wasn’t afraid to fight the vamps, but I was afraid to be left to drown.

  Waves smacked against my chest as I wrenched my nose upward. Quennel continued forward, moving like a shark against the angry current. Despite the distance, he didn’t breathe until we reached the sprawling yacht, gasping when he grasped the lowest rung of the rope ladder. “Go, climb.”

  I caught the next rung with my human hands when he flung me up. No way could I climb this contraption as a beast. Of course our arrival had made too much noise. James Dean appeared with a harpoon gun and shot it my way. He missed me when I veered to the side, but managed to strike Quennel in the shoulder. I yanked on the rope when James tried to pull him, forcing him down to me.

  He punched me hard in the face, but his satisfied smirk turned to horror when my claws cracked through his sternum. He met my eyes briefly and exploded into ash. I ascended as fast as I could, with Quennel at my heels. We scrambled onto the deck as three more vamps appeared. Quennel yanked the harpoon from his shoulder and used it to attack. “Go, find your friend’s father.”

  I changed back into a tigress and barreled around the yacht until I caught a whiff of Mr. Matagrano … and Giovanna. She had him alone. I’d seen what she’d done to him in the presence of others. What was she doing to him now?

  I crept down the steps into a large cabin. There on a bed, Giovanna straddled Danny’s father as she smacked him in the face. “Tell me I’m beautiful!” she demanded. “Tell me you love me!”

  My hind legs catapulted me across the room and into her side, knocking the crazy bitch away from him. She kicked me off her, sending me soaring into the opposite wall. I rolled to the floor and onto all fours when Quennel appeared, covered with ash. I thought he’d zing her with some smart remark or insult before attacking. Instead he charged right at her without saying a word. He wanted her to die.

  They went blow for blow. Giovanna’s age and power fed her lethality. And although Quennel’s strength and speed made him a worthy match, he wasn’t enough. He needed a tigress on his side.

  I sank my fangs into her ankle, snapping the bones as her nails pierced through Quennel’s neck. The three of us rolled around, hurtling into every piece of furniture in the room. Quennel and I fought hard, but Giovanna continued to beat us like we mere humans. Despite our combined strength we needed more help.

  Help arrived in the form of crazy Brillo hair and stick-thin limbs.

  Danny hollered as he drove a knife into Giovanna’s heart. Her eyes widened and she paused, giving Quennel time to tear off her head in one brutal pull. With his fist, he pounded Danny’s knife further into her heart until all that remained of Giovanna was a mountain of ash.

  My body collapsed and I changed form again. My human self crawled across the floor and onto the bed where Danny lay with his father.

  “Dad. Dad, can you hear me?”

  His father groaned, but couldn’t speak.

  “We need to get him to Emme,” I gasped.

  Cheers erupted at the door. I jerked as two more vampires hurried in. One embraced Quennel, meeting his lips hard. “You did it, my love,” he said.

  He and the other vampire led Quennel to the door, allowing my sisters to pass before exiting. Relief washed over their soaking wet and trembling bodies when they saw me, but Taran swore when she caught sight of Danny’s father in his debilitated state. “Let’s go. Emme can heal him when we’re safe.”

  I gathered the throw blanket at the foot of the bed and wrapped it around me, then helped Danny lift his father.

  Quennel smiled when we stepped out. “Forgive our late arrival. It seemed Giovanna used your Coast Guard and the rest of her vampires to keep us busy at her home.” His smile softened as he took in Danny and his father. “It is good we both achieved what we wanted, no?”

  Danny appeared close to breaking down, but he still managed to speak. “Yes. Thank you.” His voice cracked when he acknowledged me and my sisters: “Thank you for helping me.”

  I tried to keep all my girl parts covered while giving Danny’s hand a gentle squeeze. “You’re welcome, Danny.”

  Taran stepped forward. “Look, this has been all shits and giggles, but we really just want to go home.” She glanced back at us. “We have new lives to begin.”

  Quennel motioned to the blond at his side. The blond grinned, flashing a bit of his fang. “I’ll take you back to your vehicle.”

  I exchanged glances with my sisters, unsure whether to trust any of the vampires. Sure, Quennel had helped, but he had something at stake for himself.

  Shayna leaned to whisper in my ear. “Blondie brought us to you, Ceel. If the vamps wanted to kill us, they would have already tried.”

  Point made. I nodded in their direction. “Um, okay. Thanks.”

  “Jerry,” the blond said.

  “Thanks, Jerry,” I repeated.

  The vamps stilled and looked out over the water. A distant roar signaled another high-power yacht’s approach. I tensed, worried that more of Giovanna’s family had found us. In contrast, the vamps relaxed their shoulders. The edges of Quennel’s lover’s mouth curved into a smile as he placed his hand over his heart. “The master is coming, Quennel. Do you feel him, dear one?”

  Quennel lifted his partner’s hand and kissed his knuckles. “Yes, Eloy. He will be pleased, no?”

  “Indeed he will,” Eloy said.

  “Hell yeah,” Jerry chimed in. “You did it, Quennel. You earned your rank among the masters!”

  Emme leaned into me. “What’s happening, Celia?”

  “Their master is approaching.”

  Shayna’s head whipped in the direction of the incoming boat. It was now close enough that they could hear it, too. She snapped the metal clip from her hair and converted it into a dagger. Quennel shook his head. “That won’t be necessary, my friends. My master, Angelo Cusamano, will not harm you, I swear it.”

  He marched to the opposite end of the yacht and fell to his knees in a deep bow. His friends followed suit but remained at our sides. Within seconds, three vampires leaped onto the boat. The one in the center was wearing a silky blue shirt and a charcoal gray suit that hugged an ass I could have chopped veggies on.

  “Master,” Quennel said. “It pleases me to see you.”

  Angelo smiled and stroked Quennel’s long hair.

  Then he ripped Quennel’s head from his shoulders in one merciless yank.

  Everything happened at once. I shoved Danny and my sisters back while vamps on either side of Quennel held his flailing body so their master could dig through his neck and rip out his heart.

  My heart thudded painfully against my sternum and my throat clenched tight. That bastard. He’d never planned to give Quennel his own domain. He’d sent him to kill Giovanna so he could then rob him of his power.

  Jerry wrenched back Quennel’s lover, clasping a firm hand over his mouth. “No, Eloy.” The blond whispered low and frantically into Eloy’s ear. I couldn’t hear what he said, but whatever it was kept Eloy in
place, even though what remained of his love burst into ash before his eyes.

  Eloy choked back a sob and attempted to compose himself. Angelo ignored him to wipe his filthy hands on his slacks. He stepped over Quennel’s ashes and approached us, as if he hadn’t just murdered one of his family members.

  My claws itched to protrude and claw. Angelo smiled confidently. After all, he’d just absorbed the power of two master vamps, why should he fear us? “Ah, and who do we have here?”

  Jerry and Eloy stepped forward, keeping their gazes lowered. Jerry, although trembling, did all the talking. “These women and the men are allies of Quennel, master. They helped to defeat Giovanna, which in turn allowed you to inherit her power.”

  Angelo took another step forward. “But I don’t need them anymore, do I?”

  My sisters spread out, ready to fight, as six more vampires leaped onto the deck. Jerry stepped in front of us with his hands out. “I beg you not to harm them, master—their leader is a tigress!”

  Angelo’s head whipped in Jerry’s direction. “A were?”

  It was Eloy’s turn to speak up. “She transforms into a tigress, master. I fear for your safety should the weres learn she was harmed.”

  They were implying I was a were, without really calling me one. Smart, considering their master and every vamp present would be able to sniff through their lies.

  I let the blanket fall to my feet and changed form, then prowled around them, licking my chomps as if I couldn’t wait to take my next bite. The vamps could probably smell the extent of my trepidation with every breath I took. But I didn’t care. My goal was to give the impression that I belonged with the weres, even though I wasn’t anything like them, and they sure as hell were nothing like me.

  Angelo’s attention left me to focus on my sisters. “And the others?”

  “I don’t know what they are, master,” Eloy said quietly. “But they are her family. The humans’ memories can easily be altered, so do not fear for our discovery.”

  Doubt shadowed Angelo’s sharp features. He didn’t fully believe Jerry or Eloy, but he couldn’t dismiss the golden tigress stalking around them. “Get them out of my sight,” he spat.

  Emme reached for my borrowed blanket as Jerry and Eloy ushered my sisters, Danny, and his father to the rear of the boat. The vamps grabbed two at a time and jumped from the edge. I waited until they were all off the yacht, then followed, stopping to glance one last time at Angelo. He met me with a smile laced with sin and challenge. “Until we meet again, little tigress?”

  I had to work not to peel back my lips and bare my fangs. Should Angelo and I ever meet again, one of us would bleed. Of this, I was absolutely sure.

  “Ceel!” Shayna urged.

  I trotted to the stern of the yacht and leaped into the cramped speedboat. I landed as a human and quickly wrapped my body in the blanket Emme held. The boat shot forward, rapidly putting space between us and Angelo.

  Emme’s soft yellow light encompassed Danny’s dad. “He’s bruised and has lost a lot of blood, but I think he’ll be okay.”

  Eloy drove the boat in silence as tears streamed down his face. Jerry left him to place his hand on Danny’s shoulder as he hovered over his father. “Do you want him to forget?”

  Danny rubbed his face hard. He’d lost his glasses and could likely barely focus. But he saw and could sense enough of his father’s torment. “Yes. Please. Make him believe he’s been sick. And that all this has been a bad dream.” He sniffed. “I don’t want him remembering what that lunatic did to him.”

  Jerry nodded and did as he asked. Mr. Matagrano woke abruptly, terror streaking across his beaten face until Jerry’s voice lulled him back to sleep. It didn’t take Jerry long to influence his mind; Mr. Matagrano’s weakened state left him with little energy to fight. When Jerry finished, he turned to Danny. “I’m supposed to change your memory, too.” He glanced at each one of us. “And I’d do the same for all of you if I could. But I think it’s better that you remember.”

  We nodded. Some things, however painful, should not be forgotten.

  The boat continued along, skimming over the angry-looking waves and into the howling wind. The sun rose above the horizon just as Eloy maneuvered the boat into a dock far from the one we’d departed from. I supposed the vampires didn’t want to risk running into their master anytime soon.

  We headed down the beach toward Danny’s truck. Jerry carried Mr. Matagrano. He said that anyone passing by at this time would be more inclined to accept him carrying a man over his shoulder as opposed to me.

  My sisters remained tight-lipped on the long walk. We hadn’t known Quennel, not really. And although he’d insisted he was out for himself, he’d helped us and ensured our survival. Now his friends saw to our safety. Maybe the creatures of the night weren’t all so bad after all.

  We placed Mr. Matagrano in the back of the truck with Danny and Emme. Shayna took the center seat in front after Taran flat-out told her, “If you think we’re letting you drive back, you’re out of your goddamn mind.”

  I watched Eloy stare out to sea as his tears continued to draw lines into his beautiful face. My tigress urged me into the truck. My human side had me walking to Eloy. “I’m sorry for your loss,” I said. “I know you loved him.”

  Eloy wiped his eyes and sniffed. “You seem like a good girl, Celia.” His face softened when he met mine. “Do yourself and your family a tremendous favor and keep far away from the supernatural world. It is no place for someone with your heart.”

  He crossed his arms and resumed his grief-stricken posture. Jerry came to stand beside him. Together they stared out across the Atlantic Ocean, mourning for a friend they’d never see again.

  I left them to their goodbyes and returned to the truck. Taran stepped on the gas the minute I shut the door.

  As we veered onto the parkway, I leaned my head against the glass and thought about how Eloy had referred to me as a “good” girl, despite the viciousness he’d witnessed me unleash. I also thought about Nieve’s grandmother’s last words to us: “Bad things happen to good girls who stand against the dark ones.”

  We needed to stay away from the darkness. Me, my sisters, everyone. If the last two days had taught us anything, it was that the mystical world was no place for us.

  Too bad we couldn’t keep away. Too bad we ran into this weird new world full force. Vamps in Jersey were just the beginning of our journey into the supernatural. And hell, that world didn’t know what it was in for.

  Reader’s Guide to the Magical World of the Weird Girls Series

  acute bloodlust A condition that occurs when a vampire goes too long without consuming blood. Increases the vampire’s thirst to lethal levels. It is remedied by feeding the vampire.

  call The ability of one supernatural creature to reach out to another, through either thoughts or sounds. A vampire can pass his or her call by transferring a bit of magic into the receiving being’s skin.

  change To transform from one being to another, typically from human to beast, and back again.

  chronic bloodlust A condition caused by a curse placed on a vampire. It makes the vampire’s thirst for blood insatiable and drives the vampire to insanity. The vampire grows in size from gluttony and assumes deformed features. There is no cure.

  claim The method by which a werebeast consummates the union with his or her mate.

  clan A group of werebeasts led by an Alpha. The types of clans differ depending on species. Werewolf clans are called “packs.” Werelions belong to “prides.”

  creatura The offspring of a demon lord and a werebeast.

  dantem animam A soul giver. A rare being capable of returning a master vampire’s soul. A master with a soul is more powerful than any other vampire in existence, as he or she is balancing life and death at once.

  dark ones Creatures considered to be pure evil, such as shape-shifters or demons.

  demon A creature residing in hell. Only the strongest demons may leave to stalk on e
arth, but their time is limited; the power of good compels them to return.

  demon child The spawn of a demon lord and a mortal female. Demon children are of limited intelligence and rely predominantly on their predatory instincts.

  demon lords (demonkin) The offspring of a witch mother and a demon. Powerful, cunning, and deadly. Unlike demons, whose time on earth is limited, demon lords may remain on earth indefinitely.

  Den A school where young werebeasts train and learn to fight in order to help protect the earth from mystical evil.

  Elder One of the governors of a werebeast clan. Each clan is led by three Elders: an Alpha, a Beta, and an Omega. The Alpha is the supreme leader. The Beta is the second in command. The Omega settles disputes between them and has the ability to calm by releasing bits of his or her harmonized soul, or through a sense of humor muddled with magic. He possesses rare gifts and is often volatile, selfish, and of questionable loyalty.

  force Emme Wird’s ability to move objects with her mind.

  gold The metallic element; it was cursed long ago and has damaging effects on werebeasts, vampires, and the dark ones. Supernatural creatures cannot hold gold without feeling the poisonous effects of the curse. A bullet dipped in gold will explode a supernatural creature’s heart like a bomb. Gold against open skin has a searing effect.

  Grandmaster The master of a master vampire. Grandmasters are among the earth’s most powerful creatures. Grandmasters can recognize whether the human he or she turned is a master upon creation. Grandmasters usually kill any master vampires they create to consume their power. Some choose to let the masters live until they become a threat, or until they’ve gained greater strength and therefore more consumable power.

  keep Beings a master vampire controls and is responsible for, such as those he or she has turned vampire, or a human he or she regularly feeds from. One master can acquire another’s keep by destroying the master the keep belongs to.


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