Seraphina: Initiation

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Seraphina: Initiation Page 13

by Sheena Hutchinson

  “That doesn’t bother you?” he asks knowing the inner desires of my heart full well. I look at him as his blue eyes are searching my face for a clue into how I’m really feeling, Him and I for eternity? I can deal with that.

  “No, I don’t think I could go back to the way things were before either,” I have to look away shyly as I admit this to him. I don’t know why admitting my feelings make me slightly nervous still. Maybe because once they are out there, someone can try and use them against me. He smiles putting his arm around me pulling me into a side hug. I smile to myself still not able to look at him before thinking out loud, “Why me?”

  “What do you mean?” he leans toward my ear.

  “Why me? Of all the Humans in all the world, why me?” I clarify finally turning slightly to meet his eyes. He smiles as he responds to my questions without missing a beat.

  “I have no idea,” he sighs before continuing, “But, maybe it has something to do with those hazel eyes of yours that change with your mood, or the fact that the red of your hair brings out the color in your cheeks, or, maybe it could be because I feel your emotions stronger than I can feel my own, it could even be that the curve of your body fits perfectly into mine, but …then there’s the way your eyelashes seem to go on forever, like your legs. It’s even in the way your fingers fit perfectly into mine… it’s like we belong together.” He finishes as his fingers play with mine in his lap accentuating his last point. Flattered and completely satisfied with his response I turn my silenced face back towards the fire and take another sip of wine.

  After a few more sips I begin to feel a little dizzy and I can’t seem to help the giggle that escapes my throat. Nate looks down at me curiously before smiling and bringing me closer to whisper, “Told you so!”

  It just makes me giggle louder and I have to change the subject, “So what else do you research besides me?”

  I feel him clench up underneath where my body meets his. I think he was hoping the subject was changed, “Uh, well, I’ve been keeping track of the disappearances, break-ins and such.”

  “Any findings, Sherlock?” I pry deeper, even with a little wine in me; my mind seems to be on point.

  I watch as his jaw muscles clench before he responds, “The disappearances have stopped completely last week.”

  “Well, that’s good!” I mutter taking a sigh of relief.

  “No, I don’t think it is…” he leans up from the couch causing me to have to sit up from him. Leaning his elbows on his knees he begins again, “It’s getting closer, Sera. I can feel it. The amount of evil has doubled in this town. They have the numbers they need and they are just waiting… waiting for something.”

  “For what?” I ask the universe, but Nate is the only one that responds.

  “I don’t know, it’s the strangest thing it’s like the whole town of Angelica has this cloud over it. Like the evil is so overwhelmingly present it’s causing this smog.”

  Why didn’t I see this before? If only I wasn’t so consumed with what was going on with me I could see what was building this entire time. How could I have been so unfocused? The lack of sleep, the drama with Jack, it’s just what he wanted- he wanted me to be distracted. He wants me to die. Little does he know that’s not going to happen.

  “Nate…” I whisper and he turns to look at me from his position of staring into the flames, “Are you scared?”

  “No, the worst things I could ever have imagined already happened to me. I’ve had to watch you die, I’ve lost my position in Heaven, and I had my first –and last– fight with you. I have survived them all, nothing scares me anymore.” He tells me pulling me back into his arms again. I close my eyes feeling his body heat against my bare arm.

  “Whoa, you sure do have a way with words there pal,” I joke playing with his fingers in front of us again. I feel him smile behind me even though I’m facing the fire. “You know Nate, I really mean what I said before. I don’t think I could go back to the way things were. I always felt like I didn’t belong, like this world was somehow wrong for me. It’s as if I was born to be an Angel.” I place the empty wine glass on the table before turning back to face him, I want him to see my face as I tell him. “You gave me life, Nate and I can never blame you for what I’m missing out on if I had stayed human, because what you gave me is so much more. I was in a really bad way for a while and the only thing that kept me going were those dreams I had, those dreams of you.” I see him open his mouth to butt in but I put a finger up, “Now, I know you had nothing to do with that, but it’s all relative.” I take a deep breath forcing back tears, maybe the wine is making me a little emotional. “What I’m trying to say is… you saved me in more ways than one. You…gave me something to live for.” I finish my long-winded explanation in a whisper because I can no longer keep the coming tears at bay. I blink and begin to feel one trace it’s way down my cheek.

  He’s silent for a few seconds staring back at me with his soulful blue eyes. Even though he never says a word I can feel his emotions rising up inside him. He reaches out to wipe the tear from my cheek and I feel his love for me, smell it, taste it, his love is intoxicating. Before I can blurt out anything else, he slides his hand out to my cheek, grabs my face, and kisses me passionately. My heart begins to beat so loud I can feel it in my ears. I reach my hand out to his chest and his heart seems to match the speed of mine. I can feel the heat and passion emanating from under where my hand touches his skin. His fingers find there way into my hair as our tongues intermingle. It takes all the strength I possess to finally pull away from his lips. I can’t even look at him or I won’t be able to stop myself. I put my head back on his chest and try to catch my breath again as I listen to the beat of his heart slow as well. His hand reflexively lands on my head before he starts running his fingers through my hair. Closing my eyes I try and ignore what my senses are telling me. I try to get my mind off his touch by thinking about something else.

  “Nate…” I murmur against his chest.

  “Yes Babe,” Babe! He just called me Babe!

  “Do you ever think about what would happen if I died? Would I go to Heaven?” I pause before another thought comes to me, “… if I went to Heaven, where would you go if you died?” I blurt out losing some inhibitions because my mind has gone a little fuzzy from the wine.

  “To be honest, I worry about that every single day,” he whispers into my hair before kissing it softly.

  Chapter 23: Metamorphosis

  The incessant ticking of the clock on my mantle is what eventually wakes me out of my slumber. I blink a few times silently taking in the linens draped around the posts of my bed as well as the empty green chair next to the bed. It’s the quietness that drives my mind insane. I didn’t realize the shield would block all my dreams. I never knew what they meant to me until I didn’t have them anymore. To be perfectly frank, I kind of miss them. It’s boring and mundane without them, even for an Angel. Hmm, maybe that’s my Angel superpower? My visions and I just took them away. Ugh, I roll out of bed smacking my head and traipse my way into the closet. This is why I need my dreams, otherwise the quiet drives my mind insane. I wiggle out of my pajamas and kick them into the corner before washing my face in the sink. I pause as my reflection stares back at me. Now that I think about it, I haven’t looked in a mirror since Lucifer sent me that not-so-subtle message. Curiously, I watch the reflection staring back at me, she’s so different. My hair is so red it can be confused with a dark fuscia, my eyes are translucent like Nate’s only the lightest hue of Amber glistens back at me. It’s my naked body that my eyes gravitate to next. I stand straight up inspecting myself like I had done only a few short weeks ago, only this time my body has definition—muscles even. My curves are defined and lean, my skin is pale and porcelain, flawless like Nate’s. Whoa, when did that happen? Which makes me wonder… I’m walking towards the bureau in my closet. Since I look pretty Angelic now, what would I look like in this thing? I ponder pulling the black suit off the hanger and hold
ing it up to my body. I zip into it and it fits perfectly. Like a glove it hugs all my curves in all the right places. I turn in front of the full length mirror by my shoe wall. The material is perfect, it’s durable, but I can move effortlessly in it. To test it I spin into a high kick, throw a few air punches before I’m satisfied. Checking myself out, the suit suits me, I chuckle at my internal cleverness. Something seems out of place though, maybe it’s my hair down my back. It looks ridiculous. So I decide to twirl it up into a bun, but as I look around I have nothing to hold it with, I reach over and grab two thin knives and stick them through my hair like chopsticks. Something’s still not right, I feel kind of naked, my straps are all empty of weapons. Purely for my own amusement, I start strapping in knives, daggers and I strap a large sword to my back and I even conjure two pistols and slide them under my belt. Twirling around at the finished product, I wonder what Amanda would think of me now. I epitomize Combat Barbie. I look pretty badass. I have to show Nate! I think excitedly as I’m already on my way downstairs.

  I skip down the stairs two at a time and into the dining room. Slowing only when I see him standing in the middle with his back to me staring strangely out the window before him. He turns feeling me approach and his already grave face turns white yet again, I’m starting to hate that look.

  “Sera, what made you put that on?” he asks me anxiously.

  “Uh, I don’t know, I couldn’t find anything to wear so I decided to try this ol’ thing on.” I admit, “Don’t you like it?” I flirt, spinning around for him, not grasping the seriousness in his tone.

  “Sera, something is wrong, tell me what you sense,” he instructs and I close my eyes. Opening my senses out past the shield. My mind slowly begins to make them out, hundreds of red eyes staring back at me from the shadows of the forest. My senses pick them up all around me like an alarm blaring in my head. How could I have missed that? How could I have been so distracted I didn’t stop to process anything outside of my little bubble? Because now, he’s brought them here, to our house—his army of possessions.

  “Nate…” I whisper not having the words.

  “How bad?” he asks me as if he doesn’t trust his own senses.

  “Bad, they have us surrounded.” I raspily choke out.

  “We don’t have to fight, they can’t get to us in the house it’s protected, but once we go outside…”

  “Nate! They are never going to stop. I’m not going to be a prisoner in my own house for the rest of my life. I’m not going to cower in a corner while they build up an army to destroy me. Let’s put an end to this now!” I swipe my hand as I finish indicating their eradication.

  Admiring my spirit he hides a smile as he nods to me. I let him run down to the basement to change and stock up his arsenal. When he comes back up, tosses me a few more guns before I really take in his black suit and I find myself blushing slightly. These suits leave very little to the imagination. The way the fabric clings to his abs make me turn to face the front door. Before I can take a step he links his hand in mine and leans over to place a soft kiss on my lips.

  “What ever happens, I want you to know that—”

  “No, don’t tell me now,” I interrupt placing a finger to his lips, “I will not jinx anything, Give me something to look forward to,” I state as I open the door and step out onto the porch with Nate right at my side.

  Chapter 24: Culmination

  Standing hand in hand on the porch, I can’t see anything beyond the trees, but I can sense that it’s there. My senses are on high alert. Once I walk through the protection of the shield I’m immediately hit with it. I can sense the evil, that vile smell overwhelms me, and leaves me with a disgusting taste in my mouth. Shaking it off, I confidently climb down the porch steps and wait for them to make the first move. I turn my head as I extend my senses, there’s so many of them and I can feel each and everyone. I also feel nature repulse around them, they are inhuman, unnatural and Mother Nature doesn’t want them here either. As soon as I have both feet on the grass, I can hear what sounds like a million footsteps of people charging at us. This is it, all my training and preparing has come to this. It’s my graduation, my initiation into being and Angel.

  They finally come into view as they charge out of the tree line. Dumbfounded when I see, they are all people, the missing people, with zombie-like faces and red eyes. All are in various stages of dress, like they had been stolen from their homes, beds, and even offices. Some move like robots, while others progress on all fours like animals. It finally hits me: I have to kill regular people, my people. These are humans, husbands, mothers, and even children. That’s how Lucifer plans on hitting me in my heart. Before I can think any further the possessed are running across our vast front yard now. I see what looks like an explosion burst out from the ground as their feet touch it, almost as if they had stepped on a mine, only it’s not fire power. It’s white and appears to be pure power. I glance over at Nate and he’s staring too until another explosion bursts my eardrums to the left and the possessions scream and writhe in pain until they collapse dissolving into the ground. My ears are still ringing when I hear another explosion come from behind the house. We stand our ground until they are infiltrating their way through more blasts of power. I stare still partially in shock as dirt is falling all around us before they begin to filter in from behind us as if they came from the cliff itself. I give Nate one last look as I squeeze his hand in a wordless expression of love before letting his fingers slip through mine and grab a gun at my waist.

  I bring the pistol up and fire off a few rounds towards the oncoming attackers. Direct hits all of them slump to the ground as more red-eyed people hop over them to get to us. I continue to shoot until the gun clicks that it’s empty and I let it fall to the ground. The front line of attackers are upon me now, only about five feet away. I blink a few times, but my mind is blank. I don’t seem to remember my training. I watch as the faces of people I saw flash across Nate’s television screen are staring back at me like monsters. One of them is my old Kindergarten teacher, another runs the bakery in town, my fellow Anglicans are being put to use against me. My very own fears staring straight back at me with crimson eyes and hungry disfigured faces.

  “Sera!” I vaguely hear my name called, but I don’t acknowledge it. I jump only when a shot is fired. It finally wakes me out of my trance as I turn to see a teenager slump to his knees on my side as the bullet wound leaks blood down his nose. I turn to see Nate lowering is gun, “Sera?! Are you okay?!” he tries again. I glance down as the kid disappears into the ground before my mind finally returns. These are no longer my people—they are not of this world now. I raise my head as I see a man in a suit approaching me first. My hand automatically reaches down, grabs a knife from my thigh before throwing it smack into the middle of his forehead. Like I’m on autopilot a dagger appears in my hand just as I throw it at a woman lunging for me. Her body disappears and my eyes are met with the red ones of a child. I almost don’t want to believe it. A child?! It’s the little girl that acts first wielding numb chucks like she is a ninja. I can’t seem to look at her as I reach for the gun on the backside of my belt and fire. I sense her fall, but thankfully I don’t have to think long because I’m faced with another set of scarlet eyes. I twist under the arms pointing knives at me and grab them, spinning him around to stab him in the back with a dagger I pulled from my sleeve. Like one of my dreams, I’m gliding and ducking with such grace and poise it’s like a dance. As I move from one advance I spin into a stab or a kick toward another. There are so many, I stop trying to make out faces, age, or gender—they are all enemies to me now. I surprise even myself at how well I actually fight. I find myself anticipating every movement, every attack. I’m able to deflect and I’m actually kicking ass. I glance back to see Nate making progress too, that’s when I spot a person trying to come up behind him.

  Nate! My mind screams in terror as one of my hands has a woman in a chokehold and I have no time to be verbal. He looks
up at me as if he heard me and is trying to figure out what the hell I just did. Without thinking, I reach for one of the knives in my hair with my free hand, pull it out, and throw it. It hits the oncoming attacker between the eyes. Only then does Nate turn around to see my handiwork as the possession falls to the ground with my chopstick sticking out of both sides of his head. Turning back to flash me a proud smile when he see’s what his training has done. I send him a wink and look down to crack the woman’s neck in my hands.

  Behind you! I hear Nate in the back of my mind. I spin into a kick and throw the attacker clean over a few others and into the vast crowd.

  Are we doing what I think we are doing? I mentally ask into the universe, but he respond with a slight nod. I’m going to regret doing this, aren’t I? Blonde—Ten O’clock! I quickly whisper back to his mind before he twirls into a roundhouse kick that sends the possessed head rolling into the dirt.

  Are you going to talk all day or do you plan on killing some attackers? OR do I have to handle them all myself? He asks my mind pulling a knife from someone’s back before bringing it into someone else’s jaw and through the top of their skull.

  Oh really?! I smirk before grabbing five throwing stars from my secret zipper in my arm, I bend slightly before swinging my arm letting each star lodge itself into the faces of a line of attackers in front of me before turning back to wink again. Without a word he turns to the crowd forming in front of him and extends his hands like I would, only what shoots out of his hands isn’t pure white power, it’s flaming fire. Like a blowtorch, fire extends from his hands lighting the possessed on fire. They scream in pain before sizzling to ash and floating away with the wind.

  Show off, I mutter pretending to be disappointed before trying to gather energy to show him up. Only before I do another attacker is on top of me and I have to go into combat-mode. It seems like every time I go to gather power I’m met with another attack. It’s as if they were instructed not to give me time. I almost believe they might have been… trained. My eyes glance around the crowd until I find what I’m looking for.


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