Paper Faces

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Paper Faces Page 12

by Rachel Anderson


  all clear: signal—often a siren—that danger is over

  antenatal: clinic for the purpose of treating and giving advice to pregnant women

  A.R.P.: Air Raid Precautions

  barmy in the army: slang expression for “shell shock,” a nervous condition resulting from prolonged exposure to battle conditions

  bath chair: wheel chair

  bloke: man, fellow

  brougham: one-horse carriage with the driver’s seat open

  bunting: flags and similar festive decorations

  chock: block or wedge placed in front of the wheels of a vehicle to keep it from moving

  cloche: portable, translucent cover for protecting outdoor plants

  cloth-ears: deaf because of inattention

  coal tit: small, grayish bird with a dark head

  demobbed: discharged from military service

  demob suit: uniform of a discharged soldier (“demob” comes from “demobilization”)

  Dick Barton, Special Agent: character in a radio series

  dosh: money

  dripping: fat melted from roasted meat

  eiderdown: down-filled quilt

  fifth columnist: member of a group working for the enemy within a country at war; traitor

  five bob: five shillings, equal to about thirty-six cents today

  flat: apartment

  flypast: ceremonial flight, usually to celebrate victory

  fortnight: two-week period

  frock: dress

  gas geyser: gas-powered apparatus for heating water

  gas mantle: gauze covering enclosing a gas jet, which becomes incandescent when heated

  grizzle: to cry fretfully

  Harry flatters: exhausted or fast asleep

  hatch: opening in a wall, usually for serving food

  hoarding: temporary fence of light boards around a building, often covered with advertisements and flyers called bills

  hooter: horn or siren

  hopping the twig: dying; “kicking the bucket”

  hot stone bottle: ceramic bottle filled with hot water; hot-water bottle

  hoyden: girl who behaves boisterously

  jumper: sweater

  just having you on: just kidding

  kip: sleep

  kit bag: large, usually cylindrical bag for a soldier’s equipment and clothing

  lift: elevator

  lino: linoleum

  lorry: truck

  meat safe: cabinet for storing meat

  mews: stables, usually with living quarters, built around a court

  milk float: vehicle for transporting milk bottles

  NAAFI: Navy Army and Air Force Institutes

  nappies: diapers

  not by a long chalk: not likely; “not by a long shot”

  OHMS: On His Majesty’s Service

  paper carrier: paper bag with handles

  peaky: sickly, pale, unwell

  pensione: inn or boardinghouse

  petrol: petroleum gas; fuel

  pip: small seed of an apple, orange, grape, etc.

  plane tree: tall, spreading tree with broad leaves

  pram: baby carriage

  privies: bathrooms

  queue: line of persons awaiting their turn; also a verb meaning to wait in line

  R.A.F.: Royal Air Force

  recce: colloquial term from the word “reconnaissance,” meaning a preliminary survey of an area

  roller towel: towel with the ends joined, hung on a roller

  runner bean: a long, thin green bean

  scullery: back kitchen where dishes, etc., are washed

  Shank’s pony: slang expression for walking: using one’s own “shanks,” or legs, to get around

  smut: small flake of soot

  spillikins: game, also known as pickup sticks

  sticking plaster: adhesive bandage for wounds

  stone: large seed, or pit, of a plum, peach, etc.

  swede: rutabaga

  ta: slang for “thank you”

  telephone box: telephone booth

  threepenny bit: an English coin, worth very little (about two cents)

  titchy: very small

  tits: small birds

  trestle table: makeshift table, composed of a board laid across two supports

  trough up: eat heartily

  trug basket: shallow, oblong basket made of wood strips, often used by gardeners

  tucking in: another expression for eating heartily

  tussock: clump of grass

  Underground: London’s underground train system, or subway

  Union Jack: national flag of the United Kingdom

  Up Jenkins: game involving manual dexterity, in which one player hides a small coin between his fingers

  Very light: flare shot from a pistol for signaling, or for temporarily illuminating part of a battlefield

  vest and knickers: undershirt and underpants

  water butt: water barrel

  wireless: radio

  Henry Holt and Company, Inc.

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  Henry Holt is a registered trademark of Henry Holt and Company, Inc.

  Copyright © 1991 by Rachel Anderson

  All rights reserved.

  First published in the United States in 1993 by Henry Holt and Company, Inc.

  Published in Canada by Fitzhenry & Whiteside Ltd.,

  195 Allstate Parkway, Markham, Ontario L3R 4T8.

  Originally published in Great Britain in 1991 by Oxford University Press.

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  ISBN 0-8050-2527-8

  First American Edition—1993

  eISBN 9781466878778

  First eBook edition: July 2014




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