Dating Texas (Discovering Me #3)

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Dating Texas (Discovering Me #3) Page 9

by Ann Maree Craven

  “Hey, Becks.” Diego walked over to his workstation. He pried the scissors out of Becks’ hands.

  “What? I’m making leaves.”

  “How about you find us some good music to listen to?” Diego laid a hand on his shoulder, setting the scissors on the counter next to Kenny.

  “I think he just told you to stay in your lane, babe.” Nicky patted his knee.

  “My creativity is of a different sort.” Becks shrugged, sorting through his phone to find a playlist for them to enjoy.

  “Got room for two more?” Peyton knocked on the door. She carried one end of a huge rectangle of wood. A tall boy shuffled in behind her carrying the other end. “Where can we put this?”

  “In my room, just lay it on the bed for now,” Kenny called over the din of conversation.

  Diego followed her into the room, eager to see the game board she’d developed using his notes.

  “Peyton, this is beautiful.” Diego stared at her creation. She’d painted a masterpiece. It looked like a fancy board game with different colored squares guiding a pathway through the forest.

  “I used only natural products to make the different pigments. I stained the wood with tea bags.” She smoothed her hand over the surface. “And I used some rusted nails to make this really cool orange stain for the game squares. I made the brighter paint colors with mineral pigments and an eco-friendly paint base.”

  Diego walked across the room and threw his arms around Peyton. She’d gone above and beyond what any mentor would do, and she’d done it because she really got what he was trying to do. “Thank you. This is amazing.”

  “You’re welcome.” She returned his hug.

  “Sorry.” He took a step back and stumbled over her friend, stepping on his foot. “Oh, crap, I’m so sorry.” Diego turned toward him with wide eyes.

  “For what?” He looked around for the source of Diego’s distress.

  “Diego, this is my boyfriend, Cam. You just stepped on his artificial leg, he didn’t feel it, right Cam?”

  “Nope, not a thing, no worries, man.” Cam lifted his pant leg to reveal a stainless-steel rod where his leg used to be.

  “Oh, well, I’m story for stepping on your fake foot.”

  “He’s adorable, right?” Peyton beamed at Diego. She seemed to do that a lot.

  “Don’t mind her.” Cam leaned in closer. “She regularly adopts people. That look just means you’re her latest.”

  A camera flash flickered against the walls, and Peyton squealed in delight. “Asher, is that you with your camera?”

  “Yeah, I figured this is where you were headed with all these craft pieces. Want to talk digital specs for your final pieces?”

  “That is my cue to go pretend I have a clue what she’s talking about.” Cam clapped Diego on the shoulder as he went to help his girlfriend. “Nice meeting you, Diego.”

  Diego stood in the doorway of Kenny’s bedroom staring at all the people who’d dropped everything to come help him bring his creation to life. Emotion made his throat tight, and his eyes burned with the threat of tears. Was this what it was like to have friends who believed in you? He had friends among his peers, but they were academic friends. People of his own ilk who believed in numbers and science and their own brilliance. This was something different, and he really liked it.

  “Check this out.” Peyton grabbed his hand and led him back to the game board. She’d gathered several of the components the others were working on and started arranging them on the board. He was beginning to see her vision, and it was so incredible. The cut-out, crafty look had a three-dimensional quality flat graphics wouldn’t have. This was an excellent way to create a sophisticated design that looked impressive but didn’t cost much.

  “You’re a genius.” He studied the board and the arrangements of the cut-out trees and natural elements.

  “Now, imagine what we can do when we animate this? We can have all the components move as each player develops their game. It’s going to be so adorable.”

  “I can’t wait to see it come to life.” Diego was in awe of her skill. She’d seen his ideas and inspiration took root in her mind. “We make a pretty good team.”

  “Yes! I’ve saved the best for last. We’re going to work on these while the others finish the smaller pieces.” Peyton found a clear spot on the floor for them to work and spread several larger templates on the floor.

  “It’s the tree!” Diego was most excited about the tree concept. “I forgot to tell you I worked out the algorithm to make the tree grow when players level up.”

  “Wow, that’s some serious advanced coding. You’re going to be right at home at MIT.”

  “Assuming I get in.” Diego sat down beside her.

  “Please, with a project like this under your belt, you’re golden. They’ll love you.” Peyton rolled out a sheet of heavier cardboard and showed him how to use the templates to cut out the different phases of the tree growth through twenty-five levels. She’d designed the tree to have twenty-five pieces that fit together to make a huge tree the size of the playing board.

  “I can’t wait to have all of these pieces in digital format. I can work with them so much easier once each of these are pieces of code I can understand.”

  “We’ll have this baby in beta in no time.” Peyton held out her fist. He knew what to do this time and bumped his fist against hers.

  “Hey, Kenny, let's go for a run, I haven’t seen you anywhere near the arena all day.” Killian walked into the room in his workout gear. He glanced from Wylder and Will to Kenny and Asher and the secret service, a look of utter confusion on his face. “What in the world is happening right now?”



  Carrie Underwood’s voice blared through the room as Peyton raced to stop Becks from picking up a pair of scissors, her mouth forming the word “no” as he sliced through a piece of cardboard.

  “I thought Diego told you not to touch anything.”

  Becks crossed his arms. “No, he just said to put music on.”

  “What he meant was as much as we love you, you—”

  “Kinda suck at arts and crafts,” Nicky finished for her, biting his fist to keep from laughing.

  Killian watched Peyton gently guide Becks to the couch. “Why don’t you just have a seat.”

  Kenny appeared in front of Killian. “Hey, man, I’ve got to stay for a bit, and then we can sneak out when Peyton isn’t looking.”

  Killian didn’t know Peyton well, but one look at her told him waiting was a good idea.

  People were crammed into Kenny’s sitting room, drafted into the project. Killian’s eyes scanned the room from secret service agents to the president’s son to the country star and the NHL hopeful. It was quite the group of people.

  Then there was Diego. He hunched over some materials, his lips pressed firmly together. A crease appeared in his brow as he concentrated on the designs in front of him. Peyton kept talking at his side, but Diego didn’t appear to be listening any longer.

  “Can I get up now?” Becks asked.

  Peyton shot him a look. “No.”

  Nicky joined Killian and Kenny near the door.

  “Does he care that he isn’t allowed to help?” Killian asked.

  Nicky shook his head. “Becks…he’s used to this. One of my favorite things is watching him and Peyton go head to head.”

  “How’s the tour going?” Kenny asked.

  Nicky sighed. “More than halfway through, thank God. I’m ready to have him home.”

  “Nicky.” Peyton’s eyes found them congregated by the door. “You’re slacking.”

  “Duty calls.” He stopped at the couch on the way to drop a kiss on Becks’ cheek before helping Peyton to her feet. She led him to another part of the room and started explaining how to cut something.

  “Ken, can you give me a hand?” Asher called.

  Kenny didn’t even protest. Instead, a stupid smile came over his face as he left Killian for Asher. />
  “And then there was one.” Killian walked through the room, stopping behind Diego. He’d started cutting out birds from the plastic sheets in front of him. He worked slowly, meticulously, as if everything had to be just right.

  His strong hands turned the plastic, allowing for better angles. Killian could have watched him work with such intensity all day. Moving to his side, he knelt down.

  Diego looked sideways, a small smile coming to his lips as his eyes met Killian’s. “You came to help me?”

  Killian wouldn’t tell him he’d only arrived looking for Kenny, because in that moment, he wanted to be the friend who’d shown up, the one going out of his way for a guy like Diego.

  “What do you need from me?” That was a loaded question, but he hoped Diego took it the way it was meant.

  And he did. “Grab some scissors. I’ll show you how to cut the birds.”

  Killian retrieved a pair of scissors and rejoined Diego. “You’re good at this.”

  Diego’s face flushed. “Not really. I’m just doing what Peyton told me to.”

  “Why do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Pretend you aren’t good at anything?”

  “Well…” Diego paused. “I’m not. Not like you. I can’t skate or rope cows or whatever you cowboys do.”

  Killian laughed. “Again, with the cowboys. Why do you think that’s me?”

  “You’re from Texas.”

  “Okay, well, you’re from California, so that must mean you’re just a surfer, right?”

  “Not all… Oh, I get what you’re saying.”

  That was a first. Killian grinned. “But I am a Texan who grew up working on a ranch and riding horses.”

  “See?” Diego bumped his shoulder. “Cowboy.”

  “Just because you couldn’t skate doesn’t mean you aren’t good at anything. Diego, I’m pretty sure you’re the smartest person I’ve ever known.”

  His cheeks reddened. “No, I’m not.”

  “Will you take a damn compliment?”

  Diego shrank away from him, and Killian mentally kicked himself. Silence stretched between them as they focused on cutting their birds, but Killian couldn’t help but notice his looked quite a bit different than Diego’s.

  “Um.” He held one up. “Is this right?”

  Diego bit his lip, and Killian wondered if he was trying not to laugh. “Maybe, you’d be more comfortable on the couch next to Becks.”

  “Are you putting me in time-out?” Killian grinned. “You are, aren’t you?”

  “No!” Diego stammered. “I just… Please don’t help anymore.”

  A laugh burst out of Killian. “Whatever you say, man.” He got to his feet and walked over to take a seat next to Becks.

  “We’ve been banished.” Becks crossed his arms.

  “Maybe, they’re just mad about this awful music you put on.”

  Becks gasped. “The Underwood? You take that back.”

  “Fine. She’s kind of awesome. But don’t you dare tell anyone I said that.”

  Becks started humming along with the song before belting out the last line. Every eye in the room turned his way.

  Diego was the only one who spoke. “I thought he was supposed to be good.”

  Laughter wound through the room, coming from everyone except Diego, who didn’t seem to get what was so funny. Confusion deepened the lines of his face.

  Killian got off the time-out couch and approached Diego.

  “What’s so funny?” Diego asked.

  Killian gripped his arm and pulled him away from the others. “You just said Becks sucks.”

  “No, I didn’t.”

  Killian leaned against the wall and eyed his roommate.

  “Okay.” Diego sighed. “I just replayed my words in my head. I need to go apologize.” He turned to leave, but Killian gripped his wrist, pulling him back.

  “No.” He leaned in. “Do you see Becks right now? He’s laughing and grinning. Not everyone takes everything so seriously.”

  “You do.”

  What was a guy supposed to say to that? It wasn’t untrue. “That’s because most things in my life have been serious.”

  “You’re smiling today around these people. Do they make you happy?”

  Killian had never known anyone who asked whatever he wanted to know. Heck, he’d never known anyone who wanted to know about his happiness besides his family. He’d spent so long just wanting to get through school, ready for the future to start, he hadn’t enjoyed a minute of the present.

  In the past few weeks, with these people… “Yeah, Diego. They make me happy.”

  “Do you think…” He shifted his eyes away. “Do you think they could make me happy too?”

  “Where did you come from, Diego?”

  “Venezuela.” He shrugged. “At least on my mom’s side.”

  Killian couldn’t contain the smile sliding across his face at the literal way Diego took everything. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “I’m not really sure why you keep saying that. I’m quite normal.”

  A knock sounded on the door. Kenny answered it and stepped back to allow Headmistress Jones into the room.

  Killian cursed as Diego’s wide eyes met his.

  Mrs. Jones scanned the crowded room before her eyes settled on Kenny once more. “We have rules for a reason, Mr. Montgomery. No one is allowed onto this campus who doesn’t belong here.”

  Peyton tried to step in. “Headmistress, I’m so sorry. This is my fault.”

  “Miss Callahan, when I gave you the security pass, it was so you could mentor Diego from the campus coffee shop, not bring an army of your friends into our dorm buildings.”

  Peyton backed down. “I’m sorry, ma’am.”

  “Diego Jackson.”

  Diego hesitated only a moment before straightening his shoulders and approaching Mrs. Jones. “H-hello. I’m sorry. They’re only here to help me.”

  “I see that. But we have strict policies here for a reason and do not tolerate anyone breaking them. I don’t care if your guests are the president’s son or a music person.”

  “Musician,” Becks corrected.

  Nicky shot him a look, and he shut up.

  Mrs. Jones continued. “Everyone who is not a student at this school and staying on campus for break must leave immediately. We will find an appropriate venue for you all to help Diego with his project, but Kenny’s dorm room is not that place. As for the rest of you, meet me in my office in twenty minutes.”

  She left, shutting the door behind her.

  Everyone stayed silent for a moment. Great. Just what Killian needed. Whatever punishment she gave them wouldn’t be fun.

  “How’d she even know you all were here?” Kenny asked the question on everyone’s minds.

  Nicky glanced at his phone and groaned. “Really, Becks?” He unlocked his phone and checked his Twitter notifications. “My pea-brained boyfriend sent out a tweet.”

  Beckett Anderson: Helping my sister at her school today! #ArtsandCrafts #Sexybecksy

  Then there was a picture of some of the materials.

  Peyton stomped over to Becks and flicked him on the side of the head. “You’re an idiot.”

  “Why’d you go through the trouble of hiding your car if you were just going to tell everyone you were here.” Wylder joined Peyton and crossed her arms.

  Kenny sighed. “Guess you guys should get out of here.” He kissed Asher. “I’ll try to sneak out later to the hotel.”

  As they filed out, Becks asked, “Should I be weirded out or flattered the headmistress is following me on Twitter?”

  Nicky slugged him, shutting him up as they disappeared down the hall.

  Only Kenny, Will, Killian, and Diego remained. They looked at each other before filing out the door, feeling like they marched to their deaths.

  The administration building sat across the quad from the academic buildings. Only one of the front double doors was unlocked. Most of the staff
were gone for the break, but the headmistress’ office was at the end of the wide hall.

  Her cherrywood door stood open, revealing a large room with a window overlooking the quad spanning the back wall. Killian had only stood in this office once before when he first came to Defiance Academy and Mrs. Jones gushed about how happy they were he was there and what was expected of him to keep his scholarship.

  Basically, he had to stay out of trouble.


  Diego’s face was unnaturally pale when Mrs. Jones greeted them at the door. She wasn’t an intimidating woman, but she had a demeanor that demanded respect.

  She smiled tightly as she waved for the four boys to sit in the chairs along the wall near the door. Lowering herself into the chair behind the desk, she steepled her fingers.

  Trying to calm Diego down, Killian leaned in and started whispering to him in Spanish, not wanting the others to hear. He told him it would be okay and that he wasn’t leaving him. But with each word, Diego seemed to stiffen.

  “Stop,” he hissed.

  Killian pulled back. “What’s wrong?”

  “The Spanish… Just stop.”


  “I don’t speak it, okay! Everyone assumes I do because I’m supposed to and all that. I’m Hispanic, yeah? But now, I’m sitting here waiting to be punished, and some Texas white guy speaks my mom’s language better than I do.”

  Killian had never even considered Diego couldn’t speak Spanish. Growing up in San Antonio, it was just something his mother taught him. The ranch he worked on was owned by a Hispanic couple, and he was one of the only American Spanish-speaking farm hands. It was just always part of his life.

  Now, he felt kind of bad.

  Diego seemed to have forgotten the exchange as he stared at Mrs. Jones and sucked in a harsh breath. “I’ve never been in trouble,” he burst out. “I swear, I won’t do it again. I just needed help, and it got so out of control, and I was just so overwhelmed that they all came for me, I just…” His words trailed off, and Killian shot him a look that said to shut up. Now wasn’t the time for his rambling, just like it wasn’t the time for fighting about languages.


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