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Marked. Part II: Becoming Noah Baxter

Page 13

by J. M. Sevilla

  “I don't know.” Jay places his forehead to mine, continually playing with me, and I'm barely able to concentrate on what he's saying, “Last time everything was happening so fast, and I wanted to make sure you knew I was feeling everything you were. I think now...” he sighs and softly kisses my lips. “I'm afraid that somehow I'm cursed, and if the universe hears me something will happen and you'll be taken away from me again.”

  How does he always manage to break my heart in more ways than I thought were possible?

  “I do though. You know that right?”

  I nod, not wanting to get choked up if I try to speak.

  “Good,” he gruffly lets out, his hands sliding around to get a better grip and tugging me so I slam right up against him. He brings his lips to my ear, “I'm going to fuck you into oblivion now.”


  We're in the private parking garage a block down from the bank. I'm watching Jay do a sweep of a black Aston Martin DB9 (I read it on the back), making sure it's safe after two guards did the same.

  When we went to get the keys, Ben was back to being friendly and caring towards me, even giving me a tour of his office, which to my disappointment was just an office, but this one had windows all around and the only elevator that takes you to the top floor. I literally had to bite my tongue to stop myself from asking what the top floor was.

  I think I scared Ben when I hugged him goodbye. He stiffly patted my shoulder in response. I made him promise to call me if something happened I needed to know about.

  “I'm surprised you're not worried about something happening,” I admit.

  Jay closes the trunk with a smug smirk on his face, “It won't be a problem, I'm driving.”

  Cocky bastard, but damn if I don't want to fuck him over the hood of this car right now.

  He opens the passenger side door and motions for me to get in. I sink into the leather seat in pure luxury heaven. This has to be the sexiest car I have ever been in, probably because it's also the most expensive car I have ever been in (or will probably ever be in again).

  Flipping his shades down, Jay pulls out into city traffic.

  “Do I ever get to find out what's on that file Ben desperately had to have?” The only thing I know about it is the seven numbers used to identify it.

  “Honestly, Lily, I don't even know. Vault's a private man, but from what I gather it's a list of every bank that's similar to Vault's and their top clients. You hungry?” He adds on, signifying he's done with this conversation.

  I nod, slouching down, bummed.

  “Good. There's a great place that has amazing eggs benedict. Does that sound good to you? They have a bunch of other stuff too.”

  “That's one of my favorites.”

  Jay smiles broadly at me, “For being so completely different, I love how many things we have in common.”

  “That's because we were made for each other.”

  I expect him to laugh at my response and how cheesy it is, but his smile widens. He relaxes back into his seat, taking my hand in his and giving it a squeeze.

  We drive out of the city and towards the coast, Jay's hand stroking the bare skin on the inside of my thigh. I think he likes to feel the goosebumps that form from his touch and the occasional tremble my body lets out.

  I roll down my window to take in a deep breath of salty sea air. This moment is perfect: the sun is shining, the waves of the ocean are calm and rippling, Jay carefree as he drives. A content sigh slips out.

  I don't allow myself to think about my departure; I want to enjoy the moment, because I'm not sure when I'll see him again.

  My throat forms a lump and tears burn the back of my eyes.

  Crap, this is exactly what I don't want.

  I turn on the satellite radio, searching for a station that plays the latest hits. I force Jay to listen to me sing as loud as I can, making him laugh at how I can never seem to get the words right.

  I can't wait for the day we can do this whenever we want, with no impending doom hovering over us. When we can just be a couple.

  “Fuck!” Jay cries out, startling me. His hand comes out to shove me against the seat at the exact moment a car hits our rear. I would have whipped forward if he wasn't restraining me. He curses some more, working the clutch and shifting to a higher speed, “Hold on.”

  He pushes a button on the steering wheel and the inside of the car rings from a phone. The minute it clicks he speaks, “I've got someone on my tail. Track us and send men out.” He pushes the button again. “Lily, for once you're going to need to listen to me.”

  Jay points to the glove box, “Take the gun in there.”

  With a pounding heart I do what he asks.

  “Are things about to get danger–” I don't get the chance to finish because the car behind us plows into us again, lifting up the back end of our car. I bite my lip to hold in a scream, knowing that's not going to help the situation.

  My head jolts as the back end bounces back into the road, Jay keeping control of the car.

  “What's going on?” I try to come out smooth, but I'm freaking out and there's no way of hiding it, “Is that him?”

  “I don't know,” Jay grits through his teeth. “Their face is shadowed behind the visor.” He slams his hand on the steering wheel, “FUCK!”

  I take in deep breaths, hoping to calm my nerves down. My heart is straining to burst out of my chest.

  “I can't catch a fucking break,” he mutters under his breath.

  Our car has gained some distance from the other thanks to Jay's driving skill. We got lucky that nobody is out today and the roads are clear. Or maybe we didn't.

  A long stretch of road is before us and Jay slowly releases the gas.

  “What are you doing?!” I screech, my side mirror showing the other vehicle catching up to us.

  “I need to find out who I'm dealing with so I know how fucked we are.”

  My stomach knots and I distract myself from going into hysterics by inspecting the gun, becoming familiar with the weight of it.

  The other car takes the bait and pulls along side of us, trying to swerve us off the road. I keep one hand on the “oh shit” bar and the other around the gun.

  Jay remains in control, not letting the car move us too much, “I need to focus, can you see who's in there?”

  I lean forward and actually sigh with relief, because it's some forty year old looking guy with a bad comb over, “It's not him. It's only some other guy.” It's only some other guy? How can I sound so casual about it? He's still trying to get us. I shake my head, finding amusement over the fact that this brought me a smudge of comfort.

  “Thank God,” Jay exhales.

  The other car slams into our side, Jay having a harder time controlling it. I'm just thankful we are not on the other side with the cliffs. Our side has hills, but I'd rather crash into those than go over an edge.

  “Okay, up ahead is a turn. I'm going drift it so you face his front. Do you think you can handle shooting a tire or two?”

  “You're shitting me, right?” Now it's my turn to be cocky.

  Jay guns it and grins, successfully getting ahead of the car again, “That's my girl.”

  I double check that the gun is ready to go and roll my window all the way down, “I'm going to need to unbuckle.”

  Jay swipes his head, “Shit, Lily, that makes me way too fucking nervous.”

  “Worry about driving, not me, okay?”

  He takes in a gulp of air, expanding his chest, and nods his head while letting it all flow out.

  “Pretend I'm Charlie or something.”

  “Charlie wouldn't wear that kind of dress, it doesn't have any pink on it.”

  I can't tell if he's messing with me or not and I don't have time to figure it out.

  I sit on my knees to make it easier to lean part of me out the window, waiting to aim until Jay begins turning the wheels into the corner. The minute the back end drifts behind us my arms extend, finger on the trigger.

  Trying to focus with the wind blowing my hair into my face while we're drifting around a corner is almost impossible.

  The first bullet that leaves the muzzle hits the rim. I curse, take a deep breath, and remind myself to concentrate and shut the world out, knowing the opportunity will be lost any second as Jay comes out of the turn. I fire again, successfully hitting a front tire just before our car straightens out. I twist my body to better see out the back window.

  The other car spins out of control, only stopping when it smashes into a guard rail, it's side lifting up. I hold my breath expecting it to flip all the way over, but it lands back down with a thud, glass shattering.

  Jay turns the car around to drive back towards the vehicle, parking a yard away from it. He pulls out another gun and gets out, “Stay here.”

  I watch him creep over to the other vehicle, gun aimed.

  “What if it's a bomb?” I shout out the window.

  “He wouldn't have come after us like that if there was. Besides, the impact would have set it off.”

  Okay, good. It still makes me anxious watching him.

  I aim my gun up the road.

  “What are you doing?” Jay yells over to me, feet away from the driver's side door.

  “There's going to be another car.” There's always another car.

  Jay chuckles, “It's not going to be exactly like last time, Lily.”

  I don't care. I'm not taking any chances.

  “Baby,” Jay's voice is calm, as though he's trying to talk someone down from the ledge, “The guy's bleeding out, he's in a lot of pain. Are you going to be okay if know...”

  I glance over to an apprehensive Jay.

  “Is there any way he can make it?”

  He scratches his scruff before hollering back, “I really don't think so.”

  “Really? Or are you also worried he knows of my existence?”

  “Both,” he confesses, unashamed.

  I groan, “Why do you have to make this my decision?”

  “I'm not going to kill someone in front of you.”

  “I can't make that kind of decision, Jay. Do what you think is best.”

  A shot fires instantly, making me flinch.

  Jay's busy inspecting something when I notice another car barreling down the road at an incredible speed.

  Without thinking I hop out of the car and move around to the front, readying my gun to take it out. I hesitate as it gets closer, knowing it could just be a fast driver.

  “Do it, Lily,” Jay commands. “Take the chance.”

  My finger pulls the trigger the very moment he finishes the last word.

  This driver appears to have better control of his car, not letting it spin out of control as it fishtails. The driver seems to purposely turn it so he's heading straight for me.

  Before I have the chance to react, Jay plows into my side and we're airborne, crashing back down as we narrowly miss being hit by the car. It smashes into the metal guard rail, crumpling it's front end.

  Jay lifts up, staying on all fours above me, “Shit, baby. Did I hurt you?”

  I can tell I might have some bruises and scratches, but nothing serious, “No, I'm fine.”

  “I almost had a heart attack,” he kisses my head and stands, helping me to do the same, “I'm checking on our new arrival.”

  The driver's door opens as Jay gets closer.

  “The little shit,” Jay fumes, pulling whoever it is out by the shirt and throwing the body to the ground, kicking it in the ribs, “Were you trying to get us killed, motherfucker?!”

  Jay bends over the body and removes their gun. When he takes a step back I can finally see the man's face.


  He obviously doesn't have a desire to live.

  Jay pulls a cell phone out of his pocket and explains what just happened to someone on the other end, ensuring that they are close by to help clean this up before we get noticed.

  Asswipe takes the opportunity to reach down his leg, revealing a holster and gun. He pulls it out slowly to not bring attention to himself.

  I automatically fire, shooting a bullet through his hand, effectively sending his gun flying over the edge.

  Jay looks over at me, eyebrows raised in surprise, “Thanks, babe.”

  I shrug, like I do it all the time. With a shaky hand I wipe away the hair strands that have blown in my face from the wind. My dress also whips around me and I like seeing the way Jay seems momentarily paralyzed, eyes glued to the way it's clinging to my body.

  “You're so fucking hot looking with that gun in your hands.”

  Asswipe is moaning in pain, spewing a slew of curse words directed at me and how badly he's going to make me pay, sadly distracting Jay from telling me how perfect I am.

  Jay takes him by the throat, “Who else knows about her?”

  Asswipe doesn't respond,

  “I'll only help you if you answer.”

  “Just the guy I hired,” he can barely get the words out from Jay's tight grip.

  “You know what will happen to you if you're lying, right?”

  “You'll kill me?” Asswipe stupidly mocks.

  Jay gets right up in his face, “Worse. I will cut you limb from limb with a dull saw, taking my time cutting through the bone.”

  I scrunch up my face in disgust, “God, Jay, way to sound like a psychopath.”

  Jay glares at me for interfering. I curl my lips in, realizing he's just saying that shit to scare the hell out of him. Oops. That would be why he wants me keeping my mouth shut.

  Asswipe goes to speak but Jay tells him to shut it.

  “It's about time,” Jay mumbles in response to the black Escalade that arrives.

  Charlie is the first to get out. I wouldn't be surprised if Asswipe's next few breaths are his last. Charlie yanks a pained Asswipe, who's hand is bleeding all over him.

  Charlie informs Jay to get me out of here, they'll have this mess dealt with.

  “You tell Vault that he better not be an issue anymore, and Lily's safety better be guaranteed,” Jay mandates.

  “He won't be a problem, trust me,” Charlie reassures.

  That seems good enough for Jay and he leads us back to the car.

  As we take off, Jay is tapping the steering wheel with his fingers and his legs are bouncing, “I can't believe he tried doing that!”

  I still have a shit-ton of adrenaline flowing through me and can hardly sit still, “You're going to be pissed at me for saying this, but that was fun!” If I ignore the dead guy. I just have to remind myself he was hired to kill me, right? I can't even tell if that's right or wrong anymore.

  “Jesus, Lily. You were so fucking hot back there. Especially when you were leaning out the window, damn..” Jay grabs my hand and places it between his legs so I can feel how hard the length of him is, “I've been this way since then. Someone's trying to kill us and I fucking want you.”

  “I can't believe you were watching me and not the road!” I secretly love it.

  “I couldn't help it, the dress came right up over your ass. And the look on your face when you concentrate? Fuck me, it was sexy as hell.”

  My hand cups him more and he groans, tightening his hold on me, putting more pressure over my hand, assisting me in my strokes.

  I'm hit with a sudden urge for sex so strong I might go insane. “Is this the adrenaline making me feel this way?” I ask, unzipping his pants to get a better hold.

  Jay's eyes roll back as he nods, his voice hoarse, “Yes.”

  I stroke him harder while my other hand cups my breast, tweaking a nipple.

  The car speeds up. Both our windows are down, the sea air whipping my hair around. I close my eyes and let the high I'm feeling overtake my body. Jay places a hand between my legs and I roll my hips into it, needing more friction. I feel everything to the extreme, like I'm on a drug that has awakened my senses to the max.

  Jay growls, “Jesus, you're so wet your panties are damp.”

  A f
inger slides under, running between my folds. He brings it out and slowly licks it off his finger. I watch, my arousal taking possession of my body.

  I slide my hand down, wetting my fingers, Jay having a hard time concentrating on the road, wanting to watch me. When I feel they are lubricated enough I reach over and stroke his cock. His head falls back for a fraction of a second, his cock twitching in my hand.

  “Lily, baby,” he pants, “I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll see stars.”

  By the time we reach the garage and Jay has parked in the far back, we are both flushed, greedy to rip the other's clothes off.

  I slide out, ready to run to his place if I have to, never needing release so badly in my life.

  Jay has other plans as he comes around to my side, slamming the door shut and hooking an arm around my waist. His other hand wraps around my neck, backing me right up against his hard chest. His teeth bite down on the sensitive spot below my ear, sucking in with his tongue.

  “Jay,” I moan, grinding back into him. If there's ever a moment in my life I need to be fucked, it's now. I want it hard, I want it rough. I want to lose myself in it, not once considering we are in a parking garage for anyone to see.

  The arm around my waist lifts me, bringing us over to the hood of the car before setting me down, his mouth not once leaving my skin, taunting it with what's to come.

  I flip the back of my dress over my ass, sticking it out and placing both hands on the hood of the car.

  A hiss gets sucked between Jay's teeth. He backs up enough that a cold chill passes over my flesh. Material rips between my legs, Jay throwing my undies behind him. His warm hands roam over each cheek, massaging them in circles, giving each a hard slap.

  Jay's zipper comes down and material is moved. The flesh of his head rests between my cheeks, daring to enter the back, “There's not a part of you I don't plan on claiming one day, making sure your body never forgets who it belongs to.”

  A ripple of pure, overwhelming desire passes through me, anticipating the day he completely owns the very last of me.

  I open my mouth to respond but lose air when he pulls my hips back and slams right into me. At this moment he can't drive inside me hard or fast enough. I sense he feels the same way because he starts pounding me without giving us a chance to catch our breath, adjusting my legs so I can take it deeper than I ever have.


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