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Vulture’s Kiss

Page 8

by E. M. Whittaker

  Why was she entertaining this ludicrous idea?

  “Well, you’re a fighter, aren’t you?” His finger brushed against her lips. “Just answer my question and I’ll let you go.”

  “What… is… this?”

  “Whatever you want this to be.”

  What a loaded statement.

  Her fantasies ran away with her.

  Damn it all. Whirlwind romances didn’t get anyone anywhere. Just heartache and needless pain. She’d cry. Someone else would pick up the pieces of her broken heart.

  No. Not hers.


  Underneath everything lied a tortured soul cursed with existing as part of humanity. The pain she felt earlier only scratched the surface of his true feelings. All the pain of his last few relationships, his unfortunate shortcomings—even his hesitance at allowing her inside his world crashed into her.

  And yet, she couldn’t move.

  Evelyn almost forgot how to breathe.

  “I feel it.” Her whisper came in crystal clear despite her awareness floating away. “Your feelings. They’re so intense.”



  “I’m not sure.” His answer came in fragments. “Perhaps we’re connected somehow.”

  Connected? Maybe.

  It explained the undeniable attraction to him, though.

  “Either way, the answer is simple. Will you date me or not?”

  “Yes.” It took everything she had to form that single word. “I will. Now… let me go.”

  He pulled her close.

  The world reformed and gave her whiplash. Colors and objects blurred together, resembling a kaleidoscope. She held onto him, fighting through a wave of vertigo. The only solid things in her world were his body, faint heartbeat, and his spicy cologne.

  Cinnamon. Warm cinnamon.

  Her stomach rumbled.

  “I shouldn’t have pushed you so hard.” His voice deepened, sending a tingling warmth throughout her body. “I don’t use these powers much. A shaman taught me some of them back on the reservation.”

  She risked patting his knee. “Just don’t make it intense.”

  “I didn’t try to.”

  “I think I felt the remnants of your soul.” Evelyn furrowed her eyebrows, grasping for the right words. “It’s painful and heartbreaking at the same time. So please… don’t use your hypnotic powers on me again. Okay?”

  He rubbed her back. “You’re such a firecracker.”

  She slammed a fist into his thigh. “Promise me, damn it.”

  “Cross my heart and hope to die.”

  Evelyn groaned.

  God had a wicked sense of humor.

  “I should go.” She rose, sighing as she left his comfortable bed. “Other than this mishap, I had fun tonight. Don’t blame yourself for Simon’s stupid mistakes.”

  He leaned forward. “You’re nervous.”

  “A little.” Her voice cracked. “Who wouldn’t be? You’re you. I’m just a brute who breaks everything and lives in a one-bedroom apartment. Not that I’m complaining, but you’re one hell of an upgrade from my ex-boyfriends. They were absolute jerks.”

  He laughed. “You’ll get used to it.”

  No, she wouldn’t. She’d still be the chick eating tuna fish the week before payday and looking under the couch for gas money.

  “By the way, I can’t see you until next week.” He walked her to the door. “I’ve got an important project coming up and I can’t play hooky. Let me get someone to drive you home. I’m pretty sure Morgan wants an excuse to leave. He’s the same species as me, you know.”

  “Okay.” She kissed his cheek. “Call me later.”

  Louis hugged her, then left.

  Evelyn went back to the nightstand, snatched his handcuffs, and dropped them in her purse. They’d be a good memento for the evening.

  Then she found his wallet.

  Her hand hovered over it and she flexed her fingers. Her curiosity would kill her one day. She needed money, but she couldn’t steal his wallet and then pay her rent without feeling guilty. Then she would betray his trust.

  She shouldn’t do this.

  What stopped Louis from bailing on his commitment to her, though? He seemed like the overworking type. Businessmen lined up one important meeting after another, then worked ridiculous hours. Without a trump card, he’d have the advantage, putting her off whenever he had an important deadline.

  As a business owner, she played the game herself.

  She dropped the wallet in her purse.

  Next time, they would meet on her turf. Her apartment didn’t offer much, so her office would have to do. No one worked Sundays except her. When they were alone, she’d ask him about his nifty powers before fooling around again.

  He wouldn’t surprise her a second time.

  Evelyn smiled and headed down the hallway, keeping one hand on her purse. She waved to Morgan and exited the mansion.

  Time for him to make his next move.


  The next day, Louis sat in his study, reviewing his notes from last night’s meeting.

  He opened a planner, grabbed a pen, and jotted down key bits of information. He had a long week ahead of him. Somehow, the shareholders agreed to finance both projects before they left. How he managed that little miracle, he’d never know. Maybe he threw a fantastic party and left a good impression.

  Either way, Hector’s philosophy on business was on point. Most successful business deals happened when people sold themselves and got recommendations from people they knew.

  Of course, he needed more capital available for his special project—the budding cologne business—and Eisen left early. Too bad. Evelyn would have clicked with her. Everyone else like his new girlfriend well enough.

  Louis chuckled.

  His secretary could call Eisen on Monday.

  He grabbed a stack of Post-It notes and continued scribbling stuff down, pinning them according to the day he needed each task done. Several minutes later, he covered the pages in obnoxious yellow stickies. Project Organize-His-Week completed.

  Now, he had to conquer the unbearable part: the mountain of overdue paperwork.

  Louis leaned back in his office chair and grabbed a handful of papers, skimming over the minutes from Friday’s business meeting. Same bullshit, different week. Nothing changed except for their agenda. Hector had to find another supplier for their building material or he’d never finish building his casinos and their sports bar.

  His hesitation kept costing them money.

  He penciled in a business meeting with his friend on Monday morning, too. If he didn’t meet with him, Hector would make more bad decisions by Wednesday afternoon. Then Louis would have to clean up more of Hector’s messes.

  Jesus. He’d run the company at this rate.

  After completing his business itinerary, he closed his planner, sighing at the long week ahead of him. Then he placed his trusty planner and the meeting notes inside his briefcase.

  Office work didn’t suit him.

  He picked up another set of notes, this time from the financial department. The dhampir calculated figures while summarizing tedious notes the bookkeeper left for him.

  The cell phone vibrated on his desk, juggling closer toward his hand.

  Louis frowned, setting the paper in his lap. Just once, he’d like to finish organizing his week in peace. People couldn’t do one simple thing without bugging him for something.

  His phone needed a permanent unavailable function.

  The phone did a little dance toward his hand each time it vibrated.

  He picked it up before it dropped to the floor.

  Hector’s lighthearted voice greeted him on the other line. “Hey.”

  “I didn’t think you’d call me back today.”

  “Yo.” Louis propped his feet on the oak desk, then leaned back in his chair. “Did you sleep off your hangover last night?”

  “Till twelve, my friend.”

  Go figure. No wonder Hector sounded like the Energizer Bunny.

  “I wished I bagged a girl last night, but listen. We have to meet Eisen tonight. It’s about the deal we talked about on Friday, remember?”

  Louis repositioned himself in the chair, then leaned forward. “I tried meeting with her last night, but that asshole Hayes ruined everything. Well, him and freaking Annabelle. She’s not attending my events anymore.”

  “No, this isn’t about work.” Hector’s hyperactive voice turned somber within seconds. “I convinced her to meet with Arnold Trenabour about their disagreement. If we settle the dispute between them, she’ll stop being so distracted and meet with you.”

  He stood, locking his briefcase.

  They waited all week for this moment.

  Where Edith Eisen was the toughest investor on the black market, Trenabour dealt with trading illegal technology and firearms. Military weapons, magically enhanced tech—you name it. The man had his fingers inside the growing market. Between his connection and his genius marketing techniques, the man made himself a millionaire in less than three years.

  Like Louis, he lived comfortably and invested more money into his business, trusting Eisen with his finances. They hit it off. The two of them shacked up together a year ago and made wedding plans for the last nine months. All of a sudden, she moved out of his place, giving him the cold shoulder.

  She stayed distracted ever since they broke up.

  According to Hector, she moved out of Trenabour’s house when a mutual client spilled secrets about their business operations. Whatever happened caused a rift between the happy couple. He held a grudge against her and pulled all his investments out from underneath her. Later, he tried selling some of his stocks to Hector behind Louis’s back.

  He blocked it.

  Siding with Trenabour became a conflict of interest.

  As long as the two stayed at odds with each other, Louis would never get Eisen’s approval on his personal business venture. He needed her financial backing. Sure, he took a hit partner with her because her twenty-five percent investment fee, but he needed her invaluable advice. However, she couldn’t help him without having a clear head.

  They would reunite the troubled couple tonight.

  “What time are they meeting?” He rushed out of the study and headed toward his bedroom. “And how did you—”

  Hector sucked in a tight breath. “Don’t ask.”

  Louis stopped. “Did you bribe anybody?”

  “I might have mentioned money, yes.”

  Damn him. Of course, he’d offer money.

  He never dirtied his hands if he could help it.

  Louis entered the bedroom, heading straight to the nightstand. He paused, then stroked his goatee. He could have sworn he left his wallet next to the handcuffs he saved for special occasions. But those were missing, too.

  What poor depraved soul would steal a pair of cheap handcuffs?

  Maybe Annabelle’s brats snuck up to his room while he walked outside. Then again, Morgan locked the bedroom door. He supervised them in the living room after Evelyn got them settled. They couldn’t get past his butler if they tried. Morgan had faster reflexes than Louis and didn’t screw around about playing security detail. His old friend loved chasing after people.

  Security should have been his job.

  He knelt under the bed, sliding his fingers across the wooden floor.

  Damn. Nothing here, either.

  This turned into a fine clusterfuck.

  “Hector, we have a problem.” The businessman rose to one knee. “The money… it’s missing.”

  Something broke on the other line. “What?”

  “I left my wallet in the bedroom.” He knelt under the bed. “No one waltzed in there last night.”

  “You took Evelyn into the house, nimrod.”

  “True, but she was with me.”

  “You’re not close with her conniving cousin.” Hector’s voice turned taut. “She’s a goddamn klepto. Jem had to learn her behavior from someone.”

  His heart went into mini-palpitations.


  He power-walked to the pristine terrace. She didn’t seem like the type of woman to take things without someone’s permission. If only Annabelle’s children snuck into his room.

  Then he wouldn’t have to blame Evelyn.

  Besides, none of his guests went up to the second floor last night. They stayed on the terrace, mingling with other people or bothering them with their drunken behavior. No one left wandered off except a handful of people, but they stayed on the first floor, including the children.

  She had to be the culprit.

  But why?

  They settled their issues last night, but he didn’t suspect she would take anything. Their discussion ended on a happy note. He hugged her, then kissed her goodbye when Morgan escorted her to the car. He even promised to see her after work next week.

  So, why did she steal his wallet?

  Did she need money, too?

  No. Her blood aura crackled, then smoldered under the surface, even after their tender embrace.

  He sighed. He fell for the oldest trick in the book.

  Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

  “Hector.” He took a deep breath. “I think I know why she stole the wallet.”

  “Because she’s a money grubber like Jem.”

  “There’s two reasons.” They’re obvious, too. “The important reason is because she’s still upset I used my powers without her permission.”

  Hector disguised his laughter as a barking cough. “Adorable.”

  “The second reason is because she’s afraid I won’t see her again.”

  “Somehow, I doubt that.”

  “I know you smelled her. What came off her last night?”

  Hector’s answer came off condescending. “Hesitation. Then again, our conversation was pretty interesting.”

  “Good.” Louis headed back to the bedroom. “You’re on the same page. Now, try following me here. Whatever happened with Simon scared the ever-loving shit out of her. She’s scared to lose control.”

  “That’s what happens when a guy stalks you for two years. I’m firing him on Monday.”

  “We have this game between us, you see.” He crossed himself before he became hard. “She’s a sore loser whenever I come out on top. Unfortunately for her, she picked the wrong time to steal my wallet. Otherwise, it would’ve been a good move for her.”

  “Whatever.” Hector ended his word on a low hiss. “I don’t care about your masochistic fantasies. You need to get my money back.”

  “Swing by here.” Louis maneuvered through the menus on his phone until he reached his call log. “Give me her number again. I had it written down in my wallet.”

  “Goddammit, look in your phone, man. You remember what time you called her, don’t you?”

  No, but he could find out.

  So much for Hector being helpful.

  He scrolled through his outgoing call log, bypassing the business calls he made on Saturday morning. The florist and the caterers called earlier that day. They bugged him until eleven thirty. Then the florist called about the corsage he never picked up around one thirty.

  Then an unknown number popped up two hours later.



  He headed into his closet, grabbing business casual clothes. A polo and slacks would do. Eisen wouldn’t dress up to impress Trenabour, so why should he? Besides, if he met Evelyn, she’d try undoing his tie again. They way she tried controlling him was sexy as hell.

  This time, he’d have a suitable punishment for her when they met tonight.

  Darius chortled. Sure you will, boy.

  “Louie, did you find it?”

  “Yeah.” He tossed his clothes onto the bed. “I’ll try getting ahold of her now. Call me when you arrive, please.”

  He disconnected the call before Hector said anything else.

  Smart move, gen
ius. Darius cracked his knuckles. Now call our darling Evie before she gets too busy watching nighttime soap operas. So help me if anyone swears in Spanish. I’ll lose my shit.

  Louis pushed the old vampire back, losing track of the numbers he dialed. It wouldn’t surprise him if she indulged in those pointless shows.

  She had nothing better to do.

  Anyway, call her. We’ll come up with a delicious punishment for the shy girl together.

  For once, he agreed with his counterpart.

  Then he dialed Evelyn’s number.

  She answered on the second ring, lowering the background noise before greeting them. “Hi, handsome.”

  God, not now. Her voice came out husky and playful.

  Darius laughed. Good luck.

  She’d pay for this, all right.

  “Evie, I need my wallet.” Louis went back into his closet, reaching for the top shelf. “There’s something important that I need tonight.”

  She stayed silent.

  He grabbed the box above him, pulling out a spare pair of handcuffs. She’d get a taste of her own medicine before the night ended.

  Louis put the box back and slipped them inside his pants pocket.

  The old man stayed quiet.

  “Evelyn.” His tone stayed firm. “Don’t ignore me.”

  She sighed. “I’m in the middle of something.”

  “Why did you steal my wallet?”

  “Because you shouldn’t have used your voodoo magic on me.”


  He only wanted her to understand the truth last night. His magical eyes could do more than hypnotize his subjects. For someone like Evelyn—who craved giving herself to someone—the experience could turn into something special. Erotic.

  She almost gave into her desires last night.

  His plan backfired.


  He could see her point, though. Simon’s experiences burned her. And he promised to stop using them. He did. However, they connected when she looked at him the first time.

  Her mind became an open book.

  He couldn’t let the opportunity slip away.

  All the hidden desires in her head came to the surface, including the ones she locked away from herself. Her wanton behavior. The promiscuity. The way she wanted someone to rein in her bossy behavior. She loved teetering between the line of dominant and submissive, but she remained unsure of which line she wanted to cross.


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