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Naughty Fantasies

Page 5

by Rowena

  I hope it’s really his and his whole life is in there.

  I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down before speaking again.

  “So are you trying to sweet talk me out of this whole thing now? Bet that usually works for you too. Look, I don’t know why you wanted that unit so badly, but I’m glad you get to watch my ass as I take off, owning it.”

  And with that, I leave him to watch my departing ass.

  Well, my body left him, but my mind stuck with him—the way he exuded sex, the way I could see his bulging muscles, even underneath his shirt, the strength in his forearms, the beauty of his face, thick hair I longed to run my hands through…


  Damn it, he won this round too.

  A guy like him is trouble though, no doubt about it, so I make no attempt to find out more about him or keep in touch, no matter how loud my body screams to get to know him better, no matter how much I’d love to feel him inside of me and hold on to his broad back as he takes me for a ride.

  As I’m sorting through my new belongings, Mr. SexyPants returns.

  “Look, I’ll make you a deal…”

  “No deal,” I say.

  Jesus, what the hell did he want so badly?

  “Did you own this thing?” I finally ask.

  “No, I just…I promised…”

  I decide I don’t really want to hear it.

  I can just see it now: I listen to his sob story, he looks at me with those gorgeous eyes and I get lost in the ocean blue, and when he works his masculine wiles on me, I practically hand him over the whole unit for free and he cackles in laughter at my weakness again.

  No, siree!

  Keep it moving, with your beautiful, dangerous self.

  “Look, I wish I cared, but I don’t,” I interrupt him. “Go find your own unit.”

  He pulls back and his eyes look sort of soft and hurt, but his mouth tightens into a line.

  Yeah, that’s right, Player—I am not the one. Go bat those ridiculously full eyelashes at someone else.

  By the time I’ve sorted through my goodies, I’m almost giddy. Maybe I’ll make back my money after all—or at least half of it. There are a few somewhat valuable-looking electronics amongst all the books and shoes and stuff.

  I get my cousin to help me load my new belongings onto a U-Haul and unpack them at my place—my huge one-bedroom where I happily live alone.

  The boxes are an ugly mark in my otherwise pristine living room, but I’ll finish sorting and deciding what to do with what later.

  At least half of it is immediately disposable—I can send the clothing items and shoes to Goodwill or something, after checking pockets and corners for hidden gems.

  I relax the rest of the evening, then settle in for a good night’s sleep.

  I’ll probably dream about Mr. FirmButt, but I’m pretty sure that means a pleasant night too.

  I SUDDENLY AWAKEN in the middle of the night and immediately know something’s wrong.

  First of all, it’s the middle of the night, and I usually don’t get up except once in a while to pee.

  Secondly, I’d heard a sound that I pretty much shouldn’t have—a sound that made it seem like someone’s in my place.

  I’m no horror movie bimbo—I’m not about to call out, “Hello?” and go exploring.

  Instead, I reach over to my nightstand for my purple Glock.

  Hell yeah, that’s my favorite color—I don’t play.

  But I realize I can’t actually reach over since my hands are handcuffed to my bed.

  Panic starts to build.

  I slowly realize that even if I were to shout or scream, my voice would be muffled by the gag I’ve got going on.

  Okay, now I’m actually scared. What the hell’s happening?

  I check to see if my clothes are still on because it seems a logical thing to do.

  I’m relieved to discover I’m still in my nightdress.

  Perhaps I’m just getting robbed and the intruder will leave me alone once he has cleaned out my place…

  “Well, hello there, sleepyhead. Glad you’re finally up. You’re a heavy sleeper.”

  I freeze in utter disbelief—not just because I now know with certainty that my intruder is still here, but because I actually recognize his voice.

  I turn toward the sound as my terror subsides a little—just a little.

  Somehow, Mr. AssHat is even sexier in silhouette.

  “What the hell do you want?” I say, but of course it comes out sounding like a girl who’s been gagged.

  But I suppose the rhythm of my sentence is enough, and it’s an obvious first question anyway because he answers my muffled question.

  “Something from that storage unit,” he says. “Something important. I know you didn’t want to hear it earlier today, but you pretty much don’t have a choice now.”

  He stops, and when his voice comes again, the quiet, even, masculine tone of it vibrates through every part of me.

  “I must admit, the sight of you like this is quite a distraction,” he says in a smooth, yet rumbling tone, his eyes traveling slowly down my body—from my handcuffed hands, to my heaving chest, then down my nightie and exposed legs.

  Too bad he’s too far for me to kick.

  He sounds aroused—like a man a few moments away from losing control.

  And did I mention I’m not wearing underwear?

  Thank goodness he can’t see details. Especially since I am wet.

  “Looks like I’m leading this round,” he says, infuriating me.

  “I don’t even know your name,” I say, but it sounds like off-tune humming.

  I want to punch him when he smiles—his teeth are still blindingly white in this darkness.

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Kira Fuller.”

  “How did you know my name?” I ask, somewhat panicked.

  “Isn’t it obvious? I know where you live and how to get in, don’t I? You’re pretty easy to track down. And even if I had just followed you here instead of finding out everything about you, your mail’s out in the living room with your full name.”

  “You’re a creepy-ass mother-fucker,” I say and he laughs as if he understood my muffled sounds.

  “I’m pretty sure you just insulted me, even though you’re so turned on by me. You can’t hide it, Kira, even now.”

  Fuck him and his unwavering perception.

  He rakes his eyes over my body again and I sure as hell wish he’d use more than his eyes.

  “You want me to touch you,” he says softly.

  “What are you, a mind-reader?” I ask.

  I guess he didn’t understand that one because he comes near my face—still too far to kick, although, what good would that do anyway?—and pulls my gag down.

  “What is it, Kira? What do you want?”

  What the hell? He’s the one who came here for answers. I don’t want to say anything!

  “You’re here in my apartment unlawfully,” I say. “What do you want?” I almost added ‘Superman,’ but I don’t want to flatter him.

  “Oh, I’ll get what I want from you, Kira—both things. And I’m not going to beg for either of them. You, however, will.”

  My heart feels like it stops for a moment, and when the beat picks back up, it is jagged and quick.

  “You’re a beautiful woman, Kira,” my intruder says, gently brushing his thumb against my cheek.

  Then he reaches down and captures my mouth in his, exploring my mouth sensually, and the feel of his lips and tongue against mine, plus finally getting to take his masculine scent into my nostrils…my pussy hums to life.

  I try to cup the back of his head as we continue to kiss hungrily, but my handcuffs stop me.

  I guess the sound of the movement—metal on wood—makes him stop, and my whole body screams, No, no, no! Don’t stop!

  Damn him and his delicious mouth.

  I am again grateful for the cover of darkness because I probably look even more obviously aroused
than the first time we met.

  I am panting heavily and my body is tingling all over, warm and wet and ready for him.

  “I bet you have a tiny-ass cock,” I say nastily, and that gets to him.

  I can feel that I’ve riled him up and that I’m about to win this round of the emotional game.

  “You want to find out, do you?” he says sharply.

  Haha, he’s mad for sure. He probably does have a small cock.

  His clothes start flying off, and once he drops his pants, the next thing I know, his cock’s at my mouth, and it’s definitely not tiny.

  My eyes widen at his boldness, but mostly at his bulbousness; I can barely fit it in when he nudges the tip past my lips.

  I try to move my head, but he holds me in place, gently pushing part of his dick in and out of my mouth, gagging me again.

  That contact with his firm cock only makes things worse for my poor, hungry pussy.

  What a fucking tease.

  He starts moving more rigorously in my mouth and I pray he doesn’t get too excited and push much further in—it’s too much for my mouth to handle. I need to guide him to move it somewhere else.

  I try to work him up, doing my best with my tongue and lips to turn him on even more, to get him to the point where he can only relieve himself by sinking that fat, hard cock deep into my pussy.

  “Ah, Kira,” he groans, and the sound fires me up even more.

  I didn’t even know I had more to go—I already feel desperate enough to start begging him to take me as soon as my mouth is free.

  I need him slamming into me; I need him grinding and pushing his cock against my inner walls now.

  Please, Handsome!

  Suddenly, I feel him withdrawing from me.

  “God, Kira, that felt great. Your sweet, warm mouth was made for my dick.”

  Please, please, please don’t stop, I think, but I still have a tiny shred of dignity left. I refuse to beg. Refuse!

  “Do you want me to touch you, Kira?”

  I nod my head vigorously.

  I know he’s smiling that infuriating smile, but I don’t care—get those man-hands on my body now!

  I’d prefer he start at my core, but he has decided to torture me, it seems, and he begins with my face, brushing my cheeks with his fingers again.

  I can’t believe such a light, tiny movement can spark so much in me.

  “You’re so soft, Kira,” he says, then places a peck on my lips.

  I try to grab his mouth to keep his lips on mine and fail—the kiss was too light and quick.

  His mouth finds my neck and I buck a little at the contact there, the jolt it sends through me.

  My body is already strung so tight, my nerves all worked up, and he is working me up even more with his feathery, teasing touches, leaving me panting and gasping.

  His hands find my breasts, and all I can do is moan as he cups them and brushes my aching nipples with his thumb.

  He is so infuriating!

  Grab them with your mouth! I want to say, and I smile to myself as I feel him lift my nightdress up.

  Unfortunately, considering my arms, it can’t be lifted completely off, so it ends up over my face, blocking what little vision I had.

  I can’t see the silhouette of his head as he brings his mouth down to my chest, but I feel his lips take one breast, then the other.

  I am slowly losing it.

  He gets his fill of my fleshy globes and I feel his mouth skimming the surface of my abdomen as he makes his way down.

  He stops to kiss my waist, his mouth brushing the top and sides and making me twitch at the jolts of electricity there.

  “Please,” escapes me in a pitiful whisper, and I am too worked up with raging desire and need to be properly mortified at finally begging.

  The bastard no doubt smiles a victorious smile, but what do I care? As long as he gets to work calming my aching pussy.

  He brings his fingers to my hot, wet center and I jump at the contact.

  “Kira, you’re a bad girl—you’re dripping all over your sheets.”

  Finally, I feel the weight of him on the bed as he positions himself, and I’m not sure what he’s going to do next.

  The anticipation is almost killing me as much as my wanton lust.

  First, I feel his fingers skimming my inner thigh, and I am twisting at every sensation he gives me.

  Then his mouth follows his fingers, and he starts nibbling my inner thighs gently, and I have lost total control of my body—so I thought, until his mouth finally reaches my pussy lips and I buck and moan and twist like I’m having a seizure.

  He controls my body with every touch, every lick, every nibble, every suck.

  He teases me with flickers of his tongue over my clit and my tingling folds at first, then he aggressively starts working his tongue over my cunt.

  As much as I want that dick, I am not far from coming—he has worked me into a frenzy and I need just a few more licks…

  He slides a finger in me, and when he starts working it in a sort of come-hither motion, he satisfies my walls enough that, combined with his eager mouth, he makes my pussy explode in climax against his face and fingers as I come loudly.

  I’m not sure who won that round.

  I’m pretty sure it was a tie—I begged, and he satisfied me.

  Yet somehow, I still want more.

  As I float back down to earth, I can tell that he’s grinning.

  “Well, that was easy,” he says, his voice full of light humor. “Now tell me, where’s the rest of the contents of that unit? I went through what you have here and didn’t find what I was looking for.”

  “Wait, all that work you did stalking and researching me and you couldn’t find out that one little detail?”

  “Don’t tempt me, Kira—I can bring you to the point where you’re begging again and this time, leave you hanging.”

  Please, Your Hotness—anything but that!

  It was torture getting just a taste here and there, torture to wait to see what he’d do next, waiting between teases and for him to finally start working my body.

  Does the government use this kind of interrogation technique? With the right agents doing the work this man did, we could probably find out anything from anyone.

  “I had my cousin keep two boxes for now—I don’t have the space for all of it, but I assure you whatever you’re looking for is safe and easily accessible. We can grab it tomorrow, even. Now please, I can’t take it anymore. I still…”

  “Still what, Kira?”

  I sigh heavily.

  “Look, I gave you what you wanted, now give me what I want.”

  I know his smile is of Cheshire Cat proportions, but all I care about is that he’s over me again, this time, covering my whole body with his while his mouth meets my neck once more.

  He brushes and grips my skin with his lips and tongue, sending my nerves haywire yet again.

  My pussy revs up, going from a dull ache to a glaring, throbbing need.

  The man above me is a master at eating pussy, but I need a thick cock inside me, I need to feel him ramming my walls.

  He gathers my nightie in his hands and I hear the rip as he tears it in two then flings it to the side.

  Holy caveman, Batman. That flimsy material didn’t have a chance against his large, strong hands.

  With that final barrier completely removed, I now feel truly naked and bare before him, and the feeling of being completely exposed to him turns me on even more.

  He adjusts himself between my legs, and when he lowers himself to me, my pussy practically sings in joy as I finally feel his tip near my entrance.

  Like the tease that he is, he rubs it against me for a few moments, brushing my clit with the smooth head, then playing with my folds and picking up my juices.

  When he rubs it against my entrance and then pokes it in a little, I whimper, “God, just give it to me,” but before I actually get all the words out, I feel his cock parting me, slid
ing on my slick flesh and pushing against my walls, filling me at last.

  God, he’s huge—long, thick, and rock-hard.

  I cry out in relief and joy as my body gets used to him.

  Soon, he is moving inside me, rhythmically pushing his fat cock in and out of me as my body grabs on to him every way it can.

  I want to wrap my arms around his firm, muscled torso, slide my hands down to his buttocks and feel it clench as he sinks his cock deep into me.

  The most I can do is wrap my legs around him and relax, enjoying the feel of his thick, firm shaft pounding my insides, rubbing against my sensitive, tingling flesh until the cock massage takes my nerves to the pinnacle.

  But the feel of him, combined with the knowledge of what this gorgeous man looks like and the sound of his grunts of pleasure—all my senses work together to push me to the edge sooner than I’d like, and my body starts to grip him tighter.

  I have no doubt he senses my impending climax because he starts fucking me harder, as if actually trying to get balls-deep in me.

  I am helpless against his merciless thrusts, and the sensory stimulation combined with his rough need takes me to a thunderous orgasm I’m sure the next-door neighbors and beyond heard as stars explode behind my eyes, and my hearing gets zapped.

  I feel him pushing against my pussy in quickened, rhythmic thrusts before he comes hard inside me with one final deep thrust.

  Then he collapses on top of me, breathing hard.

  It feels delicious to have his hard chest against my soft one, and I, once again, lament the fact that I cannot wrap my arms around him.

  When he wraps his arms around me and then kisses me, I forget all about it for a split second, but then I’m back to wishing I could join him.

  Without moving from his position, his cock still throbbing and pulsating inside me as it spills more of his cum, he reaches over to my dresser and then goes for my hands.

  He unlocks one cuff, gives my free arm a quick massage all the way down, and then releases the other, doing the same.

  Then he relaxes on top of me again, and I finally get to wrap my arms around his strong body.

  “SO WHAT’S SO important about that storage unit, and how much are you willing to give me for the contents of it?” I ask him eventually.

  He lets out a sort of laugh—I guess at that last part because clearly, he can just take what he wants.


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