Bet On It

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Bet On It Page 6

by Elizabeth Perry

  “Usually they don’t.” she mutters, before I cringe as I watch her face change, and feel the air change behind me, as I am sure we have been spotted.

  “They’re coming over here.” She kicks me under the table and I groan again, wishing that I could melt into the floor right now.

  I’m feeling weak at the moment. Beaten down from a particularly horrific day, all at the hands of the assholes coming my way.

  And I am so not in the mood to deal with them right now.

  My ass hurts from where I was knocked onto it, my pride hurts that they all laughed at me, and don’t even get me started on the prank in my office. Because when I had to call the cleaning crew? Not only did they rip me a new one for at least five minutes on the phone, but it also took a huge dent out of my check book, when they hit me with the cleaning bill.

  “Gina. Hey doll, you’re looking mighty fine tonight.” I hear crooned, and I cringe.

  Eric Wayne grabs a chair and pulls it up to our table, before lifting his hand up to signal the waitress.

  “Uh…” my eyes widen, as Jake grabs the chair on the opposite side of Eric, which is closest to me, and does the same. I give Gina a look across the table, trying to get her to somehow stop this from happening, but she totally misses it.

  “Hey Laci.” Jake nods in my direction, before grinning wide at Gina.

  “Well well, firecracker. You’re looking particularly lovely tonight.”

  Gina just rolls her eyes between the two of them.

  “Still a lesbian, guys.”

  They both groan.

  “One of these days we will turn you.” Eric tells her with a wink, making her roll her eyes. “And I am betting that it will be with these hands.” He flexes his hands before wiggling his fingers in her face.

  I gag a little in my mouth, causing Jakes eyes to snap over to mine. I don’t meet them, even though it’s tempting. He does have beautiful eyes after all. Well, he has a beautiful everything. It’s just a shame that all of that beauty is wasted on such an asshole.

  “Not likely.” Gina shoves Eric’s hands away, making him pout. It doesn’t last long though, because suddenly, as if I’ve been invisible to him this entire time, he notices me.

  “Oh, shit.” Eric glances over to me, before his eyes fly back to Gina’s with a smug grin. “We aren’t interrupting anything here, are we? I mean if this is a date…”

  I close my eyes, mentally trying to block them both out. I hear Gina laugh at them, before saying, “I wish it was. Unfortunately, Laci here isn’t into women. We’re just friends.”

  I feel the heat of both of their stares on me, as I open my eyes and turn them down to my drink.

  The waitress comes over to our table, and begins shamelessly flirting like crazy with both of the guys.

  They of course, flirt right back. Jake bats his eyes at her like a lovesick schoolboy, and she damn near melts, as Eric makes some kind of reference to wanting a big beer.

  She giggles, and tells him that she likes them big too. The conversation goes downhill from there.

  “I’ll be right back.” It falls onto deaf ears, as the guys are so wrapped up in flirting with the waitress and Gina is busy laughing along with them.

  I march to the bathroom, shutting the door behind me, before leaning my body against it. I rub my temples, which by now are throbbing.

  Dammit all. I was very specific when I told Gina that I wanted to go to the bar only if it was one where the guys wouldn’t be. She had thought long and hard before we decided on Brewers Tap, which is located in the Ocean district, which is not only close to my house, but a good thirty minutes from the stadium.

  It’s a nice area, although the name is deceiving since it isn’t on the ocean, but it isn’t the rich area where I know that most of the guys live, nor the party area, where bars and clubs line the entire street. It’s just a small bar in a row house, on one of the main roads, that apparently, Jake and Eric decided to visit, tonight.

  I had thought that we would be safe here, but turns out, fate just wants to kick my ass when I’m already down.

  I mentally prepare myself to face the guys again, and work out my plan to finish my drink before faking a headache and escaping to the safety of my townhouse. It’s a good plan, and I’m feeling confident that no one will care, when I open the door and take a step forward, hitting a wall of man so hard that I almost knock myself back down onto my sore ass.

  I scream, reaching out to catch myself, and just as I’m about to go down, two strong arms wrap around me, holding me steady.

  “Now, now, Laci. I know it’s easy for women to fall for me, but really honey. You don’t have to actually fall.”

  I can’t even stop my groan. It’s too big, and this guy? He is just too damn much.

  I wiggle free of Jakes arms before glaring up at him. I literally have to tip my head all the way back just so that he can see how badly I am cutting my eyes at him.

  He just smiles down at me, flashing both dimples my way along with his pearly whites.


  “What are you doing here, Matthews? This is the women’s bathroom.”

  “You were gone for a long time. I was just coming to check on you.”

  “Right. I’m so sure that you were. Let me guess, you were coming back here to prank me again? What were you going to do, lock me in the bathroom and flood it? Throw a firecracker into the toilet? Tie me to a stall? Sorry. You’re too late for any of that. I’m already done.”

  He winces slightly. If I weren’t staring up at him, I would have missed it. But it’s there, and it makes me question how closely I hit the nail on the head.

  “I heard about what happened today. I didn’t have anything to do with that, Laci. I promise that I didn’t.”

  “Right.” I roll my eyes, trying to take a step past him, but unable to move past his big body.

  “Really, I didn’t. I’m being honest here. I’m not usually a big prankster. You don’t have to believe me, but I am sorry for what happened.”

  “No worries. I’m fine.”

  “Are you?” He raises an eyebrow.

  “Yes.” My words sound convincing, at least I think they do. Of course I’m not fine! I just had one of the worst days at work, in the history of ever. And I’m certain that by these guys standards, it was pretty damn mild.

  “You got knocked down pretty hard. Emilio is a big guy. I got knocked down by him once in practice and I was sore for a week. You’re not even a quarter of my size. It had to hurt.”

  I just shrug. Damn right it hurt. But I will not show any sign of weakness here. Not a single shred.

  “I’m fine.”

  His eyes travel from my face, down to the rest of my body, as if checking to see if I’m lying. Not that he can see the bruise that’s already forming. It’s on my butt, firmly covered with clothing.

  He finally nods, and then takes a step back, allowing me room to squeeze past him. I push right past without another word and stomp back to the table.

  I sigh again, when I see the sight in front of me. The waitress has now taken over my seat, and she is hanging on every word that Eric says. The other waitresses are all standing around, gawking and glaring at her, but she doesn’t seem to mind one bit.

  And then there is Gina, who is standing off to the side, laughing and talking closely with a gorgeous blond, who is batting her eyes at her and grinning.

  This at least makes me smile. Gina had confided in me that she just recently ended a long relationship with her girlfriend. So, I’m happy that she has maybe found someone to hook up with.

  Eric Wayne however? He makes me sick.

  I grab my phone off the table and text Gina that I am leaving, as to not disturb her conversation. I don’t know how the whole lesbian thing works, but I don’t want to wreck her chances by interrupting her and potentially seeming like a threat.

  I grab a non-disclosure agreement out of my purse and shove it in front of the waitress’s face.

Her eyes widen and Eric scowls.

  “Make sure you fill this out if needed.” I smile sweetly at her, before shoving the rest of my things into my bag.

  “What is it?” she blinks, before grabbing the paper.

  “Nothing.” Eric grumbles, trying to snatch the paper away from her.

  “A non-disclosure agreement.”

  The poor thing seems confused, so I start over. “It’s a piece of paper that you have to sign if you decide to take a ride on the giant cock that Eric here was just telling you about.” I can’t even contain my eyeroll.

  “It basically means that you can have all the sex with him that you want, but you can’t speak about it to the press, or really, to anyone. If you do, we can sue to pants.” I glance down at her outfit. “Er, booty shorts off you.”

  Laughter erupts from behind me, and I spin, catching a glimpse of Jake, who is laughing and pointing at Eric.

  “Yeah, man. That just happened.”

  “Laugh all you want, hot shot.” I glare at him, before grabbing another paper from my bag. “I have one here with your name all over it.”

  “Don’t need it.” He holds up his hands. “I’m getting ready to leave. Alone.”

  I roll my eyes yet again, before slinging my bag over my shoulder and turning towards the door. Jake trots along after me, and no matter how much I quicken my steps, his legs are far longer than mine, and he catches up to me with an easy stroll.

  “I’ll walk you to your car.”

  “No need. I rode with Gina. I’m just going to walk home. It’s not that far.” I push out of the doors and into the night air.

  “I’ll give you a ride.” He steps in front of me on the sidewalk, far too close for my comfort, causing me to take a step back.

  “Does that line usually work for you?” I tilt my head and give him my best attempt at a snide smile. But it falls short, the second that I meet his eyes.

  Dammit all. Why does this man have to be so good looking? It would be so much easier to be mean to him if he wasn’t 6’5, 215 lbs. of pure male hotness.

  He tilts his head in response, before grinning wide.

  “Why yes, actually it does. But I’m not trying to pick you up. I’m just trying to be a gentleman and make sure a lady gets home safely.”

  “Gentleman?” I snort. Literally, freaking snort. I want to crawl in a hole and die, right now.

  His grin only widens, as he clutches his heart. “Your words slice me, Ms. Monroe. And yes, I do have several gentlemanly ways.”

  I pretend to gag, making him smile so wide that his dimples show, which, good lord. Makes him even hotter than he already is, if that’s even possible.

  I don’t let myself fall for his good looks though-no way is that happening. So instead I just roll my eyes, for like the hundredth time today.

  “Please.” I take another step back and then step around him, moving past him in the direction of my house.

  “Fine. I guess I will just walk you home.”

  “You will not.” I throw my arms up, spinning around and glaring at him.

  “I am not some damsel in distress. I do not need an escort home.”

  “Too bad. You can walk with me and talk to me, or I can follow along behind you, creeper style. Take your pick.”

  “I don’t need an escort! I am a grown ass woman, perfectly capable of handling myself.”

  “I’m not doubting that. But, just so that I can sleep tonight, I need to see you home safely.”

  I don’t miss the way his voice changes. Instead of his normal joking tone, it becomes more serious, sterner. Enough to make me stop and glance back up at him.

  “My realtor told me that this was a safe neighborhood. Is there something that I am missing here?”

  “Nowhere is safe to be walking all alone at night. Especially not when someone looks like you do.”

  “What is that supposed to mean? Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean that I can’t take care of myself. I have been on my own since I was 16, and I have managed just fine.”

  His eyes soften, and I immediately hate myself for saying it. It just sort of slipped out, but now the words are out there, and I have left myself completely open for him to ask about my past.

  It’s not normal for anyone to be on their own at 16, yet I was. But I’m right. I did manage just fine, and I am still managing.

  And I do not need an escort home.

  He clears his throat loudly, before shrugging his broad shoulders. “Forgive me, ok? I didn’t mean to imply that you couldn’t handle yourself. But, either way, it would make me feel better if I walked you home.”

  “Fine.” I snap, before spinning back around and stomping down the sidewalk. He, as usual, catches up to me at an easy pace, before falling into silent steps along side of me.

  We walk about a block before he begins speaking.

  “So, I know that you aren’t from around here. Where are you from, Laci?”

  “Cleveland originally, but I haven’t lived there since before college. Last place I lived was New York.” I don’t even look up at him when I reply. I keep my eyes firmly focused ahead.

  “Oh no.” he groans, before stopping in his tracks. I stop too, glancing at him out of the corner of my eye.

  “What? What’s the matter?”

  He folds his arms across his broad chest, before shaking his head. “Tell me you’re not a Cleveland fan or a Yankees fan.”

  “What’s wrong with them?”

  “Well, Cleveland is one of our biggest rivals, and the Yankee’s? Well, hell. Bandwagon fans always like the Yankees.”

  “I’m definitely not a Yankees fan. I grew up watching Cleveland, went to all kinds of their games when I was a kid. I haven’t followed them much lately, so, no worries. I will be sporting head to toe Rays gear from here on out. As long as I keep this job, of course. If I end up getting fired, I might become a Yankee’s fan.”

  I have no idea why, again, more garbage rolled out of my mouth. But I just keep spewing words that I shouldn’t, leaving myself totally open to questions.

  He grimaces, he most definitely does, as his eyes land on mine.

  “Are you worried about getting fired?”

  I give him my best ‘are you fucking kidding me look’, making him grin sheepishly at me.

  “I wasn’t trying to state the obvious, I just wondered…did something happen?”

  “No, besides making enemies with forty grown men, nearly being killed in a rotten spinach avalanche that has probably now, wrecked spinach for me, for freaking ever. Having your owner breathing down my neck over the cost of all the food that no one is eating. Add onto that the obscene amount of money that I am dishing out to have my office cleaned, oh, and also, the ass chewing that the cleaning company has given me.” I stop in my tracks and shake my head. “Do you know that they told me not to contact them again?”

  He bursts out laughing, and shakes his head.

  “No way.”

  “Way. I actually had to pay hazmat fees for the first clean, because they found several used condoms and some very concerning fluids inside of my office.” I grimace as Jake wrinkles up his nose. “That’s absolutely disgusting, because none of that stuff was mine. I had it cleaned before I even moved in. Thank god.” I shudder before shaking my head. “The spinach put them over the top. They told me to lose their number.”

  He chuckles, and honestly, I can’t help but laugh. I guess it is a little bit funny. But just a little bit.

  “What did you do, Laci? Before you became a ball busting baseball mom, that is?”

  My nose wrinkles, and I can’t even hide the look on my face. “I worked in marketing for a trucking company.”

  “Sounds terrible.”

  “It was.” I laugh. “The job wasn’t awful, but the office environment made it pretty freaking bad. My boss was a major creep who never once looked me in the eye. And my neighbor? Watched porn every day at exactly two pm.”

  “Stop.” His grin widens and his la
ugh echoes into the night.

  “Swear. It was awful. Sometimes the little cubicle would shake and…well. You’re a guy. I’m sure you can imagine what he was doing.”

  He laughs so hard that it makes me laugh, I can’t even help it. And while Jake is the total enemy here, it feels good to share this with someone, and have them laugh. Because at the time, it wasn’t funny.

  But now that I’m past that part of my life?

  It’s pretty damn hilarious.

  “I probably shouldn’t laugh. If I get fired from here, I’m on a one-way ticket back to Porn City.”

  “So, don’t get fired then.” He shrugs, his laughter dying off and his gaze turning more serious.

  “I’m trying. But you guys make it so damn hard!”


  “I mean, it’s fine, I know what I’m up against. I know how many mom’s you guys have had, and I know why they’ve all been fired. I’m not worried about that part, I mean, no offense, but I have no interest in baseball players.”

  “Ouch, that hurts.”

  I just shrug. “It’s the truth. I will never in my entire life, have anything personal to do with a professional athlete.”

  “We’re not all bad.”

  His gaze levels with mine, and when I meet his eyes?

  Well, hell. Let’s just say that I know in an instant that I can never do that again. Because in a split second, I am sucked into the pools of sapphire blue, fanned with thick dark lashes.

  My stomach drops, my knee’s get weak and my heart begins to accelerate, as his manliness literally makes me temporarily lose my mind.

  But only for a second, because thank god. A savior comes running to my rescue, in the form of a very tiny little boy.

  “Oh my god! Mom!” His little voice breaks the moment, and both of heads snap in his direction.

  “It’s Jake Matthews!”

  The boy, who can’t be more than seven or eight darts towards Jake, causing all his attention to shift to his fan. Thank freaking god, because if this kid hadn’t shown up? I have no idea what would have just went down.

  “Hey pal.” Jake reaches out his hand, taking the kids firmly in his before shaking it.

  “Jake, wow. I can’t even believe this right now. I am seriously your biggest fan.” The kid stares up at him as if he hung the moon, and the way Jake looks back at him?


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