Bet On It

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Bet On It Page 13

by Elizabeth Perry

  “What are you doing?” I hiss, jerking my leg away before frantically looking over his shoulder, to see if anyone has spotted this little exchange. Not a single person on the plane is paying us any attention, but still. This cannot go on. He can’t sit with me, can’t keep his hand on my thigh, and most definitely can’t look at me with those gorgeous eyes that make me melt.

  I need distance from him, and fast, because I can never seem to keep my head around him when he is this close to me.

  “You can’t sit here.” I hiss again, scooting as far right in my seat as I can.

  “How did you sleep?” he murmurs, completely ignoring me before reaching out and touching my thigh again.

  “Fine, now seriously, you need to go and sit with the guys.”

  “I didn’t sleep at all.” He leans his head against the seat before turning his head towards me.

  “I didn’t like not being able to sleep next to you. That’s all I could think about, all night long. All that ran through my mind was how badly I wanted to hold you.”

  His eyes are big, seeming to be filled with truth, and his words? Yeah, of course they make me ache for him. Because I too wanted to be held all night by him, but of course that couldn’t happen. We both had to be up early, and I still had to pack. Plus? I needed a little bit of space from him so that I could try to get a grip, after what I had just done.

  “How are you feeling? Ok today?”

  “Yes, now, please…”

  “I talked to the guys.” He reaches under my chin with a finger, tilting my eyes up to his. “No one knew that you were allergic to honey. They were only trying to prank you, baby. Not hurt you. But I talked to them. It won’t happen again.”

  His mouth sets in a firm line, as my heart begins to race.

  “What did you tell them? Fuck, Jake! I thought that you said that we were going to keep this between us. If they find out…”

  “No one is going to find out. I didn’t tell them any of that. They knew I was bringing you my suit. That’s all, I promise.”

  My heart slows down a bit, but my anxiety is already in overdrive. I jerk my leg away from him and pull my chin away from his hand.

  “Ok, but Jake. Please. You can’t sit back here. Someone might get the wrong idea.”

  “Baby.” He rolls his eyes. “It’s not like I’m going to try to make love to you right here in this seat.”

  I warm at his words, before quickly pushing the feeling away.

  “Jake, please.” I plead. “Please go sit with the rest of the team.”

  Our eyes lock for a few seconds, before he nods, and rises to a standing position.

  “Fine. Safe flight, baby.”

  I watch as he turns and cuts across the middle, before taking a seat next to Eddie in the back of the left side. I watch him until he sits down, admiring the way his suit fits him oh so perfectly.

  I focus my attention out the window, and put some music back on. The lights flash to put on our seat belts, and I do so, as our plane takes off, and suddenly instead of the airport, I have a great view of the clouds.

  I do my best to not look over to Jake, but lord. It’s so hard not to turn my head and stare. So, I let my head to turn to the side, and as I do, my eyes dart his way for just a second.

  I find him staring right at me. Our eyes lock briefly, before I pull mine away again, and focus down on my phone, only to see a message come through.

  Hotshot: Hey baby. Missing you.

  I stare down at his text, smiling despite myself, before glancing back over to him. He grins at me, before turning his attention back to his phone.

  HotShot: Want to join the mile-high club? ;)

  My face reddens, but I don’t look at him. Instead, I open my phone and type away, before hitting send.

  Me- How do you know I’m not already a member? ;)

  I giggle to myself, fighting not to look at him to see if he has any reaction.

  Hotshot- Tell me his name so I can fucking kill him.

  Me- Easy killer. I was joking.

  Hotshot- I’m not joking. I don’t want to think about another man having his hands on you. YOU.ARE.MINE.


  Hotshot- Yep. But only for you baby. So, about that mile-high club…?

  Me- Sure, meet me there in five

  I glance over at him, meeting his stare, and suddenly, my joke isn’t so funny. His eyes are hot, heavy on mine, and in a single glance, my body is hot and aching for him, all over again.


  I grab my phone and slide the screen back open, quickly sending another message before I lose myself in my head again

  Me- Jk

  I quickly shut my phone off and lean back in my seat, curling myself into a ball and trying to close my eyes

  “Are you trying to drive me fucking insane?” I hear whispered in my ear, as the seat next to me dips.

  I spin my head, seeing Jakes face so close to mine that our lips could easily brush.

  “Baby. My dick is rock hard now, begging to be inside of your sweet pussy.” His lips brush my ear as he whispers the words to me, causing a shiver to run down my spine.


  He closes his eyes, before reaching over and trailing a finger along my thigh, dipping just slightly underneath my dress, making me break out in goosebumps. I bite my lip, and his eyes travel to my lips, and stare.

  “Fuck. Laci, I don’t know how I’m gonna make it two hours on a plane with you. I need you, baby. I need to feel you, now.” He murmurs, brushing his lips softly against my ear.

  “Jake.” I hiss, moving my head away from him. “Anyone could see you. Go back to your seat, please.”

  “Give me tonight then.” He bargains, before his hand trails my sex again.

  “I can’t. There is no way. We’re staying in a hotel with the rest of the team! Anyone could see us. Plus, we have a late game. So…”

  “So, spend the night in my room.”

  “Jake, no. Seriously, this is dangerous. Anyone could see us, you have got to go back to your seat.”

  He flashes me a wicked grin, before turning his back towards the aisle, blocking us both in. His eyes lock on mine as his hand reaches up my skirt, before he cups my sex and closes his eyes.

  “So fucking sweet.” His finger slides underneath my panties, gliding easily along my slick folds that are already so achy for him.

  “So responsive to me. Fuck baby. Fuck.” He shakes his head, blowing out his breath. “We have time to kill before the game. The second you get into your room, you better let me know. Because I’m coming for you, and once I get there?” He shakes his head, before his eyes lock on mine. “You will be coming for me.”

  I don’t text Jake once I’ve made it to my room. I just can’t, because I know that if I do, he will show up here, and I already know exactly what will happen.

  Maybe I didn’t think this through very well. Alright, actually, to be honest, I didn’t think this through at all. I was completely convinced that I never wanted to see him again, after he ran out on me over the weekend. But then, just like he always does, he came to my rescue yet again, after another fucking prank, and all my resistance went out of the window.

  And all my sense, apparently, since not only did I have sex with him, but I also had sex with him without any protection.

  None. Not a thing.

  I’m on birth control, so that isn’t a worry, but, dear lord. I totally put myself at risk.

  Jake has slept with all kinds of women. More than I care to even think about, honestly. And while he was adamant that he was clean, and is regularly tested, still.

  That is something that I will never let happen again.

  I haven’t even had a chance to open my suitcase by the time the knock comes at the door. One peek out of peep hole, and I’m already sighing.

  Of course, it’s him. Mr. Relentless.

  I fling the door open when he knocks again, glancing quickly down the hallway. There isn’t a soul i
n sight, so I quickly usher him in.


  His mouth crashes over mine before I can even speak. The door is kicked closed and I am in his arms in a split second, as he hastily tugs at my dress, pulling away long enough only to get it over my head before his lips are back on mine.

  Red hot lust rushes through me, and suddenly, all that matters is feeling his skin on mine. I pull at his suit jacket and he shrugs out of it, before he pulls his tie off and my fingers work deftly at the buttons of his shirt.

  I pull it hard, and he shrugs it off, before his hands move up to my bra and panties, quickly unclasping and pulling, letting it all drop to the floor.

  He pulls and bites at my lips, causing pain right before licking and sucking it away. It’s hot, so fucking hot, that I’m tilting my head back and pressing my body into him, feeling like I am wound so tight that if he doesn’t touch me elsewhere soon, I might explode.

  “Jake.” I tug at his pants, almost ripping them in my haste before they drop to the ground. His erection strains against the fabric of his boxer briefs which are shoved down next, causing it to spring towards me, only worsening the need building inside of me.

  “Please.” I moan, wrapping my hands in the back of his hair and pulling him as close to me as I possibly can.

  I’m lifted and braced against the wall in a split second, as his entire body shakes beneath me.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. I promise you, tonight? I’ll make sweet love to you all night long. But right now, I just need to have you.”

  “Yes.” I moan, thrusting my hips towards him. He groans loudly before pressing himself towards my entrance. My hand flies to his chest as I glance down, to where are bodies are beginning to join.

  “Condom, Jake.”

  “Right.” He breathes, keeping me firmly locked against him and squats down, rifling through his pants pocket before producing the foil wrapper. He brings it to his teeth, ripping it open before pulling back ever so slightly to pull it over himself, before tossing the package on the ground and resuming our position.

  He pauses, making me beg for him, as he shakes his head and meets my eye.

  “Tell me I’m the only one.”

  “What?” I blink, tightening my grip on him.

  “What you said earlier…about the mile-high club. Are you really a member? Have you…”

  “No.” I giggle. “I was joking. Now, please…”

  “I don’t share, Laci, so tell me right now, am I the only one that you are doing this with.”

  “Yes.” I breathe. “Jake…”

  He reaches down and runs a finger along my folds, finding me soaking wet and ready for him. He mutters something else under his breath that I can’t understand, before shifts his hips, pressing slowly inside of me.

  He groans my name as his erection presses into me, filling me so tightly that I feel like I might explode.

  “Baby.” He pauses once he is completely in, wrapping me tight in his arms.

  “I’m gonna fuck you now.” He warns, and I nod, as his grip tightens and he pulls back, before slamming back into me. The sensation is so different than it was last night, that even though I am a little bit sore, this feeling is pretty damn amazing. He grips my hips, as he moves his, in so many different directions while rocking into me at a furious pace. My breathing is ragged and his teeth are clenched but his eyes? They never leave mine.

  Quickly I feel myself at that peak, and as if he can sense it, a wicked gleam fills his eyes as he pulls back and thrusts into me so hard the I almost worry he will split me wide open. But the feeling is amazing, and in the moment, I explode, screaming his name as my body becomes so limp that I am no longer holding myself upright. I fall into him, as he moans my name, before he does the same.

  When I finally open my eyes, we’ve turned. He’s still inside of me, but he is sitting with his back against the wall, and I am the one leaning into him.

  His hand is in my hair, gently stroking, as his lips rest on my forehead.

  “Thank you.” He whispers, against my skin, before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

  I snuggle into him, resting my head in the crook of his neck as his arms tighten around me.

  “This game is going to be really bad. You know that, right?”

  I had wondered, honestly. Jake is from Georgia, and the Georgia Devils were the first professional baseball team to take a chance on him.

  He took the roster spot on the Rays after just two seasons with Georgia, and those fans? Well, let’s just say that they were super pissed.

  While I’ve never actually been to a Rays vs Devils game, still. I’ve watched Sports center, and I’ve seen the signs that these people hold up and wave angrily in the stands.

  I’ve seen clips of all of them standing together and booing him, I’ve seen things get launched at him, seen the shirts with his picture and a big line drawn through it.

  Georgia fans do not mess around.

  The way they treat Jake always makes the news. National news, at that, every single time.

  Which before, wouldn’t have really bothered me a bit, other than the fact that it’s mean. But now, that Jake is mine? Well, not mine, but, you know.

  Now my heart aches knowing that he is going to walk into a field where the crowd is going to go insane over him, and not in a good way.

  “Maybe this time will be better. It is a new season after all.”

  “Maybe.” His lips brush tenderly across my forehead, before his grip tightens around me, pulling me even closer to him.

  “This makes it better though.” He grins down at me, before thrusting his hips into me gently. “This right here is going to make me go out there and play the best damn game of my life.”

  “Oh yeah?” I tease. “You always play well after sex?” I instantly regret the words, because they make me remember that this is Jake Matthews that I am talking to. The large amount of sex that he gets is probably the number one reason why he is so damn good at baseball.

  “Always.” He reaches down and grabs my chin, pulling my face upwards towards his before pressing his lips to mine.

  “We should both probably get ready.” His lips travel to my cheeks before kissing over both of my eyes. “Don’t want to show up late and cause an even bigger riot.”

  Ok, so while I had said that I had seen clips of this on Sports center, nothing could ever prepare me for what this stadium is like in real life.

  Jake had made me promise not to leave my assigned seating box, where his family sits along with other people from the press and a few other members of the Rays staff, and I had semi rolled my eyes when I had agreed. He was adamant that I listen, which of course, made me roll my eyes even wider.

  But now? I realize exactly why.

  It’s just not safe to be out in that crowd wearing Rays gear.

  The second that our bus pulled up to the gate, the booing and chanting of awful things started. The way that the stadium is set up, there is quite a hike from the street to the inside of the place. We were all hustled inside, flanked with security, while Jake was called awful names, and people angrily tried to shove signs towards us. The word Traitor was shouted out repeatedly like a normal group would say hello.

  There were several groups burning his old jersey on the street, holding them up on long sticks as the fire licked over the crowd.

  It was insane. But that part? As scary as it had been?

  Doesn’t even hold a candle to this.

  “See those nets?” A pretty brunette next to me asks, before tilting her head towards the nets that cover the entire stadium, starting from the ground up, completely enclosing the field.

  “Yeah. They’re odd. I’ve never seen a stadium do that before.”

  “The fans call them snake nets.” She blinks before shaking her head. “Jake the snake nets. The club had to put them up because people kept throwing things at him.”

  I just shake my head, before quickly glancing over to her. She had been wearing a thin hoodi
e which I had originally found odd, since we are out in the dead center of the sun in the Georgia heat. But I’ve noticed that she has since slipped the hoodie off, and is wearing a Devils tank top.

  An old school one, at that, bearing the name and number of the guy that just a few hours ago was inside of my body.

  Curiosity killed the cat, but it isn’t going to stop me from asking.

  “Are you a friend of Jakes?”

  Do I really want to know the answer to this question? Maybe yes, maybe no. But I’m not prepared for her response, on any level, and I have no idea why.

  “Sort of. Jake and I were high school sweethearts.” Her eyes flick over to the field, where Jake has now trotted out to his position at short stop, as the crowd continues to boo.

  “We broke up right before he went pro, but we’ve been back together a few times since. Once he comes back to Georgia next season, we’re going to settle down and start a family.”

  A sucker punch to the gut couldn’t have knocked the wind out of me any more than her words do. I knew that Jake slept around a lot and had left a string of women in his past.

  But this? I didn’t bargain for this, or the way that it would make me feel.

  “Oh?” I glance from the crowd to Jake and then back to her.

  “Why would he come back here and play for these fans? They’re awful to him.”

  The way a slow smile spreads on her face and the way that her eyes flick from him and back to me tells me exactly why he would come back here and play.

  He’s coming back for her.

  My stomach sinks as though I just swallowed a rock, and my throat tightens. The way this makes me feel is awful, and I can’t even explain why.

  I knew that this thing with Jake was nothing more than a hook up. At least, I thought that I knew that. I would never go ahead and fall for some baseball player, especially not one like Jake Matthews, right?

  I mean, I’ve sworn them off, set my entire world around knowing that I would never let another one break my heart.

  So why in the hell do I feel so sad about it?

  “How is it going for you?” she asks, turning her attention back to me. “I mean, being the new team mom and all?”


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