Marrying Mr Write

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by Cassandra P Lewis

  Marrying Mr Write

  Mr. Write Trilogy [3]

  Cassandra P Lewis

  * * *

  Rating: ★★★★★

  After a rocky few months of fighting to save her relationship, Rosie Alvez must fight for her life ... What's next for Rosie and Jackson? Will they make it through? Will they make it to the altar?


  By Cassandra P Lewis

  Text copyright © 2013 Cassandra P Lewis

  All Rights Reserved


  You have been by my side every day, picking me up when I fall, boosting my confidence, buying me beer and plying me with whatever comfort food I have needed. You have bit your tongue when I have been a snappy horrible witch, and you have been at my beck and call whenever I have needed your artistic skills! I can’t thank you enough for your love and support.

  I hope I make you proud x


  What a lovely talent our Ms. Lewis has. Beautiful love story! She has the "write" (yeah I know, bad joke) to be up there with the likes of Abbi Glines, Kitty French and others.

  Can't wait for book 3! Hurry up!!

  Have read both books and I have thoroughly enjoyed them. Can't wait for the 3rd one to come out to find out what will happens next :-) Brilliant read and I hope you continue to write more books in the future!

  Rosie and Jacksons relationship is progressing in some areas......but not all which is causing problems! New setting and new characters are introduced, and all works so well.

  A HUGE cliff hanger at the end of this book!!!!!!!!! COME ON I NEED NUMBER THREE. Having a boring working week???.....get these...sneak your kindle into a folder and make your working day more enjoyable :):) Just don’t make too much noise when you hit the cliff hanger!!!!!!!

  Absolutely fantastic! Began reading this book just a couple of hours ago and I couldn't put it down! Cliff hanger I didn't expect at all... I need the third book now! You should be proud Cassie x I have just read the first 2 instalments of Mr Write books and they were FANTASTIC. I couldn't put them down, I can’t wait to see what happens to Rosie and JJ I really wish they work it out. Bring on book 3 SOON I hope.

  Downloaded this book as I enjoyed book 1 so much with the intention of reading on holiday once the children had gone to bed, however I started it the day before my holiday & finished it the second night! I found it so hard to put down once I picked it up. Am desperately awaiting book 3's release.

  Read this in less than 24 hours, I couldn't put it down. Really couldn't predict how the story was going to go and was surprised a couple of times. It made me cry and now I can't wait for the next book, but then I am a hopeless romantic.

  I really enjoyed the first instalment (Meeting Mr Write) and couldn't wait to follow up with Me and Mr Write! I was expecting a good read, but this was much better than anticipated! It's more grown up in style and the writing has more sophistication (although the author hasn't lost the engaging style of writing from the first book-DON'T WORRY!!)The chemistry between Rosie and JJ is incredibly real and kept me hooked from start to end, I literally couldn't put the book down :) The twists and interweaving stories were great, all my favourite characters from the first book made an appearance and it was great to see how the author developed their individual stories. Can't wait for the next one now!

  Wow! What a brilliant follow up to Meeting Mr Write! The characters have even more depth and the writing style makes you love all of them! CANNOT wait for the third instalment Highly recommend. Well written. Top marks! Really love the characters. Enjoyed it and I can’t wait for the next book....

  I absolutely loved these books, as much as I wanted to sleep at night I got hooked, its do easily related to everyday life yet the way it's written you imagine yourself there, I personally create looks and mannerisms to suit each character witching both books eeek there great!!! Can't wait for more to be written, what a fantastic author x I freaking LOVED this sequel! It had romance, passion, angst!!!, delicious sex scenes, and even moments where I wanted to throw my Kindle against the wall!!! And holy crap.. That ending!!!!??? I-NEED-BOOK-THREE-NOW!!!

  This is a definite must read!!!

  The characters were even more amazing. They developed perfectly throughout the story line.

  There were secrets revealed from Rosie's past, and if I thought she was a strong person before, hell.. She impressed me even more after reading this book. Wow.

  Jackson was very swoony.. A true romantic, protective of Rosie and very alpha-male-like. Simply yummy!!! BUT..... I have to say, every time I felt like throwing my Kindle against the wall, it was thanks to him!!! There were moments I found myself hating his guts!!!

  This book had a lot of page-turning moments where I simply, for the life of me, could not stop reading!

  I really need the third book! Dying to know how Jackson and Rosie's story ends!!!!!

  5 stars!!

  This is the second book in the series and it just keeps getting better! I loved that this book had Jackson and Rosie go through more than just the one challenge in their relationship. From all the books I have read, I notice that some authors will have there be an issue or "challenge" in the relationship and that gets drawn out throughout the book and they fight over the same thing chapter after chapter. This book had new "drama" after one problem was solved and drama that was exciting! Secrets were revealed about Rosie and her past that I just had not expected. I love the love between Jackson and Rosie.

  This was a great book. The cliff hanger was great. I can't wait for the third book. I'm excited to see what happens between Rosie and Jackson.


  Marrying Mr Write

  For My Aaron

  Praise for Me & Mr Write

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Christmas 2015


  Get Involved…


  I’m supposed to be writing an article about Machu Picchu for the magazine but I can’t focus, my brain is elsewhere. I can’t believe Rosie is pregnant.

  I don’t want this.

  I never imagined that I would be telling the love of my life that I want her to have an abortion. I can’t actually believe that I did, but I just don’t feel prepared to cope with it all.

  Despite the amount of women that I’ve slept with, I’ve never had a scare like this before and it has freaked me out. The truth is though I have no idea what getting rid of a baby involves, or the effect it would have on the mother. Getting rid, it sounds like I’m talking about putting the bins out or sorting through old clothes. I don’t think it’s quite that simple.

  I feel terrible for flying off the handle at her and for letting her leave like that. We’ve been together such a short time but have been through so much already, too much maybe?

  We need to deal with this together, one way or another, but I just can’t get my head around it all, I thought we had been so careful. I’m just not ready.

  I need to focus and get this article finished. If she’s determined to have this baby then I suppose I’ve got to be able to afford
nappies somehow.

  I’ve just managed a first draft and my phone starts to ring, it’s Rafe. I can’t talk to him right now, he’ll just be calling to give me a bollocking and I have work to do. I switch it to silent and watch as it lights up with Rafe’s name another four times, he must really be pissed off to be so persistent.

  I decide that I need to face the music. It’s between Rosie and me, nobody else. I really care about Rafe but if he’s going to stick his nose into this then I’m going to have to be straight with him. It’s for us to figure out, nobody else.

  I pick up my phone to call him back when it rings again, this time it’s Matthew. There’s no way that Matthew would get involved with this. He believes that unless you choose to share your private life then it should be kept private. There’s got to be another reason that he’s calling me and alarm bells start to ring… Rosie.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask knowing now that there’s something that I need to worry about, “Rosie’s been in an accident. You need to get to the hospital mate; I’m passing your flat in about five minutes. I’ll pick you up.”

  Matthew speaks quickly and hangs up before I can question. I panic. I have no idea if she’s ok. Please god let her be ok! I try to call Rafe back but his phone is now switched off. My mind is whirring; I need to know that she’s alright.

  I put my shoes on and grab my phone, wallet and keys. I decide to go down and wait on the street for Matthew; I need to get to her as quickly as I can.

  When I get in the car Matthew tells me immediately that he knows nothing, he had a thirty second call with Rafe where he was told to pick me up and get me to the hospital, and that’s it. Matthew drives quickly to get there and I am thankful that there’s not too much traffic on the roads.

  We arrive in good time and Matthew abandons the car in a space without wasting time getting a ticket. He must know that he’ll get a fine but as we run to the entrance I can see by the determined look on his face that Rosie is his only concern.

  “You’re here!” Pippa throws her arms around me and squeezes me so tight that I can’t help but think the worst, “Come on quick, I’ll show you where she is.” Pip walks off at full speed and Matthew and I almost have to run to catch up, “Pip, tell me what’s happened?” I’m worried as we step into the elevator and I can’t help my sharp tone of voice, “She stepped out into oncoming traffic Jackson. Thankfully the car that hit her knocked her back towards the curb instead of into the road; there were buses everywhere, and cars. I can’t bear to think what could have happened.” Pippa looks shaken and I’m taken aback, she’s always so strong, “She’s in pretty bad shape Jackson, prepare yourself!”

  Before I know it we’re outside the room, Rafe notices us approaching from the window and comes out to greet us. He looks pale and weak.

  “You didn’t answer your phone.” His voice is monotone as he steps aside but I don’t have time to care that he’s pissed with me, I just need to see her. Rafe grabs my arm to halt me in my tracks, “Take a deep breath before you go in. The doctors are keeping her asleep to help her recover. It’s a bit of a shock.”

  I’m terrified as I open the door to Rosie’s room and feel like I might collapse. The woman that I love is lying there unconscious, bandaged around the head. Her right arm is bandaged and in a sling across her chest and her whole right leg is in plaster. She has cuts and bruises all down the left side of her face and a large dressing on her left shoulder.


  I call her name softly but of course she doesn’t respond. There’s a drip going into her hand and I don’t know if it’s for pain relief or a sedative, or both. I take a deep breath.

  “So, what’s new?” I ask her, knowing that she can’t answer but trying to lighten the mood. I feel sick. I kiss her on the right side of her forehead and sit down in the chair that Rafe had pulled up to the side of her bed. “Rest beautiful, rest now but come back to me please. I love you. I’m so sorry.”

  I look at the love of my life, battered and bruised and in a drug induced sleep and I can’t stop the tears that escape me. Seeing her like this kills me. I should be able to fix this, I should be able to make her better but there’s nothing that I can do.

  I’m broken. Concerned for Rosie’s wellbeing and feeling that it’s my fault that she wasn’t with me this morning so that I could protect her. All on top of worrying about a child that I never thought I wanted. I hold my head in my hands and cry, unashamedly and undisturbed until the tears run out.

  “Jackson, wake up mate. You need to eat.”

  I wake to Rafe shaking me gently and it takes a moment to register where I am. I’m in the hospital, in a chair next to Rosie’s bed. It wasn’t a bad dream.

  “I’m ok Rafe, I’m not leaving her.” I take Rosie’s hand, she’s still asleep and my heart feels like it’s going to collapse at the sight of her.

  “Jackson, she’s going nowhere and you can’t stay here all night. You need food and some rest, and Rosie will want her own PJs when she wakes up, so come on. You can stay with us tonight.”

  Reluctantly I stand and prepare to leave. He’s right, she’ll want her own things if she’s going to be in here a while. I kiss her gently and whisper that I love her, before leaving with Rafe and heading for Rosie’s flat.

  As we reach the car I realise that I have absolutely no idea what time it is or how long I have been at the hospital. It’s dark and cool outside and the ground is wet but there’s nothing to give away the time. London is London after all; it doesn’t go to sleep after rush hour like the village that I grew up in.

  I know that I was at the hospital by ten am and that visiting hours have been and gone, my argument with the nurses who tried to kick me out earlier on is still fresh in my memory. I look at my watch. I’m not sure how I got away with staying at the hospital until half past ten at night but I’m certain that the only reason that Rafe was allowed in at this time, was to get me out.

  Rafe and I arrive at Rosie’s flat before I’ve even realised that we’ve left the hospital car park. I feel like I’m in a dream and time is passing by without me being aware of what’s going on around me.

  Rafe lets us in with Rosie’s keys and I methodically move through the flat, picking up items of Rosie’s and then putting them back down again.

  “I can’t even think what she might need, my head’s all over the place!” I sit on the sofa and rest my head in my hands, “We rowed last night Rafe, big time. If we hadn’t she might have been concentrating more.” Rosie isn’t the type to just step out into the road.

  “Jackson, it was an accident. These things happen. The docs are pretty sure she’ll be fine, it’s just going to take a bit of time and a bit of TLC”

  Rafe sits next to me on the sofa and pats me on the back in manly affection. I rub my forehead while I compose myself and head into the bedroom to pack Rosie’s bag, Rafe follows me in.

  “Let me do that, you go and sit down. It’s been a long old day!” He is genuine in his sympathy for me and his concern for his sister is as clear as day.

  As we head into Rafe’s flat, I’m nearly knocked off my feet by Bernie throwing her arms around me. They have rushed down from Buxton to be near Rosie. Joaquin is cooking in the kitchen with Matthew and Bernie looks drained.

  “Jackson darling, are you ok?” I don’t know how to respond but she doesn’t push me for an answer, ushering me toward the sofa and handing me a large glass of whiskey that Rafe wasted no time pouring.

  “We’ll head back to the hospital first thing; she’s going to be ok Jackson!”

  The evening passes quickly. There’s not much in the way of conversation and despite not feeling particularly hungry, I manage to eat Joaquin’s food and then excuse myself when a barrage of yawns hits me like a high speed train.

  A bed is pulled out from the sofa and made up at lightning speed and as I lay staring up at the ceiling I can think of nothing but the harsh words exchanged yesterday and panic about what her last words to me will b
e if she doesn’t wake up…

  “Jackson, let me go. I can’t look at you. I don’t want you anywhere near me! I am not having an abortion Jackson, no fucking way. I’m disgusted with you. You make me sick Jackson! Let me out now!”

  …She has to wake up; she has to know how sorry I am.



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