Rescued: A Navy SEAL Secret Baby Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book #5)

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Rescued: A Navy SEAL Secret Baby Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book #5) Page 2

by Flora Ferrari

  “Yes, we don’t want this escalating. There’s no telling what people are capable of these days. And with a little bet of technological know-how some guys who look normal when you see them on the street can be real weirdos in their private life. And the technology helps them achieve whatever their sick brains can cook up.

  “I think that’s too much. Really.”

  “There’s no going back and starting over after an incident. The only way to avoid trouble is to never let it occur. You’ve told me these situations have been escalating. You can’t take any more risks with this guy.”

  “What do you suggest?”

  “I’m going to go after him myself.”

  “But what about the safe house idea?”

  “You’ll stay here.”


  “I have a separate room that serves that exact purpose. It’s totally private, while also being totally secure.”

  “I can’t stay here.”

  “Harper, I understand that you think this is all a little too much, but in situations like these it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  I could see by the way Mason looked at me that he could see I was considering it.

  “You saw how it was just getting into my place. The gate looks like bushes. I have two trained dogs. Great dogs. And you haven’t seen the half of it, but this place is locked down like Fort Knox. And in a worst case scenario I have underground tunnels fully stocked with enough food to last three weeks. And if we need to take to the air, I have a way to do that to?”

  “A helicopter?”

  “No, but something that’s designed for two or three people. We can be out of here in under sixty seconds.”

  I was beyond impressed. I could get used to this whole having a Navy SEAL around idea. Very used to it. As a matter of fact I was already visualizing myself here in the safe house. Sleeping better. Feeling safe. Feeling protected.

  It was all just happening so fast. I had just learned about Mason last night, and here I was being asked, no practically being told, that I was going to live here now. Actually, he was telling me. I could see there was no way this guy was going to take no for an answer. There was no way he was going to let me out of here.

  And the crazy thing was I wasn’t even sure I wanted to go. I knew I didn’t but my rational brain and my emotional brain were at odds.

  This seemed too good to be true.

  “I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

  “That’s because they’ve never been released for civilian use.”

  “You SEALs sure do have access to a lot of toys.”

  “Not toys. Important to remember that. All these things I have. All this work I do. It’s all life or death. It may not always seem like it on the surface, but it is. I take my job as protector very seriously.”

  “I can see that.”

  “And the next thing to see is your room. Let me show you.”

  I followed him down the hallway. When we reached the room he keyed in the code. “We can program the code to whatever you like, so you can remember.”


  “It’s just for privacy. For piece of mind.”

  “Okay,” I said, but all I could think about was how to leave the door open. How I was hoping he might come in one night and invade my privacy. To show me just how big and strong he really was. An up close and personal view.

  The interior of the room was Spartan, but perfect. There was a mirror, a dresser, and an attached bathroom. And a king sized bed that looked very comfortable. I was surprised that a SEAL would have picked out such a nice bed. I didn’t picture guys like him opting for comfort. Maybe it was just his thoughtfulness for his guests coming through.

  He reached over to flip on the light switch. I was closer so I also reached for it. My hand hit the switch first, followed by his. I felt electricity shoot though my body from his touch.

  He didn’t remove his hand. Just kept it there. I could see in his face that he felt it too. His gaze moved from the switch to my eyes. We locked eyes, and neither of us said anything. The sexual tension in the room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The same knife I was hoping he would pull out and use to cut open my blouse and take me right then and there.

  It had been a long time since I’d been with a man. A long time since I’d even kissed a man. Everyone thought I was just a goody two shoes, but I knew I wasn’t. My mind was full of dirty thoughts. Thoughts I’d wanted to let loose for years. Thoughts that I could only share with the right man. A man I could trust and respect. There were fewer and fewer of those to go around these days. Some would say nearly none. I wouldn’t argue with that too much.

  But here, standing right in front of me was more than the right man. He was the perfect man. Perfect as a man, and perfect for me.

  Tall, strong, and handsome with a quiet confidence. He was interested in my life and my safety. He was beyond gorgeous, and not that it mattered too much but it certainly looked like he was rich. All these systems and protective items must have cost a small fortune. And his house was in the most desirable area in town, but you wouldn’t even know he lived here. He had taken the time to insulate himself from the outside world, if he so choosed.

  He had shown me how he could pull back the fence to let visitors in, as he did with me, but how the fence could actually retract underground. Now that’s a cool party trick.

  He could make his fortress look defensive, or like the friendliest neighbor lived there. It was all depending on what the situation called for.

  He could adapt to anything. It was clear. But as much as he would adapt, he wouldn’t change. He was a man that knew who he was and knew what he wanted.

  And what he wanted was clear. Me.

  His head started to lean closer to mine. My body shook from the anticipation of our first kiss.

  Suddenly the house filled with the sound of an alarm. Three quick beeps and one long one. He pulled back.

  “Stay in here. The code is 01011962.”

  “What’s happening?”

  “Someone’s trying to break in.”



  I knew from the three short beeps followed by the longer one that the breach was at the back of the perimeter. The third quadrant.

  I ran to the control room and looked at the live surveillance feed.

  It was a combination of brave and stupid. The guy was trying to scale the fence. I looked at the screen showing the heat scan. I zoomed in. No gun. Only a knife.

  I zoomed in on the regular feed. It was him, exactly as Harper had described.

  Shield and Sword sat dutifully in the living room. I gave them the command for ‘follow in silence’ and we bolted out of the house.

  I hit the button on my phone and the fence began rapidly descending.

  He responded exactly how I expected. Surprise at what was happening. Recognition that he was screwed. Fear of not knowing what to do next. And then he ran.

  I didn’t give the call to the dogs. This one I was going to handle personally.

  He ran straight down the street and turned right. Another predictable move.

  I was gaining ground on him fast.

  As I rounded the corner I saw he had cut across the grass and was attempting to hide behind a car.

  I beelined it for him. He saw me coming and shot out from behind.

  Three…two…one! I lunged, tackling him on the grass of the front lawn. I patted him down quickly, finding the knife tucked into a leather case in his front pocket. Another foolish move.

  I put on the plastic cuffs as Shield and Sword watched stoically.

  I pulled out my phone and called my buddies at police station.

  I hadn’t even broken a sweat.



  Mason played back the tape in his control room. That was him all right.

  Mason was right. This was more serious than I thought. He had followed me this morning, and had done so with a knife.r />
  A chill went up my spine. Deciding not to wait any longer to take action might have saved my life. And not only just the decision to take action. Who I chose. Mason had handled the situation and I hand’t even been at his house two hours. That’s efficiency.

  And bravery. The way he had taken care of everything with such ease was such a turn on. I was feeling the after affects of his work and was even hotter for him now than before.

  I was excited and relieved that he’d been able to help me out, but I have to admit I was a little disappointed that I wouldn’t be staying at his amazing house. More than a little disappointed actually. I was looking forward to his home, office, compound, fortress thingy. And now I didn’t have an excuse, until he provided one.

  “It’s best if you spend the night. At least for tonight. Just to keep an eye on you.”

  You can keep a lot more than an eye on me.

  “Are you sure it’s no trouble?”

  “None at all. Sometimes victims have unexpected reactions to their stalkers being caught. Usually positive, but often intense and out-of-the blue. Especially that first night when they sleep.”

  “I see.”

  “So best if you stay here. And, I don’t mean to alarm you, but it also gives the police time to question him. To determine if he was working alone.”

  “You think there was somebody else?”

  “Highly unlikely, but again it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  “You’re right.”

  “And they’ll take a look at his place tonight. By morning I’ll know what they found. If there’s any reason to be alarmed.”

  “So just one night?”

  He was always so quick and sure with his replies. This time there was just an extra pause before he said, “One night would be all that’s required.”

  “I see. But what do you recommend?”

  His hand reached down and his fingers touched my cheek, making their way along my jawline and then back before pushing my hair back behind my ear. His fingers were strong, it was like even they had muscles. They were calloused and rough, but his touch was gentle and thoughtful. Electric. My body responded. I felt my nipples hardened and my pussy clench.

  “I recommend we pick up where we left off.”

  I couldn’t resist this. This was all too good to be true. I didn’t know if he just wanted me for one night or for more. In the moment I didn’t care. I wasn’t going to miss out. “And where might that be?”

  “Right where we were before we were so rudely interrupted,” he said just before his mouth crashed down onto mine.

  My body shook and my back arched. I felt his hand slide behind my back, pulling me closer to him. God, I wanted him so bad. I wanted him to rip all my clothes off right then and there and do anything and everything he wanted to to me. Because that’s the same thing I wanted. For him to unleash all that power, that protective nature, those animal instincts. To take me. To have me. To make me his.

  He reached down with both hands, grabbing me firmly around the waist. His tongue fucked my mouth. The heat of his body pressed against mine. I could feel all his muscles now. My hands wandered up to his stomach, running over the grooves of his washboard abs. Each muscle as sculpted as the next.

  I reached up and grabbed his chest as hard as I could. Passion overtaking me. His chest was too big to grab. Bigger than my hands, and all muscle. I ran my hands along his chest finding the sides. I had never seen a man so sculpted let alone touched one. Let alone about to be with one. Just the thought of it and I could feel the dampness in my panties. As if right on cue I felt his hands wander down from my waist and across my skirt.

  His hand found the bottom of my skirt and raised it up to my hips. He grabbed hold again and lifted me up onto the control panel table. All the screens behind me.

  I felt like I was in some sort of control tower. But that’s the last thing I had…control. It was all his.

  He grabbed me by the ankles sliding me forward until the edge of my butt reached the edge of the table.

  His hands moving up my body, across my back and grabbing my breasts as a moan escaped my lips. His mouth swallowed my moan like it was about to swallow me.

  His kisses moved down along my cheek, a slight bite at my chin before continuing down my neck. Suddenly he dropped to his knees. My wet pussy right in front of his face. The only thing separating us was a thin layer of fabric. The annoyance of my panties was quickly removed as his hands slid up my sides, yanking them down to my ankles. He expertly maneuvered them around my feet before burying his head in-between my legs.

  There was no foreplay. Just straight for the main course. His tongue violently inside me causing me to twitch and exhale hard.

  My hands pressed down against the table rising me up slightly before I was quickly slammed back down as his hands locked around my waist.

  I leaned forward and ran my fingers through his soft, dark hair as I erotically massaged his scalp.

  I could feel the tenacity in his grip around my hips as he pulled me closer to him, as if he didn’t want to miss a drop.

  His tongue found my most sensitive spot and my back arched causing my hands to leave his scalp. My body couldn’t support itself from the sensation he was giving me. Gravity took me back against his monitors and my hips arched forward begging his tongue for more.

  “I’m going to cum,” I said. My fists clenched and I felt my body convulse as I released my warm gift into his mouth.



  She tasted as sweet as she smelled and when she released in my mouth it was too much to take.

  I had to have her. To own her. To make her mine.

  I watched as her body shook, her pussy contracting around my tongue. The sensation of it amazing.

  I waited for her to finish and then stood quickly. I unbuttoned my belt and dropped my pants. I reached down to untie my shoes. I threw them to the side where they were quickly joined by my pants and boxer briefs.

  I reached around, grabbing her ass, and slid her forward onto my dick. In one motion she slid from the table and onto me. She was suspended in mid air, my dick impaling her.

  Her head bounced wildly. Her hair flung everywhere. The intensity and voracity with which we fucked turned me on even more.

  Just looking at her made me hot. Just hearing her voice was enough to get me pre-cumming. The build up had been quick and intense. The expectations beyond compare. The reality even better.

  He pussy fit my cock like a glove. It was like we were made for each other. Made to mate. And that’s exactly the plans I had for her. This was my woman now. I owned her in this moment. From head to toe. And for the rest of our lives I’d own the rest of her. Her heart and soul.

  “Mason, I’m cumming.”

  Damn. Getting her off twice so quickly was pushing me past my breaking point. My hips continued thrashing into her. Each pump sending her skyward. Gravity sending her sliding back down my shaft.

  Her body moved closer to mine. I could feel her stomach slide against mine. The friction from our skin, the heat from our bodies, the speed of our passion for each other…it was too much.

  I felt her pussy clench around my dick just as my head fell backward. I yelled a deep, primal yell. It resonated from deep within me. There was no way to control it, nor would I want to.

  I exploded inside her, filling her with my juices.

  I felt my knees weaken and blood rush throughout my body.

  I leaned forward sitting her on the table. My cock still firmly inside her. The fucker still twitching, letting out each and every drop it had saved for this woman. The women that it knew it would mate with for life. Own for life. Become one with for life.

  I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her on top of the head. I could feel her body still moving from the intensity of our physical exertion. We gave it our all, and gave each other our all in the process.

  The sex had been amazing. Too short, but there would be plenty more chances. Wha
t felt ever more amazing was the after. Just holding her there. Seeing her spent, emptied, in my arms.

  She fit perfectly. Just like I had fit inside her perfectly.

  There never were any doubts that she was the one for me. This was just one more log on the fire. And that was something special I had always wanted to do, but had never found the right woman. A night in front of the fireplace. Tonight, I’d have my night in front of the fireplace. And tonight, I’d finally have my woman. The woman I’d waited on all these years. Saving the moment for the right woman would make it all the more special.


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