Rise to Embrace [Rise of the Changelings, Book 3] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

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Rise to Embrace [Rise of the Changelings, Book 3] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) Page 6

by Lynn Hagen

  And with Garrett keeping a close eye on her, she couldn’t allow what she wanted to jeopardize not only her life, but the lives of others she cared about as well.

  She was interested. There was no doubt in Deluca’s mind that the woman standing in front of him was filled with desire. He just couldn’t believe how much he wanted her. Never before had he craved a woman like this. It was like a bone-deep desire that he couldn’t shake, and didn’t want to.

  He had always played around with the ladies, enjoying their sweet and soft bodies, but never entertained the thought of keeping one for long term. Willow not only had the thought racing through his mind, but Deluca was a bit shocked that he was even thinking about starting a family with her.

  Brooke had always warned him that he would know when the right woman came along. Deluca had thought Brooke crazy. All women were right in Deluca’s eyes. But now that he stared at Willow, Deluca finally realized what Brooke had been referring to. He began to imagine what it would be like to wake up and have her nestled between him and Brooke. Deluca’s mind was entertaining the image of her holding their baby close as he or she suckled from their mother’s breast.

  The thought stirred something deep inside of him that Deluca wasn’t even aware was there. It was a longing to have someone permanently in his life. Not just someone he wanted to have a good time with.

  Over the ten years he had known Brooke, the man had gone on and on about romancing a woman and his old-fashioned values. Brooke believed in love at first sight. He believed family was sacred.

  Deluca was an only child and not very close with his family. It was Brooke’s family who treated Deluca like he belonged. But he had always thought Brooke a little nutty for his views on women. They seemed outdated to him.

  But with the woman standing in front of him, Deluca was beginning to entertain those very outdated ideas.

  Brooke was never going to let him live this down.

  He wondered what Willow would do if he pulled her into his arms and licked her full, lower lip. That was all he could think about since meeting her. Deluca wanted to taste, to touch, and to hear her crying out his name. He curled his hands into tight fists. She was already afraid of Garrett. He didn’t want to be added to her list of people she was frightened of.

  Instinct told him that she had never been with two men before, and he knew he had to take this slowly. Brooke had warned him to be careful. He had said she was a frightened kitten. Deluca wanted to caress her soft skin and tell her she had nothing to be frightened of. That he and Brooke would not only show her what divine ecstasy truly was, but that she was safe in their arms as well.

  “Is there something you needed?” Her voice was calm, cool, but Deluca could see the pulse in her neck beating quickly.

  “I was just trying to have a conversation with you, Willow.” He liked saying her name. He could tell by the flare of intensity in her eyes that she liked hearing him say it. He would have to remember that when he had her writhing beneath him. She was a coyote changeling, and Deluca bet she would be wild and passionate in bed.

  He stared into the extraordinary green eyes and found himself taking another step closer to the thick and curvaceous woman. His hands itched to run over every swell, every curve until he had her unglued and begging.

  “Do you want me to leave?” he asked as he took yet another step. He was close enough to touch, but Deluca kept his hands at his sides. It was driving him crazy not to reach out and trace his fingers down her swanlike neck, or let them play over the creamy skin at the swell of her breasts. Those twin beauties made him want to nip and suck so badly that his damn mouth was watering.

  “What did you want to talk about?” she asked as she stared him in the eyes, her arms crossing underneath her breasts. She was becoming guarded, defensive, and uncomfortable.

  Deluca took a step back. “How did you end up being the one to look after us?”

  Willow shrugged as she glanced toward the floor. “I’m not sure. Alpha Garrett came to my home and told me I had guests to entertain.”

  “Guests?” Deluca asked in shocked surprised. “Is that what he called us?”

  She nodded. “He said to make sure your group was well taken care of and were comfortable. He took my nie—” Willow closed her mouth and turned, walking over to stand next to the dresser. “How did you end up with Enrique?”

  Deluca wanted to ask her to finish what she had started to say, but didn’t want to push her. He tucked his hands under his arms and smiled. “I like to live dangerously.”

  Her eyes went wide. “You do?”

  Oh, he liked teasing her. He could see she was going to be so much fun. “And it was a favor for a friend.”

  She scowled at him and Deluca smiled. “You’re teasing me, Deluca.”

  His body grew heavy and hungry when he heard his name on her lips. His eyes dropped to her full breasts and Deluca’s mouth watered once more. The swell of her breasts rose up above her shirt and showed him just how pale and pretty her skin truly was. She was wearing a long, billowing skirt, and Deluca was robbed of admiring her shapely legs. But he grinned when he saw the pink polish on her toenails.

  “I’m not sure if I should be offended or not.”

  His eyes snapped up as he frowned at her. He wasn’t sure what she was talking about. “For what?”

  “You just checked out every inch of my body with your eyes.” She was glaring at him, as if offended. He highly doubted she was offended to the point she would kick him out. He knew she was just as interested in him.

  His lips tilted up and Deluca relaxed. “Tell me you didn’t check me out already,” he badgered lightly. He knew it was the truth when a dusty rose colored her cheeks. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

  “I noticed you,” she admitted offhandedly. “That doesn’t give you permission to openly gape at my body.”

  “Why not?” he asked.

  “Because you don’t treat a lady like that.” Deluca inwardly smiled when Brooke spoke from the doorway. “Haven’t I taught you anything?”

  Willow visibly tensed, which made Deluca want to comfort her. He moved to the right of Willow as Brooke eased over to the left. She still had plenty of room, but he could see her watching them both.

  “You never answered Brooke’s question,” Deluca pointed out. “Do you know what Garrett is up to?”

  If he thought she was tense before, it was nothing compared to the rigid way she was standing now. Willow reminded him of an animal caught by two predators. Although he wanted to pounce on her like one and lick her entire body, he didn’t like the fear he saw in her emerald-green eyes.

  Deluca watched in amazement as Brooke walked right over and pulled Willow into his arms. Had he known it would have been that easy, he would have done it as soon as he walked into the bedroom.

  “Brooke,” she said with warning, but there was no heat to her voice. She just stared up at Deluca’s friend as she kept her hands close to her body. “What are you doing?”

  “Showing you that you have nothing to be afraid of.”

  Deluca watched, waited. He knew Brooke was trying to make her feel safe, protected, but Deluca wasn’t sure if she would freak out if he came up behind her. The temptation was overwhelming, but he remained where he was.

  When Brooke dipped his head to kiss her, Deluca moved in smoothly behind her, placing a hand on her hip, pulling her back to his chest. He brushed aside her thick wealth of deep, rich red hair and laid a single kiss to her neck.

  He could feel her relaxing, pushing her back against him. Deluca let his fingers glide up her sides, but stopped himself from cupping her bountiful breasts. They had to ease her into this. He was pretty sure groping Willow at this point just might get him smacked.

  “The alpha is here,” Benito said as he hurried into the room. “And he looks downright pissed.”

  Chapter Seven

  Rick knew it was too late to warn Deluca and Brooke. Garrett had shown up too unexpectedly and caught them off g
uard. He stood there as fury flashed in his eyes. “Where is Willow?”

  There was someone outside the loft with a rifle aimed at Rick’s head. He could feel it. If he attacked Garrett, either he or Dorian would be killed. He had no doubt they would go for his mate if they couldn’t get him.

  Rick was ready to push Dorian aside and attack nonetheless when Willow walked out of the bedroom, looking and smelling downright terrified. When Rick took a step forward, Garrett shot him a challenging expression. “Don’t be foolish enough to interfere.”

  “Interfere in what?” Rick asked just as Brooke and Deluca appeared in the doorway. Garrett’s anger seemed to flame off of him, hot enough to singe.

  “Come, Willow.” Garrett turned and Willow followed.

  “Wait,” Deluca said. “Where are you taking her?”

  The alpha kept walking. Both Brooke and Deluca began to follow, but Rick stepped in their path. “We’ll get her out of here. But right now, if you go out there trying to take her, you’ll be killed.”

  “Get out of my fucking way.” Brooke’s eyes held a daggerlike gleam.

  “Deluca, you know I’m speaking the truth,” Rick said as he turned to the other human, but he could tell from the man’s expression that he wasn’t thinking clearly either.

  “Move, Rick,” Deluca said. His aggression level rose, filling the air with the promise of violence.

  Rick gave a nod. “Then if we do this, we do it right.” He moved closer. “You better plan on keeping this female if we put our necks on the line trying to save her.”

  Rick turned toward Edward. “Get Isabelle, Howard, and Dorian out as soon as the shit hits the fan.”

  “You are not making me run like a coward!” Dorian said as he jumped to his feet. “If you fight, then so do I.”

  Rick turned to argue with his stubborn mate when an explosion rocked the loft. He ran to the door, stepping out onto the natural moss and wood of the balcony. Chaos was reigning below. People were screaming and running in every direction. Rick wasn’t sure what was going on, but he knew an opportunity to get away from this place when he saw one.

  “Willow.” Brooke said the female werecoyote’s name as he took off down the flight of stairs, Deluca hot on his heels.

  Rick spun around as soon as Dorian cleared the doorway. “Go tell Edward to get everyone out.”

  “I’m not leaving your side,” Dorian said with a steel edge to his voice. “We’re in this until the end, remember?”

  Rick remembered those quiet promises they made each other in that dark barn. It felt so long ago. Dorian had been terrified, and Rick had been trying to comfort him. Now that promise was coming back to bite him. “You don’t even have the Smith & Wesson.”

  “We’ll protect him,” Miguel said as he and Benito hurried from the loft. “Besides, I told Dorian once already that I would be protecting him, not the other way around.” There was no heat to Miguel’s words, but Rick could tell his pride was still hurting over Dorian trying to send the two juveniles home. He reluctantly nodded as Mason and Omar joined him.

  “Let’s go help Deluca and Brooke find Willow.” They took off down the stairs and ran through the chaos. Another explosion lit up the night, and Rick saw which direction it was coming from. It was obvious that someone had placed explosives all around the compound, in places that would scare everyone, but not close enough to kill any innocent people.

  “It’s too soon to be Nate,” Benito said as he ran alongside Rick. “I’m not sure who is attacking.”

  Rick nodded. Benito had told him that he had texted Nate. Although Rick hoped the man had gotten there on time to help, Rick also knew Nate was needed in Shelton. If this wasn’t Nate helping them, then he would need to call his top enforcer and tell him to go back home.

  But what had impressed Rick was Benito thinking to text the enforcer in the first place.

  God love quick-thinking people. He was glad to see the juvenile didn’t lose his head when the heat rose. Rick already knew Miguel was going to make a fine enforcer one day. It seemed Miguel’s cousin was following in his footsteps.

  Rick spotted the young teenager who had been in the loft earlier, preparing dinner with Willow. Her dark-brown eyes were wild as she carried a young pup in her arms. Rick immediately ran toward her.

  “You have to help us,” she cried. “Alpha Garrett forced Willow into a car and then told me she was a traitor and that he was sending her to the detention center.” The girl visibly shook as she stared up at Rick with pleading eyes. “Can you take us with you? I have to help Willow. She’s not a traitor.”

  Red-hot anger lashed through Rick. How in the hell could the man call Willow a traitor? All she had done was take interest in the two humans. There was nothing traitorous about that.

  “He teaches us all that mating outside our breed is a death sentence,” Trisha said and then squatted down, protecting the pup’s head with her hand when gunfire began to sound nearby.

  “Whose child is that?” Rick asked, nodding toward the pup. He wanted to get out of here. He wanted to warn Brooke and Deluca that Willow was no longer here, that she had been taken to where they were headed. But he wasn’t going to be a part of kidnapping. No matter how he felt about children, he wasn’t going to allow this young juvenile to take the pup from her mother.

  “This is Harmony, Willow’s niece. Willow is raising her.”

  Rick grabbed the girl’s arm, pulling her toward the protection of trees. “Where are your parents? I won’t take you from them.”

  “They died. My aunt is raising me, and she would be thrilled if I disappeared.”

  That was a very odd thing to say.

  “I haven’t told Willow, but I haven’t seen my aunt in eight days. I’m not sure what has happened to her.”

  Mason grabbed the pup from the teenager’s arms. She spun around, fighting to get the child back. Rick was stunned at how vehemently she fought. Her mahogany hair swung around her as she clawed at Mason’s arms, pulling and tugging, a low growl erupting from her throat.

  Rick grabbed her arms, pulling her back. “This is Mason. He just wants to help you carry Harmony.”

  “Peanut,” she corrected. “Willow calls her little Peanut.”

  Rick gave her a reassuring smile as they ran deeper into the mountain. He wasn’t sure where they were going, but was relieved when he saw Brooke and Deluca join them.

  “A few people saw Willow being taken away in a car,” Deluca said.

  “I know,” Rick replied. He turned toward the girl. “What’s your name?”

  “Trisha,” Brooke answered for her.

  “Trisha saw what happened and came running for help. Garrett said Willow was a traitor and sent her to the detention center.”

  Rick knew what was coming. It was the same way he would have acted if anything happened to Dorian. Even though the two men had just met Willow, Rick could sense a bond already forming between the three.

  Brooke was the first to stop running. He stood motionless as he stared at Rick. His expression was filled with fear and rage. “He did what?” The question was spoken so quietly that it was less than a whisper.

  Deluca cursed low. Rick knew this war was going to take its toll on everyone and demand a price he feared would be too high. But the real battle hadn’t begun yet. There had been murders and manhunts, but the war was going to explode to epic proportions when Rick and the humans leveled the detention center.

  It would be yet another perceived act of aggression by the nonhumans.

  But for Rick and those he was fighting for, this would be showing the government that they couldn’t stop the changelings. That they couldn’t beat them down and make them disappear quietly in the night.

  Deluca was quietly speaking with the Brooke. Rick could hear the conversation. It wasn’t like he was trying to eavesdrop, but being changeling, he had superior hearing. Deluca was promising Brooke that they were going to get Willow out. The man was speaking his promise with total conviction. He w
as also telling Brooke to remember the friends who were on standby, waiting for their word.

  Brooke nodded and turned around. Some of the anger had eased from his face to be replaced by determination. “Who is she?” Brooke nodded toward Mason.

  Rick wasn’t aware other militant men were coming to help. He wasn’t sure what Deluca was talking about, but Rick knew the two human soldiers standing in front of him were sent to help. If they trusted others to help them without trying to turn Rick over to his enemies, then Rick would give the same. “She’s Willow’s niece, Harmony. According to Trisha, Willow is raising her.”

  “Peanut,” Trisha quietly corrected him.

  Rick nodded. “Peanut is her nickname.”

  Dorian grabbed Rick’s hand, giving it a light squeeze, telling Rick he was there for him. It was a small gesture, but was what Rick needed at that moment. They were about to embark on the largest part of their fight, and Rick was honestly scared.

  So many things could go wrong. But they had no choice. Too many people they cared about had been taken. Rick was not going to sit by and let them suffer. He just prayed he didn’t come away from this fight with wounds so deep he would never recover. He had lost close friends, like Miguel’s parents since this started. People he thought he could trust had sold him out, and those he loved were in constant danger.

  He had even sentenced one man to death when he wrongly accused Leon of being a mole for the Death Squad. Even though Edward told him that Leon had in fact betrayed them, it still was a slice across his soul.

  Brooke closed the distance and carefully took Harmony from Mason’s arms. She glanced at Trisha with her baby-blue eyes, and Rick knew he would fight to the death to keep the young pup alive.

  “You’re safe, pup,” Brooke softly crooned to her. Rick was amazed the man knew to call her the changeling term for a child. The man was human. He would have thought Brooke would have called her some endearment humans used for toddlers.

  But then again, if these two men planned on keeping Willow, Rick knew they would have to get used to the changeling life. It didn’t look like either of them were going to have any problems.


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