Rise to Embrace [Rise of the Changelings, Book 3] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove)

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Rise to Embrace [Rise of the Changelings, Book 3] (Siren Publishing Epic Romance, ManLove) Page 11

by Lynn Hagen

  She was close. So close.

  Deluca’s fingers swiveled around the opening to her pussy, as if he were gathering the juices, and then his fingers probed at her back entrance.

  Willow was beyond shame at this point. All she wanted was relief. The fire burning inside of her felt as though they were licking over her nerve endings.

  Willow moaned when one finger slid into her ass. Deluca licked around her clit, suckling on the engorged bud as Brooke slipped over to her other nipple, teasing it, tasting it with his teeth.

  Deluca gathered more juices and then slid two fingers into her ass as he moved his mouth lower and sucked at her pussy. A third finger slipped into Willow’s burning rear end and stretched her untouched channel.

  He moved inside of her, fucking her channel with his large fingers, making Willow thrash with the building pleasure.

  She screamed when her climax hit. She exploded with such force, such overwhelming pleasure, that nothing mattered, nothing existed as Deluca sucked her to completion.

  She lay there panting until Deluca rose above her, his eyes gleaming with hard arousal. “I’m going to fuck this tight pussy, Willow.”

  Before she could respond, Deluca’s cock was at her entrance, working inside with small, measured thrusts. The slick cream of her pussy helped ease Deluca’s way. His cock surged into the wetness of her cunt as she arched her back and cried out in pleasure.

  She was nearly mindless with pleasure, but watched as Brooke grabbed the lube and began to lather his cock with the clear gel.

  “Now comes the fun part,” Brooke whispered into her ear before Deluca pulled her up from the bed and Brooke slid beneath her.

  Willow gasped when she felt the blunt head of Brooke’s erection pressing at her back entrance.

  “Relax, sweetheart,” Deluca said as he laid a light kiss on her lips. “Just focus on me.”

  “I’ve never—” She turned her head, feeling the blush creep over her body as Brooke worked his way into her body in small, even increments.

  “Then you are about to find out what you’ve been missing,” Deluca teased. “Am I right?”

  “God, yes,” Brooke groaned underneath her as his hands gripped her hips. “Fuck, sugar, you are about to make me come even before I’m all the way in.”

  Deluca chuckled. “See what you do to us?”

  Willow gave a quick nod, concentrating on Deluca’s gorgeous grey eyes, trying her best to ignore the burning, searing pain in her ass. Brooke’s hand slipped around her hip and his fingers began to play with her clit. Willow leaned her head back and groaned.

  “So damn pretty,” Deluca whispered.

  “Give her to me,” Brooke said and Deluca began to lower her back down.

  “Ready, sweetheart?”

  Willow wrapped her arms around Deluca’s neck and nodded, but she never expected the pain to morph into near-orgasmic pleasure. Her legs instinctively wound around Deluca’s strong hips as both men began to move inside of her.

  She was full, so damn full that Willow felt as if she were going to split in half. Neither men lacked in size or girth, and they filled her to such capacity that Willow clung to Deluca as his cock, and Brooke’s, brought her untold pleasure.

  “She likes both of us inside of her,” Deluca teased as he kissed down the flesh of her neck. “Don’t you, Willow?”

  “Oh, god,” she shouted, feeling like a leaf in a hurricane. “Yes, I do.” She reached desperately for the blinding release she knew she would find in their arms.

  When Deluca pulled back, Brooke thrust forward, both working in a synchronized rhythm. Brooke’s cock impaled Willow’s ass, stretching muscles and skimming over nerve endings that she never knew she had. She was amazed at how much she loved anal sex. Willow didn’t know it could be this good, this mind blowing.

  “I think we created a monster,” Deluca teased as his hands ghosted over her breasts. “You like feeling Brooke fuck your ass, sweetheart?”

  “Please,” she cried, “more.” Her legs tightened around Deluca’s waist as Brooke picked up his pace, thrusting harder inside of her as Willow panted and whimpered, wanting the release that was so close she could feel it just at the edge.

  “Mate us, Willow,” Deluca growled as his thrusts matched Brooke’s in intensity. “Do it.”

  Willow let out a low, long cry before her canines elongated and she bit into Deluca’s shoulder.

  Deluca shouted, ramming his cock into her with such force that Willow had to hold on tighter or he was going to jar her loose. His seed spurted inside of Willow’s pussy as she sank her teeth deeper, ensuring there was no room for error.

  She felt Brooke slide free of her ass, and then he worked himself from under her. The sink in the bathroom came on.

  With one last tug of Deluca’s shoulder, Willow released his flesh, licking at the wound and knowing it was going to be a permanent mark.

  Deluca was her mate.

  His hips slowed and then Deluca laid a kiss on her lips before pulling away. A protest was on her lips until Brooke climbed over her, thrusting deep inside her pussy with his hard cock.

  Willow exploded in such mind-numbing pleasure that she almost didn’t see when Brooke exposed his neck to her. Willow attacked, sinking her teeth deep into his flesh, almost savagely as a hard blast of semen spurted into her body.

  “Oh, fucking hell,” Brooke cried out as his body arched into her once more. Willow pulled back, licking at the wound and feeling so blissfully sated that all she wanted to do was sleep.

  “Your eyes,” Deluca said as he crawled onto the bed next to her. “There are yellow shards mixing in with the green, and they’re glowing.”

  Willow tried to look away but Brooke caught her chin. “They are the most stunning eyes I have ever seen.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered as she buried her face in Brooke’s chest. He eased his cock out of her pussy and then lay down, pulling Willow into his side. She felt Deluca crawl behind her, his arm coming over her side as he sighed.

  “Mates, huh?” Brooke asked.

  “Mates,” Willow replied.

  “My parents are going to kick my ass for not inviting them to the wedding,” Brooke said.

  Willow glanced up at him and then laughed. “If you had invited your parents to this, I would have run screaming.”

  “Don’t worry,” Deluca said as he scooted closer. “I’m pretty sure they would have, too.”

  Willow smiled as she laid her head on Brooke’s chest, hearing his heartbeat returning to its normal rhythm, and knew she had finally found two men who would protect and love her forever.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Doesn’t seem real, does it?” Freedman asked as he joined Rick.

  “We don’t have enough military forces for the entire nation, do we?” Rick asked.

  Rick stood outside the motel room, cup of coffee in his hand. He had watched the news reports this morning, and none of them had been good. They had shown twelve body bags being taken away from the detention center. The news reporters weren’t saying if the bags contained humans or nonhumans, but Rick had a feeling it was the guards who had tried to stop the changelings from getting to their children.

  Freedman’s muscular frame leaned against the wall as he sipped at his own cup of coffee. Rick watched as the man looked out into the cornfields that lined the fields across the road. “No, they don’t. The military is going to protect the most sensitive and vital locations. The local authorities will have to enforce martial law in other places. Generally military personnel replace civil authority, but with the entire nation being affected, they are doing what they can to try and regain order and bring back the effective function of the government.”

  The news reporters were calling the raid on the detention center an unprovoked attack by the nonhumans. The images that flashed across the screen were profound as Rick stared at the television, seeing the destruction in the early-morning light. The walls had collapsed, the military was everywhere, an
d the lead commander was saying that the nonhumans must be captured at all costs. He called them savages, murderers, and dangerous to not only the public, but to each other.

  The report shifted, and Rick had sat there stunned when he saw riots in the streets of Washington, protestors marching outside of the White House, and newscasters saying that people identified as nonhumans were being attacked and killed by the large amount of hate groups sweeping the nation.

  But what made Rick feel as though he were swimming in a vast sea of unrealistic reality was when the reporters stated that martial law had been declared throughout the United States.

  The military was in control now.

  Rick took another sip of his coffee. “Laymen terms. I barely passed social studies in high school,” Rick admitted.

  Freedman nodded. “Basically, this is a full-scale martial law and the military is now calling the shots.”

  Rick turned and stared off into the cornfield with Freedman. He had been running from place to place, trying to stay one step ahead of the Death Squad and recruit as many changelings as possible.

  But to hear that the military was in control was so damn unreal that Rick felt in over his head. Everyone kept saying there was a war going on, and Rick knew that the three changelings who were murdered down by the waterfront were the beginning of it all.

  Ten humans had been massacred.

  A college had been bombed, killing twenty-seven humans.

  The main detention center had been ambushed, and deaths on both sides had taken place.

  But none of that seem to compare to what was happening now. Protestors were taking to the streets. Riots were exploding all over the nation. Hate groups were attacking and killing changelings at random.

  And now the military was taking over.

  The war had truly come to the forefront. There were no longer just isolated incidents. It was really happening, and Rick wasn’t sure what to do. He was a damn district manager of a local chain of grocery stores. He was an alpha of a local werewolf changeling pack.

  And he had become the leader of an uprising.

  Rick needed Dorian. He needed to feel safe and forget the world was in total and utter chaos. Rick wanted those precious moments only his mate could give him. Even though he was an alpha with the weight of the world on his shoulders, Rick needed to be comforted.

  He left Freedman leaning against the wall as he walked into his motel room. Dorian was still asleep, curled up in the blankets, unaware that the nation had fallen apart. He knew that chaos was going to reign once they hit the detention center. Rick just hadn’t anticipated how badly things were going to get.

  He pulled his clothes off and crawled into the bed, pulling Dorian into his arms and losing himself in the moment of holding his mate in the wee hours of the morning.

  “What’s wrong?” Dorian asked.

  “Nothing, gatito.” Rick pressed his lips against his mate’s temple. Dorian stared at him for a long moment and then Rick moved in, curved one arm around Dorian’s neck, then pulled his mate close for a kiss filled with heat and intense passion.

  It was exactly what Rick needed.

  As he buried one hand in Dorian’s hair and concentrated on kissing and licking over lush lips, Rick forgot about martial law and what was going on in the world as he wrapped his arms around his mate, pulling him closer, taking what he so desperately needed.

  “I have you, Rick,” Dorian whispered in Rick’s mouth before Rick swept his tongue into his mate’s mouth. Their moans and groans echoed through the room as their tongues dueled and tasted each other.

  Their lips parted, only for brief seconds, to allow precious air into their heaving lungs, and then Rick deepened the kiss. He ran his fingers through Dorian’s hair, pulling the man closer, tugging on the strands, feeling needy and wanting reassurance.

  It was Dorian who was pushing at Rick’s chest, gasping for breath. Rick eased back, but didn’t break the contact between them.

  He needed Dorian. Rick felt like a man on the edge. He wanted to possess and control, to drown himself in his mate. His cock was a wedge of pure steel, straining in his jeans. Lust clamored inside of him and the need for release drove sharpened spikes of sensation racing over his nerve endings straight to his dick.

  Feeling crazed, Rick tore his shirt over his head, kicked his jeans off with lightning speed, and was covering Dorian with his body in seconds.

  Dorian didn’t question Rick’s insanity. His mate wrapped his arms around Rick, welcoming him. He pushed Dorian onto his back, tearing his mate’s underwear from his body, leaving them in shreds as his hands mapped out every inch of his mate’s heated skin.

  Dorian was already moaning, writhing and thrashing beneath him. His mate’s cock was just as hard, pre-cum glistening at the tip as he spread his legs wide in invitation.

  That’s what he wanted to see, total surrender. Rick was breathing hard, his skin sensitive as he snagged the lube from the nightstand and lathered his cock.

  “Take what you need from me, Rick.” Dorian’s hand cupped Rick’s face. “Whatever it is you want, take it.”

  Rick wanted to forget.

  He hated feeling lost.

  He wasn’t sure what the future was going to bring them, but he wasn’t going to lose Dorian. The man was the one solace Rick couldn’t live without.

  Rick began to slow down, his hands and mouth mapping Dorian’s body leisurely, and studying ever curve of hard muscles, every dip of skin. He gripped his mate’s wrists, holding them tight in his hands as he slowly kissed his way to one taut nipple.

  Dorian bucked when Rick drew the sensitive skin into his mouth and teased the nub with his teeth.

  “Rick,” Dorian groaned.

  He released the tender flesh and rasped his unshaven jaw over the nipple, making Dorian cry out before Rick pulled it back into his mouth.

  “You’re killing me, Rick.” Dorian mewled and bucked, driving his thick cock against Rick’s and then wrapped his legs around Rick’s waist, trying to pull Rick closer.

  He nipped his mate’s chest. “Do you want me that badly, gatito?”

  “Yes,” Dorian said between clenched teeth. “I’m so damn close already.”

  Rick maneuvered his hips until his thick length was seated between Dorian’s legs. But he didn’t enter his mate. Instead, he licked his way back up Dorian’s chest and bit his mate’s neck. Not enough to hurt, but enough to have the man cursing and writhing.

  Rick smiled. “You are so sexy when you beg.”

  Dorian turned his head, his eyes narrowing. “Fuck me or I swear we won’t have sex for a month!”

  Now that was a threat Rick wasn’t willing to wager on. Reaching down, he grabbed Dorian’s calves, pressed his mate’s legs back, and gave one hard thrust, burying his thick steel-hard erection to the hilt. He could feel the tremors of need racing through Dorian. His mate’s arousal spiked through the roof as Rick buried his cock inside his mate’s ass.

  Gritting his teeth, Rick eased back, wanting to scream himself about the incredible pleasure from the friction of Dorian’s flesh against his. He thrust inside the tight depths of Dorian’s body, groaning on every stroke at the tight heat clasping him.

  Rick drove against Dorian harder, deeper, one hard hand spanning Dorian’s hip as he held the man still. The other was under Dorian’s shoulder, arching his mate’s body to Rick’s devouring mouth. His mate was so tight and hot around Rick’s cock, the muscles gripping Rick like a slick, velvety fist.

  “You feel so good inside of me,” Dorian whispered, staring at Rick with those gorgeous Peruvian-brown eyes, straining to get closer, to get Rick deeper inside of him.

  Rick swirled his tongue over Dorian’s shoulder, drawing patterns along his mate’s sensitive skin. “Do I?”

  Rick was teasing, but he was overwhelmed by the heated tightness surrounding his cock and the look of pure ecstasy on Dorian’s face.

  Rick pulled back, leaving just the head of his dick inside Dorian�
��s ass. “Do you want to feel my cock all the way to the hilt?”

  “God, yes,” Dorian said breathlessly, his muscles clenching on the few scant inches of hard flesh inside his ass. “All of you.”

  Rick drove deep, Dorian threw his head back and gave a long cry. Rick’s sharp growl at the way Dorian responded to his driving cock surprised him. He felt primal as his teeth elongated. He wanted to claim his mate all over again.

  Bending his head, Rick found the mating mark on Dorian’s shoulder and sank his teeth deep into the giving flesh. Rick didn’t let up. He fucked his mate with a driving force, taking him like a wild man who had lost control.

  Dorian’s orgasm swept through him, his cock erupting between them. The silky ribbons painted Rick’s stomach, but he kept thrusting hard and deep. As Dorian’s channel rippled, Rick felt his spunk rising, ready to shoot, and he couldn’t wait to get off inside his mate.

  His beast had been unleashed and Rick wasn’t going to stop until his werewolf was satiated. Grabbing Dorian’s legs, Rick tossed them over one shoulder, gripped his mate’s hips, and pounded into the man at lightning speed.

  His balls drew up tight to his body and then Rick threw his head back and howled, his seed filling his mate’s ass as he curled his hips over and over again.

  Finally, Rick began to slow and his mind began to work again.

  Pulling his flagging cock from his mate, Rick gazed down at Dorian, feeling all the love he held for the man encompass him, and knew he would fight to the death for not only them, but all couples who had someone this precious to fight for.

  “It’s begun,” Captain O’Hanlon said to Vice Admiral Harrington as he closed the office door behind him.

  “We have total authority to wipe those animals from the face of the earth,” Harrington said as he sat back in his chair, “and all because Enrique Marcelo decided to attack the main facility.”

  “My team reported back to me,” O’Hanlon said as he stood by the door. “Lieutenant Commander John Freedman, the former leader, killed Middleton. He’s taken up with Enrique and his group.”


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