In the Arms of the Dragon Princes

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In the Arms of the Dragon Princes Page 3

by Jessica Miller

  Victor turned to Michael. “You idiot,” he hissed. “Nice job scaring her off. I should go and talk to her. You stay here and try to keep your dick in your pants.” He took off after Evelyn.

  Evelyn sank onto the bed, her knees unable to support her. She was experiencing too many emotions at once. Her fear and desire beat at her. A knock sounded and she looked up to see Victor hesitantly entering. He looked uncertain, unlike his usual confident self. She gazed at him as he walked toward her.

  “I came to apologize for my brother. He says too much sometimes. If you were offended—”

  “Oh, no.” Her eyes widened. “There’re no need to apologize. I wasn’t offended at all.” How did she tell him that she hadn’t run to get away from them, but from her own feelings?

  He perched beside her. “Okay, good. I meant what I said earlier, Evelyn. You can stay here as long as you like. My brother and I would love to keep you—I mean have you—shit my words aren’t coming right. What I’m trying to say is we want you to stay.” He rubbed the back of his neck, shifting uncomfortably. “I’m not good at conversation. Michael is the smooth operator in the family.”

  Evelyn relaxed, letting out a laugh. “Don’t worry about it. Social awkwardness is my curse as well.”

  “You seem quite sociable to me. I’ve watched you over the past few days, the way you interact with everyone here. They all love you. Michael and I do too.”

  Evelyn blinked. Did he realize he just said he and his bother loved her? To be loved by not one but so many warmed her. She was alone in the world and craving emotional connection. She knew he couldn’t possible mean much by it.

  The brush of a finger against her cheek pulled her from her despair. “Tell me what you’re running from, Evelyn.”

  She blinked, bringing Victor’s face into focus. He was so close that if she leaned forward their lips would touch. “What makes you think I’m running from anything?”

  He cocked an eyebrow, his lips twisting wryly. She could imagine how obvious it was. She’d been jumpy since the minute she woke up in Michael’s bed.

  “You can tell us, Evelyn.”

  Her eyes swung to the door. Michael leaned against the wall. When had he arrived? For such big men, they sure moved quietly. She exhaled. She owed them an explanation. Maybe not the entire truth because they would think she was insane, but she had to give them something.

  “I am running from someone. I’m putting the two of you and everyone else here at risk. The person after me is capable of terrible violence. I’m afraid of what he will do to anyone I happened to be around if he finds me.” God, it felt good to get at least that much off of her chest.

  A brief moment of silence followed her confession. “We can protect you.” It was Victor who broke the silence.

  Evelyn shook her head. “How? I told you this man is dangerous.” Images of the man she’d seen chained up flashed in her mind. All color seeped from her face at the thought that Bolin Lee could do the same to her and the two men she had come to care about in such a short time.

  Michael and Victor shared a look. She got the impression they were keeping something from her. Well, she was keeping a major part of her story from them, so all was fair.

  “Just trust us, Evelyn”

  She glanced at Michael. “I’ve depended on myself for so long,” she whispered.

  “You’re not alone anymore,” Victor said.

  Before she could voice that she barely knew them and they didn’t know her, she found herself in Victor’s arms, his mouth covering hers.

  Chapter 5

  Victor swallowed Evelyn’s surprised gasp. He hadn’t intended to pull her against him so abruptly, but the near compulsion to touch her had overridden his good sense. The instant his lips connected with hers, every cell that made up his body rejoiced. His mouth moved coaxingly over hers at first, until her lips parted and he kissed her with greater intensity. He barely registered the small hands pushing against his chest. Reluctantly, he lifted his head. Wide brown eyes stared at him.

  “Victor, what are you doing?” Evelyn’s breaths came out in short puffs. She eyed Michael leaning against the doorway with his arms folded. To her surprise, she detected no anger or jealousy coming from him. His expression remained neutral. Only his eyes had darkened with lust.

  Michael’s lips lifted. “There’s no need to be shy with us, Evelyn.”

  It dawned on her that this was something they’ve done before. “Oh my God. You two share your women?” Why was she turned on by the idea?

  Victor remained silent, leaving Michael to do the talking. “We do from time to time. But, you’re different. We both feel a strong connection with you.” He paused, gauging her reaction. “Are you open to relationship between the three of us, Evelyn?”

  Her mouth opened and closed several times. “A relationship? I’ve known you two all of three days.”

  “But, you can’t deny the attraction you have toward us.”

  She looked from Michael to Victor. Were they like her? Capable of picking up on other’s emotions? Because Michael was absolutely right. There was a magnetism between the three of them that she couldn’t deny. “I can’t get involved with anyone right now. Maybe never. My enemy won’t stop until I’m dead.”

  Victor smiled slightly, the grim lines of his face smoothing momentarily. “What I just heard is that you are open to a relationship with us. We just have to take care of whoever wants to hurt you.”

  Evelyn gaped at him. “We?”

  “We,” Michael repeated. “But, right now, we need to take your mind off of your troubles for a bit.”

  Evelyn’s heart hammered with excitement as Michael stepped forward with carnal intent gleaming in his eyes. She could feel the sexual desire coming off of Victor in waves, but he kept it hidden beneath his veneer of solemnity. He didn’t move. Instead, he watched as Michael pulled her to her feet.

  Evelyn’s eyes fluttered closed when Michael’s mouth claimed hers. It felt different than Victor’s kiss, gentler, but it had the same effect. His kiss too set her insides on fire. As Michael slowly devoured her mouth, Victor moved behind her to feather kisses along the nape of her neck. His big hands palmed her hips, pulling her against him. His erection pressed into her lower back.

  Evelyn shivered. “We’re really doing this,” she murmured against Michael’s mouth.

  “You can stop us any time, honey,” he whispered.

  Evelyn doubted she would want them to stop at any time. If they aroused her with just the lightest touch, she could just imagine the fireworks that would be set off as they went further. For the time being, all of her troubles seemed to disappear.

  Her shirt was lifted over her head. She had no idea who removed it. Fingers unbuttoned her jeans and slid them over her hips. Moisture seeped between her thighs as Victor reached around to brush his hand against her mound. Her breathing accelerated. Evelyn stood as both Michael and Victor took turns removing each article of her clothing.

  She stood between them naked, vulnerable. Instinctively, her hands flew up to cover herself. Michael caught her wrists. “Don’t. Let us look at you.”

  “Turn around.” Victor’s baritone washed over her like a caress. She slowly turned to him, her cheeks burning a bright pink. He smiled, something she knew he didn’t do often. He ran a finger down her cheek. “A woman still capable of blushing. Interesting.”

  Evelyn blushed harder. “I’m not very experienced.” She’d only ever had one boyfriend in college. The sexual experience hadn’t been all that great so she’d lost interest. The way she felt now, however, was unlike anything she’d ever felt. Each touch Michael and Victor gave ignited a powerful need inside of her. She needed to feel them both against her, skin to skin, inside of her. She wanted to be possessed by them completely. The intensity of her desire frightened her, but her excitement overrode her fear.

  “You’re beautiful,” Victor whispered reverently.

  “I want to see you too. Both of you.”

/>   “As you wish,” both said in unison.

  “On the bed, Evelyn,” Michael ordered.

  She stepped away from them, taking a seat on the bed, watching both of them. Her eyes widened as clothing was removed. Evelyn didn’t think she’d ever seen such perfect male specimens. They were physically identical from the sculpted chests, arms, washboard abs, to powerful thighs and… “Wow,” she breathed. The impressive size of their erections robbed her of breath. She licked her lips. “You two are beautiful too.”

  Michael chuckled. “We’ve never been described as beautiful before.” He stepped forward, lowering himself over her.

  Evelyn reached out a hand to tentatively caress his chest. It was like touching steel covered by warm velvet. “You don’t have to be afraid to touch me.”

  “Or me,” Victor lay beside her, his fingers brushing over her lips. She met his gaze as Michael kissed his way down her chest, and lower still. Evelyn gasped when she felt his breath against her mound.

  “Wait, Michael don’t. I’ve never um… No one has ever—”

  Victor framed her face. “Relax, Evelyn. Let us please you.”

  She cried out when Michael’s tongue darted out and slid over her sensitive bud. Her back arched and she nearly jumped out her skin. “Oh, my God.”

  Each touch of his tongue against her sex sent her soaring higher into ecstasy. Victor captured her lips, swallowing her moans of pleasure. He soon left her mouth and kissed his way toward her chest, taking a nipple into his mouth. Evelyn was lost in a haze of sensation. This was the most erotic thing she had ever engaged in.

  She felt herself nearing the edge, soon tipping over and falling into bliss. Heat seemed to spread from her core into her thighs and abdomen. It took a while for her to come down from her high. Her eyes opened to find Michael and Victor smiling down at her.

  “I didn’t know it would be so amazing,” she panted.

  “We’re just getting started,” Michael murmured.

  “How are we going to um…?” She flushed. “You know.” She had no idea how they were going to work around the fact that there was one of her and two of them.

  “Just relax, baby.” Michael murmured. Evelyn watched as they switched places. Victor sheathed himself with a condom before settling between her thighs. His erection pressed against her entrance. Wanting to feel him inside of her, she lifted her hips.

  “Please.” The word spilled from her lips, taking her by surprise. In all her years, she had never once begged for sex. How could she so easily be reduced to a simpering puddle of lust? There was a content sigh when Victor breached her entrance. Did it come from her or him?

  He began to move setting a slow, sensual pace. Her legs lifted to wrap around his waist, urging him on. Michael took hold of her hand, guiding it down to his erection. Her fingers wrapped around his shaft and she began to stroke him. Evelyn moaned, reveling in the feeling of being filled completely by Victor.

  “That’s right let go, honey,” Michael whispered in her ear. He continued to caress her breast, sending lightning shooting down to her core. As if her body was tuned to his words, she let out a long moan, shattering to a million pieces. Victor maintained his pace, sending shockwaves through her. He exploded and then collapsed.

  “Watching you come undone is my new favorite activity,” he whispered, nuzzling her neck.

  “Mine too. You’re gorgeous.” Michael was propped on his elbow on her other side.

  Evelyn turned to him. “What about you?”

  Michael grinned. “I’m fine. Watching you brought me enough pleasure.”

  “But you didn’t—”

  He pressed a finger to her lips. “Later. It’s your first time with us. We don’t want to overdo it.”

  Victor grasped her chin, turning her to face him. “We will have plenty of time to please each other.”

  Evelyn’s heart plummeted. She didn’t bother to remind him that she intended to leave the first chance she got.

  Chapter 6

  Evelyn’s eyes flew open. She was relieved to have escaped her nightmare. Images of Bolin Lee poking and prodding Michael and Victor, and forcing her to watch, had tormented her while she slept. She glanced around. It was dark outside. Had they really slept all afternoon?

  She was still in Michael’s room trapped between the twins, encased in their heat. Both men had an arm thrown around her, effectively pinning her down. After her ghastly visions, she was ready to bolt. Maybe her dream was a warning that Dr. Lee was closing in on her. She shifted, attempting to untangle herself from Victor and Michael.

  Victor felt her moving and opened his eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. My bladder is full. Do you mind helping me out here?” She felt terrible for lying.

  He grinned, lifting his hand. “Sorry.” He lifted Michael’s hand and threw it to the side.

  “Thanks. I’m sorry to wake you. Go back to sleep. I’ll be back soon.” She crawled out of bed and waited until Victor closed his eyes. Grabbing her clothes from the floor, she tip-toed across the room to fetch her purse. She scurried into the hallway to pull on her clothes. All the while her heart felt heavy in her chest. The last thing she wanted to do was leave. The thought of never seeing Michael and Victor again nearly brought her to tears.

  Victor’s eyes snapped open. He couldn’t believe he had dozed off after Evelyn had gotten up. Where was she? Did it take that long to empty her bladder? He stilled, listening keenly. With his acute hearing, he could detect where in the cabin she was.

  He sat up when he heard the distant roar of a vehicle. Instantly he knew it was Evelyn fleeing. It was like he could feel his heart being weighed down the further she got. “Evelyn,” he whispered.

  “Michael, get up. Evelyn is gone.”

  His brother sat up. “What do you mean she’s gone?” He paused, hearing the car in the distance. “Damn it. She shouldn’t be driving in this weather.”

  Victor was already heading toward the balcony. “I’m going after her.” He shifted within seconds, taking off skyward.

  Michael’s response followed him. “I’m coming with you.

  Victor cursed himself repeatedly for falling back asleep. He could feel Michael close behind him. Something was off about her when she woke up. I should have made sure she was alright. He sent the thought out to his brother.

  Quit blaming yourself. We’ll get her back. She’s just scared. We can talk her down.

  Victor let out a breath. He sure hoped so. The thought of losing Evelyn was pure torture. What if she ran into whoever was after her? Or what if she refused to go home with them? Their chance at happiness might slip away as fast as it had presented itself. That’s what Evelyn represented to him, happiness. He was sure Michael felt the same way.

  Evelyn turned onto the main road. Luck had been on her side. Marcus had left her car key lying on the front seat, and miraculously her car had started. She looked longingly into the rearview mirror, wanting to turn back.

  The more distance she put between her and the twins’ cabin, the harder it was for her to breathe. As a medical professional, she knew it was completely illogical. She shouldn’t be physically affected just because she left two people she’d known for a matter of days.

  Strangely, it felt like she had known Michael and Victor Stone all her life. It was like they were the missing pieces to her existence that she had just stumbled upon. Totally illogical.

  They would forget about her in a few days, move on with their lives. She would keep moving for as long as she could, but the two men who had taken her in, helped her, would never be forgotten. At least, she’d had one passionate encounter with them that she could hold on to for a long time. Forever.

  A flash of light appeared, blinding her. Evelyn stomped on the brakes, bringing her car to a screeching halt. “What the hell?” Her car door flew open, and a pair of gloved hands reached inside, hauling her out. She kicked and screamed. “Let go of me!” She didn’t need to ask who it was. Surely it was her form
er boss’s henchman. It was just as she suspected, whoever Mr. Lee had sent to do his dirty work had been on her tail.

  “Damn it, stop fussing,” the man growled as he pulled her toward a black van.

  If she weren’t about to be killed she would had found have found his comment humorous. As if she was going to make it easy for him. Evelyn kicked her heel into the man’s shin with as much force as she could.

  “Bitch!” His hold on her loosened, giving her the chance to run.

  “You idiot, you let her get away!”

  Evelyn’s heart dropped at the sound of a second voice. She didn’t have a chance against two men, but she kept running toward the woods. Something heavy crashed into her, sending her face down into the snow, leaving her winded. Only when she was turned around, did she realize that it was one of the men that had tackled her to the ground.

  “Nice try, Evelyn Peters. That is your name isn’t it? You’re not getting away so easily.”

  She gazed up at her attacker. His face was covered by a black mask. Terror gripped her, as she stared into his eyes, his only visible feature. She could feel the waves of brutality he radiated. He was someone who took pleasure in hurting others. Evelyn struggled beneath him, letting out a scream. There was a very slim chance someone would hear her.

  He snarled, delivering a backhand to her jaw. Evelyn dropped, the force of the assault leaving her dazed. The man stood up and effortlessly threw her over his shoulder. As he made his way back to the van, he murmured. “We’ve been waiting out here for days. Thought you’d never leave that damn dragon’s nest. No way were we risking coming in there for you.

  Evelyn moaned. Dragon’s nest? Not only was the man a murderer, he was also unhinged. Evelyn let out a painful groan when she was dumped unceremoniously into the back of the van. Tears burned her eyes, but she refused to let them fall.

  Before the doors closed she heard one of her captors shout, “Let’s get the hell our here now!” There was another shout, this time one of agony. Evelyn crawled forward to peek outside. She opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out. Something big and blue stood on top of one of the masked men, crushing him beneath gigantic feet. Or were they paws? She stared at the creature with iridescent blue scales, mouth hanging open. It was a creature like the one she had seen the man chained up at the lab transform into. A dragon?


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