Leon's Way

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Leon's Way Page 11

by Sunniva Dee

  “Oh, honey, I’ll always be here for you,” Ingela promises. She leans in and hugs Arriane tightly. When she leaves the room, phone on her ear, she says, “Leon, you might be my boss, but you better treat Arriane right or I’ll…” she considers, roaming for options, “give you hell.”

  Arriane clears her throat in an attempt to drown out Ingela’s threat.

  “Got it,” I say.

  Ingela lingers for another second in the doorway before she blows Arriane a kiss and leaves.

  I sink down next to Arriane on the bench. “Sorry, baby. What happened?” I slink my arms around her waist, petting the baby bump on the way. “Are you guys all right?”

  “I got anxious, I guess…” She trails off.

  “What, you ended up in the hospital because you were anxious?”

  “Sort of. The doctor is running tests. He said the high blood pressure and protein in my urine indicate that I have preeclampsia. And I was stressed out at work and worried about you, and—”

  “What happened at work? You didn’t return to the main room, did you, instead of going outside where I wanted you?”

  “But you were gone, and they were swamped downstairs,” she defends herself.

  “There’s a reason why I ask my employees to follow orders.”

  She doesn’t answer me. She’s tired. It’s three in the morning, and I’m adding to her distress.

  “Never mind,” I sigh. Lace her fingers with mine and kiss them one by one. She lets me. “Tell me about the preeclampsia. Isn’t that some sort of poisoning during pregnancy?”


  “Well, that’s serious stuff.”

  She shrugs against me, not worried enough. “The doctor sees it all the time. Gotta go to frequent checkups, though, he said. I missed my appointment in Talco last week, and she would have discovered it.”

  “The high blood pressure would have given it away?”

  “Yeah, and the protein in the urine. It was weird. I got dizzy at the bar, and my eyes weren’t working right either.”

  “Well, you’re getting a physician in Deepsilver asap,” I tell her.

  “They might keep me here overnight.”

  “I want to keep you overnight,” I retort.

  She looks at me. The arresting violet of her eyes deepens with resentment. “Oh, so there’s room in your bed? Or were you planning to set me up in the guestroom?” At least her energy level is rising.

  “Plenty of room—why wouldn’t there be?” I bring her fingers back to my mouth, but she pulls them away.

  “Where were you?” she clips out.

  “Ah, I see. You thought I went to pick someone up. Who, Arriane? Your depraved little mind…” This would be funny if she weren’t working herself up.

  “I’m not the one who’s depraved, here, and we both know it.” She’s still wearing her bartender outfit, and redness paints the bare skin above the last shirt button. It’s time to ease her blood pressure.

  “Sorry, baby. I was upset over my father and needed to think. I took the bike to Firam Peak and hung out for a while.”

  She’s a relieved girl. Shit, it’s amazing to watch her relax at something I said. I fucking love to make her happy. “Firam, huh?” she says, her voice brighter.

  “Yeah. Firam.” I’m close to her now. Running my nose along the bridge of hers. “I’m glad you’re okay. So, high blood pressure meds for you, then?”

  She nods her head against me. “Yeah, and doctor visits every week.”

  I grab the opportunity to kiss soft lips. She’s salty. From peanuts at the bar… or tears.

  “Let me try, Arriane.” She understands what I’m referring to, because her chest heaves quickly. She’s afraid. “We won’t know if I suck as a boyfriend unless you give me a test drive,” I finish.

  A small laugh trickles from her, and I run my palm over her stomach. Up and down. Up and down. She’s not ready to answer.

  “Fuck the other chicks. I don’t want any of them,” I say, guessing where her mind is. “I have the hots for this one beautiful, chubby woman with juicy boobs,” I explain, “and no one else compares.”

  “Juicy?” That little laughter bubbles out of her again.

  I grin. “Yes. My bed’s too big without you. If you don’t accept, I’ll be swapping the damn thing out for a twin bed.”

  Now, she’s laughing in earnest. “Right, because that’s what you had before I came into the picture,” she mocks.

  He’s got the charm turned up so high, I can’t believe I haven’t melted into a puddle on the bench already. Leon’s eyes glitter as he pulls away to watch my response.

  “Arriane, I’m not asking permission to put a ring on your finger. Please, just—let’s be in an exclusive relationship.”


  God, the man knows what he’s doing. He’s telling me he’ll stay away from other girls. I might not be a puddle yet, but I’m turning into freaking Play-Doh under his ministrations.

  That smooth, silky voice continues, swathing me in comfort. “I don’t want you to get sick without me around again. I want drawers filled with your shit in my bedroom. If anything happens, baby, I’ll be the one driving you to the hospital, because I’ll be close.”

  My fingers go to his mouth, touching the perfect upper arc. The soft stubble above. He kisses one fingertip at a time, his little signature move, while he waits for my answer.

  Leon doesn’t do lies. He means this, I know. But can he keep his promise? Can I take my chances? Everyone at the club thinks we already are an item, that we’ve been keeping our relationship a secret. At this point, I’d have more to explain if we aren’t.

  I could take it a day at a time. Sleep at his house some nights and the rest in my own apartment… I don’t have to move in with him. Although my heart does a giddy-skip at the thought of doing that.

  Crap. I’m freaking considering this.

  I suck in a hurried breath, trying to get my bearings. My mom’s about to arrive, I think. She’s been so understanding, supportive of my decision to not plunge into an unstable relationship with someone I don’t trust. If I try this with Leon, she’ll predict heartbreak and be sad for me. She’s always right too, about my future.

  As much as I miss him, I’m glad my brother Chahel is in New Delhi. He’d be ripping someone a new one so fast.

  Leon’s lips find mine again. It’s as if he can see my indecision.

  “Don’t overthink it, Arria,” he says to me. “Listen, if it helps you, let’s do this: give us a chance until the baby is born. If we’re not working out, I promise I won’t stop you from leaving me. Hell, I’d offer you a good position at Choice in Talco if you’d rather be far away from me at that point.”

  I shake my head, incredulous. These are some serious offers. This man that I love… he’s fighting so hard for me. Or does he only want the baby? “Only”—ha. Does it matter if it’s the baby he needs to be close to? I’d be a terrible mother if I put myself before the little one’s happiness anyway.

  Someone raps softly on the door, interrupting my swirling mind. Leon doesn’t move off the bench next to me but sits up as he answers, “Yes, come in.”

  It’s the nurse. She checks my blood pressure again. Gives me a sample package of the medicine they’ve started me on and a prescription. She smiles at Leon, congratulates him too, like she did with me earlier. She explains to us that the doctor is satisfied, that I don’t have to stay over, and reminds Leon to keep me from working myself up these last months.

  These last months!

  Leon pulls my hair into his fist after she leaves. My brain still struggles with the pros and cons of us together. I can’t—can’t decide. It’s so huge, so mind-blowing. Quietly, he guides my face toward him by the makeshift ponytail and holds my gaze. There is no doubt in those eyes. He makes it look easy.

  Almost imperceptibly, his chin lowers in an affirmative for me. He’s helping.

  “Let’s go home,” he decides. He rises from the bench
and pulls me up. I feel myself sag in against his body. His movements are sure when he wraps an arm around me and brings me in tight.

  I breathe with him, allowing my mind to slow down. His chin rests on my head. He might not be waiting for a reply anymore, but I want to tell him what it is anyway. He’s fought so hard. He deserves to hear the words, even if I’m already broadcasting my tacit agreement.

  “Okay, I’m in. Let’s give us a try,” I say.

  Leon’s body goes so still. His hands freeze around me, and his chest stops moving in those quiet, reassuring inhales. He’s silent at first. Then, he hoists me up and buries his face against my throat. He exhales there, raising goose bumps on my skin.

  “Damn, girl. Make a guy wait, why don’t you?”

  All night, she slept in my arms. We didn’t even have sex—I’m a fucking nutcase over this woman.

  I’ll have five months like this if I don’t screw up. Not screwing up means staying away from the girls hitting on me—easy—and keeping my temper under wraps. I’ll have to talk with Arriane about leaving me alone in the Bag Room. She can’t continue to barge in on me, experiencing my demons full force every time.

  It’s early morning. I get to slide my hands over my sleeping girlfriend. Not a broken-girl, a real girlfriend. One who’s carrying my baby. It’s oddly hot that she’s pregnant from me. I’ve made her this—lush.

  My hands roam over her hips and her stomach. I marvel at the slight slope from the peak of her navel and down to her pelvis. Soft hairs meet my fingers there, and I smile at how her skin is too sensitive to keep waxing. As much as her smooth, hairless pussy turned me on, I’m happy that she stopped. I’m not sure how I feel about her showing herself to someone else at one of those waxing places. For all I know, they may even employ men there.

  I stroke her thighs. Wedge myself in between her butt cheeks. Blow out air as I nibble on her neck. In her sleepy state, she still eases her legs apart enough to give me access.

  I have all the time in the world as I pet her. She isn’t squirming impatiently yet, which is my goal this first morning with her as my girlfriend. I won’t be fucking her unless she begs.

  I sneak an arm in under her body and cup her boobs with both hands. Move languidly against her, letting my dick tease her lips down there. Damn, I recall vividly how she wraps around me. Her face when she comes.

  “Sweetie?” she says, morning-grogginess in her voice. I smile at the nickname she’s given me. It’s fucking ridiculous—no one’s further from sweet than me. Coming from her, though, it’s cute.


  Her body is responsive now, her little butt juts out against me, and her thighs open a bit more for my cock to play peekaboo with her.

  “What’re you doing?” she asks.

  It’s obvious as hell what I’m doing, so I chuckle against her ear. “I’m warming you up for playtime.”

  “Playtime,” she sighs out, a mix between sleepy and aroused. “What if I don’t want…?”


  “Ah, no… warm-up.”

  “Then, you’d have to beg for it. All girlfriends do—it’s a rule. Guys need extensive foreplay to be in the mood.”

  She giggles into the pillow, and I bite her throat lightly. It’s interesting how effortless it is to go easy on Arriane. Her nipples harden in my palms, and the thrill of the pleasure rising in her makes my heart drum hard.

  “Pretty please,” she whispers.

  “Already? You sure?” I tease her.

  “You didn’t put out last night, BF. I thought you were going to take care of me.”

  I growl into her neck, squeezing her against me. “Careful what you ask for, GF, because I might just do—


  She muffles her little squeal in the blanket as I penetrate her, the slick warmth surrounding me almost too much at first. I remain still for a few moments before I continue. I’m not going to fucking explode on the second thrust.

  “That what you wanted, sweetheart?” I puff, burying my face in her hair.

  “Uh-huh… and feel free to move too,” she says.


  “Sorry I couldn’t charm your mother last night,” Leon says as he serves me scrambled eggs. I’m famished. God, I’m excited to be over the morning nausea—it’s been a week now, and it hasn’t even bothered me.

  “I told her not to come. She still did, silly lady.”

  “Because she’s a good mom.” His eyes glitter, as if he’s insinuating that I will be too. I like his trust in me. So much. “She was halfway here when you called, remember? And she’d booked a hotel room already,” he reminds me.

  Leon tries to scoop more eggs on my plate, but I pull back at the last minute, causing a glob to land on the table. “Nice,” he comments dryly.

  “Well, you’re either in the running for the World’s Best Boyfriend, or you’re simply trying to fatten me up more to satisfy your own desires. According to rumor, you like us chubby with big boobs,” I quip, causing Leon to burst out laughing.

  Really? He just burst out laughing. Have I ever even seen this guarded, serious man do that before?

  I’m grinning from ear to ear. This relationship thingy is going well so far—despite my mother pulling me to the side last night, imploring for me to reconsider. “Honey, dear. He’s stunning. I’ve been young too, and I understand the attraction, but… this is your heart, baby girl. Are you sure you want to chance this?”

  “Your mother and you could be twins,” Leon says.

  “What?” I blink. “She’s pale, has short blonde hair, and sporty boobs.”

  “‘Sporty boobs,’” he chuckles. “Breakfast with you is all about boobs. We’re going to get along just fine. Sure, your mom’s colors are the opposite of yours and she might have smaller breasts, but that’s where the differences end. Just like you, she’s petite, slender with a curviness to her, and you’ve clearly inherited her pretty face.”

  “Man, I’m liking breakfast with you too.” I laugh. “What other awesome traits do I share with my mom? She’s the nicest person in the world, right, and a saint, and a—”

  Leon bottoms up the rest of his coffee and stands. “Yep, all of the above. Just straight out lovely. Except for the absolute pissy attitude with me. Did she say something about calling your brother? Might’ve heard that wrong.”

  I groan. “Yeah. Not gonna happen, though. I’ll cut her off if she does,” I fib.

  He’s getting ready. Christian left a voicemail while we slept, telling Leon he’d been called in for a special meeting this morning. All employees are mandated to come, even the boss. Leon hasn’t commented, but I’m sure he finds this as strange as I do. In the time I’ve been with Smother, no one but Leon calls meetings.

  “Are you going like that?” Leon asks, eyeing the tiny sleep shorts I put on after our morning shower.

  “Yeah, I have to find the matching top, though.” I wink at him, and he rolls his eyes.

  “Taken the blood pressure pills yet?” he asks. Wow, this could get a bit much.

  “Sweetie, I’m supposed to wait until noon today, because they made me pop a big dose at the hospital last night. Please trust me, okay? I won’t be jeopardizing my health or the baby’s.”

  He takes a moment in the doorway, looking at me with one hand against the doorjamb. Then, he nods. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  He gusts out pent-up air as he turns. We’re both aware of his shortcomings. I’m aware of his virtues too. For an instant I feel bad for him, because it’s so hard for him to let go of the control.

  Leon has more to struggle with than me in this relationship we’ve started. For me, my heart shattering is my only worry.

  “Congratulations! Woooh!”

  The screams and catcalls boom out as we enter the main room downstairs. Everyone’s there, and even Leon is surprised—I can tell by the low intake of air at my neck. He slinks an arm around my middle and guides me over to the tables.

  “This is th
e mandatory meeting?” he asks.

  The bar counter is covered with baby paraphernalia. How the heck did they do this since yesterday? I stare Ingela down, and she cracks up—loud as ever. “I’ve been preparing for a while, Arria!” she screams over the others.

  “You gave us a scare last night,” Christian tells me, and I nod out my apologies.

  Garlands made out of pink and blue plastic pacifiers and baby shoes hang in neat rows from the shelves above the bar counter, a flower arrangement with a stork at its center adorns the middle of the tables they’ve joined into a long one.

  We’ve just finished breakfast, but Christian takes the lid off a couple dozen donuts with pastel glazing and passes out coffee in baby bottles.

  The new girls we’re training on the quiet shifts, Rosa, Jen, and Jade, hand a bottle of milk between them, until the thing ends up in my hands.

  “You guys are crazy. We haven’t even digested the news ourselves yet,” I say.

  “You’ve digested something,” Cameron fibs, and Jason is the only one on board with his joke. He’s laughing so hard.

  “No, Cam—that’s the thing,” Ingela explains. “She didn’t ingest it—if she did, she wouldn’t be cooking up the first ever Smother baby right now.”

  Goodness. The girl’s on fire, and it’s only ten a.m.

  Shannon, Christian’s girlfriend, is here too. That’s so sweet of her. She’s ignoring Ingela’s less-than-subtle nod to the advantages of swallowing. “Do you know if it’s a girl or a boy?” she asks.

  “We want it to be a surprise,” Leon says over my shoulder.

  “We do?” I send him a playful glance. “It’s a boy anyway, so no need to check.”


  Some of the new girls giggle at our agreement on this. They’ve been shopping already and scoot beautifully wrapped gifts over the table to me. I’m impressed. Like the perfect gentleman he suddenly is, Leon pulls out a chair. I take a seat, mumbling “definitely in the running for World’s Best Boyfriend” so only he can hear.

  “Drink your milk, Boss Lady,” Cameron urges. “Soon you won’t be drinking it, you’ll be—”

  “Shut up, Cam,” Ingela says, “you talk… mmm… smack?”


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