Dirty Cops Next Door

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Dirty Cops Next Door Page 78

by Summer Cooper

  She could stop it now, if she wished, but another part of her wanted the complete opposite. She wanted him to do with her body what he wanted and to do it greedily and urgently. And Rainn knew that this was the bigger part of her. The part of her that had laid dormant all her life, but which she had always known was there. It had grown with her, as all the small frustrations of her life had built up, and now it was unleashed. She must let today be the day.

  Rainn’s arms were tied behind her back and Jack’s body covered the rest of her. She was helpless, at his mercy and the feeling thrilled her.

  “You want this, don’t you?” Jack said in a husky voice that caused her to tremble with desire. “I know you do. I know you act all innocent and I, but in every sweet girl, there’s a dirty girl just waiting to get out. And I think you’re filthy.”

  Jack pulled the hair from her face and twisted her head so he could see the expression on her face.

  He put his other hand on her throat and kissed her. It was a kiss that Rainn let happen to her. He did it again and this time she responded, pushing his mouth up to his and letting his tongue flick between her lips.

  Jack kissed her as if he were demanding something from her. He tensed his body against hers so she could feel its hardness. She pushed her tongue against his, reaching for his mouth. He stopped and they were both left breathless, Rainn struggling for breath against the bedsheets.

  Jack gazed down at her, his eyes heavy with lust. Rainn could feel it. It was like nothing like she had ever felt before, an overwhelming sensation, to be the object of such desire.

  Jack moved, pushing his knees apart so he straddled her, then turned her over. With one quick tear he ripped open her blouse and pulled away her bra, the material snapping in an instant. Rainn was so shocked she barely registered whether she had felt any pain.

  Her breasts were exposed, firm and round, the nipples pointing up to the ceiling. Rainn’s position, with her hands behind her back, pressed them upwards towards Jack and he stared longingly at them.

  There was silence in the room apart from the heavy breathing of both of them.

  Slowly and very gently, Jack traced kisses from Rainn’s chin and down the sensitive skin of her neck. At her throat he nuzzled delicately and felt Rainn’s breath become shallow and urgent.

  Rainn felt her heart beat wildly and a heat burn within her chest, so fiercely it felt as if it may burn through her skin. As Jack went lower, the heat went with him.

  As he lay down on top of her, she could feel the same hardness against the top her legs. Instinctively, she shifted position and lifted her hips so he was pushing against that part of her. Rainn let out a long, delicious moan.

  Jack kissed around the curve of her neck and below her ears. Then his mouth travelled down over her chest, always nibbling, nuzzling, licking and sucking. He kissed all of her chest and shoulders but he did not touch her breasts. And the longer he stayed away from them, the harder Rainn’s nipples became, until she almost screamed in desire and frustration.

  Rainn squirmed beneath him, as if trying to twist her body so that her breasts would meet his mouth. He ignored her and continued, as if frustrating her was all he desired.

  “Please,” she said, in a voice that seemed to come from deep within her. “Please,” she begged, arching her back so that her breasts pushed even higher.

  Jack pulled away from her and she could sense his gaze on her breasts. His hot breath poured onto her sensitive skin.

  Then in one quick, flicking motion of his wrist, he whipped his hand across the top of her nipples. He barely touched them at all, but the sensation was so shocking, so divinely raw, that Rainn let out a high gasp of pleasure.

  He did it again and again until Rainn thought her nipples could take no more. Then he brought his warm tongue over them, and like a cat at a warm saucer of milk, he lapped at them generously. It was so soothing, Rainn rocked her head and whispered, “yes, yes, more.”

  As he continued, Rainn could feel the heat in her chest slide south and between her legs. As if he could sense it also, he followed it down, until he had pressed his hand between her legs, as sparks of electric pleasure shot down her thighs.

  He pressed his lips against hers again, kissing greedily, trying to feed his hunger for her.

  “Do you like this?” he demanded angrily.

  “Yes,” she managed, in between kisses, her voice dripping with need. “Touch me. Please, touch me.”

  Jack put his mouth to her breasts while he rubbed his hand between her legs, ever more urgently.

  “Yes . . . please,” shouted Rainn. She bucked her hips upwards, desperate for him to press against her.

  Jack stood and pulling on the tassel he dragged her to the edge of the bed. He pulled away her skirt and ripped her panties till they came away in shreds.

  Rainn dropped her head back, still at his mercy with her hands tied behind her back, but she knew now that she liked it. She could not deny it any longer. Not to herself, anyway. She was exposed and at his mercy and she loved it.

  Jack let his fingers explore between her moist folds. Waves of pleasure broke over her until she thought she might drown in it. He continued to work her, pursuing new avenues of pleasure. Rainn gasped. She had not known half of this was possible or what it would do to her.

  Then he stopped and his hands grabbed her thighs, forcing them further apart. He held them tightly and she felt his hardness slide over her, once, twice, three times until she was gurgling with the need for it. Then he was inside her, thrusting powerfully and her whole body shuddered with the force of him. Stars exploded brilliantly in Rainn’s darkness and she seemed to sail across the bed on huge surge of pleasure.

  Jack placed one large hand on her stomach and another holding the small of her back. Then he began to work at her thrusting ever more deeply until the pressure built up in her again. The bed banged in the empty house and it seemed the whole room was rocked by the violence of their love.

  Jack grunted as if warding off some terrible pain and Rainn felt herself scream with desire. The sound of their skin slapping became a pleasure in itself, doubling up with the sensation.

  The pressure grew to boiling point. Rainn felt like a kettle screaming on the hob. Just when she thought she could last no longer, Jack span her around and dived onto her, his chest on her back. He pumped harder and she could hardly keep the breath in her body.

  Jack brought his hands to her throat and pressed till she thought her body would explode with lust. As the waves of hot joy flooded around her, he pushed his fingers into her mouth and she bit down with vengeful lust.

  The spoke little after it was over. Rainn showered and Jack ordered a pizza. They ate it in the too-clean kitchen with the radio on.

  Jack talked about his job and relayed some anecdotes about celebrities he thought she might know. But he spoke without real interest and picked at his food.

  There seemed little else to do that day so Jack suggested he take her home and Rainn agreed. She was silent in the car and Jack was absorbed in his own thoughts.

  Rainn was scared. Scared because she enjoyed it. Scared because she wanted to do it again, as soon as possible. How could this be? She had never thought of herself as this person and her base animal desire disturbed her.

  How could she face up to the person she was? Worst still, how could she present herself to others, knowing she felt like this?

  But she most worried about how Jack would see her. It made no sense, in one way, as he had initiated it. But had it not been a test? He had given her the option to stop, and she had gone through with it. And if he hadn’t been expecting her to stop, what did he think of her now. She had assumed it was her good character he longed for, but was it all only this. Was she now just like all his other women, only in his life for the thrill of rough sex?

  When they got back to her house, she gave him a quick peck on the cheek and said goodbye.


  When Jack got home he opened a bottle of wine a
nd slumped down in the sofa. Very soon he was on the harder stuff.

  “Well, Jack, you imbecile,” he said to himself, the words filling the empty house. “Well done.” He raised the glass to the image of himself in the mirror. “Well done,” he repeated. “You took the one innocent, sweet thing in your life, the one thing that hadn’t all gone to shit and you defiled it.”

  He walked around the house as if in conversation with someone unseen.

  “The one thing that might have saved you, and you fucked her. Couldn’t help yourself, could you?”

  He put the glass down on a table and wiped his brow.

  “And what will she think of you now? She think you are a freak. A dirty freak.”

  Jack poured himself another drink. “And she’d be right about that. Because that’s what you are.”

  He picked up his phone and dialled. “Well,” he said, “you’re a freak, might as well hang out with the freaks.”

  “Talking to yourself, stranger?”

  “Chelsea,” Jack said. “How’s my freaky-pie?”

  “How’s your new girlfriend?”

  Jack laughed. “You’re kidding, aren’t you? Didn’t I tell you, it was just some PR thing.”

  “You said taking flowers to the hospital. I didn’t realize you had to bag her too.”

  “Come on! Seriously? Can you imagine me banging that sack of spuds? You know you’re the one who’s got what I need.”

  “Well, Jackie-boy, I’m afraid things move on.”

  “Oh, shit,” said Jack. “You’re not out with some half-wit footballer, are you? You know he’ll only get you home so you can see who’s got the best leg waxing.”

  Chelsea laughed. “He is kind of dull. But I’m not sure what you’ve got to offer me anymore.”

  “Ask your boyfriend what a sugarloaf cabochon sapphire is. Don’t bother, he won’t know. But there’s one waiting for you here.”

  “Interesting. Anything else.”

  “Some first-class cocaine and outrageously good sex. Hop in a taxi.”

  Jack put down the phone and took another gulp of his drink.

  It was only twenty minutes before Chelsea rang the doorbell. She must really want that sapphire, thought Jack and climbed down to his cellar for a bottle of champagne.

  It was polite of her to ring when she could have just let herself in. Still, she wasn’t a bad girl, not a bad girl at all.

  When he came back up she was standing in the kitchen. Damn, thought Jack, she looked good. She looked like a young woman should.

  “How do you keep your skin looking so good?” he asked for no reason.

  “Clean living.”

  “Clean living,” repeated Jack, swaying slightly. “What’s that?”

  Chelsea laughed like honey. “You’re drunk,” she said. “Good.” She looked at the bottle. “I hope that’s good champagne.”

  “What do you know about champagne?” he asked.

  “What do you know?”

  “A little, but if it’s more than the person I’m talking to, I can pretend that it’s a lot.”

  “I normally judge a bottle by its price,” said Chelsea.

  Jack nodded. “I expect you do.”

  “So, how much did that cost you?”

  Jack lifted the bottle and gazed unsteadily at the label. “Four figures. Most probably.”

  Chelsea sniffed. “It will do.”

  Jack opened the bottle and took two glasses from a cupboard and they sat on stools by the breakfast bars. Chelsea did her make-up, for no reason that Jack could possibly see.

  “Nice legs,” said Jack.


  “Very strong thigh muscles. Good for gripping.” He poured the champagne. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers,” said Chelsea, still doing her make-up.

  Jack drank the champagne. It was very good. Or he imagined it was very good, it was difficult to tell after all that he had drunk.

  “So,” he said, “how are you?”

  “What?” said Chelsea, putting down her mirror.

  “How are you?”

  She looked at him as if he were speaking Sanskrit.

  “I’ve been out to a sushi restaurant with a guy who would have been happier eating fried chicken in a hot tub. But he bought me a ring.” She raised a finger to show Jack the ring. “Bit gaudy, I know. We got photographed leaving together. So, I suppose that’s alright.”

  “Excellent,” said Jack.

  “And now I’m here and you’re going to give me a sapphire and some coke and we’ll have sex the Jack way. That’s how I am.”

  They looked at each other for a moment and she looked suddenly very young to him and he wondered if he looked the same to her.

  “The Jack way?” he said.

  “You know, the way you like it.”

  “And you like it too.”

  She smiled and took a sip of her wine. “You’ve got a lot of energy for busy man.”

  “You bet I have,” he winked.

  “And some moves.”

  “I’ve got some tricks,” he acknowledged, nodding quite seriously. “We dogs have them.”

  “Just the tricks,” said Chelsea. “I don’t want the ticks.”

  “And the drugs, of course,” said Jack.

  Chelsea drank some champagne. “Yes,” she agreed. “Maybe the best drugs.”

  Jack stroked his chin, thoughtfully. It was true, he got good Charlie.

  “Are we going to break it out then?” asked Chelsea, getting visibly anxious.

  “Champagne first,” said Jack, raising his class, “then coke.”

  “Then sex?”

  Jack nodded. “Things in the correct order,” he said. “That’s the secret to living a good life.”

  “On here?” asked Chelsea, patting the breakfast bar.

  “Yes,” said Jack. “I don’t see why not.”

  When Jack awoke he found himself on the sofa. He could hear Chelsea moving around. He failed to get himself to a standing position until the taxi was waiting outside with the horn blaring.

  Chelsea rushed out of the door and yelled something to him as she went. Jack watched her shimmy to the taxi. God damn, he thought. She was good. He couldn’t live without her, that was the truth. He had been stupid to try.

  He noticed Chelsea had taken the sapphire and there seemed to be some cash missing from his wallet. Well, he wouldn’t miss it too much.

  Jack padded to the kitchen and found an aspirin. Standing by the kitchen window, his thoughts turned to Rainn. He would have to leave her. Completely. He knew that. But, still. Would it do any harm to see her just one more time?


  Jack picked up the phone and as he expected, it went straight to answerphone.

  “Hi, Rainn,” he said, trying to sound upbeat. “It’s Jack. Hope you are doing well. I’m in central London, filming on location. Anyway, I’ve got a suite in The Shard. Ever been there? Wow. It’s an amazing view. Feels like you can see the whole of London from here. It would be nice to describe it for you. I could send a taxi, if you liked. Well, anyway, it would be nice to see you again.”

  Jack ended the call as the traffic around him began to move. Shit, he thought, maybe she would hear he had called from his car. He hadn’t thought of that. She probably would, as well, with her crazy bat ears.

  Much to his surprise, he received an SMS not long later.

  “I will be going into central with my sister. Yes, it would be nice to visit The Shard. And to meet you. We will be there at 2.”

  Great, he thought. It might be worth paying for a room after all.

  Jack waited for them in lobby of the hotel. He got himself a whiskey to calm his nerves even though he wasn’t sure what he was nervous about. Every time the lift doors opened he glanced up. When Rainn and Yvonne eventually appeared, he felt almost dizzy.

  “Jesus, Jack, get a grip,” he told himself.

  He walked over to them and kissed them both and gave Rainn a hug. They chatted about h
ow busy London was and how it was difficult to get anywhere these days. Yvonne suddenly announced, “Well, I’ll leave you two to it. Let you have a nice talk.”

  Yes, a nice talk, thought Jack as they travelled in the lift up the endless floors. How was that nice talk going to go? So, Rainn, sorry about the rough, violent sex I subjected you to the other day. I realize that’s ruined the way we see each other and spoiled the very lovely thing we have. However, it seems I have an unhealthily addictive personality and I coped with what happened between us by getting drunk and taking drugs with my cynical, gold digger girlfriend.

  They kept going up as London scrolled behind them.

  “It’s a long way,” said Rainn. “My stomach feels like it’s down near my feet.”

  Jack led her to the hotel room door and fumbled a little with the lock. He still had no idea what he was going to say or how he was going to play this. He would fix himself a drink first, that seemed like the best plan of action.

  “The room’s got a full-length window. Not much chance of anyone being able to look in at this height. Unless it’s an airliner. It’s incredible really. You can see for miles.”

  “I can see for miles?” said Rainn, sharply.

  “I’m sorry,” said Jack. “What I meant was . . .”

  But he didn’t have chance to finish his sentence because Rainn had taken his arm from her back and twisted it sharply down. With her other hand she had pushed him back against the gold glass of the window. Jack was quite taken by surprise and; his back thudded against the window, half a mile above the London streets.

  Rainn grabbed him by the shirt and pressed her body up against him. If he had the chance, Jack would have smiled at Rainn’s attempt to take control. Before he could, she had kissed him angrily on the lips.

  Jack leaned back, letting Rainn pull off his shirt. She then worked away his pants as well. Jack span around, so that Rainn was against the window. Reaching down grabbed both her knees and pulled them up so they were round his waist. Momentarily, he sensed her embarrassment as she tried to loosen his grip.

  “I want you,” he told her. “Here. Like this. And I know you want it too.”


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