Radisq [Beyond the Veil 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

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Radisq [Beyond the Veil 1] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove) Page 1

by Toby Aden

  Beyond the Veil 1


  By the general law of their species, once a royal fae hit one hundred, the fae was to spend a year touring the four kingdoms. However, for Prince Radisq, it would be his first journey away from all he was familiar with. The celebration held in honor of his hundredth birthday marked not only his sojourn into the other kingdoms but also marked his first foray into finding his mate, with the mating call only occurring once every hundred years and only lasting a few months.

  For Aaeren, the firstborn son of the fire kingdom, he had never known love of the soul mate kind. In fact, he didn’t believe in it, nor want it. After all, what need had he of someone constantly underfoot when he could enjoy the camaraderie of other sports. He had no desire to partake in the water prince’s celebration, but during their first meeting, sparks fly and resistance is futile.

  Genre: Alternative (M/M, Gay), Paranormal

  Length: 26,895 words


  Beyond the Veil 1

  Toby Aden



  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Erotic Romance ManLove


  Copyright © 2016 by Toby Aden

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-391-4

  First E-book Publication: July 2016

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  I would like to dedicate this book to my family as well as everyone who picks up this book to read.

  Thank you all so much!

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  About the Author


  Beyond the Veil 1


  Copyright © 2016


  In a world hidden from all the other outside universe where only the fae existed, the land was divided and ruled over by the four intertwined ruling bodies. The four ruling bodies being the Fire Kingdom, with its closest neighbor, the Earth Kingdom. The Water Kingdom, with its closest neighbor, the Wind Kingdom.

  All lived in harmony and peace, needing the others to survive yet separate and unique in their attributes, beliefs, and inherent powers. Regardless of the kingdom, the general law to tour the four kingdoms, ordained and adhered to by each royal family on the hundredth year soon after the coming-out celebration of the fae, kept their universe in balance and check.

  For all fae, a fated pair is deemed in reverence with the bond perceived on sight during the period the mating call lasts and is held to a higher esteem.

  Chapter One

  The mating call sang through his veins. Having just reached a hundred years, the desire and itch to mate was already crawling through him. His beloved parents had already explained the process to him and what was to take place. He had but a few months to find his true mate and lay claim to him, for once the itch to mate passed, it would be another hundred years before it came calling again.

  Radisq, the only child and prince of the Water fae kingdom, was beloved by all. He was fair of hair, with eyes the swirling blue-green color of the sea. No more than five feet ten, his beauty was a matter of popularity, spreading throughout the four kingdoms.

  For his hundredth birthday celebration, his parents were of the mind to hold a celebratory ball, inviting all eligible higher-ranking members of the four kingdoms. In fact, it didn’t hurt that the Water fae were the celebratory type. They jumped at every opportunity to hold a party. That it was in honor of their beloved prince garnered even more interest than the average celebrations.

  His mind far away, it took several tries before Radisq finally heard his cousin call his name. He reclined casually on the green earth below, watching the majestic waterfall before him, his thoughts far away as he thumbed the grass beneath him.

  “What do you want, Ilno?” Radisq asked, not bothering to look up.

  “Your suitors are all arriving,” Ilno said, settling beside Radisq.

  Radisq sighed, brushing back his hair. “I know.”

  “You do not want to greet them?” Ilno asked with raised brows.

  “I prefer to leave that till tonight.”

  “Do you not want to get mated?” Ilno asked, curious.

  Radisq sighed. “Of course I do, Ilno, but then what after that? Do I leave this place? Go to a foreign land I know nothing of? What is to become of me?”

  Ilno nodded with understanding. “Ah, I get it. You worry about who your mate will be. Well, you are yet young. Your true mate may not be among th
e crowd here, so it is better to cross that bridge when you get there. I have been where you are, but three centuries now and I have yet to find my desired mate,” Ilno said with a grin, trying to alleviate the prince’s mind.

  “I do not know, Ilno. I would like to leave it to chance, but I fear my mate might not be a noble of our land or even a member of our clan. I have known nothing but this land all my life. You know as I do that it was not allowed for me to leave until my hundredth birthday, and now that it has arrived, I am free to journey into the other kingdoms and see for myself what life is like over there. But I had always thought I would return to our homeland.”

  “Hmm. You fear the unknown.” Ilno laughed. “Do not let it bother you much, my friend. Every youngling has the same fear. I myself remember my first expedition into the outer kingdoms.” Ilno sighed. “I had similar fears of leaving our homeland behind to tour the other kingdoms. Once I had returned, though, I quickly realized that it had indeed been a beautiful experience, and I might wish to sojourn again.”

  At Radisq’s uncertain gaze, Ilno sighed. “You worry for more than that, though. Whereas I did not have a mate to contend with and could live as a free spirit, you fear you may need to acquaint yourself with having a mate and at the same time, should it happen, a new home. It is indeed natural. But, you worry too much my friend. As I said, this is your first try. Why do you not concentrate on enjoying the party rather than weighing yourself down with maybes?”

  “You are right, as always. I should focus on the party,” Radisq said with a nod of his head.

  Ilno slapped Radisq on the back, laughing heartily as he reclined onto the grass. “Of course I am. Should you wish, you could ask for a reprieve on the tour, but know that it is indeed vital to know the workings of the kingdoms that surround you.”

  “You are a fountain of wisdom, Ilno. Should you find your mate, I am sure he will know what a gem you are,” Radisq praised.

  Ilno laughed, eyes twinkling. “A gem, you say. I assure you, I am not in a hurry to find him, whoever he is. I am quite content with my current predicament.”

  “You mean you are content with flirting from one bed to another,” Radisq teased, lightness surrounding him as he felt himself relax.

  Ilno chuckled. “There is yet much to enjoy, why limit myself? For all I know, I could end up having to teach my mate the canal ways.”

  Radisq burst into laughter, thoroughly enjoying himself. “You are an incorrigible flirt, Ilno. I pity your mate if indeed he turns out to be an innocent. Even more so, I might fancy it if your mate were to play hard to get.”

  “Indeed, indeed. I would thoroughly enjoy the challenge,” Ilno said merrily.

  That they could joke about things like this was one of the things Radisq loved about his cousin. Nothing really could beat Ilno down, for he was the most calm, level-headed person Radisq knew. Charming though Ilno was, the man was not quick to give out his heart.

  Ilno was only a few inches shorter than him but what he lacked in height, he made up for in weight. Not that Ilno was fat, but he weighed a few pounds more than Radisq. Ilno had straight black hair, which he always kept short, and sparkling brown eyes to match his personality.

  They had known each other since the birth of Radisq, and though Ilno was by far older than him, they’d always stuck together with Ilno playing the big brother card and being protective of him. Ilno was also Radisq’s confidant, listening attentively to the prince and offering advice when needed.

  “Want to go for a swim before we have to prepare for the ball?” Ilno asked, drawing his attention back to his cousin.

  Radisq grinned, nodding with excitement.

  “Why don’t we make it more interesting and race to the top and start from there?”

  Radisq glanced up the hills, following the trail to the top of the waterfall. This would indeed be such a rush, and he could not refuse. “Race you.” Radisq whooped, jumping to his feet as he took off.

  Together, they raced up the hill, yelling their excitement and rushing to dive into the water. They both let the current sweep them away and then, with focus, held both hands in front of them, kicking their legs the nearer they got to the water’s edge.

  They shot out of the water and were soon falling amid the water surrounding them as they waited to hit the river below. They landed with clean dives, sinking deep into the river and swimming with the other water creatures around them.

  Radisq waved at Ilno underneath the water and pointed ahead of him. When Ilno nodded, they both began swimming, taking pleasure in the cool liquid as they swerved through it. They swam for a while, playing until they finally surfaced, only to be met by guards patiently waiting for them above shore.

  Sighing, Radisq trailed after Ilno as they swam to land. One of the guards handed them towels to dry themselves, and accepting them graciously, the cousins proceeded to do just that.

  “Prince, we have been waiting. It is time,” one of the guards announced.

  * * * *

  “Lords and Ladies. Who is that yummy hunk?” Radisq breathed, captivated.

  Radisq had already grown bored, monotonously greeting all the nobles as they stepped up to him. With the exception of Ilno keeping him company, he was still anxious about the party and thus unable to enjoy it. Even still, he had been raised to be gracious at all times thus absentmindedly performing his duty as a host. But the moment hair the color of flame and eyes the shape of almonds caught his attention, boredom had quickly vanished.

  “You might want to tone it down a bit, cuz. You’re broadcasting,” Ilno said with a chuckle. “But right you are. That is one hunky man.”

  “He’s mine!” Radisq said with a low growl, blushing when Ilno sent him an amused glance with both hands raised as though in surrender.

  “He’s coming this way,” Ilno whispered.

  Immediately, Radisq turned his attention to the man headed their way. He was, simply put, the most gorgeous and breathtaking man Radisq had ever seen, and his breath quickened with the man’s every movement.

  Flowing red hair touched down to the man’s waist, swishing back and forth as he moved seductively toward them. He had a few decorations holding back his long, long hair from his face, directing the hair to fall straight down his back, revealing his pointed ears. The man was lean but still he commanded the attention of everyone around him.

  Radisq felt as though he and the man were the only beings in existence. He was unaware that he held his breath as the man approached, anticipating that moment when they finally stood mere distance apart. For the first time in Radisq’s life, he felt a stirring in his groin, and he wanted to jump into the man’s arms to devour him whole.

  Finally, the man stopped before Radisq and gave a slight bow before straightening to his full height, locking gazes with him. At once, the breath he’d been holding rushed out of his lungs in a whoosh. His face flushed with both excitement and wonderment. Radisq was unable to look away from those bluer-than-blue eyes, taking in the man’s features as he committed them to memory.

  He wanted nothing more than to rush into the man’s arms, but the trance he was in held him rooted to the spot.

  A smooth, silky baritone drifted to Radisq, washing over him like honey. “I am Prince Aaeren of the Fire Kingdom.”

  Chapter Two

  Unable to control himself or stop, Radisq flew into Aaeren’s arms and slammed his mouth against the other man’s, groaning as he tasted heaven. For a minute, Aaeren was held immobile by surprise, but soon he wrapped his arms around the young Water prince and drove his tongue into the sweet, moist heat awaiting his pleasure.

  Radisq wrapped his legs around Aaeren’s waist and dug his fingers into Aaeren’s hair, displacing the decorations holding the other man’s hair back. Radisq barely registered the silky texture of Aaeren’s hair as it sifted through his fingers, moaning at the explosive taste that washed all over him. Never had he had such a reaction to anyone before and never had he forgotten his surroundings, consumed by the
presence of one person.

  The gasps of those around registered with neither prince as all they could focus on was each other. Aaeren supported Radisq’s weight with one hand on his ass and the other secured around his back.

  They kissed fiercely as though embracing a long-lost lover, disregarding the fact that they had just met a mere minute ago. For Radisq, it felt like coming home, like embracing a part of himself he wasn’t aware he was missing.

  Aaeren had been exasperated with his family when they had demanded he attend the Water prince’s coming-out celebration. Yet, it was a tradition among all the kingdoms that once a royal hit his hundredth birthday, a coming-out celebration was held to mark the day and nobles from every kingdom were invited. However, he had been unwilling to attend.

  He had wanted to stay behind and train with his army, leaving his younger brother to attend in his stead, but his parents would hear nothing of it. He was the eldest, and as such, it was his duty to attend on behalf of their kingdom. In actuality, he knew that his parents had simply wanted him to have a chance at finding his own mate, but what need had he of a mate when he had his training?

  He had, in fact, never paid much attention to the rumors of the beauty of the Water prince, thinking such things beneath his attention. But the moment he saw the Water prince, his legs had moved of their own accord, drawing him to the delicate yet masculine beauty. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before, this strong desire to be with the Water prince.


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