Can't Let Go

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Can't Let Go Page 3

by A. P. Jensen

  Amy didn’t like the pensive look on Grace’s face so she changed the subject. “How’s Casey and Evie?” Her heart warmed when Grace’s grim look vanished.

  “They’re doing well. Casey called me last night. She wants me to fly out there. She doesn’t like being alone and I don’t want her calling Vicky.”

  Grace paused as their salads were served.

  Amy grimaced. “How is Vicky?”

  “Haven’t seen her since the day I moved Casey to Texas.” Grace’s voice was hard with bitterness.

  The ugliness of her past washed over her. She remembered the last time she saw her mother. The memory was so vivid in her mind that for a moment the restaurant and Amy disappeared and she stepped in front of Casey, nineteen years old and pregnant who hunched over to protect her stomach from their mother whose fists rained down. Grace’s breath caught as she remembered the pain as her mother punched her in the face. Grace shoved her mom back and told Casey to gather her stuff because she would never come back. She hadn’t talked to her mom since. Grace shook away the memory which was a far cry from her present surroundings. Piano music played and her hands brushed over the linen tablecloth. She took a healthy gulp of wine to wash away the bad taste in her mouth.

  Amy shook her head in sympathy. “You can’t help Vicky.”

  “I know. I like Texas though. Did you see Evie’s baby pictures?” Grace perked up and rifled in her purse and pulled out her phone.

  Amy gushed over the pictures of Evie and Grace relaxed. She wasn’t staying just to prove to Mitchell that she could move on without him, she was staying to make her business a success for Evie, for Casey. That’s why she worked so hard. Towards the end of the lunch, Amy went over finances, products, employees and clients and they planned for Grace to go to Europe to attend several fashion shows so she could bring back clothes to sell in the boutique. Grace and Amy hugged at the end of their business lunch and Grace went back to her condo and headed straight to her office, computer and phone.

  She was in work mode where every hour was taken up by business. Figures, managers, employees, vendors, clients. She changed since she came to the city. Gone was the naïve girl with admiring eyes. She poured everything into work so she didn’t have time to think about Mitchell or worry about Casey and Evie. In the business world she didn’t have time for doubts, for weakness. There were decisions to be made, connections she needed to solidify. This was her life and she enjoyed it…before. Now the rush of success was gone and she felt as if she were just going through the motions.

  Mitchell sent her an email, requesting an update on how things were coming along with a designer he recommended. She forwarded the email to Amy, asking her to call Mitchell. She didn’t want to talk to him. Amy phoned an hour later.

  “He wasn’t happy,” she informed Grace.

  Grace got a text from Mitchell. When I want to hear from Amy I’ll send emails to her.

  Grace didn’t respond but she heard the warning. Throughout the week Grace received a stream of pictures and texts from Casey. The pictures made it harder to focus and cracked the ice around her heart. She stared at the pictures of her niece and felt her heart melt. She would do whatever it took to make her happy. She wanted to see Evie’s first steps, hear her first words. On that thought, she sent an email to Mitchell, asking him what he thought of the boutique idea in Texas. She hesitated when she saw his name pop up on her cell less than five minutes later.


  “So when you want something, you contact me directly,” he said evenly. “I’m surprised you didn’t have Amy call me instead.”

  She felt the hit and her spine straightened. “The update you wanted was being handled by Amy.”

  “Are you scared of me, Grace?”

  “Yes.” She was. She was scared how much power he had over her. He had his hand in her business and her personal life. He was capable of making her life heaven or hell. So far, he’d put her in both worlds and now she was in limbo.

  There was a pause on the other end of the line and then, “You’re serious about the boutique in Texas?”

  His voice was deep and commanding, making her shift uncomfortably in her desk chair. God, even his voice had the power to make her want him and she hated him for it.

  “Yes,” she bit out.

  A pause. “I don’t like it.”

  She sat forward. “I can make this work. If you’re worried about the money, don’t. I can use my money to open the boutique. I won’t take a penny from you-”

  “It’s not the money,” he cut in.

  That much was true. He was a millionaire. The profit he made from the money he invested in her boutique had been paid back to him several times over. He didn’t need anything from her. The boutique was a drop in the bucket compared to his other endeavors. She knew the only reason he was so involved in her business was because of her. She turned to look out at New York City with its towering buildings and minimal greenery. Everyone was in a hurry. Taxis honked at other cars while pedestrians walked past each other without a glance.

  “What is it? Whatever it is, I can do it,” Grace said, tense with the need to get away from the city and the man she was forced to interact with. She was torn between business and family. If she moved to Texas she could do both.

  “I don’t like you being so far.”

  Her heart stuttered. “Mitchell, this is business.” Her hand clenched on the arm of her chair, nails digging into leather.

  “It’s not just business, Grace. I know you’re doing this to get away from me. It won’t work.”

  She tipped her head back to look at the ceiling. “If you know that, then let me go.”

  “No.” His voice was resolute.

  She surged to her feet. “I don’t need your permission! I can do this on my own.”

  “You think not?” his voice was coated in ice. “I can make it impossible for you to find a place to lease. Don’t push me, Grace.”

  “I haven’t come this far to let you dictate my life!” she snapped.

  “We’re not finished.” A pause while she sputtered on the other end of the line. “I’ll pay for all of Casey’s expenses to move her back to New York.”

  “I can do that myself. I told you, I don’t want Casey or Evie in the city!” Grace shouted.

  “Are you going to the Smith party with Landon?”

  The change of subject threw her off for a moment. “What does it matter to you?”

  “It matters.” His words were terse.

  “I don’t understand. You threatened to take me to court. You said I was nothing more than a common-”

  “I didn’t mean it. If you’ll just give me a chance-”

  “Nothing you say will make a difference. I would rather leave this city penniless than let you manipulate me with money.” She hung up and stood over the desk, breathing hard. He used to bring out the best in her. Now he brought out the worst. Her cell began to ring with Mitchell’s name on the screen. Her phone beeped as she received a text. She snatched up the phone with a growl.

  When you’re ready to listen you know where to find me.

  She resisted the urge to throw the phone against the wall. Hell would freeze over before she listened to a word Mitchell had to say in his defense. Nothing would erase the scars on her heart. She would find a way to open a boutique in Texas even if she left New York with nothing.

  Throughout the week Grace wasn’t surprised by the phone calls from Macy and other women who attended the party that suddenly wanted to get together and “talk.” When Mitchell took her under his wing he taught her to read between the lines and how to keep business and pleasure separate. Grace faced her fair share of catty women trying to start rumors to break her and Mitchell up, of trying to make her feel insecure and unworthy of being in their midst. She endured a lot of scorn and outright threats from his exes but she did it because she loved him and she believed he returned her affection.

  She was getting dressed for another dinner function
, another night filled with polite talk, business and seeing Mitchell. All she had to do was get through this get together and then she’d be Texas bound tomorrow. She was applying lipstick when she saw Landon’s name on her cell. She paused for a moment. The kiss had been pleasant and she enjoyed his company but she felt nothing other than friendship for Landon.


  “You’re going to the party at Pat Smith’s tonight?”

  “Yes,” she said warily.

  “Need a date?”

  She put a hand on her hip even though he couldn’t see her. “Landon, you’re a tease. Why should I go with you when you didn’t call me after the last party and I’ve been wondering all week about that kiss?” There was laughter in her voice.

  He chuckled. “I’m a stupid, selfish man. I’ll make it up to you tonight.”

  “I don’t think so!” she said, exasperated. “I don’t want a replay of last week.

  His voice changed. “Has Mitchell been giving you trouble?”

  “No. Not really.”

  “You want to tell me who put those bruises on you?”

  “It’s not important.”

  He sighed. “You’re one stubborn, independent woman.”

  “And I like it that way,” she retorted.

  “Mitchell’s a stupid bastard for letting you go,” Landon said carelessly. “This isn’t the first time we’ve fought over the same woman.”

  Grace paused in the act of smacking her lips. “Is that so?” Why was this the first time she’d ever heard about it? “I thought you guys were just business rivals.”

  “We used to be good friends and then Rachelle happened. It was a long time ago and we both got screwed by her.” His voice was hard with remembered anger.

  “Figuratively or literally?”

  “Both. She fooled both of us for a while before Mitchell caught on. I think she’s in Europe now,” Landon said carelessly.

  “Fooled you how?” Grace demanded.

  Landon hesitated. “Ask Mitchell. I don’t want to get into all this- that’s not why I called. Do you want to come with me tonight?”

  “I don’t want to make another scene. I’ll pass for tonight. Thanks though,” Grace said, going over this new information.

  “Alright. But if you ever want to mess with Mitchell’s head, give me a call,” Landon said.

  Grace laughed. She couldn’t help it. Landon was always up for a mischief and scandal. If he wasn’t so focused on taking digs at Mitchell she probably would have gone to the party with him.

  Ever efficient, she began to pack her suitcase. She hoped Mitchell would keep his distance this time. He pushed her in public because she wouldn’t see him privately. He also knew she wouldn’t make a scene. Smart ass. She spread her clothes over the bed, accessorizing and planning outfits when her cell rang. She frowned at the unfamiliar Texas number, wondering why Casey would borrow someone’s phone.

  “Hello?” Grace said.

  “Is this Grace Stewart?” a brisk voice asked.

  Alarm spread through her. “Yes. Who is this?”

  “You may want to have a seat. I’m afraid I have some bad news.”

  Chapter Three

  She wasn’t sure how long she’d been sitting on her bed but she came out of her stupor when she heard her front door open and close. She didn’t have the energy to call out or be afraid. Grace couldn’t stop staring at the phone lying beside her manicured feet encased in Jimmy Choo shoes.

  “Grace?” a masculine voice called.

  “No,” she moaned and covered her face with her hands.

  Not him. Anyone but him. He called her name again and she sensed him pause in her bedroom doorway. She caught a whiff of that cologne she wished he would stop wearing as he knelt in front of her.


  “I told security not to let you in here.” Her voice was muffled because she refused to lower the hands that shielded her devastated face from his view.

  “You didn’t come to the party. You wouldn’t answer your phone. What’s wrong?”

  She’d known he would come. While she stared at the phone by her feet she saw his name appear at least four times. She couldn’t find the strength to answer, to tell him she was fine because she knew she couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. Please leave me alone, she thought as he dragged her hands from her face. She gave in because she didn’t have the will to fight. He looked at her bloodless face for a long moment and rubbed his hands up and down her sides in an intimate, comforting caress he had no right to do. She pushed at his chest and he sat back on his heels.

  “I know something’s wrong,” he said, dark eyes glued to her face.

  As much as she wanted to keep this from him, to keep him out of her personal life he had to be told. She was going to need time away from New York, from the boutique for... How could you put a time limit on what she had to do? Her mind couldn’t wrap around the concept. She had to go to Texas and restructure her whole life because everything changed.

  Mitchell waited for Grace to say something. She was so pale he thought she was going to faint and he poised himself to catch her. Was she sick? The worry that caused him to force his way past her security hadn’t abated now that he saw she was safe. Something was wrong. He’d known as soon as he came into her condo and heard the dead silence. If it wasn’t for his sixth sense where Grace was concerned he would have assumed she wasn’t there but something urged him to search the condo. Finding her sitting on the bed in a sapphire blue gown, hunched over with her hands covering her face made his heart stop. Even when he called her name and moved towards her she hadn’t moved a muscle. He reached out and brushed her hair back from her face and found her skin clammy.

  “Casey died in a car accident five hours ago.”

  The utter calmness of her voice made goose bumps rise on his arms. Her eyes were glassy with shock and she stared straight through him. Her voice was flat and emotionless. Only one other time had he seen her like this and seeing it again ripped at him. He felt just as helpless as he had then. He knew Grace loved her sister more than anyone else on the planet. He grasped her ice cold hands and rubbed them together.

  “What about the baby?” he murmured, squeezing her limp hands. Had Grace lost her sister and niece?

  For a long moment she didn’t answer. She withdrew her hands from his, stood and walked unsteadily around the bed to an open suitcase that was half full. Her whole body trembled as she started throwing the clothes scattered over the bed into the bag.

  “If anything comes up with the boutique that Amy can’t handle, can you take care of it? I need to fly to Texas and take care of my sister. I need to grab Evie. She needs me. If you have trouble you can reach me on my cell or you can email me. I need to call Amy and I need to get a flight-”

  Mitchell turned her around. Reaction was setting in and he could see her breaking apart. He wasn’t sure if she knew her voice was rising to a frantic note. He waited until she focused on him.

  “I’m coming with you.”

  “I need you to take care of the boutique,” she said through chattering teeth.

  “I can handle everything through my laptop and phone. I want to help.”

  “You staying in the city will help me,” she said stubbornly.

  Inside, she could feel herself crumbling and she was determined not to lean on him. This man had torn her to pieces before. He made her lose control and scream and cry until she couldn’t anymore. She wouldn’t give him another chance to see her broken. She wouldn’t make that mistake again. Sooner or later he’d grow tired of her pushing him away- his pride could only take so much. She didn’t want or need his help. She could do this on her own.

  “I’ll be fine. Thanks for offering.”

  She pulled away and turned back to her suitcase. Evie. She needed to get to Evie. She was the only thing that mattered now.

  “Damn it Grace. Stop pushing me away. You think I can’t see you’re scared and hurting?”

can do this,” she said through stiff, numb lips.

  She tried to zip her suitcase but her hands were shaking too hard. His hands covered hers and she jerked away. She couldn’t breathe. She ran to the balcony and leaned against the railing. She bent over and was grateful her hair hid the way her face crumpled into a mask of grief. A warm, large hand pressed against the middle of her back which throbbed as fear spread through her. How could she do this? She wasn’t mother material. She was supposed to protect and provide for Casey who was gentle and genuinely loved to care for others. Grace was the polar opposite- selfish, career-driven and a workaholic. She loved her niece but she knew nothing about babies and Casey had never left her alone with Evie longer than an hour. This wasn’t supposed to happen.

  “I know you can do this alone but you don’t have to.”

  Mitchell’s voice intruded into her frantic thoughts and she sucked in a breath before she faced him. She needed to be alone so she could scream, cry and panic in peace. The last thing she needed was Mitchell Price invading her space and trying to comfort her when she was a nervous wreck.

  “I have money, thanks.”

  His eyes narrowed. “This isn’t about money. It’s about letting me be there for you.”

  He wanted to be here for her after a year of being apart? He wanted to be around when she was vulnerable and out of her element so he could do what he did best- be in charge. Her emotions were on a rocky precipice and having Mitchell around when she didn’t have her shields in place was dangerous. To avoid the grief threatening to choke her she embraced anger instead and faced the proud tycoon who looked so immaculate and untouched, as usual. How could he understand what she was feeling? Had he ever really loved anyone?

  “I don’t need you. I can handle this on my own.”

  “Grace-” he began.

  “Don’t!” she said and this time her voice shook. She clutched the railing like a lifeline. “I don’t have time for this. My sister’s gone and Evie needs me.” She saw the pity in his eyes and bared her teeth at him. “You need to stop pushing into my personal life. We’re business partners. That’s it.”


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